Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (2024)

Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (1)

Is it possible that what you think is real is just a public relations scheme?

Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (2)

J^JLcflven fuVe£

Where black is white and white is bl<*ck

and other shocking discoveries from America's courtrooms

Written by Marc Stevens & Edited and forward by

Moses Antonio *

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IWs book is the intellectual property of the writer, if you wish to quote briefly from the text, you may feel free to do so, but only if you cite this book and its author*s name as your source. You may not, however, do so for profit whether directly or indirectly, without first getting my express written consent to do so.

This book is registered with the Writers Guild of America December 2001

ISBN #0-615-12299-X

Cover designs by Marc Stevens, artwork by Annette Smith of Mesa, Arizona.

1 s t printing December 2002. Mesa, Arizona by Marc Stevens. 2nd printing August 2003, by Marc Stevens

This book was written, edited, formatted, designed, illustrated and produced in the real world-not in Legal Land.


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This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, without whom this would have never come abouL


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Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (6)

It is easy to believe that something must be true because everyone else believes i t But the truth often only comes to light by daring to question the unquestionable, by doubting notions which are so commonly believed that they are taken for granted.

Author Unknown

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Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (8)


Acknowledgements ix

Forward **

Preface » »

Introduction 1

1: Know who you're dealing with -5

It Never assume anything 9

111: Never disagree with them -23

IV: Never give them something to deny 27

V: Take away the "judge's" discretion .29

VI: Never argue the "merits" 3 5

VII About the so-called 'judge" -37

VIII. What role does the "judge" really play? 83

IX: What role does the pretended cop play? 117

X; How I cross-examine a bureaucrat 133

XI: Conclusion -201

XII: Final thoughts -217


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A cknowl edgeineti ts

I first need to acknowledge my wife and the contribu-tions she made to this book. In addition to being so creative, she kept me focused and from going into left field.

Annette Smith of Mesa, Arizona. Annette did the great artwork on the covers. She's an extraordinary artist and I highly recommend her. She can be reached by email at ftri<mithl9THwlaol.cprn

Moses was also a big help in getting this work finished; the many hours on the phone discussing the absurdities of "Legal Land," his edits, forward and contributions to the text. My long time friend Stan was an invaluable help with getting everything ready for printing.

And my children who never lacked a wise crack (you're writing a book?), but also had some good suggestions for this work - "D's suggestion led to finding Annette. And especially when they finally went to sleep by 11:00 p.m. so 1 could work on this book.

I also want to thank and acknowledge my friends who I've helped over the years. They have contributed far more than just material for this book. I've left their names out only because these good people have had enough trouble from professional parasites.

And of course a special thanks to "Z" for being kind enough to be the model for the maniac on the front cover.


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Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (12)


If you want to experience truth, justice, freedom, and equality within your lifetimr then this is the book for you. There is just one problem! Bureaucrats everywhere make the attainment of those ideals difficult or impossible based solely upon your place of birth ("your citizenship") and your geographic location ("your residence"). As a result, their pretense of good faith and fair deal-ing does not match your day-in and day-out reality. If, after reading this book, you come to the same conclusion, and you find that you actually want to do something about it, then you are free to do so.

ITiere is, however, one important distinction between this book and other books that have come before it Vus book does not tell you what to think. Instead, the author makes suggestions on h.<w to think using a very simple approach that you may have once used as a child but you gradually stopped using (and even-tually forgot) because you began to notice that it only got you in trouble whenever you tried to use it again. Well, here it is once again in order to help you remember, although, you need to real-ize that this skill was bom within you and was always waiting to come out once again Once you start to utilize this skill again you'll take your first steps into a world that you did not even know existed, and, it is at that point that you will finally be able to say, "now I've seen everything."

One warning before you begin reading this book, don't be fooled by its price; it is worth its weight in gold. This is because it says more, and with fewer words, than any such book ever to come before it It is even entertaining. Rather than boring you to death with "legalese," argument "legal" interpretation and the

!aw." or what you are being told is, or was, the "law." No, this book deals with easily discernable facts that a non-lawyer lay-r u a a w i t f * nothing more than the ability to read, can and will understand, and not mere "legal" opinions That's right, facts

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that you can actually rely on because they will appear so obvious to you. once exposed to them, that you may feel you are losing your mind. If you disagree, however much you may want to dis-agree because the conclusions found herein are not "politically correct," you will find yourself agreeing whether you want to or not and whether you'll be able to admit this to yourself, and oth-ers, or not Far/? about the way things really are and the way that they really work that you can easily establish for yourself, without a lawyer, just by asking the questions found herein should you care to. And you won't have to become a self-appointed legal scholar either in order to do it

My only regret is that 1 cannot claim responsibility for this book; clear and consistent in its message, devastating in its simplic-ity. Indeed, this is one of those rare literary works produced throughout history that has the potential to spark a revolution, not a violent one involving armies, but a peaceful one within yourself. Yes, here's to the final frontier of the human adventure and to those among you that will one day be known as the "Potentials," pioneers in that destiny, a non-violent world that actually makes sense. Oh, the genius of it' If 1 had only thought or it first! Enjoy.

Moses Antonio, Novrmter 2002


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This isn't a book, about "how to win" conflicts with bureaucrats or a "self-help" book. This book contains some of my experiences in various courts, especially tax and traffic relat-ed "proceedings." This is what I've learned about the true nature of these violent, humiliating, and ultimately self-defeating events

"Winning" is a very misleading word though. In my experience, once you've have any communication with them then you've already lost By bureaucrat I mean any "cop," "judge," -lawyer," "government" employee or any other "agent" of any pretended "state. A "bureaucrat" herein is any individual who does not deal with people on a mutual voluntary basis; what I call "compulsory trade ' I say you've already lost because, at the very least, they've cost you your valuable and otherwise produc-tive time, and I don't mean just the stop on the street either or the time you take to read their "friendly" mail. For example, if you get a traffic ticket and decide to just pay it, then the productive time you spent earning that money is lost when handed over to the bureaucrat You didn't work for yourself or your family. No, yru uvrkal for a bureaucrat who did nothing productive to be enti-tled to your money. By productive, 1 mean creating value, value people are willing to freely exchange.

If you instead decide to have what politicians call a trial," them that time spent is wasted. And if by some miracle,

vou somehow "win," traffic court is not where you will be awarded" money for your time spent. This is true even if you

"win' and prove there was no basis for the ticket in the first place The only way you will ever "win" with bureaucrats is your being wiser for the experience and possibly learning one more way to keep communication with bureaucrats to an absolute minimum.

I "won" a traffic case in an Arizona "justice court" in

x i i i

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December 1995. 1 "won" because the "cop" admitted he was not qualified to write traffic tickets. Despite driving out there (4 hours total) and my time at the so-called "trial," I was not given anything to compensate for my loss of productive time, except experience.

There are universal rules at work here. With bureaucrats you always lose. This is because, whenever you find yoursdf being forced to deal with them, nothing productive is being done.

Bureaucrats don't create value, they only take it.

Bureaucrats feed off the productive. I keep this in mind if 1 ever get a ticket or any other communication from them. Either way I am going to lose my valuable time, it's only a matter of degree. Remember, that's how a bureaucrat lives: off of your pro-ductive time. As long as there are bureaucrats, your productive time may be forcibly or violently taken Things will not change when the bureaucrats enjoy such mass support, whether actual or pretended.

I think of it as "damage control." Once a bureaucrat sets his guns on me then I am going to be damaged. I only need to decide what is the best way to keep the damage to a minimum.

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session." Mark Twain

This book is written about personal experiences, some seven years or so in the traffic, tax, and other courts from the standpoint of the victim. 1 have consulted with and helped peo-ple who had traffic tickets and other harassment from bureau-crats in Arizona, California, Washington, New York. Nevada. Colorado, Florida. Oregon. New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri. Idaho, Utah, Oklahoma. Texas. Maine,


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Virginia Indiana and North Carolina During this time, I have noticed things are generally the same no matter where you are. There art- some subtle differences here and there, but they are usually just in form, not in substance. While you may be geo-graphically located in Washington, when in a "traffic court," or any American "court" for that matter, you enter what I call "Legal Land " This is the place where bureaucrats live. As the Cheshire Cat put it, in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." "the only sense is nonsense"

The good news is, because of the way bureaucrats oper-ate, and after spending some time with them, it's fairly easy to predict how they will react and what they will say in any given circ*mstance

1 wrote a script for a woman who had a case in the Yuma Arizona "justice court." Her husband went to court with her and called me afterwards amazed I predicted what the "judge" said almost verbatim. He asked how I was able to do that. 1 lold him it was easy, all bureaucrats operate the same way. The only real differences are the individual reactions. As will be shown in this book, bureaucrats, if faced with certain questions, will always sacrifice one of two things and in doing so will show there is no "cas«_- ' However, don't misunderstand, this does not mean a "case" will be thrown out.

