[ROM] 【4.2.2】【GPL】☣INFECTION-2.9.1☣【07/20/13】【CM-10.1.2】【Linaro-4.8】 (2024)

Changelogs, Downloads, FAQs

[ROM] 【4.2.2】【GPL】☣INFECTION-2.9.1☣【07/20/13】【CM-10.1.2】【Linaro-4.8】 (1)

INFECTION-2.9.1 Linaro-4.8:
*WiFi Fixed (broken in 2.9)
*Wireless Tether Fixed (broken in 2.9)
*Dev editions have theme, mail, exchange, and calendar provider added back in

INFECTION-2.9 Linaro-4.8:
*Completely re-based on CM-10.1.2!
*Built entirely off of the latest 13.06 Linaro-4.8 toolchain!
*Switched to Flyhalf's latest kernel
*Privacy Guard integrated
*Source built utilizing -Os flags
*Source compiled utilizing about 20 optimization compiler flags
*Much faster and a lot smoother than anything I've ever run (take the challenge)
*All other apps updated and compiled for smaller code size

INFECTION-2.8.1 GCC-4.9:
*Fixed Wireless Tethering by swapping the borked boot.img (kernel) that was included in 2.8 for the same SaberMod GCC-4.8 Funky Kernel compiled by Snuzzo.
The boot.img is listed in the op for users currently running INFECTION-2.8

*First ever for the HTC Rezound to be built off of a completely optimized GCC version 4.9!! (Thanks for the toolchain sparksco!)
*Latest Funky Kernel built off sparksco's optimized gcc! (thanks Snuzzo for the Kernel! Thanks sparksco for the toolchain!)
*Proximity Sensor Fixed! (Thanks Flyhalf!) (fixes "black screen before/after call" problem) This can be changed and tweaked in the beta integrated Advanced Options (NOTE: Some options broken for now)
*Advanced Options as listed above!
*Switched Calendar to Google Calendar and placed in /data instead of /system. This should help with some users having sync or FC issues.
*Rom is even smoother than before with even less lag.
*Better Battery Life.

*First ever rom built completely on the Linaro 4.7 tool chain as opposed to just the kernel like all builds before!
*Fixed Multiple Drive mount issue!
*CRT (TV-Off) animation fixed!

*Rebuilt from the latest source
*4G toggle fixed! (Thanks Flyhalf)
*Native USB Tethering Fixed! (Thanks Flyhalf) (Note that you will need to update your device driver on the pc for adb and tether: INSTRUCTIONS)
*GSM support directly integrated! (Thanks Flyhalf) All you have to do is change your preferred network
*Volume levels massively increased in all forms of output!!! LOUD (Thanks Flyhalf)
*Phone encryption fixed (Thanks Flyhalf)
*Latest Playstore Version 4.1.10 added
*Latest Hangouts added
*Switched to latest Nova Launcher as default launcher of choice
*Facebook Contacts Sync modded ContactsProvider added back in
*Latest Google Now added
*Updated Camera added
*New Tones and refined selection (not as bulky now)
*Rom much smaller than before for less memory usage
*Increased battery performance in standby (last longer!)
*Updated Seeder mod for improved overall performance
*Faster and smoother!

*Faster than the previous version
*Rebuilt from scratch using flyhalf's latest repos
*Optimized with the Linaro 13.04 toolchain patched also for in-line kernel building.
*Built with Linaro GCC/G++ 4.8
*All Video Tearing Fixed! (Thanks Flyhalf!)
*Message waiting indicator light finally fixed! Does not remain on now anymore like previously. Also, will flash when charging if a message is received.
*Power Sound Ability added. This gives the option to specifically assign a sound and/or vibration to your phones change of status when being plugged/unplugged from a power source.
*Improved UI and system speed
*New addictive Sense 5.0 touch sound XD (Thanks for the tip Brenuga!)
*Voice Activated Camera shutter! Simply enable and say "Neo!" or "Geronimo!". Also, timer function added as well.
*1080p video recording and Higher Quality snapshot ability and HDR! (Thanks flyhalf for 1080p!)
*Blacklist option added to phone.apk to block those annoying phone calls!
*Latest Funky Kernel (Thanks Snuzzo!)
*Sense 5.0 sounds added for ringtones and alarms (not in slim or dev edition)
*Rom Specific personalized wallpapers added! (not in dev edition)

*Completely rebuilt from new source with the Linaro 13.02 chain and patched for in-line kernel building!
*Fixed Video chat!
*Center Clock option added! (thanks TheBr0ken for finding the commit!)
*GPS lock refined for faster lock
*Weather API issue fixed for Weather in clock
*Weather on by default to current location in Lock Clock
*5 point AOSP lock enabled by default
*Gapps re-worked to be much slimmer
*Rom re-worked to be much slimmer
*Latest Hiro kernel pre-overclocked to 1620 (thanks iHateWebOS!)
****There are now 6 different versions for CDMA users to choose from!
-Standard (Action packed and full of audio tones)
-Slim (Audio tones stripped down to a normal amount)
-Dev (My personal build just for me lacking of a few apks you guys may find necessary.)
*There is also an Inverted Version of all 3!
I will not address any gripes otherwise.
Happy Downloading!



