What Does The Phrase ''The Essence Of Great Leadership Is Influence, Not Authority.'' Mean (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Its like you have a passion, which to where you like very much.Basically means do not mistake power with you having an effect on a character.

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help me !!!!!!!!! I don't understand this anyone can help me!!!​ tomorrow will my exam



Can you help me with my question?all my wuestion pls.

Put the verbs in the past tense
Benjamin Franklin …… was born ….. (be born) in Boston in 1706. He
the fifteenth of the seventeen children of a poor candlemaker. He (go ) to
school only one year. He (begin) to work when he was twelve.
the age of fourteen he …………………………… (decide) to be a writer. He
(copy) the great stories of famous writers and later he (become)
best known writer in his time.
When he ………………….. (be) seventeen, he (leave) Boston
…………………………… (arrive) in Philadelphia with only a few pennies in his pocket.
……………………… (get) a job as a publisher of a newspaper and
from business as a very rich man at forty-two. Then he (spend) the
forty years for his government. He (play) an important role in the
founding of the USA.
Franklin ……………… (be) also an important scientist and inventor. He
electricity from a cloud on a kite string. He (write) one of the first
books on electricity. He (invent) a simple lightning rod and many
practical tools. He ……………………… (make) a study of water and
(discover) many principles of hydrodynamics. He even (invent)
glasses when he was seventy-eight and (need) them himself.
Franklin ……………… (do) all these things and many more because he
(believe) he (can).



Benjamin Franklin (was born) in Boston in 1706. He


the fifteenth of the seventeen children of a poor candlemaker. He ( went ) to

school only one year. He (began) to work when he was twelve.

At the age of fourteen he (decided) to be a writer. He(copied) the great stories of famous writers and later he (became)thebest known writer in his time.

When he (was) seventeen, he (left) Boston and (arrived) in Philadelphia with only a few pennies in his pocket.

He (got) a job as a publisher of a newspaper and (retired)from business as a very rich man at forty-two.

Then he (spent) the next forty years for his government. He (played) an important role in the founding of the USA.

Franklin (was) also an important scientist and inventor. He

(drew) electricity from a cloud on a kite string. He (wrote) one of the firsttext

books on electricity. He (invented) a simple lightning rod and many

other practical tools.

He (made) a study of water and (discovered) many principles of hydrodynamics. He even (invented) bifocal glasses when he was seventy-eight and (needed) them himself.

Franklin (did) all these things and many more because he (believed) he (could).


Read the excerpt from "Yearbook."
Which type of conflict is presented in this excerpt?
O character vs. self
O character vs. character
"Excuse me?" Fatima, rattled by Isaac's immediate
bossiness, wasn't sure how to appropriately respond.
Isaac oppressively barreled on despite Fatima's
interjection. "And then you need to scan everything and
label each image with an assigned number before
entering it into the archives."
O character vs. nature
O character vs. society


The type of Conflict conflict that is presented in the excerpt is Character vs Self. (Option B).

What is Conflict?

Conflict in literature is defined as a literary tool where there is a struggle between two opposing forces or ideas.

Conflict provides tension and suspense which is important in every story and is used to drive the narrative forward.

Learn more about conflict at:




Explain how a reader might interpret the same character, in two different settings, differently. Your answer should be at
least 150 words.



Although we may think of papers and books as objective forms of stimulation, we respond to stimulation differently based on our different histories. Even within the same person, any stimulus presented twice will yield different responses from the first presentation to the second. For example, some neurons in the perirhinal cortex will respond differentially to subsequent presentation allowing recognition performance.

Anecdotally, when we read a book the second time we respond to it differently compared to the first time we read it. The first encounter with the book has changed us in numerous ways, and we are not the same person the second or the third time around.

So while in a paradigm grounded on the laws of physics the book is an objective entity that exists independently, within a psychological and neural perspective there is no such thing as a stimulus existing independently from a response, and multiple stimulus presentations lead to differential responding.

This leads to the common problem that arises when discussing the value of art. We assign value to the stimulus (book, song...) while we are really talking about the way respond to those forms of stimulation, and the way we respond differs because we have different histories. So we are describing different things under the illusion that we are talking about the same thing, leading to endless discussions.

Characters that are well written are extremely complex, just as people in real life are. And just like people, characters will be slightly different depending on the situation in which they are placed.

What is character in story?

A character in a tale is a person, animal, being, creature, or object. Characters are used by writers to execute acts and exchange dialogue, therefore pushing the tale along a plot line.

