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    Table of ContentsCCCCoooovvvveeeerrrr IIIImmmmaaaaggggeeeeKauriel The Enabler

    by Giordano Pranzoni

    Page 3 Table of Contents

    Page 5 Editorialby David Paul


    Page 7 Malevolent Manifestations

    by T. H. Gulliver

    Page 10 Corruptor Creature and Kauriel the Enablerby Steven D.Russell

    Page 15 A Divine Wind: Clerics of Air, Clouds, and WindbyJonathan McAnulty

    Page 19 Eyes of Sinby Michael Welham

    Page 23 The Care and Maintenance of YourClockwork Towerby T. H.Gulliver

    Page 26 Whats Evocative?by Robert N. Emerson


    Page 30 Twenty Questions with the PathfinderCompatiblePublishers!


    Page 53 Top 10 of 2010by Thilo Endzeitgeist Graf and DarkMistress

    The Mar of Questhaven

    Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires thePathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.See for more information on thePathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not

    guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

    Pathways #1 2011 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming LicenseCopyright 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved,Pathfinderis a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and thePathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC,and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCompatibilityLicense. See for moreinformation on the compatibility license. OpenDesign logo is atrademark of Open Design LLC. All company logos are the trademarksof their respective companies and are used

    with permission

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    The Rite PathwayIve been enjoying role playing games formore

    than 30 years. In this time Ive met some amazingplayers and gamemasters, had more late-nightgaming sessions than I can count, andslipped behindthe scenes into the mysterious realm of designanddevelopment. Over the past ten years or so, Ive hadthe fantasticopportunity to freelance as an editor,writer and designer for manyof the finest folks in therole playing game industry.

    Role players are innovative (teams of them candismantle in fiveminutes what a devious GM took fivehours to concoct), imaginative(Ive spent anafternoon with a half-a-dozen friends listening to

    them spin fantastic tales every bit as compelling asanythingthat comes out of the laptops of todaysfantasy authors), dedicatedto their craft (I have afriend who, though legally blind withoutglasses, canspend weeks using magnifying glasses, paints andbrushesand create in miniature form the intrepidexplorers of the currentcampaign) and generous (Ihave been part of gaming tournaments paidfor fromthe wallets of gamers hoping to inspire love of thegame inothers and I have participated in thecollective efforts of gamersto raise money to helpothers).

    Role players are also iconoclastic and often morethan a littlewilling to grapple with authority: even the

    authority of the creators of the games they play.

    All of these traits are also found in most of the best,mostdedicated personalities in the gaming industry.It takes someone asgifted as Monte Cook to not onlyoperate within the system and helpcreate somethingas enduring as the third edition PlayersHandbook,but also to be creative enough to go beyond thatsuccessand operate independently.

    Such creative openings are not stifling to the game,they enhanceit. When Wizards of the Coastannounced a fourth edition ofDungeons& Dragons,a significant population chose to stick with theirownvariants of the revised third edition and its

    opportunities through the OGL and SRD. Some ofthese folkscoalesced around a particular set ofproducts, most notably PaizosPathfinderRoleplaying Game. Others have maintainedtheirindependence and freelance for whoever will accepttheirmaterial.

    Heres wherePathways comes in. The staff of RitePublishing hasdeveloped strong relationships withmany fine folks in the industry,including,importantly, many of our competitors. One thing we

    all have in common is that weve all been (and stillare) roleplayers. Were all innovative, imaginative,dedicated, generous andiconoclastic. And, while werebusy competing with one another toproduce the verybest content we can, every once in a whilesomeonecomes up with an idea thats stunningly brilliant (andwe alljealously wish wed thought of it first).Pathways sets out toexplore all of this. We want tobring you industry interviews, sneakpeeks from thewriters, designers and developers themselves,previewsof material thats just around the cornerfrom its release date,original articles from freelancersand more.

    If theres something in Pathways that you reallylike (or reallydont), feel free to let us know. We haveour own ideas of whatappeals to the community ofgamers, but were open tosuggestions.

    David PaulPathways Editor-In-Chief

    David Paul has been an assistant editor forKnowledge Arcana,Phoenix Lore, Monsters Evolvedand proofread countless RitePublishing products.

    He is has also been the Lead Editor on RitePublishings 101Series of supplements for thePathfinder Roleplaying Game as well asthe editor onthe critically acclaimed Coliseum Morpheuon

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    Malevolent ManifestationsMalevolent ManifestationsMalevolentManifestationsMalevolent ManifestationsBy T. H. Gulliver

    Illustrations by Arthur Rackham and Rick Hershey

    In #30 Haunts for Houses and #30 Haunts forShips and Shores, Iintroduced two new classes ofhaunts: associated haunts and minorhaunts.

    Associated haunts are haunts that act as triggers foreach other,with one beginning as another ends oronly if one successfullyaffects a target. While thesehaunts could manifest alone, they aremore dangerouswhen they manifest together. For example, a hauntthatparalyses a creature could be associated with onethat makes a touchattack.

    Minor haunts are haunts that do not present anydirect threat toPCs but become dangerous whencombined with other haunts. Forexample, a haunt

    that dazes a PC for one round is only dangerous ifanother dangeris present during this round. Onlyaward XP for minor haunts whenthey are combinedwith other dangers or when PCs find a way todestroythem permanently. Game Masters can use minorhaunts on theirown to build a sense of dread.

    Spirit of the Endtimes Associated HauntSpirit of the EndtimesAssociated HauntSpirit of the Endtimes Associated HauntSpirit ofthe Endtimes Associated Haunt

    This supple leather antique chair once belonged tothe mad oldBaron of Kelune. In his bored andreckless youth, the Baron, adabbler in necromancy,joined a doomsday cult, mostly as a way tomeetinteresting and liberated young women. The violenceand darknessof the cult soon surpassed hisexpectations and he fled back to thesheltered life ofnobility. In his declining years, the memories ofthethings he saw while a member of the cult returned tohaunt himand grew stronger. As he descended intomadness, he stared out thewindow seeing the sameghastly vision night after night until thefright killedhim.

    The chair sits in the first floor library of the currentBaron ofKelune. It faces a large window that looksonto the courtyard. TheBaron finds the chair both aninteresting object of study and anexpedient way todeal with unwanted guests. No member of theBaronshousehold ever sits in the chair.

    BeBeBeBeginning of the Endtimesginning of the Endtimesginning ofthe Endtimesginning of the Endtimes CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 3XP 800CE minorhaunt (one chair)Caster Level 3Notice Perception DC 20 (to noticethe fading of allcolors in the room), persistenthp 13; Triggertouch; Reset 1 week

    Beginning of the Endtimes

    EffectAnyone sitting in this chair for longer than fiveminutessees the lights grow dim and colors fade. Thetrees in the yardappear twisted and grey. A guard dog

    skulks into view and growls toward the wind. Black-wingedhumanoids fly through the grey sky. Only theperson sitting in thechair perceives these changes.Those sitting in the chair findthemselves unable tomove or tear their gaze from this appallingvision ofthe end of the worldas the spell hold person (DC 14Willsave). This haunt is persistent and continuesuntil the target makesa successful saving throw, ispulled from the chair by some otherforce, or makes asave against an associated haunt. With asuccessfulsaving throw, the target of the haunts perceptionofreality returns to normal.Destruction The haunt will not activateif the chairfaces away from the window. Wiping the chair in redwinedestroys the haunt.

    Witness to the EndtimesWitness to the EndtimesWitness to theEndtimesWitness to the Endtimes CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 3XP 800CE minorhaunt (one chair)Caster Level 3Notice Perception DC 18 (to noticethe dog beginningto twitch)hp 6; Trigger touch or associated; Reset1 weekEffect The dog in the yard begins to drool greatstreams ofsaliva as she hobbles toward the window.

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    The sky grows darker and flashes with lightning as thewingedhumanoids swoop down into the town andrise back into the air withscreaming or brokenvictims in hand. The violence and madness ofthisdelusion reduces all but the soundest of minds tomadness as thespell mind fog (DC 17). With asuccessful saving throw, the targetsperception of the

    world returns to normal. When used as an associatedhaunt, thishaunt activates after the target of thebeginning of the endtimeshaunt fails two savingthrows.Destruction The haunt is destroyedwhen one of themad old Baron of Kelunes descendents dies inthechair.

    MisMisMisMistress of the Endtimestress of the Endtimestress ofthe Endtimestress of the Endtimes CR 4CR 4CR 4CR 4XP 1200CE haunt(5-ft.-radius around one chair), persistentCaster Level 4NoticePerception DC 16 (to notice the smell ofashes)hp 18; Trigger touchor associated; Reset 1 weekEffect The slobbering guard dog beginsto transform.The long lines of saliva dripping from its mawbecome

    slime-covered tentacles. She begins to grow in size.Patches ofdark bloody fur drip off of her as she standsupright on her nowmassive back legs. Her mouthexplodes with fangs and is pulled backin a lasciviousgrin. This transformation takes three rounds,duringwhich the target can continue to make saving throwsagainstthe beginning of the endtimes haunt.

    This dark mistresss now powerful arms smash theglass from thewindow as she steps toward the chairand reaches for the target,attacking as the spellphantasmal killer. The target is allowed a DC16 Willsave to disbelieve and a DC 16 Fortitude save to resistthedark mistresss deadly claws. With a failed save,the target dies inthe chair. Even with a successfulsave, the target takes 3d6 pointsof damage.As the transformation takes three rounds, this hauntispersistent. At any time during these three rounds,*the haunt can beneutralized with positive energy.When used as an associated haunt,this hauntactivates only if the target of the witness totheendtimes haunt fails his or her saving throw.Destruction Thehaunt is destroyed when one of the

    mad old Baron of Kelunes descendents dies in thechair.