Fixed Mms splitting at 160 issue for all 4.2.2 AOSP based roms!

Completely rebuilt and Re-based on Android 4.2.2
Built all rom and kernel will full linaro optimizations
Native WiFi tethering fixed!
Battery Bar option added to settings
Wallpaper setting glitch fixed!
Funky Kernel 2.6 added
Video stream improved with less video tearing
Latest Pie 1.9.1 launcher/gui added
Google Now Updated
Maps updated
Streetview updated
SuperSU updated
Overall rom is improved in speed, stability, and fluidity

*Name Changed to INFECTION!
*Completely rebuilt and Re-based on the latest Android 4.2.1 platform
*Built with all possible Linaro optimizations
*Consider this the initial release.
*See the Original Post for a full list of what to expect in this Rom.

┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ) v2.3 LINARO:
*Fixed voice search crash.
*Fixed Google now force closing on settings.
*Fixed contacts force closing

┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ) v2.2 LINARO:
*Rebuilt completely from Fresh source from CM, Google, and Chad’s Repos!
*Secret Battery Saving Mod Added! Take notice of the increased battery life! (Thanks mbobino)
*Facebook Contacts Sync should be working now! (Have not tested yet)
*Performance enhancement for smoother, faster rom!
*Increased WiFi scan interval slightly for increased battery life while using wifi or tether. (not as high as I did the last aokp update)
*Refined build.prop tweaks to enhance system performance and battery life
*Tweaked 3D performance and video rendering
*Camcorder now working [ROM] 【4.2.2】【GPL】☣INFECTION-2.9.1☣【07/20/13】【CM-10.1.2】【Linaro-4.8】 (2)
*Hd/HQ videoos now working although artifacting and tearing at times.
*Netflix working (same issues as above)
*Removed Awesome Beats and added the Poweramp.
*Added Clearaudio, Xloud, and Clearbass mods! (thanks r-ikfoot for giving me permission!)
*Fixed Host blocking issue (if you ever had any) where certain websites that shouldn’t have been blocked were blocked
*Replaced Google Music With Sony Walkman modded player
*Inverted Google Now
*Latest Google Ears App

┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ) v2.1 LINARO:
*Swapped out Snuzzo's 1.4 kernel for now for Chad's Kernel.
*Upgraded the 7 week old Entropy Generator Mod to the fastest, latest version to date. Rom is a lot snappier!
*Added a defrag init.d tweak
*Added about 10 more build.prop tweaks for faster, smoother performance and battery savers.
*Added the Genie News/Weather widget into the rom
*Added a pinch-zoomable Inverted Gtalk

┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ) v2.0.1 LINARO:
*Swapped the inverted, un-edit friendly Contacts.apk for the original contacts.apk that came with this build.

┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ) v2.0 LINARO:
*Initial JB Release.
Gapps are now baked in! Rom carries a new AOSP Setup like you would see on a Google device for quick setup. Personally, I would skip the mail sync portion for now but it's entirely up to you. Having gapps baked in ensure that you do not delete the camera, have an extra gallery, or destroy the Sphere view ability..

[ROM] 【4.2.2】【GPL】☣INFECTION-2.9.1☣【07/20/13】【CM-10.1.2】【Linaro-4.8】 (3)

-627 Sounds Flashable Pack: DOWNLOAD

-Neo's Sphere Camera: DOWNLOAD

-Amon Ra Recovery 3.15: DOWNLOAD

[ROM] 【4.2.2】【GPL】☣INFECTION-2.9.1☣【07/20/13】【CM-10.1.2】【Linaro-4.8】 (4)

Q: "How do I configure the wireless tether app to work properly?"
A: "Tap menu, then settings.
-Change the Device profile to HTC Rezound
-Change the Setup Method to Netd (master)
-Enabling WiFi Encryption is your choice, however, I would recommend it (password protect your hotspot!)
-Enabling the encryption will allow you the next option of creating a password for your network.
-Changing the SSID is the name of your network hotspot that you want to show as an available network.
-You can enable access control if you like but it is not necessary.
-Scroll all the way down and check off "Enable routing fix"
That's it! Ready to go."

