During What Activity Do We Directly Analyze The Language Of The Problem To Identify Objects, Their Attributes, (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

During noun/verb analysis we directly analyze the language of the problem to identify objects, their attributes, and their behaviors. So the option B is correct.

Nouns refer to people, places, things, qualities, or ideas. For example, a noun might refer to a computer, a person, or a concept. Nouns can also refer to attributes or qualities associated with an object, such as size, shape, color, or speed.

Verbs describe actions or states of being. They can refer to physical or mental activities, or to changes in the state of an object. Verbs are usually accompanied by nouns that describe the objects involved in the action. For example, the verb "run" might refer to running a race, running a business, or running a program.

By analyzing the nouns and verbs in a sentence or phrase, we can better understand what objects, attributes, and behaviors will be involved in a proposed solution. This can help us to come up with more effective solutions that take into account the objects, attributes, and behaviors involved in the problem. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about noun/verb link is here



The complete question is:

During what activity do we directly analyze the language of the problem to identify objects, their attributes, and their behaviors?

Group of answer choices

A. use case diagramming

B. noun/verb analysis

C. problem description

D. class outlining

E. none of these

Related Questions

Type your answers to the questions below:
Observe an interaction between your friends or family members. Describe the setting and purpose of the interaction. Does it take place over dinner? At the mall? In the hallways at school? In the cafeteria?
Next, describe the speakers. What is their relationship to one another?
Pay attention to what is being said. What is the style of speech used? Is it formal or informal? Provide a few examples.
Consider what you've learned about appropriate and inappropriate responses. Now, think about the interaction you just observed. Did the responses seem appropriate to the situation? In other words, were they truthful, did they bring about a desired outcome, and were they kind? Provide at least one or two examples to back up your evaluation.
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The interaction took place over dinner. It was a family dinner, with the speakers being a mother, father and their two teenage children.

What is speakers?

Speakers are electronic devices used to convert electrical signals into sound. They are the key component of any sound system and are used to reproduce music, speech, or other sounds. Speakers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small desktop speakers to large floor-standing models. They are typically connected to a sound source, such as an amplifier, receiver, or mixer, and then connected to an audio source, such as a CD player, radio, or computer. Most modern speakers can be connected to a variety of sources, including Bluetooth-enabled devices. Speakers are available in a range of price points, making them an important part of any home entertainment system.

To learn more about speakers



can you write a small paragraph final words of encouragement and gratitude for the end of the semester for the peers in class?


As we reach the end of the semester, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you. This semester has been challenging, and we have all faced our own set of struggles and obstacles. Despite these challenges, we have persevered and made it to the end of the semester. I am proud of each and every one of you for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to your education. I hope that you take some time to reflect on all that you have accomplished this semester and feel a sense of pride in your achievements. As we move forward, remember that you are capable of achieving great things, and that your hard work and determination will pay off. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look forward to seeing all that you will accomplish in the future. Congratulations on a successful semester, and best of luck in all that you do!

l1. Draw five lines to match the country to its tradition
is ok


The countries and their various traditions are given below:

The Traditions

Japan - Tea Ceremony: The Japanese tea ceremony is a cultural practice that involves the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha, a powdered green tea. The tradition emphasizes mindfulness, respect, and harmony.

India - Diwali Festival: Diwali is a five-day festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains in India and around the world. The festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Mexico - Day of the Dead: Día de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday that celebrates the lives of deceased loved ones. Families create altars, decorate graves, and prepare special foods to honor the dead.

Ireland - St. Patrick's Day: St. Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on March 17th in Ireland and around the world. The holiday honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and celebrates Irish heritage and culture.

Brazil - Carnival: Carnival is a massive celebration held annually in Brazil and other parts of the world. The festival features parades, music, dancing, and elaborate costumes, and is often considered a celebration of life and joy.

Read more about traditions here:



This is from "Introduction to World War II" on CommonLit. Part B : which section from the text best supports the answer to part A?