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    Corruptor CreatureThe princes of darkness in the depths of helldo not saver the souls of those who have known not but evil theirentireexistence. No, they seek those souls that shine thebrightest; they seek those who fall from grace, those whostumbleupon the sinister path, those whose own desires betray them;they seek those who are but victims of their own moralchoices. Tofurther this agenda, the baleful forces of the lower planes createcorruptor creatures to enact Faustian

    bargains with mortals to facilitate their degeneration under theweight of their own damnable desires.

    Creating a Corruptor CreatureCorruptor creature is an acquiredtemplate that canbe added to any intelligent creature (referredtohereafter as the base creature) that can understandand speak atleast one language.

    A corruptor creature uses all the base creaturesstatistics andspecial abilities except as noted here.

    CR: +1

    Alignment: Change the creatures alignment tolawful evil.

    Defenses/Qualities: A corruptor creature isimmune to all charmsand compulsions.

    Special Abilities: A corruptor creature gains thefollowingspecial abilities:

    Change Shape (Su) Corruptor creatures canassume any animal orhumanoid form three times perday as if usingpolymorph.

    Contractual Obligation (Su) Only a corruptorcreature with atleast 17 HD gains access to thisability. Once per day a corruptorcreature gains theability to enter a binding agreement with anon-evilaligned mortal (cannot be an elemental, fey, outsider,ornonliving creature), at the cost of the subjects soul.

    The subject must enter into the contract willinglyas peratonement. Upon the subjects death (by anymeans), its soul istransferred to a gem (prepared aswith the soul bindspell when thebargain is forged),even if the gem and the subject are not on thesameplane at the time.

    The bargain requires 1 hour to complete, and isutterlyunbreakable once forged. The only way toescape is to recover thegem after the subjects deathand break it, freeing her soul, andallowing her to berestored to life through the normal means.

    Corruptors Boon (Su) Once per day, acorruptor can grant atouched creature a +4 profanebonus to one ability score for 24hours. When theduration ends, the creature suffers a 4profanepenalty to the same ability score for the next 24hours.Another application not only negates the penalty, butalsorestores the full bonus.

    False Mind (Su) This ability offers thecorruptor the benefits ofa mind blank spell. When anattempt is made to detect his alignmentor read histhoughts, the corruptor can cause the magic to revealanyalignment or thoughts the corruptor creaturechooses, even if he isnot initially aware of theattempt.

    Imbue with Ability (Su) Once per day as astandard action thecorrupter creature can grant a

    creature it touches one of its spells, spell-likeabilities,extraordinary abilities or even one of itssupernaturalabilities in a manner similar to imbue withspellability (no save). It loses access to that ability duringthistime; it can dismiss this benefit as a free actionregaining the useof one or more of its abilities.

    Mark of Vice (Su) This ability works like amark of justice (Willsave DC 10 + 1/2 the corruptorcreatures HD + its Cha modifier) butit is onlytriggered if the subject attempts to find a redemptiontoits corruption (subject to GM adjudication). Themark is alsoinvisible and is always placed over the

    victims heart.What Do You Covet (Su): Once per day as a

    standard action a corruptorcan grant a wish to a non-evilaligned mortal (cannot be an elemental, fey,outsider, or nonlivingcreature).

    Spell-Like Abilities: A corruptor with an Int or Wisscore of 8or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set byits HD. Unless otherwise noted, anability is usable once per day.All of the creaturesspell-like abilities caster levels equal thecreature'sHD (or the CL of the base creature's spell-likeabilities,whichever is higher).

    HD Abilities

    12 Detect good3/day34 Make whole 3/day

    56 Helping hand3/day

    78 Lesser geas 3/day, minor creation 3/day

    910 Atonement(temptation only) at will

    1112 Major creation 3/day

    1314 Geas 3/day

    1516 Sympathy

    1718 Soul bind

    1920 Refuge 3/day

    Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:Con +4 (+2hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and anyof the base creaturesConstitution-based DCs), Cha+4 (+2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise,Handle Animal,Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attemptstoinfluence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +2 toany of the basecreatures Charisma-based DCs)

    Skills: The base creature gains a +8 racial bonus onCraft (all),Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks.

    Organization: Solitary

    Treasure: Triple standard (used to tempt mortals)

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    The creature in front of you rapidly transforms into amassive,red-skinned, cloven-hoofed devil with a pair of gigantic,flame-seared wings

    and eyes, glowing with a pure, white light, granting themonstrosity a truly horrific appearance.

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    KaurielKaurielKaurielKauriel thethethetheEnablerEnablerEnablerEnabler CR CRCRCR 22222222XP 614,400AdvancedCorrupter Pit Fiend (Infernal Duke)LE Large outsider (devil, evil,extraplanar, lawful)Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see indarkness;Perception +33

    Aura fear (20 ft., DC 27)

    DefenseDefenseDefenseDefenseAC 40, touch 20, flat-footed 29(+11Dex, +20 natural, 1 size)hp 430 (20d10+320); regeneration 5 (goodweapons,good spells)Fort +26, Ref+25,Will +20 (+8 vs.mind-affecting)Defensive Abilities false mind, DR15/good andsilver;Immune charms, compulsions, divinations,fire, poison; Resist acid10, cold 10; SR31

    OffenseOffenseOffenseOffenseSpeed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.(average)

    Melee 2 claws +34 (2d8+15), 2 wings +32 (2d6+7),bite +34 (4d6+15plus poison and disease), tail slap+32 (2d8+7 plus grab)Space 10ft., Reach 10 ft.Special Attacks constrict 2d8+22, devilshaping,mark of vice (DC 32)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th)At willatonement(temptation only), blasphemy

    (DC 29), create undead, fireball(DC 24), greaterdispel magic,greater teleport(self plus 50 lbs. ofobjects only), greater scrying(DC 29),invisibility, magic circle against good, mass holdmonster(DC 31),persistent image (DC 27),power word stun, scorching ray,trap the soul(DC 30), unholy aura (DC 30), wall of fire

    3/daydetect good, geas (DC 28), helping hand,lesser geas (DC26), major creation, make whole,minor creation, quickenedfireball(DC 25),refuge

    1/daymeteor swarm, soul bind(DC 31), summon(level 9, any 1 CR 19or lower devil, 100%)sympathy (DC 30)


    TacticsTacticsTacticsTacticsBefore Combat: Kauriel prefersnegotiation or fleeingvia his greater teleport, invisibility,change shape abilityand/or fly speed rather than engaging incombat; but, ifforced, he will summon a horned devil, and activatehiscircle ofprotection from good.

    During Combat: Kauriel prefers to demoralize hisfoes, focusingon their strongest champion and slayinghim first, he will attackthis opponent with hisquickenedfireball, meteor swarm, and thenmove tohim so that next round he can make a full attackagainst thatopponent.Morale: Kauriel is not a coward; he flees onlybecause heprefers to corrupt his enemies and theirsupporters rather thansimply slaying them. Killingthem simply adds their souls to theforces of heaven.

    StatisticsStatisticsStatisticsStatisticsStr 41, Dex 33, Con 43,Int 30,Wis 34, Cha 34Base Atk+20; CMB +36 (+40 grapple); CMD55Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,Improved IronWill, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will,Multiattack, Power Attack,Quicken Spell-Like Ability(fireball), Vital Strike

    SkillsAppraise +19, Bluff +35, Craft (armorsmith)+30, Craft(weaponsmith) +30, Diplomacy +35,Disguise +31, Fly +32, Intimidate+35, Knowledge(arcana) +30, Knowledge(planes) +33,Knowledge(religion) +33, Perception +35, Sense Motive+35,Spellcraft +33, Stealth +30, Survival +24, Use MagicDevice+32SQ change shape (polymorph), contractual obligation,corruptorsboon, devil on your shoulder, imbue withability, what do youcovetLanguages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant,Infernal,Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft.


    Environment any (Hell) or City of QuesthavenOrganizationsolitaryTreasure triple

    SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialAbilitiesAbilitiesAbilitiesAbilitiesDevil On Your Shoulder (Su)Once per day as

    a standard action Kauriel can touch a living creatureand implanta mental duplicate of his thoughtpatterns into the creatures mind.He uses this totempt, corrupt, and assist those he touches.Theability does this, in the following manner:

    The devil on your shoulder can control thesubjects memory andnervous system allowing itto create any phantasmal spell effect itwishes,

    though only the subject perceives the illusion(disbelief DCequal to DC of this spell); this isoften used to create a phantasmof Kaurielinteracting with the subject in various ways.

    The devil on your shoulder can protect its subjectas if it is amind blank spell and as a misdirectionspell if it so wishes.

    The devil on your shoulder has a mental link tothe caster thatallows the caster to track thesubject as if the caster were usingdiscernlocation.

    The devil on your shoulder contains much ofKauriels knowledgeand intellect, including all ofhis skill ranks and memories at thetime of theabilitys use, but it will not have access to anyofKauriels feats, spell-like abilities, supernatural,extraordinaryor other special abilities. It canchoose to communicate thisknowledge andinformation to the subject if it believes it willserveits goals. It also has perfect recollection ofeverything the PCexperiences (except whensuppressed, see below); if Kauriel evertouchesthe subject again, the devil on your shoulderimparts thatinformation to Kauriel.

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    A successful Will save against the ability or any ofits effectssuppresses all the effects of the devil onyour shoulder for 24hours. While under the effects ofmind blank, protection from evilor a similar spell,the subject can ignore the compulsion, but suchaward does not prevent establishing devil on yourshoulder, nor canit be dispelled, though a miracle or

    wish can remove the spell. This ability is a mind-affecting,compulsion effect. The DC is Charisma-based.

