Broken Fantasy: Side Quest - Chapter 114 - Neon Pomegranate (Pilux), Pilux (2024)

Chapter Text

Resin tapped their fingers rhythmically against their goblet. There’d been no word from Van, and Himi and Tamru still hadn’t returned from their errand. Which led to Resin being the only Warrior of Light present at the banquet. A daunting responsibility. Despite the rumors Himi was always all over the place and taking care of people’s troubles with ease, and Tamru and Van already had their own separate reputations and years of experience. Resin was still new, and still felt like they were… an afterthought.
They watched the crowd; the Alliance leaders boasted as if the victory was theirs, Aymeric proclaiming his desire to see Ishgard rejoin the Alliance... Alphinaud was being pulled away on Brave’s business, Minfilia kept watching the door for Himi… and Tamru. Resin had a feeling Van wasn’t going to show at all, tonight. They sipped their water slowly, noting that Lucia was slowly ilming closer. Oh great, now a leader from the homeland had their sights set on Resin.

“You seem uneasy.” She whispered quietly.

“Aye, I’m not much a fan of being the only Warrior of Light being here, and being the least impressive of the four.”

“Least impressive? White Mage abilities aside, 'tis my understanding you’re either acquainted with Lord Stephanivien or at least, should be.” She eyed them curiously. Resin tried not to groan out loud as to not seem… too rude.

“Well. I might’ve. Uhm. Well. Yeah. Maybe.” Resin really wished they’d gone for some wine instead of water. “I think people are... Over-exaggerating how much I contribute.”

“What of the man you found, using the Echo? I’ve not heard of it being used in such a way, they say you pulled the memory from the land itself and not another person!” She found Resin fascinating, how they both downplayed their abilities while appearing disappointed they didn’t “contribute much.” Resin only sputtered a reply, and eyeing the crowd carefully, Lucia decided to change the topic. “But I do agree; ‘tis odd the other three are not here. Surely they are not so humble, or hold parties with such distaste, they would abandon you?”

“Van, I could imagine finding an excuse to not come at all, but even if Himi and Tamru didn’t want to be here, they’d show up anyways at least out of duty.” Resin heard Lucia hum as they too, studied the crowd. A couple of people Resin didn’t recognize came over to bombard them with questions, and Lucia bowed, excusing herself so she may return to Aymeric and the other Alliance leaders.

“Do they know aught?” Ser Aymeric quietly asked. Lucia shook her head.

“I am not a fan of neither Tamru nor Himi being here. Aye, Van always avoided these things as much as possible, but Tamru was always punctual. He was only ever late if he was dealing with a serious matter.” Merlwyb wrinkled her nose. “But I dare not cause a scene asking questions.”

“Aye. I do know that her grace wished to speak with Himi. But that is all I know.” Raubahn hummed.

“Ah.” Merlwyb and Kan-E-Senna exchanged glances, but said naught. Perhaps the lateness was simply due to Nanamo informing Himi what the two of them already knew of her plans to abdicate. This eased their worry; perhaps Tamru had been included in the meeting. Either way, fussing would do them no good.

Drinks poured and idle chit-chat out of the way, Nanamo smiled sweetly at her Lady-in-waiting, permitting her to take her leave for awhile. Himi wasn’t sure if she was allowed to start drinking yet. She cast a quick glance at Tamru, who subtly signaled for her to hold off until the Sultana had her drink.

“You must be curious as to the reason for this private audience.” Nanamo smiled sadly. “The matter I would discuss, however, will soon make apparent the need for discretion. I intend to abdicate the throne and dissolve the monarchy.”

“Oh f*ck yeah, that’s one way to ra ra fight the corrupted power.” Himi whistled.

“Himi, language, and are you sure of this, your Grace?”

“You need not worry for my innocent ears, I’ve heard worse.”

“And said worse.” Himi coyly swirled her wine, but didn’t take a sip.

“…Himi I’m starting to think you’re a horrid influence on the poor Sultana.” Tamru gave her a flat look, deep down, he was amused, but seven hells he was going to give her a lecture later. But for now, he listened carefully to the Sultana explain her reasoning for abdication. Even Himi seemed particularly focused. He wiggled his nose, noting there was an odd smell, though it was faint – perhaps the two of them simply stunk from traipsing across the desert. If the Sultana noticed, she was too polite to say anything.

They were more than happy to help guide Ul’dah, and more specifically Raubahn, in the days following her announcement. Which she planned to do at the banquet, once they joined. Nanamo beamed, relief washing over her, fully certain Ul’dah was in good hands. And her grin widened further, when Himi pointed out that once she stopped being Sultana, she would have loads more free time for fun. Tamru was quick to remind her that even if she wasn’t the Sultana, that didn’t mean she should take her anywhere dangerous.

“I promise I’ve no plans to drag her into a volcano to fight Primals.”

“Pinky promise me.”

“f*cking hell, fine.” Himi scoffed, pretending to be annoyed. Nanamo laughed heartily as Tamru and Himi linked fingers.

“I am truly grateful. More grateful than I can well express. Much of my dread for the coming days has been quieted...” The Sultana sighed, plucking her goblet from the table so that she may finally take a drink. When it touched her lips, she thought perhaps the odd taste came from the antique metal. As the wine sloshed down her throat and it began to burn, she thought, for only a second, that she’d simply had too much at once. But the burning didn’t stop, and she felt as though a hand was wrapped tightly around her neck. Her eyes welled with tears as she choked for air. It felt like an eternity, but it happened so fast. She tumbled to the floor, bringing her wine glass down with her.
Tamru had already gone through every spell he knew once they realized she hadn’t simply swallowed the wrong way – since honestly, who hasn’t done that? But nothing worked. Himi was right there, beside Nanamo, having already tried to revive the Sultana a few times with phoenix downs when Tamru's magic failed to revive her. But not even that worked. He cursed himself; a fool he was for not realizing what the odd smell was!