The text "Japanese Americans would live in these camps for over four years, even after Americans liberated Jews from Nazi concentration camps." best supports the answer to part A. So the option D is correct.

The response to section A, which is that the incarceration of Japanese Americans constituted a type of officially sanctioned prejudice and injustice, is best supported by this passage from the book. This phrase makes it apparent that even after Jews were liberated from Nazi concentration camps, Japanese Americans were still detained in internment camps for a considerable amount of time.

This shows that the government refused to act to correct the problem because it was unwilling to acknowledge the wrongs done to Japanese Americans. The unfairness and discrimination that Japanese Americans experienced at the hands of their own government are highlighted by this. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about Nazi link is here



The complete question is:

This is from "Introduction to World War II"

Part B: Which section from the text best supports the answer to part A?

A. "New opportunities opened for women who were encouraged to work in factories and hospitals to support the war." (Paragraph 6)

B. "Because of the increased employment opportunities, Americans who had been struggling since the Great Depression finally enjoyed a high standard of living again." (Paragraph 6)

C. "But the war effort also had a darker side. Civil rights were compromised. After Pearl Harbor, Americans feared potential Japanese spies or supporters." (Paragraph 7)

D. "Japanese Americans would live in these camps for over four years, even after Americans liberated Jews from Nazi concentration camps." (Paragraph 7)

When have you ever gone through a difficult experience that left you somehow stronger? Write about such an experience that shows how you were different before and after.



Throughout my life, I have always thought of myself as a failure. I was a failure for not being smart enough, friendly enough, or pretty enough. Always, I criticized myself for not putting in enough effort in order to work up to my full potential. Though, this wasn’t about working up to my full potential, but for not fulfilling the unrealistic expectations that I had burdened upon myself and by the people closest to me. The burdens that I carried weighed me down like how an anchor holds down a boat. Only, it was attached to my mind, instead of my ankle or a ship. The weight of the self-hatred and low self-esteem that I had made me feel like I was drowning. There wasn’t a bright horizon that could be seen in the distance, but instead more black and gray clouds that would bring another storm my way.

Day after day, I would look at myself in the mirror, tearing myself down. I would tell myself every night that I was never enough. I believed that I was a weak and worthless individual, a waste of time. This kind of hateful thinking made it a struggle to stay afloat. Before I knew it, I was weighed down by anxiety and an eating disorder. Each morning I would wake up to only to prepare to endeavor the difficulties of my illnesses.

At one point, I was fully consumed by the storm of my dark thoughts. I had trouble getting through each day. It was a struggle to pretend that everything was okay. I couldn’t even fake a smile anymore. During this time, I began to wonder what it would be like if I no longer existed. When I was staring at the cold and harsh waves of Monterey Bay one night, I realized that I didn’t want to drown. All of a sudden, I remembered all of the people in my life who helped me throughout the different stages of my life. I didn’t want to let them down. I thought about how I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life struggling to get through a single day. I didn’t want to go through life isolated, because of my anxiety. I wanted to live a life where I could be happy and be surrounded by people I admire. That moment of staring at the waves of Monterey Bay was when my determination to not only to just live came back, but my will to enjoy life came back.

I had to first learn from myself to begin to let go of the dark and anxious thoughts that had plagued me. Once I accepted that I would never be able to fulfill those unrealistic expectations that I had, I acknowledged that I needed to seek help by talking to mental health professionals. I couldn’t remain alone in the open sea forever, but needed to climb onto the lifeboat and communicate with people in my life.

Eventually, I realized that I wasn’t a failure. I actually was successful in many ways: for making it to CSUSM; being able to be there to those close to me; and having the beautiful gift of having the freedom to be the person that I am today.

I believe that I am enough. I am good enough for society. I am good enough to be myself without the burden of negative thoughts and unrealistic expectations. I am good enough to get the help that I need from others. I am good enough to live a happy life.


the anderson turn method of returning to a man overboard should be used only if______________________.