    Devil Shaping (Su) Three times per day,Kauriel can spend aminute to transform nearbylemures into other lesser devils. Kaurielcan transformone lemure for every Hit Die the pit fiend possesses.Itcan then reshape these lemures into a number of HitDice worth oflesser devils equal to the number oflemures affected. For example,a typical 20 Hit Dicepit fiend could transform 20 lemures into twobonedevils (10 HD each), or three bearded devils (6 HDeach, leavingtwo lemures unchanged), or any othercombination of lesser devils.Lemures to be reshapedmust be within 50 feet of Kauriel, becomingstationary

    and unable to move once the shaping begins. After aminutepasses, the lemures reform into the shape of anew lesser devilready to follow Kauriels. AlthoughKauriel can, technically, elevatea mass of 20 lemuresinto a new pit fiend, he is hesitant to do sosince hewould have no special control over a devil created inthismanner.

    Disease (Su) Devil Chills: Biteinjury; saveFort DC 34; onsetimmediate; frequency 1/day; effect1d4 Str damage; cure 3consecutive saves. The saveDC is Constitution-based.

    Poison (Ex) Biteinjury; save Fort DC 34;frequency 1/round for 10rounds; effect 1d6 Condamage; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DCisConstitution-based.

    Description:Description:Description:Description:What do youcovet? Tell me and it shall be yours.What harm could simplyfulfilling your deepestdesires do? You have only but to ask.

    -Excerpt from The Ambassador from Hellby QwilionofQuesthaven.

    I am over twice the height of the marvelouscreature known asman, and weigh about half of whatyour fine folk deem a ton. Mywings stretch out totwice my height, though you will rarely see mein thistrue from as I prefer to spend my time in the shape ofa redwolfhound, or that of a smiling man withchestnut-colored skin anddark black hair. In thatguise I am known for wearing a beigemerchantsoutfit, I am often mistaken for a foreign merchantcontact.On the other hand, if you encounter me in myfavored wolfhound formyou are likely to mistake mefor the loyal dog of a potentialconvert to the gloriouscause ofOur Dark Lord of Fire.

    I am not some mindless killing machine like thebalors of thedark abyss. I am simply here to aid you,

    to provide you with what you desire, to stopsuppression and thedenial of opportunity. Even thosewho turn down my offer do notanger me, for therewill always be another chance to offer myassistance.Only those who seek to silence my voice or stop myworkanger methese fear-mongers act only on theirinsecurities.

    I seek to recruit the greatest of the mortal heroesto my cause,and to deny my foes their assistance inthis life and the onebeyond. To this end, I have cometo Questhaven, the City ofAdventure, and walkamong their society.

    You have been to Dreamhaven the otherworldlyreflection of thiscity; you have sailed over theSlumbering Sea there to the ColiseumMorpheuon.There you will find the Khan of Nightmares and thepitfiend he holds a bound pit fiend who fills his Cupof Desires withwishes. Know this, the Khan was notalways such. At one point in thedistant past, he was ashining ally of Chidarb the Awakened. I,Kauriel theEnabler, brought him into the fold, and our bargainiswhat brought the pit fiend into the Khans service. I

    fear what would have happened if the Khan hadremained but a Lordof Dreams.

    LoreLoreLoreLoreKnowledge (planes)

    Common (DC 22): This horrific yet regal devil isKauriel theEnabler; he is a master of recruitingrighteous mortals into theservice of evil. This revealsall outsider and devil traits.

    Uncommon (DC 27): Other creatures similar tothis are known asCorruptors. Read excerpt fromThe Ambassador from Hell.

    Rare (DC 32): The frightening Kauriel is acreature of primalevil that can resist the savage blowof nearly any weapon. Youcannot chain his mind,flames wash over him like water on rocks, andheenjoys the taste of toxins. Only powerfulspellcasters,significantly powerful corrosives or extreme coldcanaffect him, and even when they do he regeneratesfrom nearlyevery wound. Though he prefers normalspeech he can speak to acreature without words.Kauriels bite inflicts a terrible diseaseknown as devilchills. He is known to summon a favored horneddevilas a servant and he has vast array of spell-likeabilities. Hecan also grant powerful boons, curses,contracts, and even thewishes of his recruits.

    Obscure (DC 42): Spells of a virtuous nature or aweapon ofsilver, aligned with the ethos of good, arethe only attacks thatdeal permanent harm to Kauriel.

    Epic (DC 52): Legends attributed to theAwakened One say that ifKauriel could be recruitedinto the service of the Church of theGreat Pantheonand perhaps any of the deities of righteousness,everyhero he has ever recruited would learn the error oftheir ways,seeking redemption and penance for theirmany sins.

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    A Divine Wind: Clerics of Air, CloudsA Divine Wind: Clerics ofAir, CloudsA Divine Wind: Clerics of Air, CloudsA Divine Wind:Clerics of Air, Clouds,,,, and Windand Windand Windand WindbyJonathan McAnulty

    Illustrations by Arthur Rackham

    Few things are as vital to life as the air webreathe. Itsurrounds us, fills us, sustains us andprotects us. Air has adangerous side as well. Highspeed winds are some of the mostdestructive forceson the planet. Nature oriented clerics withaccess tothe domain of Air understand and embrace thisdichotomy,revering the air and wind in all its aspects.Such deities, andtheir servants, are generallyneutrally aligned. Clerics of goodaligned deitieswhose portfolio includes Air are most likely tofocuson the subdomain of Clouds, an aspect of air morereflective ofthe life-giving properties of the element.Evil-aligned deitiesconcerned with the domain of Airgenerally focus their attentions onthe destructivepowers of the wind. Their priests do likewise.

    Within the sphere of nature, each of the fourelements (Air,Fire, Earth and Water) has a polaropposite, is mildly aligned (orsubservient) to one ofthe other four, and is strongly aligned (anddominatesover) the remaining element. Air, in this scheme,isopposed by earth. It is extremely rare to encounter areligion orcleric which embraces the domains of bothearth and air. Air ismildly aligned, and subservient to,fire, giving fire strength. Itis strongly aligned with,and dominant over, water. The twosubdomains ofAir, Wind and Clouds, are reflections ofthisrelationship between the elements. Wind is createdwhen warm airmeets cold, and thus the Wind domainis that aspect of Airinfluenced by Fire. The domain ofClouds, on the other hand,stresses the harmonybetween Air and Water, with Air dominant intherelationship.

    Air is also sometimes linked, theologically, withthe domains ofTravel, Liberation and Luck. In suchreligions, the aspect of Airmost revered is itsunhampered movement. It is nearly impossibletocontain the wind. It blows where it will. For thisreason, clericsembracing the domain of Wind areseldom lawful in alignment, as thenature of theelement does not lend itself to structure.However,Air-centered religions are more inclined to goodnessas theair, generally speaking, does more good thanharm.

    Sacred Tomes of the AirSacred Tomes of the AirSacred Tomes ofthe AirSacred Tomes of the AirGMs can use the following texts asreligious

    books in their campaigns. Each of the following sacredwritingsis associated with the domain of Air, or one ofits associatedsubdomains.

    A Divine PathA Divine PathA Divine PathA Divine PathThis sacredtext is most often found in the form of

    three scrolls. The contents of the scrolls are concerned

    with the twin subjects of flight and freedom. Theauthor makesobservations concerning creatures andobjects in flight to teachlessons concerning personalliberty and happiness. The first scrollfocuses on thesubject of birds, the second on clouds, and thethirdon angelic beings. While seldom dogmatic, the scrollsareconsidered authoritative (indeed the observationswithin are bothsublime and factual) and arefrequently utilized by theologians andnaturalistsalike. Anyone using the scrolls to study any of thethreesubjects addressed therein (angels, birds, orclouds) adds +2 to anyrelevant Knowledge skillchecks (nature, religion, or planes).

    The Breath of LifeThe Breath of LifeThe Breath of LifeThe Breathof LifeThis holy book begins with a simple premise, life

    began as a breath of the divine, and moves from thereto discussthe possibilities of a life well lived, the need

    for charity and the natural obligation of the created toservethose which created them. The book is a thintome, scarcely fiftypages long, but its poeticalimagery, rich allegories andwell-argued philosophiesall serve to make it a very popularmanuscript,particularly with priests who are called upon togivefrequent sermons and homilies. Any character whoneeds to give aspeech to a good-aligned audience canspend an hour beforehand inmeditation upon this

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    book and receive a +4 circ*mstance bonus to anyrelevant skillcheck (Diplomacy or Perform [oratory]).

    The Seven Clouds of HeavenThe Seven Clouds of HeavenThe SevenClouds of HeavenThe Seven Clouds of HeavenThis white leather-boundbook is doctrinal in

    nature, setting forth seven lessons in seven chapters.Theoverarching premise is that the gods shower giftsupon the world.Men sometimes fear the coming ofthese gifts, as they fear thecoming of dark clouds, butwhen the clouds open, showering forththeir lifegiving waters, men rejoice. Each chapter begins withaparable concerning a cloud (feared event) whichended up bringingrain (a blessing). The chapterthen discusses the obligations suchgifts entail and theassociated commandments (Charity inThought,Kindness, Affection, Freedom, Joy and Worship). Thelastchapter is the exception and discusses a cloudwhich did not ceasegiving rain, eventually destroyingall those beneath it. Thischapter preachescontentment. Those who use this book tostudyreligious matters gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus toKnowledge(religion) skill checks.

    New FeatsNew FeatsNew FeatsNew FeatsThe following feats areavailable to divine casterspossessing the Air domain, or one of itsassociatedsubdomains.