To do this, it's important to know who and what you are dealing with. Understand as you arc reading this, the principles are what are important here and not the particular examples I use in order to demonstrate a point The fact I often refer to traffn "courts" does not mean the same thing does not apply to any type of "court."


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Going to court is usually a very intimidating, humiliat-ing and sometimes degrading experience. Lawyers and other bureaucrats probably designed it that way. There is always a risk of going to jail for "contempt'" if the "judge" gets ticked off or just doesn't like you. 1 have often wondered what it would be like if a "judge" came prancing out of his chambers and the whole gallery of people in the "courtroom" were also wearing black robes.

While most people look at traffic courts or any "court." as a "necessary evil," they might be surprised at the underlying vut-lent nature of it all. I'm sure most people believe that if someone doesn't wear a seat belt when driving a car, that they should get a ticket and pay a fine. But who thinks that same person should be handcuffed in front of their children and hauled off to jail, unless of course that person was profiting from such violent actions? What rational person thinks that same person should also lose his car because he didn't put a seatbelt on? Yet, this could happen n*ry time a bureaucrat gives someone a ticket. Yes, bureaucrats believe they have a "right" to take your car if you are accused of something as petty as a non-violent traffic offense. Don't take my word for it, look up the so-called "forfei-ture laws" in your area In "Legal Land" it's perfectly O.K. to steal a car if you label such armed robbery- a "forfeiture." In "Legal Land" a political label magically transforms robbery into something "honorable."

What I have found in my experience is that traffic courts are not a necessary evil. They are just evil. The people who do business as "traffic courts" do not tolerate challenges to their pretended authority very well. Most challenges, even if only in


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the form of harmless questions, result in a "judge" getting very upset and threatening physical violence i.e., "contempt."

When going to any court you enter what I call " Legal Land." "Legal Land" is very similar to Alice's Wonderland. Ifs where words and phrases mean whatever a "judge" or other lawyer thinks they should mean. This is a fantasy world where theft and violence are O.K. if you have a badge or a fancy politi-cal title. It's a magical world where facts are opinions and opin-ions are facts. "Legal Land" is where facts spontaneously become opinions and then turn back to facts. It's an enchanting place where slavery is freedom and submission to degrading and humiliating searches is a patriotic duty." "Legal I .and" is also where there are millions of ever-changing incomprehensible rules, but not one of them that's binding on the individuals who make up those rules and force them on others.

In "Legal Land," I've been threatened with "contempt" on a few occasioas for merely asking a "judge" what rules applied to the "proceedings." How is that for anti-social behavior?

"Legal Land" is a place where you own property and at the same time you don't It's where a person is competent, then incompetent, then back to competent again all within a few min-utes. "Legal Land" is where an "error" is not an "error' if com-mitted more than once. "Legal Land" is a place where reality may be disregarded as "legally defective" and a "nullity." It's a place where political allegiance is more important than facts. It's a world where being non-responsive is equated with "due process" good faith and tairness.

This book however, is not a "patriot" book with patriot type arguments nor is it a self-help book. I don't make any legal or political arguments that people are not required to have a


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"driver's liccnse" because they are allegedly only for "commer-cial" uses of the roads, the so-called "16^ amendment" was not "ratified" and similar types of arguments. This isn't an anti "government" or anti "state" book and I don't advocate violence in any form or under any political banner. 1 don't see politics as an excuse or justification for violence. 1 don't believe in a collec-tive right to steal and murder nor do I believe armed robbery is O.K., even if you have a "majority vote" or a costume called a uniform on.

I believe parents are responsible for raising their own children, not mine. I have no "right" to have my neighbors pay for my children's education. I don't think my children have a "right"' to an education at the expense of others, even if I or some faceless bureaucrats deem that education "necessary." If some-one thinks liis child is "entitled" to have their education paid for by another they should be willing to pick up a machine gun and walk door-to-door "collecting" it themselves.

This book contains my experiences with individuals who forced me to participate in their trials" and what 1 have learned in the process. This is not written because I am allegedly bitter at having lost some traffic cases. If someone does consider me bit-ter. so what? Such uniformed opinion does not affect the truth. If you were mugged wouldn't you be bitter, does that magically relieve the mugger of responsibility? If people were not bitter lawyers would be out of a "profession" wouldn't they? I'll flip this argument around; is it a defense to a traffic ticket to claim the "cop" is just bitter?

Because of what I have learned, I personally have no political beliefs. I define politics as organized violence and decep-tion I believe forcing my opinions on others is wrong, whether directly or indirectly through what is called political voting. I


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believe that while 1 have the right to use my property as I see fit, I have no right to tell other people how to use their own proper-ty or interfere with their free use of it 1 am not impressed by political pecking orders and I don't think it's "necessary'' to ini-tiate the use of violence. I also believe that no service, however valuable it may allegedly be, should be provided at the barrel of a gun. A service is proven valuable by the number of people willing to voluntarily pay for it.

Just because you drive a Dodge doesn't mean I have to.

In other words, just because you may feel the need to be dominated by another person such as a "governor," doesn't mean 1 want or need to also. If you need a "king" that's your "prerogative." However, your choice to shop at Sears doesn't obligate me to "contribute" a "fair share" of their operating expenses and if 1 don't, it doesn't mean I have to leave the geo-graphic area I choose to live in Le., "Sears: love it or leave it."

"The thought of how far the human race would have advanced without government simply staggers the imagination." — Doug Casey, 1979.


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Chapter One

Know who vou're dealing with

One of my favorite lines from the movie The Untouchables is spoken by Sean Connery. There's an intruder in his house seeking to kill him and he says, "just like a dago, to bring a knife to a gun fight" If I don't know who and what I'm dealing with, then I can't be very effective if I choose to "defend" against a bureaucratic attack. What is critical to understanding who and what 1 am dealing with is this:

Bureaucrats never ask permission to aggress against someone or their property.

1 know you may laugh at this, but this simple truth should not be overlooked because this is the basis of the most effective method of exposing their "proceedings" for what they really are.

If you think bureaucrats are a benevolent group of car-ing, peace loving individuals who respect the property rights of others, then ask a bureaucrat if they require your permission to "proceed" against you. They will tell you, in no uncertain terms they do not. In my experience, some bureaucrats will actually laugh if they think 1 am suggesting their "jobs" depend on my freely given consent This however, is tin? reaction I hope to get. Let him pound his chest at what a man he is by not having to ask my permission to control my life and my property. I never underestimate the importance of this issue because if s the only real issue I'm dealing with men and women who take control, also known as "jurisdiction," over people's lives and property

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without their consent and are usually very proud of it. In other


They acquire control over your life and proper-ty' through violence and organized coercion.

Why is this so important? Do you equate violence with good faith? I don't. Unlike bureaucrats in places like China, bureaucrats in the geographic area known as the "United States" put up a pretense of legitimacy, rhis pretense, or public relations scheme, conceals what is really going on: the taking of property and productive time through violence.

"Political designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell.

Here political words conceal the true nature of what is going on such as "jurisdiction," "constitution/ "nation," "state," "license," "court," "law," "statute" "arrest.'' "contempt" and so forth This does not mean that I return that violence with more violence because I don't. I do the opposite

Do you remember how the people of India, through peaceful non-cooperation, caused the " British" to show their true colors? The British slave mongers had a choice. Which one was more important to them: their pretense of legitimacy and civility, or their true violent criminal nature? Apparently, it was the mas-sive lie their "government" put forth they were "civilized," that was more important. Gandhi and his followers were able to nd themselves of the British without resorting to violence The


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English exposed themselves and then left. That is how 1 do things. I make the bureaucrat choose between the true violent nature of his "business" and his pretense of legitimacy knowing he's going to sacrifice one of them. 1 just hope it's the violence.