The Anderson Turn method of returning a man overboard should be used only if the vessel is a power-driven vessel moving at high speed.

The Anderson Turn is a technique used to reach a guy overboard in the sea fast. It entails sharply turning the boat to one side, then reversing direction and sharply turning to the other side, forming a U-shaped turn in the water.

The U-shaped turn requires the momentum of the vessel, which can only be produced by power-driven vessels travelling at high speeds. Alternative techniques, like the Quick Stop or Figure Eight manoeuvre, should be employed to return a man overboard in sailboats or slower-moving vessels.

Learn more about the vessel:



The Anderson turn method of returning to a man overboard should be used only if the crew is trained in and familiar with the maneuver.

The Anderson turn method of returning to a man overboard should be used only if the vessel needs to return quickly and efficiently to the person in the water without losing sight of them, while taking into consideration the wind and sea conditions. The Anderson turn, sometimes known as a single turn, is a manoeuvre frequently employed to bring an engine-powered ship or boat back to a location it has already passed through. This is frequently done in order to retrieve a casualty as quickly as possible. The Anderson turn works best when the destination point is still readily visible. In any man overboard situation, the victim should ideally be approached with the vessel moving upwind and downwind of the casualty's position. The SOLAS Convention mandates that merchant ships perform the man overboard rescue turn as part of routine drills.

To know more about frequently refer :



Create an 8-10 multimedia presentation on the McCarthy-era trials.
I. Introduction
- The McCarthy era was a period in American history during the late 1940s and early 1950s characterized by a fear of communist infiltration in government and society.
- This fear was fueled by the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the belief that communists posed a threat to American democracy and national security.
- The era was marked by a number of trials and investigations aimed at rooting out alleged communists and their sympathizers.
- The trials had a significant impact on American society, shaping public opinion and political discourse for years to come.

II. Joseph McCarthy
- Joseph McCarthy was a U.S. senator from Wisconsin who rose to national prominence in the early 1950s by accusing government officials and others of being communists or communist sympathizers.
- McCarthy's rise to power was fueled by his aggressive tactics and ability to capture media attention.
- His methods included making unsubstantiated claims, using innuendo and character assassination, and exploiting fears of communist infiltration to gain support.
- McCarthy's tactics ultimately led to his downfall, as public opinion turned against him and he was censured by the Senate.

III. The Hollywood Ten
- The Hollywood blacklist was a list of individuals in the entertainment industry who were believed to have communist sympathies.
- The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigated these individuals and demanded that they testify about their political beliefs.
- The Hollywood Ten were a group of writers and directors who refused to cooperate with the committee, citing their First Amendment rights.
- The Hollywood Ten were subsequently charged with contempt of Congress and sentenced to prison.

IV. Alger Hiss
- Alger Hiss was a former State Department official who was accused of being a communist spy by a former communist named Whittaker Chambers.
- Hiss denied the accusations, but was ultimately convicted of perjury for lying about his association with Chambers.
- The case became a cause célèbre, with supporters of Hiss arguing that he was the victim of a political witch hunt and opponents arguing that he was a dangerous communist spy.

V. Army-McCarthy Hearings
- The Army-McCarthy hearings were a series of hearings held by the Senate to investigate allegations made by McCarthy that the Army was harboring communists.
- The hearings were highly publicized and became a major turning point in McCarthy's career, as his tactics were exposed and he lost support from the public and his colleagues in Congress.
- The hearings also revealed the dangers of using accusations of communism for political gain and the importance of due process and the rule of law.

VI. Legacy of the McCarthy era
- The McCarthy era had a lasting impact on American society, shaping public opinion and political discourse for years to come.
- The era created a climate of fear and suspicion that led to the persecution of innocent people and the erosion of civil liberties.
- The trials and investigations of the era also had a chilling effect on free speech and political dissent.
- The legacy of the McCarthy era serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of using fear and hysteria for political gain and the importance of upholding the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

VII. Conclusion
- The McCarthy-era trials were a dark period in American history, characterized by fear and suspicion of communism and the erosion of civil liberties.
- The trials had a significant impact on American society and continue to be relevant today as we grapple with issues of free speech, political dissent, and the role of government in protecting individual rights.
- It is important to remember the lessons of the McCarthy era and work to uphold the principles of democracy and the rule of law in our own time.