    Cold ACold ACold ACold Air Casterir Casterir Casterir CasterYoucan interchange cold and electrical damage at willwhen casting aspell or channeling energy.Prerequisite:Air Domain or CloudSubdomainBenefit: When you cast a spell or utilize achannelingeffect which causes cold damage you can insteadcauseelectrical damage. Likewise, when you cast a

    spell or utilize a channeling effect which causeselectricaldamage, you can instead cause cold damage.

    Hot Air CasterHot Air CasterHot Air CasterHot Air CasterYou caninterchange fire and electrical damage at willwhen casting a spellor channeling energy.Prerequisite:Air Domain or WindSubdomainBenefit: When you cast a spell or utilize achannelingeffect which causes fire damage you can insteadcauseelectrical damage. Likewise when you cast a spell orutilize achanneling effect which causes electricaldamage, you can insteadcause fire damage.

    Wind GrapplerWind GrapplerWind GrapplerWind GrapplerThe very airaids you when you attempting a combatmaneuver.Prerequisite: Air,Cloud or Wind Domain; Channelenergy class featureBenefit:You can,as a swift action, utilize one of youruses of channel energy togrant yourself a divinebonus to CMB and CMD for one round. Thebonus isequal to twice the number of dice you would normallyrollwhen channeling energy (1d6 equals +2 bonus,2d6 equals +4 bonus,etc.).

    Wind WalkerWind WalkerWind WalkerWind WalkerYour affinity withthe air allows you to literally step onthe air, increasing yourjumps and reducing damagetaken from falls.Prerequisite: Air, Cloudor Wind DomainBenefit: When you leap or jump, you may add 1/2yourclass level (minimum of 1) to your Acrobatic skillcheck.Furthermore, when you fall, reduce thedistance fallen by 5 feet perclass level whencalculating damage. Only class levels from aclassgranting access to the relevant domain are consideredwhenusing this feat.Special: This ability stacks with the monks slowfallability but does not require the character to be next toawall.Special: A 20th level character with this feat isconsidered tohave an at-willfeather fallability.

    Channeling Effects for the WindChanneling Effects for theWindChanneling Effects for the WindChanneling Effects for theWindand Cloud Subdomainsand Cloud Subdomainsand Cloud SubdomainsandCloud Subdomains

    The following effects use and supplement rules fromThe Secretsof Divine Channeling. If you do not havethat book, sensorialimagery describes noticeableeffects which accompany the use ofchanneled energy.Minor channeling effects are available tocharactersthrough either GM fiat, or the possession oftheappropriate trait or class. Combat Channeling effectsand MajorChanneling effects are made available to acharacter through theacquisition of the appropriatefeats. The DC of any saving throw is10 +1/2 characterlevel + Charisma modifier. Effects grantingbonusesare either sacred or profane bonuses. None of theeffectsstack with themselves, though they may stackwith other, similareffects. For more information,consult The Secrets of DivineChanneling.

    CloudCloudCloudCloud DomainDomainDomainDomainSensorialImagery:White energy, tinged with lightblue, and the feeling of awet mistMinor Channeling Effect: Cloud Shield: Youcan, as a swiftaction, employ one of your uses ofchannel energy to momentarilycondense the water inthe air around you, granting yourselfprotectionagainst fire damage. By doing this you increaseyourresistance to fire by 1 for each die you would normallyrollwhen channeling energy (1d6 increases your resistfire by 1, 2d6 by2, etc.). This protection last for 1round or until it is employedagainst an attack dealingfire damage, whichever comes first.

    Combat Channeling Effect: Nimbus Wave: Youcan, as a standardaction, use one of your uses ofchannel energy to unleash an attackaffecting allcharacters, other than yourself, within range ofyourchanneled energy. A wave of billowing energy, filledwithelectrical sparks, washes over any within range,dealing both coldand electrical damage. The amountof dice rolled for damage is equalto the number ofdice rolled for standard channeling; thus a clericthatwould normally heal 2d6 points of damage would roll2d6 fordamage. Half of all damage dealt is cold and

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    the other half is electrical. A successful Reflex savehalves thedamage done.Major Channeling Effect: Cloud of Cold: Youcan, as astandard action, utilize one of your uses ofchannel energy to pullmoisture from the air, creatinga cold, heavy fog that fills thearea within the range ofyour channeling. All creatures in the fog,except you,

    suffer 1d6 points of cold damage (Fortitude halves)each round.Furthermore, visibility within the fog islimited to 5 feet, andbeyond 5 feet, the fog grantsconcealment (20% miss chance). The foglasts for anumber of rounds equal to the number of dice youwouldnormally channel (3d6 equals 3 rounds, 4d6equals 4 rounds,etc.).Major Channeling Effect: Storm Cloud: Youcan, as a standardaction, utilize one of your uses ofchannel energy to pull moisturefrom the air, creatinga heavy, electrically charged fog that fillsthe areawithin the range of your channeling. All creatures inthefog, except you, suffer 1d6 points of electricaldamage (Fortitudehalves) each round. Furthermore,visibility within the fog islimited to 5 feet, and beyond

    5 feet, the fog grants concealment (20% miss chance).The foglasts for a number of rounds equal to thenumber of dice you wouldnormally channel (3d6equals 3 rounds, 4d6 equals 4 rounds,etc.).

    Wind DomainWind DomainWind DomainWind DomainSensorial Imagery: Amixture of light blue andwhite energy, the sound of a rushing windand anoticeable movement of the air.Minor Channeling Effect:Forceful Wind: Youcan, as a standard action, employ one of youruses ofchannel energy to create a miniature cyclone. Thiscyclone isstrong enough to extinguish flames andmove up to 5 pounds ofweight. The cyclone can move15 feet per round and lasts a number ofrounds equalto the number of dice you would normally rollwhenchanneling energy (1d6 equals 1 round, 2d6 equals 2rounds,etc.).CombatChannelingEffect: WindBlast: You can useone of youruses ofchannel energy tocreate a rolling blastof air, 10 feetwideand extending out toa range twice that ofyour normal rangeofchanneling (solidobjects such as wallsblock the blast).Anycreatures or objectswithin the area ofeffect take 1d6 pointsofdamage for everytwo dice you wouldnormally roll whenchanneling, andareknocked prone

    (Fortitude save halves the damage and negates theproneeffect).Major Channeling Effect: Shield of Air:You canemploy one ofyour uses of channel energy to createan area of thick, swirlingwinds, providing materialprotection to all those within range ofyourchanneling. Those moving through the area of effect

    have their speed reduced by 5 feet and suffer a -2penalty to anymelee attacks they make. Rangedattacks into, within, or out of thearea of effect suffer a-4 penalty. This effect is not subject toselectivechannel and lasts for a number of rounds equal tothenumber of dice you would normally roll whenchanneling (3d6equals 3 rounds, etc.).Major Channeling Effect: Pillar of Air: Youcan,as a standard action, utilize one of your uses ofchannel energyto create a 5-foot wide column of windsufficient to lift objects,including, possibly, yourself.You may, in this way, for each diceyou wouldnormally roll when channeling, levitate 50 lbs. tenfeetfor one round (3d6 would lift 150 lbs. thirty feet intothe airfor up to three rounds, etc.). The range of this

    ability is equal to the range of your channeling ability.Whenattempting to lift an unwilling character, aReflex save negates theeffect for one round. If anobject is forcefully lifted against anobstacle such as aroof, damage is equal to 1d6 for every ten feettheobstruction is below the ultimate height of the aircolumn(Reflex halves damage). (Example: If a clericcould lift anindividual forty feet, but there is a rooften feet above the floor,the individual would take 3d6points of damage, one die for each ofthe remainingten feet; though again, a successful Reflex savewouldhalve this damage.) If a cleric lifts an object orindividualwith the column of air and then ceases tolift it or fails to bringit gently down, falling damageapplies as normal.

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    Countering this effect requires dispel evil or asuccessfuldispel magic followed by the removal of theeyes of sin within 2rounds, necessitating a DC 20Heal check. A wish or miracle spellcounters thiseffect automatically, forcing the eyes out of itsvictim.

    The eyes of sin, constructs created through a foul

    process, come from those creatures who havepersonified one ofthe seven deadly sins, or who havemet their demise due to someoneovertly committingone of the sins. The eyes could originate fromthegreedy merchant who sells shoddy merchandise formassive profitas he moves from town to town to stayahead of those he hasswindled. They could also befrom the elderly woman murdered withinyards of theindolent guard who could not be bothered tointervenewhile she was robbed and killed. The taintof that sin settles inthe perpetrators or victims eyes,and a savvy (and demented)individual can reap theeyes, converting them into a powerfultool.Typically a creator employs the eyes to convince avictim toreplace his own eyes with the eyes of sin,

    thus providing a thrall to the eyes creator. They seekoutsomeone easy to persuadea scoundrel who bedsevery woman he meets iseasy prey for eyes of lust,and eyes of wrath search for a highlyvengefulindividual. The creature stays out of viewwhiletelepathically goading its prey on, working on hisinsecuritiesor cravings for power, eventually wearinghim down enough so he willmake a terrible bargain.Sometimes, though, the creator himselfpractices thedeadly sin and the eyes provide a means to morereadilyachieve his goals. A jealous creator sends hiseyes of envy out toruin the life of a hated rival whomthe creator feels only obtainedhis popularity or powerthrough luck. The owner of the eyes of prideusesthem to bring down a mighty member of society solely

    to stroke his ego.