“How is it not working? She just… she just.” Himi jumped to her feet as Tamru investigated one of the downs, perhaps it was a fake…? No, it appeared legitimate. He set it on the table and turned to watch Himi pace about the room.

“They don’t work on the living, let me feel for... Himi's Twelve's sake, breathe!” Her pacing had gotten more frantic, and she begun to chew on her gloves. He neglected to double check for vitals. “Focus, Himi. We’ll figure something out. Everything will be fine. I’ll even pinky promise if you stop pacing and get over here.” He clicked his tongue, once more trying heal the Sultana.
Himi turned with a start, as the chamber doors flew open behind her and Teledji Adeledji pushed past her, followed by a handful of Brass Blades and Braves. What the hell was he doing here? Tamru wrinkled his nose, quickly running calculations in his mind.

“Your Grace!?” Teledji Adeledji wailed as he rushed to the Sultana. “Not a spell has yet to aid her?” He mournfully looked at Tamru, who shook his head despite his disdain for the rotten merchant being there. Teledji glanced to the overturned drink. “Poison, in the wine?” He eyed Tamru carefully. “…You and I both know who is to blame, then.” He stood and pointed a finger accusingly at Himi. “I knew you were not to be trusted! Master Cid is a noble man, but you were the late Emperor’s personal attack dog!” He proclaimed. Himi sputtered, unable to answer.

“She would never!” Tamru loudly objected. I have been with her all evening, she had not the time to poison wine. She has not been out of my sight!”

“Truly?” Teledji hummed. “You can account for her whereabouts? The woman who can teleport wherever she pleases and be back before you know it.” Tamru’s nostrils flared as he growled. Teledji was right; there had been a few brief moments when… but even then there’s no way she would have, could have. But he didn’t admit to the potential, and continued to deny he’d ever lost sight of her.

“I would bet anything on it. Himi has naught to do with this and is clearly being set up!”

"Nanamo is my friend! You couldn't pay me enough to kill her, I didn't do anything!"

“Spare us your denials!” Teledji spat. “I see no other suspects, and the room has but the one entrance! I hereby accuse her of regicide! Men─arrest this viper!” He glared at Tamru. “My suggestion; simply admit that there was a time you lost sight of her, and cooperate! I know her betrayal must sting, but do not destroy your own reputation to protect her. You are a man of reason and formula, surely you must have calculated by now that is it more beneficial for you too… simply admit she is the only one here with the means and motive, hmn?” The sly merchant quirked his head to the side, quietly patting a coin purse as if he was attempting to bride Tamru to confess. Tamru’s nose wiggled, stressed and frustrated. The man was right, his mind was rushing with calculations, and it would be better for him, if he just admitted that he didn’t have his eyes on Himi the whole time. SInce thatwas the truth. And there was the bottle she'd found...

“Himi, go!” He shouted. Not wanting to argue, she started to teleport only to be disrupted by Ilberd grabbing her arms and pulling her back. A moment later she could feel the cold metal of magitek bracers snap onto her wrists. What a curious thing for the Crystal Braves to have, both she and Tamru wondered. Had Alphinaud approved it, or had Ilberd gone behind his back? Both seemed equally possible. Tamru glowered – he and Alphinaud were going to have a talk later.

“Please don’t resist, you’ll only make this harder.” Ilberd smiled, passing her off to Laurentius who was enjoying every second of this. He squished his cheek against hers, grinning wide as her tied her hands behind her back. She may have had her abilities dampened, but she still packed a decent punch.

“Fancy meeting you here~!” He snickered. Tamru boiled over.

“You unhand her right now!” He was quick to open his tome and summon Selene,but a nod from Teledji was all Ilberd needed. Tamru stepped slightly to his right as he began to cast some spell as quickly as he could, but Ilberd was faster. Himi cried out as Tamru dropped his tome and crumpled to the floor, along with Selene. Tamru grabbed the hem of Ilberd’s coat, and blood bubbled from his mouth as he sputtered, “Thal take you!” His hand dropped to the floor, and Himi called out to him again, but received no reply.
Smirking, Ilberd stepped back a few paces before turning to Himi. Two more strides, and he was close enough to wipe the blood from his blade onto her. Tamru’s blood was on her hands, he told her. His death was her fault – the price of loyalty to a traitor. She kicked, and protested as loud as she could. She couldn’t cast any spells but she sure as hell was going to make this as difficult as possible for them.

“Ilberd, you said I was like a little sister to you! You said that you would never betray -” He grabbed her chin and cut her words off, leaning in closer to whisper in her ear.

“Aye. Friends, family, comrades, allies...I would never betray any of them. But you are, and have never been as such to me.” His grin widened. “What’s that they say about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? Imperial scum. You may look Ala Mhigan but you’re the face of everything I hate.” He released her jaw. Ilberd stepped back, and promptly spat in her face. She struggled harder. Stomping her feet madly as she growled like a feral beast. Her shadow shuddered, though no one noticed.

“Subdue her!” Teledji boredly ordered, and Himi soon found Ilberd’s fist connecting with her cheekbone. She sputtered, caught in a momentary daze. “Now, I’ve not bought her claims of memory loss for a second. Do what you will to get the information we seek out of her.” Teledji waved a hand flippantly. Ilberd chipperly turned to Laurentius.

“Permit me to demonstrate some of my favorite interrogation techniques. This is a perfect opportunity for some hands-on lessons.” They dragged her down the hall and into an unused chamber, intended for guests. After Ilberd and Laurentius shut and locked the door behind them, two Braves stood sentinel.