The McCarthy era refers to a period in the United States in the 1950s characterized by intense anti-communist sentiment and government-led investigations of suspected communists and their sympathizers.

What was the era about?

Senator Joseph McCarthy played a prominent role in this era, using his position of power to launch investigations and hold public hearings that often targeted individuals without evidence or due process.

One of the most notorious aspects of the McCarthy era were the trials and investigations that were conducted to uncover supposed communist sympathizers. These trials often relied on flimsy or fabricated evidence, and many innocent people were accused, blacklisted from their professions, and had their lives ruined. The most well-known trial during this period was the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were accused of passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. They were ultimately convicted and executed in 1953, although the trial and its outcome remain controversial to this day.

Learn more about McCarthy on:



Read this excerpt:

One by one objects are defined -

It quickens: clarity, outline of leaf

But now the stark dignity of

entrance-Still, the profound change

has come upon them: rooted they

grip down and begin to awaken

– William Carlos Williams, "Spring and All"

Which word from this excerpt of William Carlos Williams's "Spring and All"

has the most negative connotation?


A. Stark


B. Clarity


C. Awaken


D. Dignity


The word with the most negative connotation in this excerpt is "stark". Option A is correct.

The word "stark" has a negative connotation as it implies something that is bleak, harsh, and lacking in decoration or comfort. In the context of the poem, it is used to describe the entrance of the objects, which implies a sense of emptiness or a lack of warmth.

This negative connotation of the word "stark" is contrasted with the positive connotations of the other words used in the poem, such as "clarity", "dignity", and "awaken", which suggest growth, change, and new beginnings. Therefore, the word "stark" stands out as having the most negative connotation in this excerpt. Hence Option A is correct.

To learn more about negative connotation, here



What was an important effect of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England?
O People in England no longer had to pay taxes.
O Common law became more accessible.
• Judges were able to rule as they pleased
• The rights of the accused were done away with.


Blackstone's Commentaries just on Laws of England had a significant impact by making common law more approachable.

What resulted from Blackstone's Commentaries just on Laws of England, and why was it significant?

People could better comprehend the legal rights and obligations because to Blackstone's work, which offered a clear and succinct explanation of a common law.

This contributed to the creation of a more educated and well-informed society, which in turn led to the creation of a fairer and equitable legal system. It did not lead to tax payers ceasing to pay, judge's decision as they wished, or accused persons' rights being abolished.

To know more about Blackstone's work visit:



Which of the following sentences is written in subjunctive mood?

a. Turn the lights off when you leave the room.
b. If you're leaving the room, then turn the lights off.
c. I wish you'd turn the lights off when you leave the room.
d. Will you turn the lights off when you leave the room?


ANSWER- c. I wish you’d turn the lights off when you leave the room.

Explanation- subjunctive means- relating to or denoting a mood of verbs expressing what is imagined or wished or possible.

Put the verbs into the correct form 1) The workers (to be ) on a strike for three week when the agrement on pay (to be reached)


When a pay agreement was struck, the workers had been on strike for three weeks.

When a pay agreement was ultimately reached, the workers had been on strike for three weeks. The workers' demands for greater pay, improved working conditions, and increased job security led to the strike. Although the negotiations between the management and the workers' representatives were protracted and challenging, a compromise that pleased both parties was eventually reached.

The settlement provided a pay raise, better benefits, and increased work security. Both parties agreed to this new arrangement, and the strike was over. As soon as the employees started showing up for work again, business as usual could be restored.