Q: "Ever since I came to AOSP, I get these weird, annoying text messages from Verizon. How can I make them stop?"
A: " Click this:

-Sign in at the top right corner.
-If an add pops up, bypass it by selecting the link that says "Continue to My Verizon"
-Under the "Plan" options in the middle of the screen, click on change features.
-Select your phone in the next window if it asks for it and click "Next" off to the right of the screen.
-Here you can choose to add and remove features and it's the 2 cloud storage options that you want to opt out of or disable. They were free any way and most don't even use it. Continue in the bottom right corner after that and I'm sure you can figure out the rest!
You most likely will get slammed by a recall to delete message for every weird text you received since switching to AOSP. After that they are gone for good."

Q: "Battery percentages do not match what the system shows when power is low or what is showing on the statusbar or lockscreen. Can we fix this?"
A: "This is a known HTC issue and there is not a fix for it at the moment. Your best bet would be to stick with the lowest percentage the system indicates is the remaining power for your battery. There is however a 1% battery mod that attempts to give a more accurate reading but it doesn't always work. I may attempt to merge it into one of these builds eventually."

Q: "Does this ROM suffer from choppiness of the homescreen like many others?"
A: "The choppiness of the homescreen is due to the default settings within Apex Launcher. Users can tweak their individual homescreen transition and scrolling settings to fine tune it's performance to their liking and nearly do away with any lag or choppiness resulting from the preset. A good first start would be to change the wallpaper scrolling to fixed, or setting the minimum scrolling time to somewhere betweek 1-4. 0 is NOT fastest."

Q: "Is this rom for S=OFF ONLY people, or can we S=ON people flash your rom?"
A: "At the moment, I have not created a rom specifically for S=ON flashing. However, if you are on one of the last few ICS firmware released, you can extract the boot.img from the zip and you will need to flash it in hboot after flashing the rom"

Q: "I am still on Gingerbread firmware. Is this rom old firmware friendly? If not, will the Gingerbread patch I have from another rom work with yours?"
A: "It is not old firmware friendly. However, you may be able to use a Gingerbread Patch from another rom. If you've tried this, please let me know if it worked.

Q: "In order to use the rom previous to flashing yours, I had to flash a Gingerbread patch. Now that I have flashed your rom, I get these reboots every 15 seconds. Why is this happening?"
A: "Since you are on the older firmware, you are going to have to flash this patch each and every time you switch to a newer firmware rom. That will fix the issue"

Q: "I flashed your rom but while I'm on it, it reboots after about 20 seconds every time it gets back to the rom. Why is it doing this?"
A: "You are on the old Gingerbread Firmware or not on an ICS firmware new enough. Either RUU your way to the latest leak or use a Gingerbread patch"

Q: "I downloaded the rom but want to make sure it downloaded properly before I attempt to flash it. Everyone keeps telling me to check my md5 but I'm not sure how to do it"
A: "Here is a link to the Free md5 checker/generator that I use: http://www.winmd5.com/. Use that to compare the string of code with that of what I have listed for the rom download. If you can not use this app, you can also view the md5 on your phone via a root browser like root explorer by checking the properties of the zip.

Q: "Which gapps are safe to flash on this rom?"
A: "I would suggest only flashing the latest ICS gapps for any of my roms. For AOSP specifically, I have an inverted gapps package listed in post 1"

Q: "Does "Google Now" work with this rom? If so, does the voice portion work also?"
A: "Yes google now works as does the Jelly Bean Voice Search."

Q: "I read that you included the Google Sound Search (Google Ears) app in your rom but I can't find it?"
A: "It is a widget. long press your homescreen, select widget, and you will find it"

Q: "I flashed your rom and my phone gets really hot after a while. In fact, Ive noticed it on all the newer roms lately. What could be causing it and how can I attempt to fix it?"
A: "Make sure you have updated your radio to the latest available. In fact, you should update to he latest firmware".

Q: "When I turn the wifi on, it gets stuck in the "turning on" mode but never comes on. Why is it doing this and how can I fix it?"
A: "The kernel has most likely been installed incorrectly or you are missing the module located system/libs. Place that folder from the rom zip to that location and reboot"

Q: "Does this rom include an AD Blocker?"
A: "It does not as it interferes with some market apps that require it. You can however download several free ad blockers from the play store"

Q: "Do you have plans to add Aroma to your roms?"
A: "I may in the future yes"

Q: "Does Bluetooth work with this rom?"
A: "Yes althought for the moment, call quality may not be that great. It's still in development."