    A creator clever and insane enough to defeat adaemon and harvestit* eyes can construct a morepowerful version of the eyes of sin.Its Charismaimproves by +6 (increasing the DCs for all savingthrowsby +3), the ability score damage of its right eyeimproves by 1step, and its sin bind ability emulatesdominate monster. Thisdoubles the construction costand increases the caster levelrequirement to 13th.

    ConstructionConstructionConstructionConstructionThe eyesthemselves cost nothing; rather, a DC 20Heal check is required toextract the eyes withoutdamaging them. They must then be treatedwithmagical preservatives and unguents worth at least1,000 gp.

    Eyes of SinEyes of SinEyes of SinEyes of SinCL 9th; Price 26,000gpConstructionRequirements Craft Construct, animate objects,bestowcurse, dominate person, limited wish, creator

    must be caster level 9th; Skill Heal DC 20; Cost13,500 gp

    Specific Eyes of SinSpecific Eyes of SinSpecific Eyes ofSinSpecific Eyes of Sin

    Eyes of SlothEyes of SlothEyes of SlothEyes of SlothHere we havea sad soul who refused to leave hishome, even when all hisinheritance ran out and heneeded to work. Soon the deliveries offood stoppedcoming, and he just withered away. Thankfully, hiseyesremained remarkably fresh.

    When the left eye curses someone, he finds himselfunable to actwith any alacrity. He can only take onemove action or standardaction per round. A victim ofthe right eye finds his musclesrespond poorly, as theeye deals 1d6 points of Strength damage.

    Eyes of EnvyEyes of EnvyEyes of EnvyEyes of EnvyPoor Beatriceherbest friend proved to be nofriend at all. Millicent knew thatBeatrices husbandcould have done better as her husband, andBeatriceonly had all those nice things because she stole theman whowas rightfully hers. Millicent launched anunholy campaign againsther, culminating in a falseaccusation of Beatrices involvement inan affair withher husbands business competitor. AsBeatricestruggled to rebuild the shambles of her life, relyingonthe advice of her dear friend, Millicent gleefullydetailed how shearranged all her misfortune. Thepitiable woman died of a brokenheart, the betrayalbrought about by petty jealousy seared into hersoul.Her pretty blue eyes have changed into an eerie

    shade of green.

    A creature cursed by the left eye pays more attentionto whatothers dofocusing instead on the unfairbenefits they receive. Hebecomes less aware of hisown surroundings and slower to react,taking a -10penalty to Perception and Sense Motive checks as wellasa -2 penalty to Initiative. The right eye paralyzes itstarget withthe fear he is missing out on opportunitiesothers might beenjoying. In so doing, the eye causes1d6 points of Dexteritydamage.

    Eyes of GluttonyEyes of GluttonyEyes of GluttonyEyes ofGluttonyYes. The Glutton King, fearsome and brutal killer

    with a voracious appetite which included the foes heslaughteredin combat. Bribing that soldier to losethe beasts head was worththe money I paid.

    The left eye of this creature forces the victim toconsume 20times the normal amount of food,requiring him to stop any activityonce per hour tospend 10 minutes eating. The right eye weakensthevictim with hunger, inflicting 1d4 points ofConstitutiondamage.

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    Eyes of WrathEyes of WrathEyes of WrathEyes of WrathGang warfarein this city runs rampant, so wrath iseasy to come by. To get aspecial flavor of thisparticular sin, one has to arrange for thedeath of agang leaders beloved family member and pin theblame on arival gang. Then, thanks to the luck withwhich I am abundantlyblessed, the leader dies justafter personally exterminating theother gang. Hiseyes still blazed with rage hours after hisdeath.

    The curse bestowed by the left eye induces rage in itsvictimwhenever he experiences stress. At thebeginning of combat or anyother dangerousencounter, he must succeed at a DC 19 Willsavingthrow or become confused for 5 rounds. A victimstruck by theright eye ray takes 1d6 points ofIntelligence damage as his mindbecomes cloudedwith anger.

    Eyes of LustEyes of LustEyes of LustEyes of LustThis specimenwas too all easy to procure. Still, I

    wanted to ensure I found someone who suffered thegreatest fallfrom grace due to his inability to keephis desires in check. Iexercised patience, and finallyreaped the rewards when theoutwardly pious leaderof the Order of Mercy was caught with one ofhisyoung female disciples. Arranging for thegirls father to quietlymurder him cost mequite a bit and forced me to employ my eyesofwrath before I was ready. It was worth it,howeverhis eyes have anexquisite silvershimmer, and I have caught them oglingmy maid.

    The left eye of lust causes the victim to beaffected by asuggestion spell whenever a

    creature he would be attracted to asks him todo something,unless he succeeds at a DC 19Will saving throw. The right eyeclouds themind of its victim, doing 1d6 points ofWisdom damage.

    Eyes of GreedEyes of GreedEyes of GreedEyes of GreedI have toadmit, I find the eyes from thisgullible fool my most satisfyingacquisition.As much as I deigned to work with someonebeneath me, Ipartnered with a con man topart a wealthy baroness from hermoneyunder the guise of tripling her current worth.It took severalmonths, but the woman finally

    ended up penniless and on the street, lookeddown upon by thoseshe sneered at just daysprior. As I predicted, she took her ownlife,and soon thereafter I harvested those eyeswhose soul had beentainted and undone byher own avarice.

    A victim of the left eye must succeed at a DC19 Will savingthrow whenever he sees anunattended object. Failure means he willtryto take the item, using whatever means he has

    at his disposal. The right eye reveals the victimsgreed, andothers view him with disdain as the eyecauses 1d8 points ofCharisma damage.

    Eyes of PrideEyes of PrideEyes of PrideEyes of PrideIve saved mygreatest creation for last. As befits thegreatest of all the deadlysins, I must harvest fromthe most powerful being I know. Thus, Iremove myown eyes, knowing that I will vastly increase myownpersonal power--The last words spoken by Aniter the Crafterwhosemaid discovered his body, eyeless and bleeding out ofthe emptysockets. The whereabouts of his creations iscurrently unknown.

    The most insidious of the eyes of sin, the left eyeinstills abelief in its victim that he requires noassistance from a lesserpersonmeaning anyone. Thevictim must succeed at a DC 19 Will savingthrow inorder to benefit from any spell or effect from anally.Additionally, he cannot flank with an ally, nor can hereceivebonuses from aid another. The right eye,equally insidious, grants a+2 enhancement bonus toan ability score of the victims choice, atthe cost of1d2 points of damage to each other ability score(rollseparately for each one).

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    TheTheTheThe CareCareCareCare and Maintenance of Your ClockworkTowerand Maintenance of Your Clockwork Towerand Maintenance of YourClockwork Towerand Maintenance of Your Clockwork TowerBy T. H.Gulliver

    Beginning in the voice of adventurer Owain

    Northway, this Pathfinder Roleplaying Gamecompatible supplementdescribes Northway's visit tothe inside of a clockwork towera visitthat he doesnot remember but which he pieces together fromstrangenotes left to him by an alternate future self.

    The supplement includes a printable map packcontaining twelvepages of gorgeous black and whitemaps by Richard Biggs Jr. The mapsalone make thisproduct worth its purchase price.

    Clockwork Tower BackgroundThe tower was originally built byTillory, a

    brilliant artificer who is now trapped inside the tower,and herchronomancer lover. Tillory originally

    intended for the tower to be a base from which shecould work onher clockwork inventions withoutworrying about the passage of time.When the towerfunctions properly, a month passes inside thetowerfor every day that passes outside of it, thus allowingtheheroic Tillory to produce customized clockworkdevices to combat anyparticular danger that herfuture self is facing.

    When Tillory's chronomancer lover tried to seizecontrol of thetower and use it to manipulate time, thetower was sabotaged bytemporal stalkersguardiansof continuity that reside in the flow oftime. One ofthem remains in the tower ensuring that thetowersinhabitants do not succeed in fixing it. The sabotaged

    tower is currently slipping backwards in time, slowlygainingmomentum, and will eventually collide intothe beginning of time anddisappear. Within thetower, a quickling homunculus, once thefamiliar ofthe vanished chronomancer, tries desperately tosteerthis machine into an alternate timestream hoping invain tofind the chronomancer and prevent the towersdestruction. Aclockwork duelist, Tillory's guardian,patrols the lower level ofthe tower trying to find themeddling temporal stalker.

    Reviews for the Clockwork Tower were verypositive. The mostfrequently asked question aboutthe product was not what wasincluded but what wasleft outa discussion of what to do withthe

    Clockwork Tower if the PCs gained control over it. Ileft thisquestion unanswered intentionally; manyGMs are cautious regardingtime travel.

    Time travel is a challenge for roleplaying gamesand often feelsanachronistic in fantasy roleplaying inparticular. When broken, theClockwork Towersabilities are severely limited; it moves backwardsintime, very slowly. Even if the PCs repair the tower sothat itfunctions as designed, it provides a place to

    craft, heal, and study without worrying about thepassage oftime.

    Game Masters who want to introduce time travel intotheircampaigns can expand functionality of theClockwork Tower. Below aresome suggestedpossibilities, arranged from least likely to annoythetemporal stalkers to most likely to cause the GM tohave amassive-irresolvable-paradox headache.

    Gaining Control Over the TowerGaining Control Over theTowerGaining Control Over the TowerGaining Control Over the TowerIfthe PCs rescue Tillory from the temporal hiccup inwhich she istrapped, she will repair the tower but willbe reluctant to let themuse it for time travel without agood reason.

    If the PCs locate Tillorys mysteriously missingchronomancerlover, he can steer the tower and act asa high level NPC in thecampaign.

    Channer, the quickling homunculus familiar of thechronomancer,wears a pair of augury gogglesanew wondrous item. PCs can use thesegoggles to gainlimited information about differenttimestreams,which can help them steer the tower.