To learn more about pay agreement link is here:



A key point Allen makes involves a comparison with the treatment of Chinese protestors by their government. What are the differences in the two situations, and where would they overlap if the supreme court had ruled that flag burning could be prohibited? What is the effect of this comparisons on Allen's argument?


According to Woody Allen's essay "Flag-Burning and Free Speech," it would be against the First Amendment's protection of free speech to forbid flag burning as a method of protest.

What impact do these parallels have on Allen's case?

According to Allen, if the Supreme Court had decided that flag burning may be illegal, it would conflict with how the Chinese government handles protesters, undermining the free speech guarantee that is a pillar of American democracy. This analogy serves to highlight how crucial it is to safeguard free speech as a fundamental principle of a free society, even when it is uncomfortable or contentious. This contrast strengthens Allen's case since it highlights the perils of censorship

To know more about Allen visit:



plssss helppppppppppppppp


Answer: I believe it would be B

Explanation: Biological determinism is the theory that human characteristics and behavior are determined by biological factors and not by environmental, social, or cultural factors. If this were true women should behave the same, despite their culture.

Personal ……………. Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed


Personal property Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed.

Any personal items left on seats at a theatre must be collected by the lost and found department. Due to potential embarrassment over having forgotten anything in the first place, most people are reluctant to claim their lost items.

They can also worry that the item has been stolen or misplaced in the interim. Many people will not even try to find their lost belongings and instead assume they are lost forever out of their own peace of mind.

To learn more about Personal Property link is here



Napolean--Animal Farm Body Biography: Teacher Requirements/Instructions
Identify at least three symbols that represent significant personality traits or important features of this Napolean life. (For example, you might use a light bulb to show how the character possesses innovative ideas.)

Each symbol will be sketched on a drawing in a meaningful place. (For example, you might draw an object close to the character's heart if it symbolizes something he/she loves or feels, around the head if it symbolizes what a character thinks, or on the hooves if it symbolizes his/her work ethic.)

NO SYMBOL WILL BE PLACED IN THE AIR; it must be attached to the character.

Also, consider what are the most important goals of this character. What drives his/her thoughts and actions? Be prepared to explain each symbol. I'll provide the paper for this assignment when you are ready to complete the task.


For the character of Napoleon in "Animal Farm," here are some symbols that could represent significant personality traits or important features of his life:

The objects that represents the Napoleaon Life

A crown or scepter - This could represent Napoleon's desire for power and his willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain that power. Throughout the book, he takes increasingly ruthless measures to maintain his position as the leader of the animals on the farm.

A pig mask - This could represent Napoleon's ability to hide his true intentions and manipulate others. Throughout the book, he uses his intelligence and cunning to gain the trust of the other animals and to convince them to follow his lead.

A pile of money - This could represent Napoleon's greed and his desire for personal gain. In the book, he amasses a large amount of wealth for himself and his inner circle, while the other animals continue to work hard and live in poverty.

These symbols could be incorporated into a body biography project in which students create a visual representation of Napoleon's life and personality traits.

For example, the crown or scepter could be placed near the head to show Napoleon's desire for power, while the pig mask could be incorporated into the face to represent his ability to deceive others. The pile of money could be placed near the stomach to represent his greed and desire for personal gain. Students could also add other symbols or images that represent important events or ideas from the book, such as the windmill or the seven commandments.

Read more on Animal farm here:https://brainly.com/question/3004174


Cynthia's letter to Miguel about Cynthia's new neighborhood event. the secret passphrase is encrypted inside.


Dear Miguel,I hope this letter finds you well! I've been settling in to my new neighborhood, and I wanted to tell you about an exciting event that I'm organizing.

What is letter ?

Letter is an important form of communication and can be defined as a written or printed message from one person or group of people to another. Letters are one of the oldest forms of communication and have been used since ancient times to send messages, share news, and express feelings. Letters allow people to communicate over long distances, providing a way to stay connected to family, friends, and loved ones. Letters can be used to inform, persuade, entertain, or express feelings, and are a great way to express thoughts and feelings that may be difficult to express in person.