For example, if a character is serious within a church, we may regard him or her to be attentive, polite, conventional, or religious. However, if the character is at a party, we may interpret the same behavior as that of a shy or uncomfortable person. Although the character has not changed, the variety of settings might alter our perception of them.

Learn more about the character here:



The moon was a huge, orange eye looking down from
the night sky.
Which of the following changes the metaphor in this
sentence to a simile?


I think nothing change,,cause
SIMILE: is a comparison of two unrelated objects with the use of AS or LIKE.
Lets say that the moon was compared as orange eye but in the sentence theres no AS or LIKE


Why did the sniper shoot the unarmed woman? Was he justified? Explain why or why not.

Sentence starters:

The sniper shot the unarmed woman because,

Yes, the sniper was justified shooting her because,

No, the sniper was not justified shooting her because,
from the story the sniper



No, the sniper was not justified shooting her because she was unarmed, therefore she had no means to defend herself or attack the sniper. This implies that the sniper was out to kill the woman and not to defend himself, in which case shooting her would be justified.


Based on the complete information, No, the sniper was not justified shooting her because the woman was unharmed.

From the complete information, it should be noted that there it's improper and not right to kill someone who isn't harmed.

Therefore, in this case, the sniper was not justified shooting her because the woman was unharmed. She had no means to defend herself. Therefore, No, the sniper was not justified in shooting her because the woman was unharmed.

Read related link on:



The answer is B.) you
hope this helps :)

How should my purpose for taking notes affect what I should write down?



everything important like numbers names sayings anything they tell you to write down



You should read what you learned, and write it down without looking at the information.


Although this sounds like a waste of time, it's definitely not! Doing this would help your understanding of the concept and turn it into a piece of information that will stay in your mind for a long time, only if you do space repetition.

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Select the correct answer. Why is a thesis statement important when writing a film review? A. because it conveys the main idea on which the review is based B. because it summarizes the review’s key points in two lines or less C. because it provides readers with an alternative point of view D. because it explains in detail the film’s purpose and meaning




I think it is B

Where can i find a link to download the tower of nero



Explanation: This is the link for what you are looking for.

add any necessary dashes to the sentence below.

Soon later today, in fact Jorge will compete in the science fair




Soon later today, in fact Jorge will compete in the science fair.


Answer: Soon later today, in fact - Jorge will compete in the science fair

What word expresses a negative connotation for the word "walk"?



D. stomp.
It is D, stomp, because negative connotation means to describe something/someone in a negative light. Skip, roll, and run are all ways to describe a form of movement, but they aren't negative-- it isn't what someone would do if they were angry.

D, stomping, is something you would do if you were angry. And it is a negative form of the word "walk".

Hope I helped.


d. stomp


A connotation is like the feeling or tone of a word, not it's literal meaning. Walk is a neutral word, but if you said someone "stomped", it makes the tone angry, which is a negative connotation. Unlike stomp, "skip", "roll", and "run" are positive connotations for the word walk, so they wouldn't be the answer.

Hope this helps!! Have a wonderful day :3

John Proctor tells his wife Elizabeth that her “justice would freeze beer.” What does he mean by this example of hyperbole? Who is acting most reasonable in this scene—John or Elizabeth? Explain.


This question is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

Read The Crucible, by Arthur Miller

John Proctor tells his wife Elizabeth that her “justice would freeze beer.” What does he mean by this example of hyperbole? Who is acting most reasonable in this scene—John or Elizabeth? Explain.


Proctor claims he feels judged by Elizabeth, and the hyperbole used refers to how cold she is, so cold that she could freeze beer, which freezes at a colder temperature than water. He means that she has no warm feelings for him, as in no compassion.


However, I think that Elizabeth is the most reasonable in this scene, given that Proctor has lied to her about being alone with Abigail.


He means by this example of hyperbole that she has no warm feelings for him, as in no compassion.Elizabeth is acting the most reasonable.


He means by this example of hyperbole :

Proctor claims he feels judged by Elizabeth, and the hyperbole used refers to how cold she is, so cold that she could freeze beer, which freezes at a colder temperature than water.

I think that Elizabeth is the most reasonable in this scene, given that Proctor has lied to her about being alone with Abigail.

Learn more about hyperbole:


Which one of these list words has the same meaning as these.

1) the end.
2) difficult to understand.
3) a device for augmenting voices.
4) attractive in photographs.
5) a place to store weapons.