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    The Temporal StalkersThe Temporal StalkersThe TemporalStalkersThe Temporal Stalkers Have a Job for YouHave a Job forYouHave a Job for YouHave a Job for YouThe temporal stalkersthetraffic police of time andgeneral busybodies who ensure thateverythinghappens the way it always didneed something donebysomebody willing to bend the rules and workoutside of temporal law.Luring the PCs to the towerthrough a fragment from a journalwritten by one of

    the PCs future selves, the temporal stalkers set it on acoursefor a deeply troubled, topsy-turvy timestreamand give them amission to accomplish. As the PCs aremoving into a differenttimestream, there are noconsequences for their own timestream.

    The temporal stalkers might want the PCs ... to track down andeliminate a fugitive chronomancer; to steal a disturbinglyanachronistic device from a

    wizard's tower;

    or to temporarily take the place of a person who hastemporarilyslipped into a temporal rift.

    The stalkers would do it themselves but

    there are rules against it! they arent nearly powerful is a little embarrassing because they caused it.

    it would involve far too much paperwork.

    Travelling Forwards in TimeA trip from a world of swords andsorcery to one ofmilitias and machines can be a short sidequest orthebeginning of a strange new campaign. A mixed periodcampaignrequires the Game Master to prepare andcommunicate house rules asthe PCs interact with newtechnology or use ancient and forgottenmagic. If thePCs manage to use the Clockwork Tower to drag aBlackHawk helicopter back to their own time, theysoon catch theattention of the temporal stalkers.

    Unless you have chronomancers in your campaign,

    PCs must make a Use Magic Device check to steer theClockworkTower backward and forward in time.Every time the PCs try to setthe Clockwork Tower inmotion, they make a DC 20 Use Magic Devicecheckwith the modifiers below.

    Time Jumped DC Modifier

    1d10 months +01d10 years +21d10 decades +41d10 centuries +82d10centuries +16

    The modifier doubles if the PCs are attempting tochoose aspecific month, year, decade, or century.

    Circ*mstance DC Modifier

    Time period is the PCs' own -8

    Time period is familiar to the PCs -4Time period is somewhatfamiliar. -2Wearing the augury goggles -4

    Travelling Backwards in TimeAny trip backwards in time is goingto annoy thecrusaders of continuity. As the PCs interact withtheirown past, the temporal stalkers try to foil theminincreasingly creative ways such as by replacing the bigbad evilguys that the heroes just defeated with anearly exact counterpartfrom a less important

    timestream, by arming the enemy orcs with modernequipment, or byrevealing to the heroic PCs how acertain blow for justice in thepast will have severepersonal negative consequences for them inthefuture.

    When PCs interact with a timestream in a way thatmesses withcontinuity, GMs can roll on the table

    below to playfully represent that fact.

    1d100 Effect

    1-30 One PC's holy symbol, hair color, coat ofarms, or clotheschange slightly inappearance.

    31-50 One PC's holy symbol, coat of arms, orother symbol ofaffiliation change for thatof an historic enemy.

    51-70 One PC's gender changes.71-80 Two PC's no longer recognizeeach other.81-90 A feat or trait that a PC took at first levelto

    represent their background or training ischanged for adistinctly different trait.

    91-95 One PC disappears and is replaced by a

    completely different PC of the same orsimilar class.


    All players pass their character sheets tothe player to theirright but their namesand aspects of their original PCsbackgroundsbecome those of the newcharacter they are playing.

    When the PCs have affected continuity in this way, thetemporalstalkers arrive to indicate how to set it rightand insist that thePCs do this. Successfully repairingcontinuity causes the changesabove to revert tonormal. Failure to repair the timeline makesthesechanges permanent.

    Back to the Future

    When the PCs are trying to return to their own timeperiod afterchanging the past, the Clockwork Towercan get lost among the manybranching timestreamsthe PCs' interference created. Every change inthe pastmakes it more difficult to find your own largelyunchangedfuture. More severe changes cause greaterdifficulties. Use thefollowing modifiers to Use MagicDevice checks to get back to thefuture.

    Circ*mstance DC Modifier

    Changes on a global scale -20Localized changes -10Historicallyinsignificant changes -4Mild changes to individuals -4Barelyperceptible changes -2

    Whether you, as a Game Master, want time travel tobe a quicksidequest that, if the PCs succeed, neveractually happened, orwhether you want to make it thebasis of a series of adventures fora group that needssomething completely different, the ClockworkToweris an Evocative City Site worth exploring. Pick it upbefore itcrashes into the beginning of time and neverexisted.

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    Whats Evocative?By Robert N. Emerson

    According to many dictionaries, including the oneover, when something has the

    tendency to evoke, it is evocative. With respect toRitePublishings Evocative City Site series, of which Ihave been theeditor and for which am now the LineDeveloper, it means to take alocation and apply amilieu or trope that is, or can be, readilyassociatedwith it. Basically, with respect to our series, itmeansto design a location and attach something to it thattends toevoke a touchstone concept or idea.

    Whether it is a den of inequity, an inn with a twist, acommonroom frequented by the villainous, or agarden where something isjust not right, they areoften places and ideas that touch uponthings that wehave read or seen before. Or, if yet to be seen,theycould be.

    If we look at our favorite stories, whether they arein text oron screen, we can break down what calls tous and noticesimilarities that often cross genres. Onesuch example is the HerosJourney. Here, a youngperson finds himself linked to legendarylegacy and isguided by an elder mentor that teaches him ofthispath, yet the young hero loses the mentor on the way.

    Sound familiar?

    How about when a person becomes separated fromall that she hasknown, all that she is familiar with,and finds herself in anunfamiliar place, with anunfamiliar people, with whom she slowlystarts toidentify and defend? Or a mysterious place of wonderwherethose honest and pure survive, yet those

    disingenuous and corruptible fall to temptation timeand timeagain? Or helping a disheveled throwawayonly to later find out thathe is a personage of note?

    It is these touchstones that draw us into a story,that inspireus to find interest in where it leads us. Itis this bone upon whichthe evocative flesh is laid.Upon the skeletal layout of anycreation we lay sinew,muscle, and viscera, as this moves themforward. Butover it all is evocative flesh: that which inspiresourinterest, flames our reactions, and kindles long-burning firescommitted to exploring further andfurther.

    It is this flesh that separates a hackneyed attempt at

    being evocative from that which is truly so. If you donotbelieve me, then look back at books that you haveread and cinemathat you have watched. When youreflect on them, good or bad, howoften was it that youwere drawn to something because it remindedyou ofsomething you liked, and your dislike was because ofhowpoorly it used that memory?

    Now I am not talking about a famous property thatmisuses orabuses canon, as that is a different storyfor a different day.Instead I am referring to those

    moments where you see a cover, or a trailer, or acommercial thathits upon the touchstones ofsomething you like, be it setting,character, or whatnot. You become so hyped, so excited to see it,yet

    when you do it is a weak impersonation of what youhoped for itto be. It was as if it teased you with atried, true, and familiarfeeling and then dumped coldwater on you once you were there.

    Anyone can write a story that uses a curiosity shopin theopening act, as those are often places of mysteryto folks with animagination. The uncanny shopkeeperis there, as is the looming roomthat reeks withforeboding. The unexplained items of mysterylayabout, one more unusual than the next, and they alllead tosomething that is enticing, sometimes benignin its looks thatstands out from it all. If done rightlyyou experience an excitingromp about theimportance of the littlest things, and if done wrongitis lackluster camp fueled by a rule that made no sense

    and by which you could not abide.

    Yet we are not here to fully explore the whole storyof what doesand does not evoke, but instead we arehere to talk about placeslike that curio and whatmakes it evocative. It is easy to describesomewhere asmysterious, since all we need do is make sure toincludethe word mysterious, or foreboding, orwordplays like cloaked inuncanny shadows ordraped in the unusual. But making something

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    evocative requires knowing what to make stand out,what to onlyhint at, and what to leave mostly ignored.

    So, Ill pick a place, populate it with beings andobjects, andlayer it in ambiance. Lets see how thisworks, in practice.

    How about a building atop a hill? It is a commonsite in many ahamlet or city, and one that can oftenhave local lore attached toit.

    What makes it unusual? It definitely has to standout from thebuildings around it, often because of ageor architecture.Anachronisms always inspire talltales, because they are bothunfamiliar to thecontemporary and beyond our perceived scopeofunderstanding.

    So how about a two-story rectangular house with acylindricaltower in place of one of its corners. Analmost symmetricalrectangle with one of its fourcorners made to stand out with thecurve of a tower

    that raises an additional story above the mainbuilding. Not onlythat, but let us make the houseitself sided by dark brown woodenshingles and thetower a dirty yellow adobe.

    Now that stands out, does it not?Not only is the architecturedifferent than that

    found in common references, but the look and colorstands out aswell.

    Next it needs a name, something for the locals towhisper aboutand children to dare one and otherwith. There are the obvious ones,like the WizardHouse or Hermits Tower, but we should usesomethingsimple, yet catchy. How about The Pale

    Shade, as there is an old, rickety sign that calls it that.Surethere would be stories about the name, but thefact is, it was namedfor the stout, old oak of anunusual fair coloring that shades thehouse and itsretreat. The sign is a hanging shingle that swingsbackand forth upon rings, filling the arc with mourningmetallicwhines during a windy evening.

    Of course it is a not-so-abandoned residence, wherefolks rarelysee, or perhaps rarely notice, the hermitwithin the shady house. Isit by will or by force that noone sees those within the house?Movement is oftenseen at the windows, windows that are often litatnight, so something goes on unseen within the house.Lets go withforced, as it already takes an interesting

    turn toward the evocative.