Political words and opinions are used so there is a perception that bureaucrats are a wonder-ful, benevolent group of men and women "pro-tecting" people and their property.

But it's just a pretense, fraud, hoax, swindle, charade etc.; without violence, bureaucrats could not function at all. If I took control over your life and property by force, 1 would be a crimi-nal, and prancing around with a silly "crown" calling myself a "king" or a "sovereign" makes it no less a vicious act And it still won't change if I get a few friends to prostrate themselves on the ground genuflecting and proclaiming me "king."

Oiange your perception for a moment. I .ook at the situation, such as a traffic stop, and imagine it without the legal opinions and costumes. Just look at the actions ami what is really happening. This is similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland when Alice realized the so-called "queen" was just a playing card. Alice just stopped accepting the "mental conception" that a playing card was a "queen" and the "queen" lost her power over Alice. Another example is the story of the "emperor" without any "new" clothes. The real question here is, why would you call a naked man an "emperor" and not a naked imbecile?

A friend of mine was talking to someone on the phone who stated the "Queen of England" was a so-called "sovereign." He asked what she was "sovereign" over and the guy told him the "people ." So he asked, "What if everyone left England?"


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As humans, we typkally do three things with the mes-sages we receive from our senses: 1) we delete, 2) add to, and, or 3) distort them. Because this is not a psychology book, I will keep it simple. Consider these deletions, distortions and additions to reality as opinions:

reality = facts deletions, distortions, additions = opinions.

Everytime a bureaucrat spews forth an opinion he is deleting, distorting and, or adding to reality. This is very impor-tant

A typical "traffic stop" involves a man dressed up like a "cop" committing numerous crimes against his victim. I mean crimes in the lay or layman's sense of the word, not in the so-called "legal" sense.

These are not considered to be crimes because, in "Ix*gal Land," it's tint false imprisonment, it's called an "investigative detention" or some equally inane political label. Nothing has changed except the label or opinion that's been added to i t

The political or statist "Legal Land" words cover up the real issue and distort reality. That reality is someone is taking my property through physical violence, threats and organized coercion. Don't distort, add to or delete anything from reality Know who you are dealing with and don't bring a knife to a gimfight.


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Chapter Two

Never assume anything

1 don't accept any presumptions or opinions (delete, add to, or distort things). Instead, I question everything. (This tends to really irritate my wife). Whether I think I understand something or not. I question it anyway. I ask them to be responsive and explain it. I wouldn't just assume the guy who gave me a ticket is a "police officer" as if a person's job makes it O.K. to use phys-ical violence and coercion against me. Just as important, 1 don't assume the "cop," the primary or sole witness, understands what is going on or what he is talking about

I do not add opinions, I only look at the facts: he's a man with a gun and a costume called a "uniform " Not only that, he took control of my life and property without my freely given consent. I take this to mean he's a man with a gun who has no respect for human life; at least not while he is on the clock. In other words, his job description is to be anti-social.

When I assume or accept presumptions and opinions (delete, distort, add to reality), I relieve the bureaucrats of their alleged burden of proof and make the taking of my valuable time easier for them. If that is the case, then why put up any kind of "defense?"

Bureaucrats have to make what they do look legitimate, that is. give me so-called "due process of law,' a fair trial or heav-en forbid, administer justice. If the way they operate isn't seen as legitimate and fair, then people would not support them. At least not as many as do now. If people didn't support them, then they wouldn't pay "taxes." Without "taxes," there is no way to pay the men with machine guns to force compliance. Apathy has a strange way of doing that.

Let's face it. the only real difference between what the men and women doing business as the "IKS" do, and what a common thief does is the political opinion (label) attached i.e.,


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one is "legal" and the other is not Taking property by force is robbery and the victim usually doesn't care about opinions.

Whether something is "legal" or not is not a factual description of reality.

I once asked a former "IRS" lawyer from Phoenix, named Eric, what the factual differences were between the act of stealing and the act of taxation. Me initially sneered at me, "that's an easy question, one is legal and the other isn't." I told him that was non-responsive 1 only wanted the facts. Just before slamming the phone down he spit out: "O.K., you're right they're the same thing!" I guess it's tough realizing you spent eighteen years defending and profiting off of armed robbery.

This pretense of fairness, together with the fact that vio-lence is the nature and basis of how bureaucrats operate, form the foundation for framing a very effective method of exposing bureaucrats for who and what they really are. They will actual-ly expose themselves. 1 don't have to make any arguments or say that they have no case; they will do that for me in their zeal to steal my property and productive time.

"Those who attack the rationale of the game, and not the players, are its most formidable adver-saries." — James J. Martin, in the introduction to Lysandcr Spooner's No Treason: Die Constitution of No Authority.

So again, the foundation for my questions are:

They operate by physical violence and coercion and they are supposed to administer justice, Lc., act in good faith and give me a fair trial

To rational people who respect human life these two


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points will always contradict. I ask questions to expose this con-tradiction If you examine the opinions used to justify the vio-lence, then you'll see contradiction after contradiction after con-tradiction.

Bureaucrats don't have to answer any of my questions either, being non-responsive also strips them of any pretense of good faith. According to their own rules, I am supposed to be informed of the nature and cause of the charges and proceedings and they refuse to answer any questions? Doesn't look fair to nw.

Physical violence and justice are opposites here. In the real world, I exploit it as best 1 can. I have no pretenses; I know in "Legal Land" violence and justice are soul mates. In my expe-rience bureaucrats have no problem using as much violence as is "necessary" to get compliance with their whims and opinions. It's just part of their job. No matter how much violence is used they blame it on their victim.

"Yes, your husband's dead, but he had it com-ing. He should have had a seatbelt on and he should have answered the officer's questions faster than lie did."

I think asking questions is more effective because the burden never shifts to me Why should I have to prove any-thing? What if I'm accused of being the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy? Either way, they have no cast. Ihis is true even if damage is caused. If you don't believe this, let me give you some examples although, don't misunderstand, this is not advocating causing damage If 1 bust my next-door neighbor's window 1 am only responsible to him to replace his window, not some schmuck's down the street

A woman telephoned me because she changed lanes without looking and damaged someone else's car A "cop" then gave her a piece of paper known politically as a "ticket"

I asked her a few questions such as if she had insurance


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to cover the damage she caused. She told me she did and the insurance company was taking care of it I then asked her if she believed she was obligated to the "cop" in any way. She initial-ly believed she was. I asked her what facts she relied on to sup-port her legal opinion. She was unable to answer. This is because there is no obligation I told her I would ask the "cop" the same question. When not permitted to delete, add to, or distort reality, bureaucratic attacks cannot be justified.

Unless you've made an agreement by your tndnndual freely given consent, then any so-called "obligation" is no obli-gation because it is based upon coercion. If this is not true, then consider the average thief on the street If he sticks a gun in your face demanding money, are you obligated to give him your money? Even if you give him the money, are you obligated to keep giving him money months and years later if he returns? What if that same thief claims to be your "sovereign" and demands you genuflect after giving him your wallet?

Consider this, 1 walk up to you and say, "Oh yeah, by the way, Frank just agreed with me that you should be my slave, I mean citizen. We signed a contract, rather a social compact, now-come with me and start paying your fair share by scrubbing my toilets." Would you "honor" such a "contract"? Would it be a contract? For any lawyers reading this:

Do you really think valid obligations are creat-ed by violence and organized coercion?

1 wouldn't think any rational person would think so because that would be tl>e same as saying armed robbery is a legitimate business. However, in "Legal Land," armed robbery is legitimate if you carry a really cool looking metal badge and a high sounding political title. Lysander Spooner said it best

"If taxation without consent is not robber)', then any band of robbers have only to declare them-


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selves a government and all their robberies are legalized." l.ysander Spooner, Letter to Graver Cleveland.

Criminals could also set up their own courts;

"Banditti have not usually kept Supreme Courts of their own, to legalize either their robberies, or their promises to pay for past robberies, out of the proceeds of their future ones, Perhaps they may now take a lesson from our Supreme Court, and establish courts of their own, that will here-after legalize all their contracts of this kind." Lysander Spooncr, Utter to Crover Cleveland.