“Seal this room. Permit no entry until we’ve found a way to discreetly dispose of his body. I had not planned on him being here, but I am not a man unused to improvising.” Teledji tucked his hands behind his back, exiting the room with the Brass Blades. Only one remained to guard the door. He sauntered towards the chamber door to the room where Himi was. “Ah, music to my ears!” He mused at her muffled screams of pain. “May I be permitted to observe the interrogation? I would like to hear things for myself, and I have my own questions.” The two Braves cast glances at each other, before one quickly pinged Ilberd. With a nod, the screaming stopped long enough for the door to be unlocked and cracked open just enough for Teledji to enter.

The Sultana’s bedchamber now quiet, Selene popped her head up to double check no one had remained inside the room. Upon seeing she was alone, she crawled across Tamru’s body, grabbing his cheek with her little hands and let out a small whine as she squished his face. His hand twitched, and her wings fluttered.

A bell and then some had passed since Alphinaud had been called away. Not only had he yet to return, but Resin was still the only Warrior of Light present. They had half a mind to leave as well to start searching for the other three, but it was then that Teledji Adeledji burst into the hall, flanked by Brass Blades and Ishgardian Knights. Resin immediately swooped closer to Ser Aymeric and Lucia, stomach twisting into a tangle of knots. Ishgard had been attacked by Dravanian forces; how surprising… and fortuitous.

"The city proper was attacked? But... but what about Ste..." Resin bit on their lower lip. Just because they hadn't been home in a while, didn't mean there weren't still people in the city they cared about. And if the Dravanians were able to get past the weakened wards and citizens were hurt...

“Lord Commander, we must away!” The Knight pleaded.

“I’m going with you.” Resin muttered, and received no objections from Aymeric or Lucia.

Thancred found it difficult to focus on charming the lovely lady he shared the balcony with. Entirely because Himi had not yet joined him. Which both meant she was missing out on a good flirt and that she was not yet at the banquet. He just knew it. She wouldn’t have stayed away from him so long were she there.
A sigh escaped him as a swarm of Brass Blades interrupted what little conversation he was having with the woman. Who was unsurprisingly scared off. It was almost amusing that they accused him of espionage for the Garlean Empire, and he wondered if they’d hoped to find Himi with him to further prove their claim. He set his jaw, hoping that wherever Himi was, she was safe. But then he wondered… did they refer to when Lahabrea used him as a vessel? He sputtered, quietly explaining that… particular incident, but it mattered little. As their accusations grew more wild, Thancred knew there was trickery at play. Gods, he needed to get Minfilia and find Himi. He unsheathed his daggers.

“Come, then. I believe I've lost my appetite for this farce of a celebration!”

“Bring in the prisoner!” Teledji Adeledji barked, stepping aside so that Ilberd may drag Himi into the banquet hall. There were several gasps as Himi was tossed onto the floor, a bloody mess. Eye swollen shut, body marred with bruises and other injuries, even her clothes… she was not wearing what she had been when the Scions saw her last. Her old jacket, the tattered one Thancred and Jacke had found her in, had been mended just enough to make it obvious it was of Imperial make and design. As was everything else she now wore, as disheveled and blood stained it was. Merlwyb thought she looked as though she’d been dressed in a hurry; her shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way and her pants appeared to be missing its belt, and were blood stained despite not having any rips or tears. She clearly wasn’t wearing them when those injuries occurred. Minfilia was certain Himi would be fine, in the long run, for a variety of reasons, but it still broke her heart to see her friend in such a state. This was different than getting injured while fighting. This was so much… different.

“This woman stands accused of espionage, and poisoning Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo. And as suspected accessories to the crime, all members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn will be detained for questioning!” Ilberd proclaimed. Madness, Minfilia insisted. But oh, the vial of poison had been found hidden on her person. Minfilia felt sick, trying not to wonder if they’d actually searched her and pretended to find something, or if they’d just picked any old bottle and didn’t touch her. Merlwyb certainly looked ready to boil over, she damn well knew she wasn't interrogated, she had clearly been tortured. While everyone was distracted, she quietly muttered something into her link pearl.

“I don’t understand!” Yda huffed. “Where’s Tamru? He’s been with her all evening and yet you’re not accusing him of anything! Where even is he?”

“Alas.” Teledji pouted. “He was the only one among you who had any sense of duty and loyalty to Eorzea.” He gestured to Himi. “He tried to subdue her, once he’d realized what she’d done. But, she killed him. I saw the body myself, and some of that blood on her is his.” One of the Brass Blades tossed Tamru’s bloodied tome onto the floor next to Himi. Minfilia gasped, hands flying up to her mouth; she knew Himi would never, but could really Tamru be…

“Why would she do that!?” Papalymo cried out. “Preposterous, all of this, preposterous!”

“Isn’t it obvious…?” Teledji shrugged. “We all know who she is, what she is. Warrior of Light? Bah! A ruse! One so obvious – why would a Warrior of Light come from Garlemald.” Many of the guests murmured amongst themselves, he had a point. He continued on; accusing Minfilia of dark arts, manipulating the Alliance leaders to her will, clearly setting the City-States up to be invaded by Ishgard! And Himi had gone along with it all, encouraged it, helped them. He pointed to her. “She confessed as much, and I heard it with my own ears!” He proclaimed. “Una goe Aelius. Personal spy of the late Emperor Solus. Daughter of Morella Van Aelius AND Gaius Van Baelsar!” Another round of very loud gasps. Gods, Himi didn’t have the energy to talk but she really hoped he wasn’t actually her father. “Which is why Van Aelius is moving into the XIVth’s strongholds! Of course the new Emperor would entrust them to the wife of the dead wolf! And that’s not all!” He wagged a finger at the stunned crowd. What more could there possibly be? “Her grandmother was none other than the dreaded Boudicca Van Cerberus; former Legatus of the Imperial Legion Morella now commands.” He puffed up. “And Himi, no, Una here has confirmed, her grandmother was secretly consort to Emperor Solus! Your false Warrior of Light is a member of the Imperial…. Royal…. Family!” Conversation roared to life amongst the guests. That was quite the claim, it was almost unbelievable. Himi wasn’t tiny, but she seemed awfully short to be a Galvus. Minfilia didn’t believe that she confessed to that at all, but she did worry that he may announce her to be an Ascian next.