To learn more about letter



Read this statement about Amelia Earhart.

She had devoted fans who had trouble with the idea that she was dead.
Which sentence from the text BEST supports this inference?

The U.S. Navy conducted a massive search for Earhart and Noonan that continued for more than two weeks.

Unable to accept that Earhart had simply disappeared and perished, some of her admirers believed that she was a spy.

No one knows for sure what happened, but many people believe they got lost and simply ran out of fuel and died.

Amelia Earhart was less than a month away from her fortieth birthday.


since the fans were devoted to Her they did not believe she was dead so they simply in their own thoughts still believed she was alive and simply still belive she was alive and she must have surely left somewhere

Write a story that ends with I suddenly woke up and realized it was all about a dream



i saw a person going up to my fridge and taking my food.i suddenly woke up and realized it was all about a dream.

and my food is fine


Write a story that ends with I suddenly woke up and realized it was all about a dream


T.E.D Talk presenters are known as effective public speakers. Describe two things this speaker does well in terms of engaging the audience. Be sure to include the minute: second mark (ex:8:49) to denote the two specific moments you discuss here

Title: The best Kindergarten you've ever seen

* Ted talk video* Takahar Tezuka

1. Tezuka uses personal anecdotes to connect with the audience and establish common ground.

2. He shares stories about his own childhood and his experiences as a parent, which helps to create a sense of empathy and trust between him and the audience.

Where is a minute: second mark from the video?


Tezuka asks the audience to imagine what their ideal kindergarten would look like.

TED Talk

Takaharu Tezuka demonstrates his abilities as a persuasive public speaker in his TED Talk, "The Best Kindergarten You've Ever Seen," by involving the audience in various ways. Through personal anecdotes, he engages the audience by talking about his own upbringing and experiences as a parent. By doing this, he builds the audience's sympathy and trust. Additionally, he engages the audience by asking them to picture their ideal kindergarten at 4:15, which fosters a feeling of connection and involvement. At 8:40, Tezuka employs humour to engage the audience by telling a realistic and entertaining tale about his daughter's kindergarten experience. This fosters a spirit of unity and helps to remove any boundaries.

To know more about Ted, click on the link :



Correct the sentence by adding a comma or commas. If the sentence is already correct, don't add any commas. Did you apologize to Manuel and Hector for breaking their toy Evan?



"Did you apologize to Manuel and Hector for breaking their toy, Evan?"


You would add the comma to make it clear that the person is asking Evan the question, because without the comma it could be taken as though the toy was called/named Evan. If the name was at the beginning of the sentence you would put a comma after it before it asks the question.

Please click thanks and don't forget to rate!


Did you apologize to Manuel and Hector for breaking their toy, Evan?


da-juan is receiving the making a difference outstanding community service award for his work in the community. he is expected to give a short speech at the ceremony. he will be giving what type of speech?


Juan will be giving an acceptance speech.

Read the excerpt from chapter 7 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa. There have been a few others. So counting that last fast visit, there have been nine trips in all. And in between visits, there’s the army, the navy, the air force of letters—all the Aunt Emily correspondence jamming up our small metal box in the Granton PO. What is the effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters” and "jamming up” to describe Aunt Emily’s correspondence? It creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale, and suggests that it is invading Nomi’s life. It creates an overwhelmed mood, using military terminology to show Aunt Emily as more accomplished in her career than Nomi is. It creates an uneasy mood, showing that the author is disapproving of how mail is being delivered. It creates an uneasy mood, suggesting that the author wants these letters to create a conflict.​


The effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters" and "jamming up" to describe Aunt Emily's correspondence is that it creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale and suggesting that it is invading Nomi's life. The military terminology used to describe the letters emphasizes their overwhelming nature and suggests that they are taking up a lot of space in Nomi's life, just like an army or navy would take up physical space. The phrase "jamming up" further emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the correspondence, suggesting that it is causing a blockage or obstruction in Nomi's life. Overall, the language used creates a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded by this large amount of correspondence.