Having "courts," lawyers and opinions does nothing to make robbery any less of a crime. That is ail political slight of hand to delete, add to, and or distort reality.

Lysander Spooncr was a lauyer who competed with the post office bureaucrats who eventually used violence to shut him down. I highly recommend his writings, in particular his No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority. Most can be found on the internet.

My second example is that of robbery in California. I'll use car theft to illustrate. Without political opinions, theft is the taking of property by force without the owner's consent. Bureaucrats catch a man they believe took tlie property by force. This man is then put on "trial," he is "convicted" and put in a cage referred to politically as a "jail." The big question is: just how do the bureaucrats pay for all of this? This includes the "cops," "judges," "clerks," "detention officers," lawyers, "jurors/ and the costs of running a cage ("jail") and feeding the hapless people stuck inside.

While the political answer is "taxation," the layman's answer is, " tluy take property b}/ force " In California, that would


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mean taking it from over thirty-five milium people! Incidentally, " taxation" in the political sense, is also the taking of property by force However, such theft is considered "legal." In other words, to punish and pay for one act of forcibly taking property (crime), bureaucrats commit the same act (crime) over thirtv-five million times; and this does not include property forcibly taken from so-called "corporations "

You've heard the saying: "two wrongs do not make a right?" Well. I'd like to update that. In "Legal land" it's:

"Thirty-five million and one wrongs do make a right"

This is then hailed as "justice" and printed up in fancy "law' books. This docs not mean I advocate the forcible taking of property, quite the contrary. I think robbery is always wrong whether one is wearing a costume or not. Bureaucrats wear uni-forms. Non-bureaucratic robbers wear stockings on their heads.

Robbery is robbery whether done by an indi-vidual man or ostensibly by majority vote.

A good analogy is this: you have two children and you don't want the older child hitting the younger child. The older child hits the younger child anyway. To punish the older child you spank him. This is even better if, while spanking him, you yell at the child, "haven't I told you not to hit your brother!?" However, to more correctly demonstrate how bureaucrats oper-ate, imagine the same situation but instead of spanking the older child, you send him to his room and hit both the younger child and your spouse. You could then go door to door in your neigh-borhood hitting everyone else. If anyone complains, you just tell them it's the only way to punish your older child. Or, it's the best system of justice in the world and if they don't like it complain to your "congressman."


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Bureaucrats never have a case despite all appearances to the contrary. If a man commits armed robber)- and gives part of the money to some poor people, he is still an armed robber and his action is no less heinous. The act itself does not change if he frolics around like a nitwit calling himself a so<alled "sover-eign."

In "Legal Land" theft is O.K.; armed robbery is S.O.P. ("standard operating procedure"). This will be shown in greater depth later on. For now. 1 just want to point out the following. This shows theft is considered O.K. with a coot looking badge and an anti-social attitude:

"A person commits theft if, without lawful authority, such person knowingly:

1. Controls property of another with the intent to deprive him of such property..." Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 13-1802 (emphasis mine).

Only in "Legal Land" can the exact same act be a crime and NOT be a crime. This is a classic example of distorting and adding to reality. Let's sec what happens when we unravel this example of bureaucratic "reasoning" to see how far it extends. My edits and additions are bold italics:

A.K.S. § 13-1105. First degree murder; classification

A. A person commits first degree murder if without lawful authority:

1. Intending or knowing that the person's con-duct will cause death, the person causes the death of another with premeditation.


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A K.S § 13-I«*- burglary in Ux first degree; classi-


A A person commits burglary in the first degree if. without lawful authority, such person or an a c c o m p l i c e violates the provisions of either sec-tion 13-1506 or 13-1507 and knowingly possess-es explosives, a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument in the course of committing any theft or any felony.

A.R.& § 13-1410. Molestation ofdtild; classification

A A person commits molestation of a child if, without lawful authority, by intentionally or knowingly engaging in or causing a person to engage in sexual contact, except sexual contact with the female breast, with a child under fifteen years of age

B. Molestation of a child is a class 2 felony that is punishable pursuant to section 13-604.01.

A.R.S. § 13-1901. Armed robbery, classification

A. A person commits armed robbery if. without lawful autlujrity, in the course of committing robbery as defined in section 13-1902, such per-son or an accomplice:

1. Is armed with a deadly weapon or a simulat-ed deadly weapon; or

2. Uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or a simulated deadly weapon.


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B. Armed robber)' is a class 2 felony.

A R.S. § 13-2903. Riot; classification

A. A person commits riot if, without lawful authority, with two or more other persons act-ing together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of execution, which disturbs the public peace.

B. Riot is a class 5 felony.

And, finally.

A.R.S. § 13-1402. Indecent exposurr, classifications

A. A person commits indecent exposure if. with-out lawful authority, he or she exposes his or her genitals or anus or she exposes the areola or nipple of her breast or breasts and another per-son is present, and the defendant is reckless about whether such other person, as a reason-able person, would be offended or alarmed by the act (This has special aftplicability to former "presidents").

While there may be a generous amount of sarcasm here to make a point, think about this: what is more damaging to people, theft or indecent exposure? Which one would you prefer to see "licensed?"

Asking questions can be a very effective way of getting to the truth; it's how we learn:


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-I lujcp six honest serving-men (they taught me all 1 know), their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who." Rudyard Kipling.

I think, if a person is afraid to ask a "cop" or a "judge" some questions then it may just be that part of them is already-convinced they are not dealing with a benevolent individual. If someone has a problem ansutering a few simple questions then there arc only one of two things going on: the individual has no answers or the individual is withholding the answer. In either case it is difficult, at best, to maintain a perception of legitimacy. This is the case if the bureaucrat gets angry with you for doing no more than asking a question. What kind of individual threat-ens a man with violence such as "contempt," for doing no more than that?

"When tyrants cannot prevail by deceit, they burst into open rage." — Geneva Bible Note i. Exodus 1:22

I helped a man in Washington with a criminal traffic case. The "cop" claimed this man was "within the state." When he asked the "cop" what facts he based this opinion on, the "judge" said the witness could not testify and, if any more ques-tions like lltat were asked, he would have this man held in "con-tempt" This, of course, is "Legal l-and" for having an armed man violently place him into a cage for the vicious crime of ask-ing a question It's similar to saying "collateral damage" for the cold-blooded murder of men and women and children known, politically, as "civilians." Can you imagine a "law" making it a "crime" to ask a bureaucrat a question?

Take the robe off the "judge" and imagine the same thing in a shghtly different context. I'll use Sears as an example because it can be extremely difficult for people to stop deleting


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from, adding to, and or distorting reality. In other words, just changing the name from "City of Phoenix" to Sears can help to negate all of your previous conditioning., at least for the sake of this illustration.

You're at Sears and an employee ("cop") pulls a gun on you claiming you cannot leave because you owe Sears five hun-dred dollars. You say you don't understand why he has made this claim so he gets upset and calls other employees ("back-up") and his manager (the "judge"). The employee tells the manager you owe Sears $500.00 and you refuse to pay. You then ask the employee to tell you what facts led him to believe you owe $500.00. What did you allegedly purchase? The manager then yells that the employee cannot answer and if you ask any more questions like that, you are going to be held against your will ("jail").

If you look at what happens in a traffic case, if all you do is replace the name with Sears, then you may start to see the true nature of what is happening.

Here's another example. I helped someone in Sacramento. The "judge" was an older man named Joe Joe refused to allow me to help this person at all. Joe threatened me with physical violence, "contempt." if I spoke, and mind you, this was not to Joe, but just quietly conferring with the man I was helping. 1 low is that for anti-social behavior? Would you cage a human being for speaking?

After the "hearing," 1 politely told Joe, "I think your threats were unprofessional and unwarranted." Joe was not pleased and called a "deputy" to throw me out of "his" court-room. Outside the courtroom. 1 spoke with the man I was help-ing and opposing counsel. This armed "deputy" approached me again and told me 1 had to leave the building "tunc." 1 said 1 was talking to someone and wasn't ready to leave. This armed man then threatened to "arrest" me if I did not leave.