    What forces hermitage upon the residents? Is it thehouse itself?I think not, as that could be a bit tooclich and if we are going todo a clich then why notgo for one with gusto?

    Why not a force within the house that is forcingthose within tostay? But instead of fear, why not uselove as the force? Perhapsthe resident of the house isstuck because the spirit of a loved oneis haunting the

    house after a tragic, terrible death? Not only is thespirittrapped, but its personality is fractureddepending on where in thehouse their corporealspouse happens to be.

    Spouse? While I had not originally chosen therelationshipbetween the kept and the spirit, a spousal

    one does make sense so lets run with that.

    Now because the incorporeal spouses personality isfracturedthroughout the house, it only makes sensethat it is malevolent anddangerous in some places,but benevolent and safe in others. Also,this adds tothe reason why the corporeal spouse has stayed; itisnot only love for the slain loved one but alsoconsideration forothers who might stumble upon thedissociative spirit within. Also,it adds an element ofwhy the living resident is without kith orkin, as theresident has been kept away out of concern for lifeandlimb.

    Now it is at a point like this that we should think

    about rules. Although I will not be wrapping thisflavor around amechanical bone right now, I figuredthat using the Haunt rules fromPathfinderRoleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide by Paizomakes themost sense. Why? Well, Pathfinder is thegame for which many of theproducts on which I workis designed, and I like the Haunt rules forit. It is alsoa good idea to work toward a mechanical conceptwhenyou are laying out the flavor text, so that you donot have tocreate new rules after noticing that youdescribed something thatthe rules you want to usecannot handle.

    Next we have to make a couple decisions, such aswhere the slainspouse was killed, why, and which

    areas are dangerous and which are safe within thehouse.

    Let us say that the death was caused by jealousy, yetadd thetwist that it was someone else who hadfeelings for the livingspouse and it was this otherperson who killed the spouse. Why? Wellnot onlydoes it give an extra motivation for the living spouseto bekept at this place, but also it adds extraemotional basis for thefractured spirit idea. Not onlywas it someone who coveted thespouse that was thekiller, but the killer acted within the homewhere thecouples love should have been safe.

    So that covers the why, which brings us to the


    How about the stairs of the tower portion of thehouse? We coulduse more gender-specific aspects,such as the kitchen or the den,but why tread uponwell-worn stereotypes when we can delve moredeeplyinto the motivations of the location.

    Let us say that the covetous person snuck into thehouse andheaded toward the workshop atop thetower. The now slain spousefound the intruder, and

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    20202020 Questions with theQuestions with theQuestions withtheQuestions with thePathfinder Compatible Publishers!PathfinderCompatible Publishers!Pathfinder Compatible Publishers!PathfinderCompatible Publishers!

    1. Could you tell us a little aboutyourself and yourcompany?

    Bill Webb, Frog God Games: Sure, I was one halfof NecromancerGames in the 3.0 and 3.5 days. I didcreative and Clark didbusiness. One of myFreelancers was Greg Vaughan. We do modules.Short

    adventures, long adventures, series adventures, alladventuresall the time. We have a few other books:Swords and WizardryComplete, UBAD (UltimateBook of Adventure Design) and Tome ofHorrorsComplete, but really our expertise is in less-than-100-page,low price-point modules.We are really just a DIY company with a lotofindustry history and know-how. Like our websitesays:

    We consist of old grognard gamers, including abrilliant layoutguy, and a cartographer who wasnot even a gamer when we recruitedhim. We havemore than a few writing credits to our name, andhavedecided after dealing with publishers, printers

    and middlemen to head off on our own and makesome books. We havedeveloped friendships with,and worked with the best and most famouswriters inthe industry. We are the real deal.

    We have added a couple people to the mix, mostnotably SkeeterGreene and Matt Finch. Matt is theguy who authored and invented theSwords andWizardry game system, and Skeet (with help from ourtrustyold friend D&D chick Erica) is our maintranslator between Mattand the Pathfinder audience.I think what really makes us unique isthat we supporttwo game systems, not with double-stattedmodules,but with reworked modules (same storyline,mechanics are allchanged) for both. Our goal is to

    create short adventures for middle-aged GMs likeourselves (well,and maybe some younger folks too).The one thing we are best knownfor is toughadventuresno walk in the park here.

    Bret Boyd, Tricky Owlbear Publishing: Sure!My name is Bret Boydand I started gaming during mytenure in Boy Scouts back in themid-80s. Mostpeople don't know that I'm a pharmacy technician bydayand run Tricky Owlbear Publishing, Inc. by night

    (or at least on those nights that I have time!). TrickyOwlbearwas started in 2007 at the suggestion of mybrother, Scot (who isthe technical arm of thecompany). I started freelancing in 2000when d20came onto the scene and, although I now run TOP, Istillkeep my hand in the writing arena. We produceproducts for use withthe Pathfinder RoleplayingGame as well as for retro-clones likeSwords &Wizardry, and even occasionally crank out somethingforv3.5 (our Behind the Spells and Behind theMonsters lines).

    Creighton Broadhurst, Raging Swan Press:Raging Swan Press is asmall publisher of Pathfinder

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    compatible supplements and adventures based inDevon, England. Weproduce affordable, high-qualitygaming products that a GM caneasily insert into hispersonal campaign.

    Dale McCoy, Jon Brazer Enterprises: Hi. Myname is Dale McCoy andI run Jon Brazer Enterprises.We started off in the Spring of 2009publishingTraveller compatible supplements and startedworking onPathfinder once the license becameavailable. Our print products aresold in game storesacross North America and Europe. While I runthemore business side of the company, we hire a numberof freelancewriters, artists and editors. I also want togive a shout out to crew for theirinvaluable help and support. Mygirlfriend lends her

    professional marketing skills and is our copyright andchiefcritic. And her anthropology degree helps a lottoo. (She told me toput that last sentence in there.)

    Jeremy Smith, Dreamscarred Press:ImJeremy Smith, the owner ofDreamscarred Press, arole-playing game publisher focused primarilyon thedifferent psionic rulesets. Weve been publishing foralmostfive years and have recently made the jump tosupporting thePathfinder Roleplaying Game byoffering the first psionic rules.

    Louis Porter Jr., Louis Porter Jr. Design: Theofficial companyline: Louis Porter Jr. Design Inc. isan independent entertainmentand game publishingcompany created in 1997, located in CooperCity,Florida. Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Inc. is a dedicatedgamepublishing company specializing in thedevelopment of high-energyaction and hyper-kineticadventure settings. Their first successfulventure,Haven: City of Violence. Louis Porter Jr. Design hasalsoreleased the best selling NeoExodus: A HouseDivided RPG setting andthe upcoming Xao: Island of

    Iron and Silk RPG mini-setting. Louis Porter Jr.Design Inc. alsoproduces Adobe Acrobat PDFmaterial based on the Open Gaming Licensecreatedby Wizards of the Coast for sale on RPGNow andDriveThruRPG.Louis Porter Jr. Design has recentlycreated Deathmate Records, andindependent digitalmusic netlabel. With their movie optioning byBrigadeEntertainment only helped solidify the Haven: CityofViolence brand and Louis Porter, Jr. Design asinnovating andimportant gaming company on therise.My personal mantra: I just liketo make cool games.

    Mario Barbati, 0000one games: I founded 0oneGames [Zero-OneGames] back in 1999 but Ive beenworking for the game industry since1989, for localgaming magazines, and by designing some games.My

    first published adventure (in Italy) was in 1990. Iman architectand the son of an architect (hence myskills in drawing maps) and,before founding 0oneGames I ran through many jobs: architect,graphicdesigner, web designer, video editor and more. Ifelt,however, unsatisfied and then decided to try tobecome a gamepublisher. It worked; now 0oneGames is my life.0one Games was thefirst company to ever sell a d20adventure module and quickly gainedpopularity asone of the best map-making companies. We joined

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    Wolfgang Baur, Open Design: Sure, happy to!Im a former TSRmagazine editor and Wizards of theCoast game designer who wrotechunks ofPlanescape,Al-Qadim, and a lot of other products youmayhave heard of, or (hopefully) played. These days IpublishKoboldQuarterly magazine and run an RPG

    company called Open Design.

    2. Why did you choose to publishproducts in support of the

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game?

    Bill Webb, Frog God Games: Because I like Lisaand Erik. Well,its really because that is what Gregand Chuck played. Erik and Lisahave offered a greatalternative to that 4.0-something game (butthat isbut not really D&D in my humble opinion). After 3.5wasover, I looked at 4.0 and just could not do it. I amsure its agreat game, but its not for me. I am an old

    school guy who still plays pre-first-edition in JudgesGuildsetting. Pathfinder I can understand, even if Idont quite get allthe rules.

    Bret Boyd, Tricky Owlbear Publishing: At first,we just watchedto see which way the wind wasblowing when Pathfinder and 4e werefinding theirrespective footing. It quickly became obviousthatPathfinder was the way to go for two reasons: 4e justdidn'tremind me of the classic game I knew andloved; and the OGL, whichof course powersPathfinder, was something not only familiar butalsoirrevocable (unlike 4e's GSL). That and Paizo has awonderfulcommunity ready to embrace third partypublishers since that companywas itself a 3PP of sorts

    when it handledDragon andDungeon.

    Creighton Broadhurst, Raging Swan Press:Mainly because I playPathfinder, and the 3.5 marketwas saturated. I love the continuityof Pathfinder inthat it builds on the long and distinguishedhistory ofD&D a game that I have loved and played for almost30years.

    Dale McCoy, Jon Brazer Enterprises: Pathfinderis the game I playmost often. It seemed only naturalto support this awesome game.