Q: "My gallery is not showing my pictures nor is my the Latin player showing my music. How do I fix this?"
A: "You just need to clear the cache on those apps and it will solve the problem"

Q: "I use the Navigation app all the time to get me from point A to point B but it is not in this rom nor can I find it in the market. How can I get it back?"
A: "The navigation app (Blue Chevron for the icon) is actually part of the Google Maps app. Re-Download Google Maps and you will have your Navigation app back"

Q: "I noticed on most roms anything I download goes to the internal memory under the downloads folder. How can I change this to where downloads will go to my sd card's download folder?"
A: "There is a way to do it although I'm unsure of how at the moment. However, if you can change the default downloads folder in tapatalk or the xda app to "Downloads" and anything downloaded through those apps will go to that folder on your sd card"

Q: "I noticed your tweaks force GPU rendering instead of hardware rendering. This conflicts with a few games I play and won't allow me to play them until I change it. If it's possible, where would I go to change that?"
A: "It is possible and is as easy as un-checking the option listed under system apps/developer options/Force GPU Rendering"

Q: "Everyone else is reporting amazing battery life but mine drains incredibly fast. What can I do to fix this?"
A: "Ensure that you are on the latest radio (, and firmware, and that you have no background apps that are using major resources constantly running. Also, make sure to tweak your screen properties/setting as the screen takes up a great deal of power. Live wallpapers and things like gps/wifi/bluetooth being left on can drain power fast."

Q: "Will there be any way to add switchable equilizers in your rom?"
A: "There is a modified DSP manager called Awesome Beats with a load of options to choose from!"

Q: "Every now and then when I toggle bluetooth, it will lock up and not turn on. How do I fix it?"
A: "Reboot"

Q: "What purposes does an i/o scheduler serve?"
A: "The following:"
Minimize hard disk seek latency.
Prioritize I/O requests from processes.
Allocate disk bandwidth for running processes.
Guarantee that certain requests will be served before a deadline.
***In short, the Kernel controls the disk access via using the I/O Scheduler.***

Q: "What goal does every I/O scheduler try to balance?"
A: "The following:"
Fairness (let every process have its share of the access to disk)
Performance (try to serve requests close to current disk head position first, because seeking there is fastest)
Real-time (guarantee that a request is serviced in a given time)

Q: "How do I determine what I/O Scheduler setting is best for me?"
A: "It depends on how you use your phone and what is most important to you. Refer to the chart below to customize your scheduler appropriately:


Inserts all the incoming I/O requests to a First In First Out queue and implements request merging. Best used with storage devices that do not depend on mechanical movement to access data (like flash drives). Advantage here is that flash drives do not require reordering of multiple I/O requests unlike in normal hard drives.

Serves I/O requests with least number of cpu cycles. (Battery friendly)
Best for flash drives since there is no seeking penalty.
Good throughput on db systems.

Reduction in number of cpu cycles used is proportional to drop in performance.


Goal is to minimize I/O latency or starvation of a request. The same is achieved by round robin policy to be fair among multiple I/O requests. Five queues are aggressively used to reorder incoming requests.

Nearly a real time scheduler.
Excels in reducing latency of any given single I/O.
Best scheduler for database access and queries.
Bandwidth requirement of a process - what percentage of CPU it needs, is easily calculated.
Like noop, a good scheduler for solid state/flash drives.

When system is overloaded, set of processes that may miss deadline is largely unpredictable.


Completely Fair Queuing scheduler maintains a scalable per-process I/O queue and attempts to distribute the available I/O bandwidth equally among all I/O requests. Each per-process queue contains synchronous requests from processes. Time slice allocated for each queue depends on the priority of the 'parent' process. V2 of CFQ has some fixes which solves process' i/o starvation and some small backward seeks in the hope of improving responsiveness.

Considered to deliver a balanced i/o performance.
Easiest to tune.
Excels on multiprocessor systems.
Best database system performance



Some users report media scanning takes longest to complete using CFQ. This could be because of the property that since the bandwidth is equally distributed to all i/o operations during boot-up, media scanning is not given any special priority.
Jitter (worst-case-delay) exhibited can sometimes be high, because of the number of tasks competing for the disk.


Simple I/O scheduler aims to keep minimum overhead to achieve low latency to serve I/O requests. No priority quesues concepts, but only basic merging. Sio is a mix between noop & deadline. No reordering or sorting of requests.

Simple, so reliable.
Minimized starvation of requests.

Slow random-read speeds on flash drives, compared to other schedulers.
Sequential-read speeds on flash drives also not so good.


Unlike other schedulers, synchronous and asynchronous requests are not treated separately, instead a deadline is imposed for fairness. The next request to be served is based on it's distance from last request.

May be best for benchmarking because at the peak of it's 'form' VR performs best.

Performance fluctuation results in below-average performance at times.
Least reliable/most unstable.

[ROM] 【4.2.2】【GPL】☣INFECTION-2.9.1☣【07/20/13】【CM-10.1.2】【Linaro-4.8】 (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.