“Oh poppyco*ck!” Papalymo flattened his expression. “I am fairly certain most of that has been proven incorrect, and was nothing more than hearsay invented to cause trouble in the Empire. Furthermore, I doubt any confession from her is valid. Look at the state she is in! Anything she had said must be thrown out as she was obviously coerced into saying it!” He loudly pointed out. “If she said it at all! But we can’t ask her to clarify, as she’s obviously in no condition to speak!”

The ringing in Himi’s ears worsened as the commotion continued. She weaved in and out of consciousness, as people ran screaming past her. At some point the ropes were cut from her body, and a distant “I’ve got her!” registered with her as someone lifted her. Was she on… someone’s back? In their arms? She couldn’t tell. Every direction was the same direction. She was either laying on the ground of being moved – right now, in her mind, both felt true.

“What is going on over there?” Erenville muttered out loud as he descended the steps in the Agora. Quite the crowd had gathered around the nautilus shaped aetheryte of Old Sharlayan, and as he approached he heard debates on whether to move someone, or wait for someone with healing magics to arrive.

“A whole damned crowd and not one of us even knows first aid!” Someone quipped, and Erenville was inclined to agree. He spotted Selene fluttering about above everyone’s heads, and there was only one person Erenville knew who summoned fairies like that in this day and age. He made more of an effort to get through the wall of people, his worst fears confirmed when he saw a bloody Tamru laying on the ground. There was a student kneeling next to him, stabilizing his aether, but that was all she could do.

“Seven hells!” Erenville sputtered.

“What’s all this commotion?” A stern voice shouted over the crowd. “Most of you have an exam tomorrow, you should be studying or in bed, studying!” The crowd quickly parted for the white-haired Elezen, a member of the Forum. Needless to say, he hadn’t expected this. He immediately began barking instructions, taking over for the student. Thanking her, of course, before instructing her to return to her studies like everyone else.

“Himi, open your eyes! For Twelve’s sake, please! Open your eyes!” Thancred cupped her face in his hands as she groggily came around. Y’shtola tending to her was the next thing she noticed, followed by the musty smell of a hidden passage that had not been used in some time. She looked at Thancred, giving a raspy greeting. Immediately, and not caring about the jokes that were most certainly going to be made in the future, he peppered her face with a few kisses. Slightly getting in the way of Y’shtola for a few seconds. She bapped his arm to get him out of her work space. Himi looked around, noting that Yda and Papalymo weren't with them in the cobweb filled hidden space between the palace walls.

“Where are Y-…?”

“We’re in a secret passageway; we’re making our way back to the Sultana’s chamber. There’s an entrance to a hidden tunnel out of the city proper, there.” Thancred quickly explained. He knew what she was trying to ask. But he didn’t have the heart to tell her, though. His deflection and the sullen look on everyone’s faces made the answer clear enough to Himi. If they weren’t dead, they were gone in some other way.

“That is all I can do, for now.” Y’shtola sighed. If only Tamru were there… “You should at least be able to move on your own, though it may not be all that comfortable.”

“I’ve got her.” Thancred got Himi onto his back as Minfilia opened the wall to the hall; The Braves and Brass Blades had cleared out of this part of the palace, as no one expected the Scions to come this way. Not yet, at least. Nanamo’s bedchamber door was in plain sight, and Himi’s stomach twisted and churned. Was Nanamo’s body still in there? She turned her face to her right, so that she wouldn’t have to see the room that Ilberd and Laurentius had dragged her in to. Thancred noticed the room as they passed by, and a quick glance was enough for him to know that he did not want to linger to get a better look.

Y’shtola shut the door behind them, but did not lock it – were anyone to discover it locked, it would be a dead give away that the Scions had entered the room. For a mercy, Nanamo’s body was currently not in there with them. But the spilt wine and blood were.

“Gods be good.” Y’shtola muttered, trying to block out the smell.

“Once we’re in the tunnels, we can relax. A little.” Thancred muttered as he set Himi down on her feet. First he cut a cord off the curtains from Nanamo’s bed so he could improvise a belt for Himi.

“The latest fashion.” Her voice croaked. “I thought maybe belts just weren’t real anymore.”

“Ha! Now...” Thancred quickly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, hastening to the fireplace Minfilia had been inspecting. “Fear not, ladies. I’ve got the magic touch.” He winked and smiled, pushing the correct stone needed to open the secret tunnel. Minfilia hated that she wanted to laugh – but it did warm her heart to hear Himi let out a raspy chuckle.

“I’m going to need further proof of that later.” Himi’s movements were a little stiff, but she tossed him some finger guns all the same.

“Truly, you two are quite the pair.” Y’shtola sighed.

Himi gripped Thancred’s hand as tightly as she could as the four of them sloshed their way through the water way. It smelled of algae and frogs, but the air was cool and refreshing. And traversing a wet tunnel was better than running in cramped, hot hallways. Thancred thought of how quiet Himi was, as Minfilia and Y’shtola commented on the architecture of the hidden passage. He intertwined his fingers with hers, and she finally muttered something about they could escape much faster… if they left her behind.

“Not in a million lifetimes!” Thancred scoffed.

“Precisely.” Y'shtola wrinkled her nose. “There will be no talk of that.” She firmly scolded Himi. But before anything more could be said, shouts echoed down the tunnel.

“Well, that didn’t take long.” Thancred grumbled. “It seems these tunnels were not as secret as I had hoped.” He guided her a little further, handing the lantern, and Himi, to Minfilia. They clutched each other’s hand, paling when Y’shtola bade them to leave. Minfilia objected, but Y’shtola insisted.