The effect of using the phrases "the army, the navy, the air force of letters" and "jamming up" to describe Aunt Emily's correspondence is that it creates an overwhelmed mood, describing the correspondence as large in scale and suggesting that it is invading Nomi's life. The military terminology used to describe the letters emphasizes their overwhelming nature and suggests that they are taking up a lot of space in Nomi's life, just like an army or navy would take up physical space. The phrase "jamming up" further emphasizes the overwhelming nature of the correspondence, suggesting that it is causing a blockage or obstruction in Nomi's life. Overall, the language used creates a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded by this large amount of correspondence.


in which sentence is teemed used correctly? responses the hummingbirds teemed around the feeder, which dan had just filled. the hummingbirds teemed around the feeder, which dan had just filled. the grass teemed too much, so timothy had to water it more. the grass teemed too much, so timothy had to water it more. the animals were teemed up, two by two. the animals were teemed up, two by two. the teemed fish were the only two pets the children were allowed to have. the teemed fish were the only two pets the children were allowed to have.



The sentence "The hummingbirds teemed around the feeder, which Dan had just filled" is correctly using the word "teemed".

In Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451, the Montag begins to question why society has accepted the rule of a totalitarian government that burns books as a form of censorship.

After reading the Common Lit article, "Following the Crowd" use the information in the article to analyze why the society in the novel has accepted this rule. Why are they “following the crowd” instead of speaking up and/or taking action? What specific evidence from the article provides clues as to why the people might or might not rebel? Then, provide your personal thoughts/reactions to the article.


The search for information is a major theme in Fahrenheit 451: Part 1. Montag struggles with the decision of whether he should continue his quest for knowledge or follow the example of his wife, his coworkers, and his fellow citizens and only accept entertainment in place of genuine study.

Montag starts to question society because of which character?

Montag's unexpected encounter with Clarisse, a perceptive and nonconformist adolescent, makes him reevaluate his worldview, and as a result, he starts to doubt his civilization.

Montag starts to wonder about what.

Montag begins to doubt his own principles and views after meeting Clarisse, and he is curious to know more about her and the reasons behind her unconventional way of thinking.

To know more about totalitarian government visit:-



Read the text and answer
1. Anne Frank is born in Genery wwe
2. She
3, 3, Her parents
4. They
6, 6.The Nazis
7, Anne Frank
8. Anne's father found the diary and
9. The Diary of Anne Frank
10. The family
move to
5. Anne
to Amsterdam in 1999.
a diary for her birthday,
Anne's family in 1944
in 1945,
in an attic for T


Anne Frank is born in Germany.

She and her family move to Amsterdam in 1933.

Who is Anne Frank?

Her parents are German.

They give Anne a diary for her birthday.

Anne's family goes into hiding in an attic in 1942.

The Nazis are in power and persecuting Jews.

Anne Frank writes in her diary during the two years she spends in hiding.

Anne's father found the diary and decided to publish it after the war.

The Diary of Anne Frank is published and becomes a famous account of life during the Holocaust.

The family is discovered and arrested in 1944, and Anne dies in a concentration camp in 1945.

Read more on Anne Frank here: https://brainly.com/question/25680598



Explanation:n 1 September 1939, when Anne was 10 years old, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and so the Second World War began. Not long after, on 10 May 1940

in a novel named tokyo their is a character named adam write why is he not considered hero Written by graham marks Write opinion pls and dont copy


One of the main reasons why Adam may not be seen as a hero is his actions and behaviors throughout the novel


Adam's actions and behaviours throughout the novel are one of the main reasons he may not be viewed as a hero. Adam is portrayed as a complicated and flawed character who is frequently manipulative, selfish, and deceptive. He lies and cheats his way through life, taking advantage of people and situations without considering the consequences of his actions. His character is further complicated by his involvement in criminal activities such as drug dealing.The context in which Adam is placed is another factor that may influence how readers perceive him. The story of "Tokyo" is set in a gritty and dangerous city where characters frequently have to resort to extreme measures to survive. Adam's actions may be interpreted differently in this context.