Answer as many as u can but they gotta be correct


1) Conclusion

2) Complicated

3) Microphone

4) Photogenic

5) Armory

Exercise 10 Complete the job interview between an applicant and an interviewer of Wholesale saleswoman Interviewer : What does a wholesale do? Applicant : He sells .1_____ in a wholesales establishment. Interviewer : To whom? Applicant : To 2______ or directly to large quantity consumers. Interviewer : Does he 3.______ customers? Applicant : Yes, he does. He helps customers in choice. Interviewer : What does he do with 4.______ purchaser? Applicant : He tries to complete sale with by offering 5._________. Interviewer : Does he take orders too? Applicant : Yes, of course. He takes orders, make out order forms and forward them for execution. He may receive 6.____ for products sold. Interviewer : So, he must be able to win 7._______, needn't he? Applicant : Yes, of course. hesitant - Payment – price reduction – customers - help – retailers – goods



1. Goods.

2. Retailers.

3. Help.

4. Hesitant.

5. Price reduction.

6. Payment.

7. Customers.


1. Interviewer: What does a wholesale do?

Applicant: He sells goods in a wholesales establishment.

2. Interviewer: To whom?

Applicant: To retailers or directly to large quantity consumers.

3. Interviewer: Does he help customers?

Applicant: Yes, he does. He helps customers in choice.

4. Interviewer: What does he do with hesitant purchaser?

Applicant : He tries to complete sale with them by offering price reduction.

5. Interviewer: Does he take orders too?

Applicant: Yes, of course. He takes orders, make out order forms and forward them for execution.

6. He may receive payment for products sold.

7. Interviewer: So, he must be able to win customers, needn't he?

Applicant: Yes, of course.

In the hearing world, what is the equivalent of touching another person's hands when having an ASL conversation in
the Deaf community?
O covering a person's mouth while they are speaking
O telling the other person to "stop talking"
O interrupting someone's sentence
O asking the other person, "Can you repeat that?"


Answer: Covering a persons mouth while speaking.

Explanation: The hands are extremely important for communication in the Deaf community. NEVER touch or hold the hands of a Deaf student who uses ASL to communicate. This is the equivalent of placing your hand over the mouth of a speaking child; Prolonged, sustained eye-contact is a key to communication among the Deaf.

Martin Luther King Jr. uses figurative language strategically throughout his letter to promote equality. How does the following instance help accomplish his purpose of challenging the church leaders to take action against racial injustice?

In those days the Church was not merely a thermometer (strictly tells the temperature) that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat (changes the temperature) that transformed the mores of society.

Respond in three to five complete sentences. (10 points)



For the answer to the question above, Martin Luther is using a metaphor to describe the struggle of segregation for himself and others. He accused the church leaders of not taking action, as they didn't experience the pain he is experiencing. He is trying to tell the church leaders that they have not experienced his hardships and struggles , so why are they making decisions to the things they didn't even experienced or understand?


What is the superlative form of filthy


Q: What is the superlative form of filthy?

A: The superlative form of the word “filthy” is filthiest. Hope this helps!







Read the sentence.

Dancing is becoming a popular hobby.

Which statement correctly describes the verb function in this sentence?

The word “dancing” is a verb that functions as a noun.
The word “dancing” is a verb that functions as an adjective.
The word “becoming” is a verb that functions as a noun.
The word “becoming” is a verb that functions as an adjective.


The word “dancing” is a verb that functions as a noun.


The word “dancing” is a verb that functions as a noun.


You're welcome

what kind of sentence tells the main idea of a paragraph 1. example sentence 2. topic sentence 3.transition sentence 4. supporting detail
I need to know asap thank you god bless



2. topic sentence


Answer: 2. Topic Sentence.

Explanation: The definition of topic sentence is exactly "a sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph in which it occurs."

Write about a person skydiving, and all they see and feel.



(This is in first person)

I jumped out of the plane with air hitting my face and filling my ears. My adrenaline pumping and then I opened my eyes . . . It was amazing. It looked like a kitted blanket. Then I reach for the string to open the parachute. Just as my body was getting used to being in freefall. Words can not fully explain what I felt in that moment. It was quite a thrill.

I’ll mark brainiest!!
Please help !
Extra points !