“Fear not, Antecedent, Himi. You haven't seen the last of these fair features.” Thancred winked.

“My friends...” Minfilia didn’t dare leave. Himi let out a mournful squeak, holding out her free hand, pointing her pinky out at Thancred. He hesitated.

“Himi...Himi I...” Gods, he knew he couldn’t actually promise her.

“Thancred, please.” Her eyes welled with tears, it hurt to talk, but she needed to speak. “P-promise.” She begged. Thancred felt a pit where his stomach was, as he fought back his own tears.

“Very well.” He cleared his throat, wrapping his pinky around Himi’s, and nudged Y’shtola. She wrinkled her nose in disapproval at the sentiment, but the encroaching voices forced her hand. Literally.

“Of all the childish...” But she wrapped her finger around Himi’s regardless. “We will meet again.” Y’shtola sighed, removing her finger first. Thancred lingered, re-promising that Himi would see him again, and kissed the back of her hand.

“Sealed, with a kiss!” He winked. If only he had the time to give her a proper one. If he somehow, actually lived past this moment, he was certain he’d get an earful from Haurchefant later for not doing just that. But, he could take solace in knowing she would have Haurchefant to love and comfort her. Because he was damn well certain he would never get to, now.

“Leave us!” Y’shtola pleaded, and with that, Himi and Minfilia made their escape. When they were out of ear shot, Y’shtola flicked an ear, tossing Thancred a glare.

“To hell with you, you know I despise breaking promises.” She pursed her lips together. He let out a sad laugh.

“”Twas the only way to ensure she’d leave with Minfilia. Now. What’s the plan, milady?”

Himi’s legs burned as she and Minfilia ran through the tunnel. Neither wanted to acknowledge the rush of air through the tunnel or the low rumbling in the distance. They promised, they promised. A pained sobbed escaped Himi’s lips as the light at the end of the tunnel grew brighter and the warmth of the desert air began to overtake the coolness of the tunnel. Only for Minfilia to stop in her tracks, gasping as she dropped the lantern. She pulled her hand out of Himi’s and sputtered.

“Hydaelyn… She speaks to me!”

“Great! She have a map to safety?” Himi quipped, toughing out the pain for a much needed joke. But Minfilia didn’t laugh.

“No!” That was directed at whatever the Crystal Mother had whispered, and not in response to Himi. “I must remain behind… but you cannot stay with me.” Minfilia retrieved the lamp.

“Like hell!” Himi protested, wincing.

“Please, you must go on! You are a Warrior of Light! You are hope─for the Scions, and for all the realm! As long as your flame continues to burn, the light of the dawn may ever be relit! You must escape, and save Eorzea from those who would plunge it into darkness! 'Tis the only way... And know, that no matter what anyone says about you and your character, I will always believe that everything you do is for the good of the realm!” There was so much more she wanted to say… Himi huffed, sticking her pinky out, one last time. Minfilia laughed softly, stepping forward… she put a hand on Himi’s cheek and leaned in, placing her lips…. On Himi’s other cheek and blew a raspberry. Himi giggled, and kept her pinky up, waiting expectantly for Minfilia to take it. But she did not.

“Minfilia...” Her voiced croaked. “Minfilia please.” But she only smiled and slid her hand down Himi’s arm, gently grasping her wrist and lingering for a second, before pulling her hand away from Himi. Never wrapping her finger around hers. She stepped away, giving one sad, final wave before turning and running back into the tunnel. “Minfilia! MINFILIA.” Himi screamed as loud as she could, which wasn’t very loud at all. A guttural whine escaped her as she sunk to her knees, too exhausted to make chase and unable to teleport. Her chest heaved as she choked on sobs and repeatedly slapped the water with her hands. She stopped hitting it only when her focus went to the bracelets clapped firmly on her wrists. Maybe she could overload them? Maybe if she focused and poured enough aether into the magitek they'd fry and fall off. What if she...

She was surrounded by flames , a city burned. And someone was walking away. He’d smiled and nodded, before he’d gone. And no matter how many times she screamed his name, he would not stop. He would not come to her. There was something he must do, to ensure that she could live to see another day. But what good was another day, if he was not there to see it with her? She screamed until he was out of sight. Screamed until her voice was raw and she fell to her knees. Sobbing and wailing.

Gods, if only she could remember his name.

What a beautiful night for stargazing, she thought, laying on her back in the water. Oh, she could see the stars, that meant someone had… dragged her out of the tunnel. Maybe it had been Thancred? But she was in too much pain to sit up to look. She heard the hissing and gurgling of that enigma of a Spriggan, was it the one who’d pulled her out of the tunnel? Was it strong enough to do that?

“Hide!” A female voice that sounded vaguely familiar hissed, and Himi could have sworn she heard the whine of a very large three-headed dog, as it splashed past her and into the tunnel. The Spriggan clicked and clacked in approval, before scurrying off itself.

“...Everyone just gonna leave me here to get captured, I guess?” She wheezed. It was probably just as well. She couldn’t move even if she wanted to. She shut her eyes, though she didn’t sleep.

“Down there! I see her!”

“Himi, Himi!”

The first voice she didn’t recognize, but the second was Alphinaud’s. This was either a good thing, or he was part of the Crystal Brave’s treachery. Footsteps splashed in her direction, and honestly? She was a smidge surprised to see the merchant who’d originally brought her and the others to Ul’dah.

“Well, would you look who it is! We really need to stop meeting like this.” He grinned, scooping her into his arms and carrying her up the slope to his caravan. She didn’t mention the beast that had ran into the tunnel, but she did notice that the Spriggan was still near enough to jump into the caravan as well. Alphinaud let out a distressed sound upon seeing the condition she was in, despite the healing she’d received. And the other guy was… Himi had no idea who it was. A Lalafell in horned armor. OH it was Raubahn’s son… What an odd way to find out Raubahn had a son; had he… told her and she’d completely forgotten? Either way, he was now wrapping bandages around her hands and arms. She hadn't noticed she was bleeding until then.