I asked him why, and said. "Am I in contempt of the building now?" He made an approach and 1 told him to back off

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because I was leaving As I was leaving I asked who the presid-ing "judge" was and where his courtroom was. It was a lawyer n a m e d Parks and he was across the street. 1 found out "judge" Parks was on the sixth floor and we got into the elevator. Before ihe door shut, two "cops" running full speed got into the eleva-tor with us We spoke to them and learned they were on a call up to the sixth floor. Along the way another "cop," who ran to elevator, got on. At the sixth floor, all three "cops" ran out and were joined by two more "cops." We walked out and followed them because we had learned, in the elevator, that they too were headiid to "judge" Park's courtroom. As it turns out, they were called about me, though they were still unaware. After looking around for a few minutes totally confused because there was no "perp" around, the youngest "cop" eventually asked me if I was thrown out of the building across the street. I answered yes. He asked me who threw me out and 1 said, "Joe..." I his "cop" looked very puzzled and asked who "Joe" was. I said, "He's the guy who wears a black robe and sits four feet off the floor." For some reason this really upset him and he snapped back, "You mean the judge!?" I replied that I don't look at Joe as a "judge," to me he's just "Joe." 1 was "escorted" out of the building and all 1 wanted was to speak to the presiding "judge" regarding my getting thrown out of the first building for no reason. However, just referring to the "judge" as "Joe" had a profound psycholog-ical effect on this "cop." And why is that? Because he was no longer following the "judge's" orders, just Joe's. Not too easy to justify violence in the name of Joe" is it?

There are several other points of interest here. I was thrown out of the building across the street by Joe; despite five "cops" running full bore to "judge" Parks, no incident report was filed and, Joe was not brought up on charges by anyone for call-ing in a false report to the "police "

Say what you want about being thrown out of a court-room, "let the baby have 'his' courtroom," but to also be thrown out of the building as well? And what about the building across the street? Exactly how far outside the courtroom docs this super-human power called "contempt" extend anyway? Maybe World


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War U could have been avoided by having a traffic court "judge" declare Hitler to be in "contempt."

Notice, 1 was in the elevator with the "cops" and they had no idea 1 was the object of their call. 1 must have been a real subtle threat that even the discerning eye of "professional law enforcement" could not pick up on it. And why no incident report? Probably because there was no incident, at least not caused by me 1 spoke to the "captain" of those five courageous "cops" the next day and he asked why I didn't speak to him the previous day while in Sacramento. I told him, "Frankly, Sir, because here in Arizona I'm out of range of your guns, that's why."

I^st, Joe was not brought up on any charges for calling in a false "police" report If I had done that you can rest assured I would have been charged and convicted in short order. But why not Joe? My lay opinion, based on years of experience deal-ing with bureaucrats, is the "law" is not applicable to bureau-crats. while it is applicable to the productive of society they seek to rape, pillage anil plunder.

I've also provided the "California Attorney General's Office" with documentary evidence of felonies committed by lawyers and have never gotten so much as a letter of acknowl-edgement. You would think that they would want to "arrest" me for filing a false report In either case a felony was committed. So much for their zealous enforcement of the "law."

It is also interesting to note the "Judicial Conduct Commission" did absolutely nothing with my complaint about Joe.


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Chapter Three

Ngygf riifrflgrey' wijh them

(Zen and the Art of Litigation) S y h

1 believe this is critical. I don't want thes^ people ticked off at me any more than they already are. 1 could go to jail, or ' worse. While I have been threatened with "contempt" mam-times, I have not been thrown in "jail" for it. However, I do not think going into "court" and being argumentative is effective. If 1 disagree with a "judge" and tell him he's wrong, he's just going to sneer at me. "you can appeal" If I keep disagreeing with him, then he's probably going to start threatening me with physical violence and "contempt" The result is that 1 do not think dis-agreeing with a "judge" accomplishes anything positive. It only gets me labeled "argumentative" and I am viewed as an oppo-nent.

Bureaucrats already view non-bureaucrats (productive people) as the enemy so I don't want to help confirm this opin-ion. There is a very real "us and them" attitude with bureaucrats especially with "cops," and arguing with them doesn't do me any good and it might cause me harm. I know this from personal experience having known many people who are, or were "cops."

If a "judge" snaps he has "jurisdiction" over me, then I don't tell him he is wrong; as will be shown below, that's an opinion the "judge" can deny. It's far more effective to just ask him to explain factually where, when, why and how his so<alled "jurisdiction" over me was acquired. I want to know where, when, why and how it happened so I can possibly amid it I put the burden where it belongs, on the unproductive individuals seeking to forcibly take my productive time. I call this Zen and the Art of Litigation I am no longer the o p p o n e n t ' s pitting the bureaucrat against himself There is no fighting, arguing or other resistance, just asking for the facts and watching a bureaucrat's


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confidence collapse along with his pretended case. He may still be violent, but his confidence is declining steadily. It could prob-ably be a mathematical formula, where a bureaucrat's confidence drops, his level of anger and violence rises

A very effective question in this regard and one I've never had a responsive answer to is: "Jr.vx-ept for physical v iolt nee how was »our aikgc-J ; irisJiction" over r v ,, f § I his TPSt tw^^^notbe "denied" or rejected because there is nothing to deny. The "judge" has two choices here as with any question; he is either responsive or he isn't. If he's not, I don't really care because then he's showing his true colors. In a sense, without answering he is answering.

He could just keep refusing to be responsive, that's O.K. Every time he does this, his pretense of good faith and fairness wears a little thinner as does the patience of anyone taking his charade seriously. And that is the point here anyway. 1 cannot actually "w in." I'm in damage control and 1 can only frame and ask questions designed to cause him to damage his pretense of good faith by not being responsive.

This is a "no win" situation for the "cop" and the "judge " The questions are framed to box them in and expose the fact there is no case against me; unless baseless legal opinions, political gibberish and fantasies constitute a case. Of course, despite no evidence, or even a hint of fairness, cases can be lost after all, this is "Legal Land " This just proves justice and fair-ness is not the end goal of bureaucrats. N'o, the end goal is dom-ination and taking property by force. The rule may be expressed in this manner

Their purpose is to steal as much property as possible, using the least amount of violence.

SomeJpidj^p like to respond to such questions with claims teg- "Supreme Court gives ihrni the "authority," Or

i "juni-di. tion over iro "Ihj* usually sedates people and that is


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the end of the iasutfCfrwover, thin 15 still |some obscure, coll

j business as a "Supreme Court 1 is just that, the

opinion of a lawyer and bureaucrat, it's not a statement of facts. Yes, it may contain a statement of facts, but that usually has noth-ing to do with me. A good example is Marbury v. Madison decid-ed about 200 years ago. Factually this "case" has nothing to do with me or the absurd claims some "cop" may have made against me. It comes down to this:

Who cares what a bunch of dead lawyers and bureaucrats think anyway?

Do you really trust lawyers and bureaucrats? And if they are taken seriously, then why? Anyone familiar with bureaucrats knows it's not necessarily the opinions of dead lawyers that's the problem; it's usually the bureaucrats trying to ram those opinions down your throat at the barrel of a gun that's the problem.

Why would anyone care what a bunch of dead lawyers wrote 200 years ago if there wasn't any physical violence behind it today? After all, with enough physical violence behind it, any-body could force anyone to accept anything as the "law." If a gun is put to your head, then anything the individual with the gun says is now "the law."

The point here is that it's not so much the written word that's the "law" to be obeyed, it's the physical violence backing the bureaucrat's whims at the moment. One reason why people in Florida ignore the edicts, or pretended "law" of Fidel Castro is because they are out of hi> range of his guns. Another is probably professioiwl courtesy on Castro's part. Professional courtesy may also help to explain why the California Franchise Tax Board only-steals (lay sense) from people in California and not in Mexico.

Just by agreeing with bureaucrats and asking them to


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provide the facts their opinions are based stfs them up for a fall. By doing so they cannot convince any rational person I am being argumentative or putting forth "patently frivolous legal argu-ments long rejected by the courts " They are either npponsive or they aren't; cither way their "case" is breaking down fast.

"Everything the state says is a lie. and everything it has it has stolen." Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.