Read the first question number 2 on the picture

Question 3-
What is the authors purpose in this section for paragraph 5?
{MSNBC joe Scarborough admitted that millions of Americans who voted for Obama , not once but twice , voted for trump this time around . And you’d like to tell me that those who voted for an African American are racist ? Even left wing propaganda extraordinaire make Chloe Moore agrees that claiming half Americans are racist bigots in nonsense }

A) to reveal the bitterness that exits in politics

B) to challenge the idea that Hillary Colton was voted because she is a woman

C) to utilize specific evidence to show that trump voters are not racist

D) to dismiss that claims by trump voters that they are not racist



B) to challenge the idea that Hillary Colton was voted because she is a woman


Read the excerpt from “The Monkey's Paw.”
"Might drop on his head from the sky," said the frivolous Herbert.
"Morris said the things happened so naturally," said his father, "that you might if you so wished attribute it to coincidence."
"Well, don't break into the money before I come back," said Herbert as he rose from the table. "I'm afraid it'll turn you into a mean, avaricious man, and we shall have to disown you."
His mother laughed, and following him to the door, watched him down the road; and returning to the breakfast table, was very happy at the expense of her husband's credulity. All of which did not prevent her from scurrying to the door at the postman's knock, nor prevent her from referring somewhat shortly to retired sergeant-majors . . . when she found that the post brought a tailor's bill.

How does Mrs. White’s reaction to wishing on the monkey’s paw compare to Mr. White’s?

Mrs. White does not believe in the magic, but Mr. White does.
Mrs. White believes in the magic, but Mr. White does not.
They both believe in the magic.
Neither believes in the magic.



The answer is that they both believe in magic


In the excerpt from "The Monkey's Paw", both Mr. and Mrs. White believe in magic. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What is "The Monkey's Paw"?

The horror short story "The Monkey's Paw" is written by English author W. W. Jacobs. Three wishes are granted to the owner of The Monkey's Paw in the story, but the wishes come at a high cost for interfering with fate.

The Whites are in mourning after burying their son. Mrs White, clearly distressed by her son's tragic death, wakes her husband in the middle of the night and begs him to fetch the monkey's paw and use it to make one last wish: for their son to be alive again.

The monkey's paw represents desire and greed—everything its owner could ever want and the unrestricted ability to make it happen.

Therefore, both of them believes in magic.

To learn more about Monkey's Paw, click here:



Describe the work culture in Japan, including the reasons why many workers do not take time off. Explain whether or not you think Japanese lawmakers can change the way people think about work and why.



Work culture in Japan as of now is a mix of old practices, such as overworking, and new practices, such as leaving without guilt. Many workers in Japan do not take time off at work mainly because of pressure and bullying. The managers and seniors used to tease workers that will leave early, especially rookies, calling them, "Weak and useless." Seeing their other colleagues stay back also compelled them to stay back because it used to be considered rude to leave before the seniors


Japanese lawmakers can definitely change the way people think because in general Japan follows the rules, especially rules set by the government. If lawmakers make rules against overworking then it is most likely that companies will follow suit.

who are the main characters of train to busan?



Gong Yoo Ma Dong-seok Jung Yu-mi Kim Su-an Kim Eui-sung Choi Woo-shik Ahn So-hee


Gong Yoo Ma Dong-seok Jung Yu-mi Kim Su-an Kim Eui-sung Choi Woo-shik Ahn So-hee

i cried they ending is so sad

Part A: which of the following best describes the central theme in the text

A. Both life and death cannot be planned

B. Fame is the only thing that can outlast the living

C. Good company should be valued above successful

D. Ambitious alone will not make you successful


The answer will be A or C

Help me with this one. Thank a lot. The Power of "Like" commonlit.


C because that is the anwser

People aren't being honest online when they upvote posts. the relationship between the number of upvotes a social media post receives and the perception that people have of that post.

What is media?

The term media, which is the word form of medium, refers to the human activity channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional messages, and other data This can include anything from black and white paper to digital data and includes art, news, educational content and numerous other forms of information.

Social media refers to methods of communication where individuals produce, share, and/or exchange knowledge and concepts in online groups and networks.

Therefore, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about media here:



5. What is “suspicious" about Proctor and his family?
a) Proctor does not go to church regularly.
b) The youngest son has not been baptized.
c) He could not remember all 10 commandments.
d) All of the above.


Answer: B


They say it in the book if my memory is correct then it should be beginning of the middle


d) All of the above.

When providing an objective summary of a text, writers should


Exclude personal opinions

Select the correct answer.
Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
This bus doesn't go very fast.
Ο Α.
OB. No


Answer:A. Yes.


This bus doesn’t go very fast-Yes ..The verb agree with the subject in this sentence as it is describing the action of a bus

What Does The Phrase ''The Essence Of Great Leadership Is Influence, Not Authority.'' Mean (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.