Alphinaud lamented the night’s events as they were whisked away deeper into the humid desert. For once, Himi didn’t mind the pining, it was… warranted. She didn’t feel like speaking, so she opted to plop her hand on top of Alphinaud’s head. The gesture damn near broke him. He scooted a little closer, leaning against her, apologizing over and over again. She still said nothing, but she didn’t need to say anything.

Their merchant ally took them to Black Brush Station, and Himi had never been so relieved to see Cid in her life. He’d been waiting for them, much to Alphinaud’s surprise.
“Pulling you out of the fire, as usual! Your merchant friend told me everything.” Cid chuckled, not because any of this was funny, but because he was stressed as all hell. Raubahn’s son, Pippin, was not to join them, but he promised to do all he could to help them clear their names. Camp Dragonhead was the obvious destination; Ishgard was not yet part of the Alliance, and thus, wouldn’t tolerate anyone poking around. They quickly clambered onto the Enterprise, Spriggan included. Himi’s heart sank when she saw X’shiemma on board.

“…Is my Dad not with you?” She pouted. Sniffling when Himi shook her head. Alphinaud hadn’t seen Van either, and lowered his head in shame, fearing the worst.

“Chin up, kid.” Cid smiled. “Your Dad’s too stubborn to get caught.”

“Yeah! He’s always been… stubborn.” She mumbled, hopeful. She latched onto Himi’s arm, and with Alphinaud on her other side, Himi felt a tad like a babysitter.

Haurchefant thought it curious at first, that his men should report that the Enterprise had landed nearby, and Himi was making her way up the hill, followed closely by Alphinaud. Should she not be at a banquet, and why take an airship to visit when she could just teleport? Perhaps she simply wanted to take a more scenic route? He rushed outside, feet crunching on the freshly fallen snow, taking a moment to catch his breath before bolting towards the southern gate. She stuck out like a sore thumb against the white of the frozen hills; and he could tell she was limping. Something was wrong, even if she had a minor injury, it didn’t necessarily prevent her from teleporting, something was wrong.

“Alert the chirurgeon! Now! Quickly!” He barked. One of the guards saluted before rushing off. Without a second thought, Haurchefant sprinted down the hill towards her, ignoring his own aches and pains - courtesy of the morning’s battles. Gods, how long ago that all felt. What should have been a day for celebration for Ishgard’s future, had ended with a distraught Himi limping up the hill. He pushed himself to keep running. There was no way in hell he was going to wait for her to hobble all the way to Camp Dragonhead.
Her lip wibbled when she saw Haurchefant coming for her, calling her name. If only she could run! She bumbled as fast as she could, holding out her arms and sobbing loudly when Haurchefant swept her off her feet.

“” She sputtered, still finding it difficult to speak.

“Hush...hush, my dear. I’ve got you. Whatever is wrong, I’ve got you.” He carried her back to Camp Dragonhead, and directly to the infirmary. Quietly noting she was wearing Imperial clothing, his blood boiled as Alphinaud explained what he could; but he knew the rest would need come from Himi once she could say more than a few words at once.

Tamru awoke, groaning quietly as his eyes adjusted to the light. He immediately recognized his own bedroom: photos over turned to hide the contents, ocean decorations, research books scattered everywhere. A thick layer of dust on everything… cobwebs, here and there….

“Before you click your tongue at me for the dust, remember that I am a gleaner, not a cleaner.” Erenville snorted, setting a glass of water by his bedside.

“I wasn’t going to say aught.” Tamru grunted as he sat up. The water was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted despite clearly being spiked with medicine. Selene flew around his room, happy that he was awake.

“You’ve got quite the not-dead-yet detector.” Erenville hummed, watching her fly about.

“It’s a blessing Brass Blades are sometimes dumb, and don’t know how fairies or familiars work.” Tamru finished the whole glass, powering through the bitter after taste.

“Brass Blades? Are they not Ul’dahn guards? What did you do?”

“Nothing. Just, you know. Witnessing historical events.”


“It’s better you don’t know.” Tamru threw the covers off, noting he was wrapped in bandages and in a clean pair of pants. Erenville glanced at the Archon tattoo placed low on his neck, since it was always covered by high collars or scarves.

“So odd you keep that hidden; what difference would it make for others to see?”

“I just. Do.” Tamru waved a hand flippantly. He sighed, flicking an ear.

“Forum members downstairs?”


“Having me recover at home was more private than the infirmary?”

“Correct again.”

Tamru exhaled sharply. “Angry or worried?”

“Worried. They know not, nor do I, of what happened.” Erenville quirked his head. “But they know you were in Ul’dah last. And you know it won’t be long before they get hold of some Gleaner in Thanalan to try and find out what may have happened. And if we are at risk by you coming here.”

“I suppose I may need to reassure them that most think me from Limsa Lominsa. And once I’ve done that, I’m leaving.”

“You’ve barely healed!” Erenville scoffed. “I suggested we take a page from your book, and not completely heal your injuries to discourage you from doing just that.”

“I’m not abandoning her. Not again.” Tamru paused. “...If she escaped, she’ll have gone to Camp Dragonhead.”

“I’m not hearing this.”

“Lord Haurchefant will do everything in his power to keep her, us, safe.”

“My, how lovely the birds sing tonight.” Erenville wrinkled his nose.

“Right, I’ll get dressed, speak with whomever is downstairs, retire for the night, and be on my way once they think me in bed resting.” Tamru grunted as he got out of bed, and gave Erenville a quick hug. He quirked an eyebrow, not returning the hug, and simply stood there awkwardly with his arms out.

“Humn. You’re considerably less emotionally constipated. Perhaps the Scions have done you some good. Be safe, take care. Don’t die, and I shall see you when I see you.”