    Jeremy Smith, Dreamscarred Press: As aplayer, Pathfinder was thegame that my gaming

    group and friends migrated to when 3.5 was retired.As apublisher, the demand for 3.5 products post 4E,as well as demandfor 4E products, was minimal.There were also no plans for psionicrules forPathfinder, and it seemed like a logical fit,asDreamscarred Press has built a reputation for the pastfour yearsas the source for psionic material.

    Louis Porter Jr., Louis Porter Jr. Design:I hadbeen publishingRPGs for nearly a decade and I hadheavily supported 3.0 & 3.5OGL and after hearing

    what Paizo had planned it really looked likesomething I couldreally get behind. Bluntly put,Paizo always made me feel like wewere partnerswork together instead of victim at their mercylikeWOTC did with 4E.

    Mario Barbati, 0000one games: Pathfinder is the

    natural evolution of d20 system, a system, I believe,that is oneof the best things to have happened to RPGgames in the last twodecades. I think that Pathfinderand d20 have a lot of potential yetto come.

    Mark Gedak, Purple Duck Games: My semi-monthly campaign uses thePathfinder RoleplayingGame and for a long time the content that Icreatedfor the DM Sketchpad was focused on this rules set. Ihadbeen hobbylancing for a few companies and justwanted to controlmore of the overall process.

    Owen K.C. Stephens, Super Genius Games: Myexperience with thed20 system, and many of theprinciple movers and shakers at Paizo,dates back

    over a decade now, and it seemed a natural match. Ihave a reallove for the d20 system, and very muchliked what

    Robert Thomson, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming: Ofall the games I everplayed, D&D was the one I lovedmost and always came back to.Like many, I didntthink 3.5 needed a drastic overhaul and I wasthrilledwhen Paizo announced the Pathfinder RoleplayingGame. Asfans of d20 gaming, as supporters of Paizo,and as a brand newcompany, this seemed the naturalcourse for us.

    Steve Russell, Rite Publishing: We had justjoined the Paizostore and were offered an

    opportunity to get an advanced copy of the rules; Iloved the wayPaizo worked with third partypublishers, treating them likepartners rather than ascompetitors.

    Wolfgang Baur, Open Design:Kobold Quarterlyis a small-but-fiercemagazine loaded with officialGolarion-based articles as well asgeneral PathfinderRPG material we have some amazing sneakpreviewscoming from Paizo this year. Ed Greenwoodonce said its what aroleplaying magazine shouldbe, which pretty much made mydecade.Open Design is where we do adventures, sourcebooks,and PDFseries like the Advanced Feats series bySigfried Trent. The companypioneered the patron

    approach to funding game design (later made famousby largercompanies like Kickstarter), which givesanyone a shot at becoming agame designer.

    3. What is your best momentpublishing product in supportofthePathfinder RoleplayingGame?

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    Bill Webb, Frog God Games:When we got 150orders of a $125 bookin the first two days. The bookwas written, but did not exist yet.Greg and I could notbelieve it. Our reputation has always beengood. Butto have people lay that kind of scratch down for vaporwasa huge vote of confidence, and really got me (us)

    going again. Here we are 25 books later (in 1 year!).

    Bret Boyd, Tricky Owlbear Publishing: I thinkmy best moment waswhen we released ForgottenFoes, our mammoth book of monsters. Thereviewshave all been highly positive and everyone involvedwith theproject was at the top of their game as it cametogether. I hope thebook finds a long life amongPathfinder GMs.

    Creighton Broadhurst, Raging Swan Press:Raging Swan Press ran apromotion over Christmaswhich gave away free PDFs with every printversion ofone of our products sold. Several customers contactedmefor the free PDFs telling me theyd asked for my

    products for Christmas. That blew me away thatsomeone liked ourstuff so much they asked for it forChristmas.

    Dale McCoy, Jon Brazer Enterprises: The firsttime I walked intoa game store and saw that a book Ipublished was on their shelf,that was one of mydreams come true.

    Jeremy Smith, Dreamscarred Press:Currently,we only have oneproduct compatible with thePathfinder Roleplaying Game PsionicsUnleashed.But the best moment publishing that product waswhen itfinally released after a year of developmentand seeing thecommunity as a whole adopt it as the

    de facto psionic rule set virtually overnight.

    Louis Porter Jr., Louis Porter Jr. Design:When I releasedObsidian Twilight. Obsidian Twilightwas my homage to Dark Sun andRavenloft and Ithink we did a great job with it. James poured a lotofgreat work into that book and it shows.

    Mario Barbati, 0000one games: Easy: The Great CityPlayers Guide.It won a gold Ennie Award as bestelectronic book in 2010.

    Mark Gedak, Purple Duck Games: Im not sure Ihave a moment that Ican define as best yet.

    Owen K.C. Stephens, Super Genius Games:Thats a tough call! I wasasked to do an interview foran RPG group in Peru, which wasamazing. And I stillremember the first time Lisa (Lisa Stevens,PaizoCEO) mentioned our products in a Paizo blog, whichwas verycool vindication. But I think mybestmomentwas when I received anemail from a gamer, who saidone of our products (The Genius Guideto Feats ofSubterfuge) turned his wife into a gamer, when shehadnever liked the game before. Thats one of the

    greatest things any publisher can do, create newgamers, and itsoften by accident.

    Robert Thomson, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming: Iactually have a couplethat rank the same for me. Thefirst was when we released our firstprint product The Book of Arcane Magic in August 2009. Holding

    that book in my hands, reading posts talking aboutthe book, andseeing it for sale at and otherplaces was really special.The other was whenStrategists & Tacticians our 5th printproduct debuted at #1 on the RPG Countdown in May 2010.Knowing wedhit a homerun by taking a chance onRyan Costellos idea he pitchedseemed to confirm wewere doing the right thing.

    Steve Russell, Rite Publishing: Getting six 5 starreviews forColiseum Morpheuon along with watchingit sell out at the Paizostore.

    Wolfgang Baur, Open Design: This was mostlypersonal rather thana matter of system preference.

    Im a bit of a system mongrel, and am easily distractedby thenext shiny gameDragon Age RPGhas me inits clutches for now, but Iknow Pathfinder will winmy heart back with Ultimate Magic.Idalready written for several adventure paths (Rise ofthe Runelords,Legacy of Fire), and I wanted tocontinue supporting Paizo. I comefrom the sameworld as the Paizo gang, I have lunch withthemoccasionally, and I want them to succeed. Heck, Ivecontributedmaterial to the Gamemastery Guide andmonsters to BestiaryandBestiary 2, and the Paizogang returns the favor by writingarticles for KoboldQuarterly.So, I put my money where my mouth was,andreleased theImperial Gazetteer as Open Designs first

    Pathfinder-compatible sourcebook. I havent lookedback since.

    4. Could you tell us a little aboutyourbestPathfinderRoleplaying Game compatibleproduct for Game Masters?ForPlayers?

    Bill Webb, Frog God Games: We are focused ongame mastersprimarily. Like I said, we makeadventures and scenarios, monsterbooks and GMutilities.

    Bret Boyd, Tricky Owlbear Publishing: ForGMs, our best producthas to be the above-mentionedForgotten Foes. You get over 120monsters of everyconceivable type, terrain, and CR and eachcompletewith its own handy lore table. More than a few ofthesebeasties were culled from Necromancer Games'sTome of Horrors butthere are also updates of some3.5 Monster Manual creatures and evena few newsurprises just to keep things lively. Theillustrationsreally fire the imagination and the writing on thiswas

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    top-notch. Given such precious raw materials, I madedamned surethe book was as well-edited as it possiblycould have been!Forplayers, I'd say the best product we have is ournewest LearningCurve PDF which gives players achance to play with apprentice-levelPCs. SuperGenius produced a PDF along the same lines but Marc

    Radle (the writer forLearning Curve and a freelancerfor SuperGenius Games, oddly enough), gave me amanuscript that was differentenough to make mewant to publish it. You also have rules that allowformulticlassing at first level. For whichever reason youpick upLearning Curve, the rules inside are clear,concise, and fun!

    Creighton Broadhurst, Raging Swan Press: ForGMs, I think itwould be Retribution. I had so muchfun writing this adventure whichis set in anisolated, crumbling priory at the height of aviciouswinter storm. Something strange is going on and thePCstrapped by the storm must find out whatbefore it is too late. Forplayers, I think my favorite

    product to date is Figurines of Wondrous Power,which providesfull details of the various figurines(including stat blocks) in aformat easy to slip into acharacters folder. I enjoyed writing itso much one ofmy characters now owns a bronze griffon.

    Dale McCoy, Jon Brazer Enterprises: For GameMasters, the Book ofBeasts: Monsters of the RiverNations adds monsters to your gamethat your playerswould not see coming. Not only does it featurenewmonsters but also new haunts, diseases, NPCs andother baddiesthat any GM could use. For players, Idrecommend our upcomingBook ofthe River Nations:Complete Player Reference for KingdomBuilding.This supplement provides you all the kingdom

    building, exploration and mass combat rules in onetome.Additionally it contains new feats, spells, secretorganizations andmore. This will soon be available inyour local game store.

    Jeremy Smith, Dreamscarred Press: PsionicsUnleashed haseverything needed to introducepsionics into a game, both for aplayer and for a GameMaster. New classes, races, feats, items, andskills forthe players, and new monsters for the Game Master.It isessentially an update of the 3.5 psionic rules, withsome newmaterial thrown in, as well.

    Louis Porter Jr., Louis Porter Jr. Design: Form

Pathways 1   PFRPG - [PDF Document] (2024)


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