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Chapter Four

Never give them something tp deny

This is simple, if I give a "judge" something to deny, then he will. This lawyer wants my valuable time and i fs very easy for him to deny absolutely anything and everything and then snarl at me, "you can appeal."

I realized this after a criminal traffic trial in a Mesa "jus-tice" court (now that's an oxymoron) in 1995. 1 thought there was no way I could lose. I was charged with committing the heinous crime of "failure to produce ID." How the people of Arizona sur-vived that "crime" spree is a testament to both the resilience of the people and the bravery of "their" finest public servants (there were no less than five at the "stop"). Who knows what would have happened had I just been allowed to go home that night?

I went in with a "Supreme Court" opinion called Broom o. Texas, 443 US. 47 (1979), that held you could not be arrested for not providing ID to a cop. How could I lose? 1 read the relevant part to the "judge" and he sneered down at me with contempt: "That's your interpretation." 1 was stunned, I had read from the opinion verbatim and he claimed it was only "my interpreta-tion." Needless to say, I lost, and that is how things tend to go in "Legal Land "

'fhe point is, arguments and opinions can be denied and now the bureaucrats can say they have been responsive, they just disagree with me In "Legal Land." this is enough to satisfy so-called "due process" requirements, or what is more accurately termed the pretense of justice and fairness.

So, if 1 have to put forth an opinion or an argument. I just use one the "judge" and the "cop" have used. I send it right back at them as a question.

Feed their testimony back to them in question form and then sit back and watch it all fall apart.


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started to stutter and stammer and final-ly spit out thai she had "no idea." From her own mouth there was no case. At that point, all I had to do is ask her if there was

How could she H I if the case

the nature of a contract or a

Pit the bureaucrat against himself.

It's now a question of which opinion will be rejected. Bureaucrats, such as "judges," just love rejecting and

denying anything a non-bureaucrat puts forth to defend them-selves when attacked, whether in traffic court or with the "IRS." Tl-us is because there is a predetermined outcome. That being the case. 1 only give them their own opinions and fantasies to deny. If s like a dog chasing its own tail.

Q: How do you make a bureaucrat chase his own tail? A: Agree with him.


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Chapter Five

f alse away tto "iwdgyT discretion

r Xjaem^ One key to being effective is to take advantage of the so-

called "rules" used to maintain the pretense of fairness. I want to do and say things that will put the "judge" in a position where he or she really has no choice. He has to either admit there is no case against me or he is going to make a huge mistake (error) that even the lawyers D/B/A an "appeals court" may not easily look past it.

One way to do this is to question the "cop" so his two lawyers, the "prosecutor" and "judge," have him declared incompetent, incapable, or unable to testify. This is very easy to do and I've done it every time. I never have to declare this, the "judge" and the "cop's" other lawyer do it for me. Actually the "judge" represents everyone, plaintiff, plaintiff s lawyer and the defendant The specifics on how I've had every witness declared incompetent or unable to testify is described in later chapters.

When the "judge" does "rule" the "cop" may not testify, then 1 ask if his testimony, including the ticket the "cop" wrote and any police report relied on, should be stricken from the record to be consistent with the rules of evidence. In Arizona

course is a basic rule of fairness. I do not tell the "judge" to do anything, I only ask him if the testimony should be stricken in order to be consistent with the rules of evidence and fairness. The "judge" is really on the spot now. Ihis is because under their so-called "adversary' system" a "judge" allegedly lias no discre-tion to declare a witness incompetent to testify and still rely on his testimony. Without too much legalese, it's unfair to rely on a witness who fs not competent to testify or rely on a witness I can-not question.

Remember, if s not my opinion the witness could not tes-


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tify, it's an "order of the court." meaning it's the "judge's" opin-ion That usually means that unlike my worthless, "legally defec-tive" non-lawyer opinions, bureaucrats are supposed to respect

i when an "honorable" and co

If the "judge" refuses to be consistent and accepts the tes-timony anyway, then I have two conflicting "orders of the court" One is wrong. Which is it going to be? I don't care which one as long as the reviewing lawyers are responsive and consistent

If I still lose, then consider my appeal. There are no opin-ions of my own to bring forth for an appellate "judge" (lawyer) to deny as "frivolous." I just lay out the two conflicting opinions:

The "judge" declared the witness incompe-tent to testify, and. That same "judge" relied on the testimony of that same incompetent witness.

This, in a sense, sanitizes the case on appeal. It's no longer a traffic case no one cares about. It's an issue of evidence and fairness. This is especially important in tax cases.

The lawyers reviewing the appeal, commonly called "appellate courts," hold the opinion that "great weight" should 6e given to a trial "judge's* determination of a witness's ^edi-bility; one example of this is found in In re: Estate ctfSliituway, 19f Ariz. 57. Well, the problem here is there is not one determina-tion, but two, and they contradict each other.

I say, go right ahead, give "great weight" to the "judge's" determinations, only, give great weight to both of them He said the witness could not testify', not me. ¿¿dto give "great weight" to ffffTfrffi THffsHFup a "no win" situation for the "judge;" in either case there is a derm) of cross^xamfratft^ If he was wrong to decide the witness could not testify, then the refusal to permit me to question him (cross-examine) is fatal to the decision


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and "J^irabyt." If he was correct then relying on his testimony is fatal to the decision.

If 1 have to appeal, then the appellate lawyer, usually not the "prosecutor" from the traffic court, has to defend the "judge's" actions. If he is responsive he has to justify the "judge's" conflicting opinions. He has to justify why tlie witness could not testify and be cross-examined and why the "judge" relied on the testimony anyway. He has to argue that denial of cross-examination of the only witness is somehow not an "error."

This is why I have only had one appellate (traffic) brief filed against me or someone that 1 have helped in seven years. That brief was filed by a lawyer in Arizona and he misrepresent-ed the truth. This lawyer just flat out lied claiming I never asked the "cop" about the facts. At least five witnesses would disagree with this lawyer. However, this is "Legal Land" where the facts are usually not relevant, only arbitrary political opinions backed by a gun.

In fact, in "Legal Land," the facts and the truth may even be seen as unimportant to a determination of the facts. This is shown by many cases such as LLS. v. Stepard. 876 F.Supp. 214 (D. Ariz. 1992), where lawyers decided that anything offered by a cer-tain non-lawyer was "legally defective" for no other reason than because he was not a member of a "bar association "

Lawyers routinely ignore anything brought forward by anyone who is not a member of their labor union, gang, clique or organization, usually known as a "state bar"

"What Carroll purported to do for Paul in place of a lawyer was a nullity..." People ex rel. Dept of Public Works v. Malone, 232 Cal App.2d 531, 537,

When is a rock not a rock? When a non-lawyer makes the claim or presents the rock (facts) to a "judge." Or. it's called a "nullity." "Judges" say, just ignore it their political allegiance is


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not the same as ours so let's just disregard everything thesenon-lawvers say or do on anyone else's behalf. In "Legal land" it's not a rock unless a lawyer hands it to another lawyer pretending to be a "judge." I'll bet if a non-lawyer hit a "judge" in the fore-head with a rock he'd drop his legalise really fast He wouldn't consider the lumps on his head to be a "nullity." just how many-times does a non-lawyer have to hit a lawyer with a rock before he stops considering the rock "legally defective" or a "nullity?"

Let's use the same "reasoning" these lawyers use in another context. Let's say I cut a friend's hair and charge him ten dollars, but I don't have a so-called "license."

"What Carroll purported to do for Paul in place

of a licensed barber was a nullity ..."

How about building a house?

"What Carroll purported to do for Paul in place of a licensed contractor was a nullity ..." What happens to the house in such a case? Does it mag-

ically disappear to be consistent with a lawyer's opinion? Would the hair suddenly grow back because a "judge" declared the hair-cut a "nullity?" Would it disappear if he was reversed by an appellate "judge?" My gosh, what would happen to a man who had heart surgery by a "doctor" whose "license fee" was, gasp...lost in the mail? If a pilot lets his "license" lapse, would a plane he was allegedly flying suddenly plummet to the earth killing everyone on board?

Is a dog without a "license" really a dog, or another nullity?