Haurchefant stayed by Himi’s side as she was tended to, only leaving briefly a couple of times to whisper some orders. There was a lot of quiet chatter about her arms; her attempt to overload the bracelets had gone... about as well as one in their right state of mind would have expected. But, she had not been in her right state of mind. The magitek was now just... in pieces. Still attached to her skin. Scattered about her hands and arms, just below her elbows. Much of her exposed skin was burnt and bleeding, and had blistered in several places.Haurchefant continued to try and raise Himi’s spirit’s – Ser Aymeric was fine, leading the defense of Ishgard, he joked that Camp Dragonhead could be their new base of operations, “The Falling Snows”, he suggested. But he reassured her she was safe. That no one would cause her further harm. It was another 20 minutes before the chirurgeon was satisfied with her work. In that time, a new set of clothes had been brought for her.

“That’s that then, Ma’am.” The chirurgeon smiled. “You might be a little sore for a day or two, but you should be able to walk and talk without pain, now.” They bowed, ushering Alphinaud out and pulling the curtain, so Himi could change. Though Haurchefant seized the opportunity to give her a sweet kiss. She undressed, and handed the imperial clothing to him so he could retrieve what few personal items they’d shoved in there, to make it more believable the clothing was hers. Which was her little red box that held her jobstones, and the bracelet that Thancred had given her as a trick. She choked up upon seeing the bracelet, holding it close before slipping it back on with a wince.

“Come, come!” Haurchefant smiled, cupping her face gently. “'Tis bitterly cold this day. I suspect there are those who might welcome the warmth your presence brings.” He took her hand and led her to the intercessory. She thought he meant Alphinaud, Cid and X’shiemma. Or perhaps, for whatever reason, Ser Aymeric had come calling?
Haurchefant pushed the door open and Himi stepped inside, her heart skipped a beat when she saw there were a lot more people there than the three she expected.

“H-Himi!” Tataru began crying, again, running over and latching herself onto Himi’s legs. “I...I was so worried when Alphinaud said you’d been hurt and you were in there so long I thought maybe you’d died!”

“Definitely not; Thal can wait.” Himi smiled. Resin engulfed her in a hug, next, Van’s leg was damaged, so he waved from a chair, and Yugiri politely bowed, not wanting to overwhelm Himi. This was more than she expected; but less that what she hoped for.

“I’d left the banquet with Ser Aymeric.” Resin explained. “I didn’t like being the only Warrior of Light, and the timing was suspicious, sooo... ”

“Braves harried me in Limsa, but a certain Sister had my back, brought me here. Couldn’t stay, though. Or, they might still be here.” Van shrugged and flicked an ear.

“Oh oh oh!” Tataru waved her arms in excitement. “Urianger is fine as well!” She looked to Himi, hopeful that...she might have more good news. But… she didn’t. She did note that the Spriggan had vanished again.

“So er, hate to be the one to ask but...” Resin chewed on their lip, stepping back to the table to finish their hot chocolate.

“...Tamru’s dead, and I lost everyone else. They’re...they’re probably dead too.” Himi wilted, glancing at the floor. Tataru shook her head, refusing to believe it.

“Tis all my doing…” Alphinaud lamented. Himi felt… sorry for him as he bemoaned his shortcomings, which she all agreed with; arrogance, treating people as pawns, vain. On one hand, he was still a child and it was good for him to realize such behavior is not what will save Eorzea… however… how awful it was that this was how he needed to learn that lesson.

“So, Master Alphinaud, are you content to remain a broken blade? Is there no flame hot enough to reforge you?” Haurchefant crossed his arms. He pointed out that he still had fine companions, and Alphinaud countered he didn’t deserve such friendship. Himi held her tongue. But where were they to go? Tataru suggested Ishgard; and Alphinaud thought it was a fine idea.

“The Scions have achieved much, and 'twould be remiss of me to discard it all in a fit of self-pity.” Alphinaud’s smile faded. “And an insult to Tamru, who sacrificed everything...” He lowered his head, as did the others. The intercessory door swung open, and a voice called out.

“I would much prefer it, if my memorial service was saved for after I’m dead.”

All eyes were on the door, and Himi sputtered in disbelief. She nearly knocked him over, and he grunted. “Careful, careful, I’m a bit… nauseous from such a long...long teleportation trip that I have taken twice tonight.”

“Tamru! H-how!?”

“Aetheryte tickets take off some of the sting.” He grinned, patting Himi’s back as she refused to let go.

“No, no I mean, how are you not dead?” Resin shook their head.

“Ah! Well, my childhood and young adult life was spent in the trees of a vast forest, filled with all sorts of beasts. You don’t survive in the wilderness without learning a trick or two. Like how to feign death. Selene drops with me, and I consider it lucky everyone else was too daft – excluding you, Himi, you were a bit in your own situation – to realize that were I dead, Selene would have vanished.” Selene giggled, flying around the room, proud of herself. Tamru noticed how few of them were there – but he’d get the details of what he missed later.

“DAD.” X’shiemma came into the intercessory next, almost dropping the bag of tools she was carrying for Cid. Thankfully, he took it from her quickly enough so she could rush to Van.

“Shiemma!” Van held her tight.

“I th-I th- I thought I lost you again!”

“Nah, too stubborn.”

“What’d I tell you? And happy to see you’re not dead, Tamru.” Cid patted his shoulder. “Himi, c’mere, let me formulate a plane on getting that metal off of you.” Alphinaud watched the room, smiling, finally feeling a spark of hope.

“So, I take it this means the Scions and Warriors of Light are once again, not finished?” Tamru tilted his head to one side. Alphinaud chuckled, and shook his head.

“Nay. We shall resume our journey, step at a time.” Alphinaud looked to the room.

“One step at a time.” Himi agreed.