To know more about Tokyo, click on the link :



the power of a dinner table selection test



I dont understand

Dinnertime can be a time for conversation, listening, and intercommunicating experiences, helping to reassert an acceptable conversational distance between families.

What is the story of the power of a dinner table?

It was to bring attention to the consequences that poverty has on individuals and the power of one act of kindness to bring about change. He only wanted to discuss his dinner-table story. to discuss how entertaining Kathy and David's home was. The table offers a place to relax and talk without being overheard by others.

Dinnertime turns into a time for conversation, listening, and sharing our experiences. We can fully focus on the people we love while we are gathered over food at the table. The table helps to reassert an acceptable conversational distance between families.

Learn more about the power of a dinner table, here:



The question is incomplete, Complete question probably will be:

What is the main idea behind the story of The Power of a Dinner Table?

PART B: Which later quote from the story confirms your answer to Part A? Theseus and the Minotaur

a"Theseus walked carefully through the dark, foul-smelling passages of the labyrinth, expecting at any moment to come face-to-face with the creature."

b"He was picked up between the Minotaur's horns and tossed high into the air. When he landed on the hard cold stone, he felt the animal's huge hooves come down on his chest."

c"As the Minotaur bellowed in his ear and grabbed at him with its hairy arms, Theseus found a strength which he did not know he possessed."

d"Theseus felt all over the floor in the pitch darkness and kept thinking he had found it, only to realize that all he had was a long wiry hair from the Minotaur."


The conflict between the monarch and Theseus is set up, making monarch Minos the main obstacle that Theseus must overcome in the labyrinth.

Why did Theseus and the Minotaur come to be?

The Athenians' sacrifices ended when Theseus, the son of the Aegean ruler of Attica, went to Crete as one of the young people to be offered up. But once there, he vanquished the Minotaur and emerged from the labyrinth with the aid of Ariadne, Minos' daughter.

What is the history of Theseus?

The murder of the half-man, half-bull The main character of the most well-known legend about Theseus is the Minotaur. He refers to bringing Attica under Athenian rule as "dwelling together" or the synoikismos in Latin. He is regarded as the king who unites all.

To know more about Minotaur visit:-



13 unit 5
If Dede is being evaluated based on appearance, what is a question the evaluator might consider?

Is Dede dressed smartly and appropriately?

Is Dede’s voice loud enough that everyone in the room can hear?

Is Dede showing signs of nervousness like sweating or excessive blinking?

Is Dede using appropriate visual aids for the size of the room?


Yea because is ‘twas Ty en yea Tyrone this that Audra yarara exactly give us six more minutes to solve this thank you.

chef jiro has used ______ to master the art of making sushi.



Chef Jiro has used years of experience and dedication to master the art of making sushi. He has also honed his skills through careful observation and attention to detail, as well as a deep respect for the traditions of his craft. Additionally, Chef Jiro is known for his innovative techniques and willingness to experiment with new ingredients, all while maintaining the highest standards of quality and flavor.

To know more about sushi:



Chef jiro has used dedication to master the art of making sushi. Physical capital is made up of tangible, manufactured goods that companies invest in or buy and use to produce goods.

Industrial equipment is an example of a physical capital asset that is reusable and not consumed during production and falls under the category of fixed capital. Physical capital is made up of goods produced by humans that aid in production.

Physical capital consists of things like money, real estate, equipment, and stock. Physical capital values are listed on the balance sheet in declining order of solvency. Tools are among the items that make up physical capital. "Physical capital" refers to the produced goods utilised in the industrial process to turn raw materials into finished commodities. Any new business requires a large investment in physical capital.

To know more about Physical capital visit:



During What Activity Do We Directly Analyze The Language Of The Problem To Identify Objects, Their Attributes, (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.