If I drive without a "license" is that a "nullity?" If so, then where is the crime? Can a "nullity" really be a crime? A


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"nullity" is defined by lawyers as: "Something without legal effect, being null " Ballen tine's Law Dictionary, page 871, and "null" is defined as: "Nonexistent; void; of no legal effect" page 871 supra. If it's "nonexistent." then where is the alleged "crime?"

"What Carroll purported to do for Paul in place of a licensed driver was a nullity ..."

What I see is that there are two kinds of truth or reality in "Legal Land," i.e., "legally defective" truth and "legal" truth. I call this "selective reality," what lawyers call "legally defec-tive" truth. It can then be cast aside and ignored, after all, what does truth have to do with "due process" and the finding of facts anyway?

Come to think of it, both the "state" and the "United States'" were allegedly created by millions of non-lawyers. Would that make the "United States" a "nullityT

Bureaucrats want reality to conform to their opinions instead of letting their opinions con-form to reality like normal people.


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Chapter Six

fSi'ygr argue the "merits"

I personally don't care what a "cop" has actually "charged* me with. I think the opinion, or "charge." as they call it in "Legal Land," is irrelevant The real issue is his method of operation viz.. physical violence and threats of physical violence. Ibere is no way to use physical violence and still maintain a pre-tense of fairness or good faith. One's gotta go.

Those who attack the rationale of the game, and not the players, are its most formidable adversaries. — James J. Martin

Arguing whether or not 1 have a "driver's license" or ID takes the attention away from the fact they arc using physical violence and threats of physical violence. The whole situation is unfair, so why argue any alleged "merits?" Who are they to force me to do or say anything? That is the real issue.

A good analogy is a mobster "convincing" a business-man his business needs "protection" I le'li make him an offer he can't refuse (maybe he'll threaten him with "contempt"). However, the "protection'" is not where your focus should be, it's the coercion, the taking of money by force. The so-called "protec-tion" is a superficial part of this violent scheme. It gives the illu-sion of a service and there is less attention given to the taking of one's property by force; it's called "sleight of hand."

It's not "the economy..." it's the coercion.

Can you imagine arguing with a mobster that he failed to "protect" you? The point is the actual charge is irrelevant because the nature and basis of the relationship is violence. As will be shown in later chapters, the central and most important


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issue here is; mrat ts thr nature of the telatinnship' If the rela-tionship is based on violence then why bother trying to reason with them? Complaining and rambling on about "civil rights" usually doesn't stop car-jackers.

After all, don't bureaucrats or the "state" if you will, operate in the same manner as the mob? Lefs say you want to start a business, such as a barbershop You open your shop and start cutting hair on a voluntary basis Several weeks go by and one day a bureaucrat strolls in and sees that instead of "licenses" hanging up on the wall, there are pictures of prominent mob-sters He tells you that you need a "license" to be a barber. You tell him you've been profitably cutting hair for weeks, with no complaints. Apparently you can be a barber without a "license." He then makes you an offer you can't refuse: "If you don't get the license the city will shut you down." This means armed men will stop you, violently, if necessary, from entering into mutual vol-untary agreements with your customers to cut their hair at a mutually acceptable negotiated price. What a crime. Such a sad*stic animal doesn't deserve a trial.

What is ironic, is at least the mob is ostensibly offering "protection," while the bureaucrat offers nothing in return. Yes, the public may think "licenses" are necessary for "protection," but as will be shown in the conclusion, there is no duty to protect anyone; it's an insolent lie. "Licenses" are about domination and money. You pay the"license czar" or you are violently shut down and, quite possibly, depending on the nature of the accu-sation, forcibly thrown into a cage. And why? Because you had the audacity, yes even the temerity, to provide a valuable service on a voluntary basis. Now that certainly warrants the use of vio-lence.

Because the relationship is based on violence the actual "charge" is irrelevant. This however, docs not imply that if somebody damages another person or their property they should not be held respoasible

Force cannot give right. Thomas Jefferson, The Rights of British Americans.


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Chapter Seven

About the sp-caikd "judge"

Going to court can be very intimidating. I think things are set up for that very purpose After all, why else would a lawyer have to wear a black robe and sit four or more feet off the floor? If that's not enough to intimidate you, he also has an army of heavily armed men to carry out his every whim without exer-cising any personal discretion of their own. The "judge" is also free of all personal liability for his actions against you.

From personal experience, "cops" appear to worship "judges" and believe "judges" can do wltalever they want while on the "bench." Mow do I know this? "Cops" have told me this themselves. "Cops" also believe thev are somehow relieved from responsibility for their actions if done while on the clock or if "ordered" to do so by an "honorable" lawyer. That's the old "I was just following orders" excuse. While this was rightfully rejected at the Nuremberg trials of the Nazis for crimes against humanity, it is still a standard defense with bureaucrats here.

1 called the "cops" on a "judge" while in the Peoria "jus-tice court" back in 1998 for a breach of the peace. The "cops" showed up and asked me what was going on I told them a man was threatening me with physical violence. I told them who it was and was told, "he's the judge, he can do whatever he wants, we can't touch him." 1 said really, what if he starts smoking crack up there on his bench? The "cop," a little ticked off at that remark, said, "Sir, he can't do that" Then I said, "Now that we determined he can't do whatever he wants, let's see about arrest-ing him for a breach of the peace." The "cop" still refused to do anything. Why?

Because the "laws" don't apply to everyone, as bureau-crats would have us believe. The "time worn" line that "nobody is above the law " is political rhetoric or just plain old BS. In the real world, there are plenty of examples where bureaucrats do


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not follow their OUT» so-called "laws." If you don't believe me ask a "cop" or "bailiff" who works in a "court" what you can do if a "judge' threatens you with violence. For anyone who thinks I am being too critical or 1 am "divorced from reality" or in an "alternate reality." turn it around and imagine that I loas the one doing the threatening. And keep in mind that threatening violence is considered a "crime:"

"13-1202. Threatening or intimidating; classifica-tion

A A person commits threatening or intimidating if such person threatens or intimidates by word or con-duct

1. To cause physical injury to another person or seri -ous damage to the property of another; or

2. To cause, or in reckless disregard to causing, seri-ous public inconvenience including, but not limited to, evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or transportation facility; or

3. To cause physical injury to another person or dam-age to the property of another in order to promote, further or assist in the interests of or to cause, induce or solicit another person to participate in a criminal street gang, a criminal syndicate or a racketeering enterprise.

B. Threatening or intimidating pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 or 2 is a class 1 misde-meanor. Threatening or intimidating pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 3 is a class 4 felony.


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Notice this does not contain the phrase "it* without law-ful authority."

Going to court is less intimidating if you remember the "judge/ contrary to what "cops" may believe, is only a lawyer wearing a black robe and sitting four or more feet off the floor. Isn't it funny the "Wizard of Oz" was just a man behind a black curtain, or robe if you will? Interesting parallel don't you Uunk?

The "cop," on the other hand, is just a man with a gun who, more often than not, blindly follows orders for a paycheck. Everything beyond that is probably just going to be an opinion or fantasy, such as "jurisdiction." Remember, don't distort, delete or add to reality.

This is where they start to have a more difficult time. The bureaucrat is trying to maintain a pretense of fairness to con-ceal the violent nature of "his" proceedings. This is not an easy task for anyone. In my experience, the pretense is usually dropped very quickly and they resort to violence or threats of violence in most cases.

So-called "jurisdiction" is an issue where a bureaucrat will usually get upset when challenged. Although a "judge" will always vehemently maintain he has "jurisdiction" over me or some other non-bureaucrat in "his court," this "judge" will not be responsive to questions as to how this "jurisdiction" was acquired.

Getting upset and threatening violence (so-called "con-tempt") is part of the intimidation process (just like the "Wizard" did). I think the resulting fear is. of course, intended to keep peo-ple from questioning what is going on. If questioned, people might start to see the hoax being perpetrated on them. If so, they may begin to withdraw their support as a result A "good citi-zen" is someone who doesn't question what his "public ser-vants" arc doing. A "good citizen" leaves everything to the alleged "authorities," he obediently listens when they scream, "Pay no attention to the man behind the [black] curtain!"

Traffic cases are cither "civil* or "criminal." although, in


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my "legally defective" non-lawyer*s opinion, this is a superficial political distinction and nothing more. The only real difference is the:

amount of your time they plan on stealing, and the level of violence they intend on using, or are prepared to use against me.