“These are the adventurers from the Toll we could get; others are out on missions, but we’ll get them soon enough!” A traitorous brave gestured to three well seasoned adventurers, who found themselves shackled much the same way Himi did.

“Excellent, thank you, dismissed.” Calce saluted the man. Once he left, he sighed, removing his Crystal Braves glamour. “Finally!”

“What do you want with us?”

“We told you people already! We’d only met her in passing, the Steps of Faith was the first time we were even in battle with her, we don’t know anything about what’s going on!”

“Shhh shhhshhhh.” Suller also removed his glamour; the two now wore clothing of Ishgardian nobility. “We don’t care about that at all. The two of us, that is. Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble because of some silly Warrior of Light.”

“Then what?”

“You’ve simply been selected to fight a better cause.” Suller grinned, holding out his hands. “Our Lady will be most pleased with you.”

“Who-” But that was all the adventurer got out. Vines wrapped around the legs of him and his companions, and they were dragged screaming into the darkness.

“The ardor was not yours to invoke. How fortunate you are, to not be dead.” Lahabrea sneered at Nabriales. “Nevertheless, it concerns me. They have figured out a means to extinguish that which should rightfully be eternal.”

“Mayhap you were not wholly mistaken. Greater haste may be warranted.”

“Full glad I am, you see things may way.” Nabriales wrinkled his nose. He grunted when Lahabrea slapped the back of his head.

“Don’t bring her into the rift again, you daft fool!” He growled.

“How was I to know that would happen!?”

“Perhaps we should awaken-” Elidibus tilted his head to one side.

“No. Absolutely not. Do not pull Emet-Selch into this.” Lahabrea growled. “As tempting as it is.” He shot Nabriales a look. “But now every one of us knows now she’s still alive. And still against us, despite barely remembering a thing. At least I hope.” Lahabrea whacked Nabriales again. “Assuming you haven’t completely reawakened her!”

“Has she not traveled into rifts before? Why was this time any different?” Nabriales grumbled.

“Perhaps it had to do with the location. Yes...” Elidibus hummed. “So we simply disallow her from coming here, specifically. But let us continue. The northern lands, then?”

“The earth is fertile, and the seeds well sown. By my will, they shall reap salvation unlike any the world has known.” Lahabrea grinned.

“By His will.” Elidibus hummed.

“… By His will.” Lahabrea and Nabriales echoed, before leaving. Elidibus waited a moment longer, eventually turning to the ones who slowly approached.

“We have answered thy summons, Emissary. Speak and make thine intent known.” Urianger and Moenbryda stared Elidibus down – Moen was more than ready to swing her axe at the Ascian if this proved to be a trick.

“I would speak of fate, Archons. Yours, mine – the fate of this very star. And the truth of many things of which you both suspect...”

Himi stood with Haurchefant on the cliff, looking towards Ishgard. Hopefully soon, they would be safe within her walls. She picked at the gloves Haurchefant had acquired for her, but they didn’t feel right on her. She sighed, watching her breath mingle with the gently falling snow. The snow crunched behind her as someone joined them.
“What’s this I hear about ye bein’ set up for a fall in Ul’dah?” Jacke’s voice rang out to her. She turned, and immediately threw her arms around Jacke. “If ye ever need a place to practice yer hidin’, the shadows’re always thick at the Sister. Besides, there ain’t no cull as’ll be gettin’ past ol’Lonny without his say-so.” He ruffled her hair, giving a polite nod to Haurchefant.

“Thancred’s gone again, Jacke… I don’t think he’s coming back this time.” She frowned. She wanted to snap the bracelet Thancred had given her, but her skin was still a little tender from her failed attempt to break her shackles. Jacke snorted, shaking his head.

“Don’t ye say that love. Don’t ye dare.” He wagged a finger. “Lord Haurchefant, ye make sure th’dove’s well taken care of, ye hear? I don’t want her come cryin’ t’me cause o’somethin’ ye did.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, my good sir. You have my word that our dear Himi remains hale and whole.” He patted his chest. Jacke nodded – Himi wanted to pinch him for the nod, why was everyone always nodding? Jacke reassured her that everything would be fine, that they'd get this all sorted out. The Sisters would do everything they could to help, even if from the far shadows. One last hug, and he was off. Haurchefant hummed, amused, and cast a glance down at her.

“Something?” She quirked an eyebrow.

“Is he the chap that clearly loves you but made a grand speech about his work being too dangerous and put you at risk?”

“Yes.” Himi sighed.

“Pity, he’s quite handsome. Reminds me of someone; perhaps I should introduce them.” He hummed. Himi playfully elbowed him.

They stood in silence for a moment longer, before Haurchefant admitted he needed to get back to Camp. But not before he stole a few kisses. He tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, turning to leave her to her thoughts. He’d prefer it if she came back with him, but he could tell she needed a few more moments alone.

Once he was well gone, Midgardsormr appeared on her shoulder. She sighed, giving the dragon a tired look. A part of her wished he had appeared in Ul’dah at the banquet, fully formed, and gobbled up everyone who had betrayed her.

“Heh heh heh. Thou thinkest sanctuary lieth beyond? Delusion. Despair. Death. Thou shalt find naught else here… and thou shalt wish that naught had been changed at all.” She furrowed her brows, what the hell did that mean? But he gave no answer, and hid himself once more. Himi pursed her lips together, feeling the cold more keenly now. She tucked her hands under her arms, and quickly shuffled through the snow back to Dragonhead.

To preserve the dawn's light, the heroes journeyed north

Their hearts filled with hope and eyes fixed heavensward

Threads of fate, spun anew, twisted, torn and tangled
Unseen to them, as fragile hope distracts their gaze heavensward.

Broken Fantasy: Side Quest - Chapter 114 - Neon Pomegranate (Pilux), Pilux (1)

Broken Fantasy: Side Quest - Chapter 114 - Neon Pomegranate (Pilux), Pilux (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.