Bureaucrats tend to use more violence in so-callcd "crim-inal" traffic cases viz., they "arrest" you and hold you in a cage for a ransom, politically known as "bail." There is also a chance that, if found "guilty," they may want to cage you for a period of time

The "benefit," if any. of having a so-called "criminal" case against you is there is more of a pretense of fairness provid-ed in their pretended "rules." Examples are "probable cause" hearings, pre-trial discovery, juries and rules of evidence.

These alleged "rules" are not absoluy?. In my experience these "rules'" mean nothing to lawyers and bureaucrats unless as a ruse to take your productive time. If these "rules" get in the way of a bureaucrat taking property, then guess what happens? The bureaucrat ignores the "rule" and moves on

A great example of this is with what bureaucrats call "jurisdiction." The lawyers doing business as the "Supreme Court" have "ruled" many times the burden of proving jurisdic-tion is on the plaintiff:

"Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdic-tion. They possess only that power authorized by Constitution and statute, see Willy v. Coastal Corp. 503 US. (1992) (slip op., at 4-5); Bender v. Williams port Area School Dist., 475 US. 534, 541 0986)' which is not to be expand-ed by judicial decree. American Fire & Casualty Co. v. Finn, 341 U.S. 6 (1951). It is to be pre-


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sumed that a cause lies outside this limited jurisdiction. Turner v. President of Bank of North-America, 4 Dall. 8.11 (1799), and the bur-den of establishing the contrary rests upon the party asserting jurisdiction, Mcnu*tt v. General Motors Acceptance Corp., 298 VS. 178, 182-183 (1936)." Kokkonen v. Guardian life Ins. Co., U S (1994), No. 93-263 (emphasis mine).

^ Thus, the entire burden of proof in so-called "criminal" cases is supposed to be on the plaintiff and that burden of proof is supposed to rise to the level of what lawyers call "beyond a rea-sonable doubt."

However, challenge so-called "jurisdiction" in a traffic court and the "judge," in every instance, will obediendy do the very opf>osite of the alleged "Supreme I .aw of the Land" by assuming it for the pretended plaintiff or lawy er claiming to rep-resent the plaintiff. I have never seen or heard of an occasion where a "judge" turned to the "cop" or "prosecutor" and said, "How about it, what facts do you rely on to prove jurisdiction?" Even in cases where I have "won" this lias not happened.

just change the names here from State of Arizona v. Stevens to Tooth Fairy v. Stevens. If 1 challenge "jurisdiction" in this case and the "judge" jumps in claiming he has "jurisdiction," it's clear the "judge" is representing the Tooth Fairy It doesn't take a rock-et scientist or a juris doctor to understand this is unfair but the rules don't apply to bureaucrats because we're now in "Legal Land"

And why should they follow their own rules? It's very short-sighted to think violent people will always follow the rules if at all. Violent people, as a rule, typically have no use for rules. Unlike normal people, they use violence to get their way. It's an example of bureaucratic nonsense such as "the rules of war." If these individuals followed rules there would be no wars.

Tve had "judges" tell me straight out that the rules do


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not apply to them. I hat's right, "traffic judges" have told me the An zona "Rules of Procedure in Civil Traffic Violation Cases" did not apply to an Arizona "civil traffic violation case." I've also asked, "then which rules do apply here/' and have been threat-ened with "contempt." However, with the fear instilled by this "judge's" violent ranting and threats, how many of the people waiting behind me challenged him in any way?

\ ¿ [»k nee and threats of \ )• !erw>. tsc it wis In moM case- They get what

from the productive without

If a case has been labeled "civil" the following questions have proven very effective. This is only with regards to expos-ing the truth - separating fantasy from reality. Remember, there is no way to really "win" with bureaucrats. It's all about damage control; just limiting your exposure to them. Going in and dis^ agreeing with them will make bureaucrats (or anyone for that matter) defensive and is counterproductive, in my lay opinion. They label me argumentative and use that as an excuse to rim over me. As if being argumentative somehow relieves bureaucrats of thetr professed duty to be fair.

"You're entitled to a fair trial as long as you keep your mouth shut. You have the right to an attor-ney, as long as you're not argumentative etc."

At the initial appearance, the "judge" may ask me what "plea" I would like to enter, "responsible' or "not responsible." fhis alone is degrading and certainly makes me appear to be the victim of this entire process. 1 like to say that 1 intend on "plead-ing" "responsible," however, I am not a lawyer so I don't under-stand the nature and basis of the charges and the proceedings I then ask:


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U there evident of a complaining party?

This is one of many "loaded questions" I ask, so I aluw/a expect an emotional response. If you are not yet convinced what is being

what I am asking and may say, "the State of Arizona, of courseIf so, I politely inform him. "that is non-responsive, my question only required a yes or no answer. I did not ask if there was a com-plaining party. I asked, is there evidence of a complaining party? Yes or no?"

I have never had a "judge" answer this question. No one I have worked with has had a "judge" answer responsively either. "Judges" react violently and threaten to forcibly put me in a cage. In the real world this ulone is a denial of a fair trial and evidence this violent individual has no intention of being H j f a j j

v. l ts this question by I would then ask: i f ivc it to ydft?" Also^

Facts and opinions are two separate things and I'm sup-posed to be permitted to confront and question all witnesses against me. The most "evidence" that could be shown here is an opinion made with regards to other people who live in the same geographic area as me made by a "cop." I can guarantee that if I live in the same area, then they don't "represent" me as part of any so-called "state" or otherwise

^wFor those who may disagree, consider this: can someone reaify "represent" me if I don't freely consent that they should do so? Represent me against my will? That's insane, even if it's alleged to be for the "good of the whole." That would mean the "cop" represents me, or the very person he gives a "ticket" to. Does anyone think a slave monger "represents" tin» people he


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claims are his slaves? To "represent" me, or anyone for that mat-ter, there must be something called a principal—agent relation-ship based upon mutual voluntary consent. This means I direct the agent and I may be held personally responsible for the agent's actions. Have you ever tried to hold a "congressman" responsible for not voting the way that you jwant him to? Then does hejftrtfy "represent" y o u ? ^ .

p ) represent meofe; r T o stand in the place of.H BuiIcntine's Law Dictionary, page 1095. Just who is this pretended "prosecutor," rather persecutor or "cop" standing "m the place of?" Certainly not m i ! r

The phrase "the state" is an alter ego or D/B/A for men and women who do business using physical violence in a given geographic territory.

I have found that the "cop," "lawyer," and "judge" use the same alter ego. Now, how's that for fairness? For those who qjpy clpim 1 am being "irrational" here, who do all three proud-Iv claim to "represent?" ^ /

Vhc "cops' and "judges" put forth the opinion the "cop"^ somehow "represents" the "people." However, in support of that allegation, they will put up about as much evidence viz., tan-gible facts, to support the opinion they "represent" the people as lean — none,absolutely nothing

It is physically and psychologically impossible to "stand in the place o f hundreds of people, let alone millions. How can someone stand in my place if they've neoer had any contact with me? I once asked a "prosecutor" m the Phoenix area to give me the names of tlie people from Page, Arizona he was allegedly "standing in the place of." You can guess his response And yet, he had a burden of proof that is supposed to be "bey ond a rea-sonable doubt" If anyone doubts this is an element of a so-called "crime," or "civil" cause of action, then consider who the victim or damaged party is supposed to be.


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If anyone thinks it's easy, or even possible to "represent" a few hundred people, consider how many times the "honor-able" lawyers D/B/A (doing business as) the "United States Supreme Court" have ever agreed on a single issue. There are only nine of them and they have rarely been unanimous in their agreement about anything. If nine people rarely agree on a single issue then what is the possibility that millions will ever agree about anything? Not likely. This is why there are so many major fast food chains; because people ¡ion't agree and are free to choose. Amazingly, all are in business at the same time, make a profit and don't put a gun in your face when they hand you your tacos or special sauce.

Another example which effectively demonstrates the idea that "prosecutors" represent everyone is a myth and hoax: It's clear that despite whatever opinion you and I may have held about O.J., there were plenty of "citizens who did not want to . see O.J. put on trial. I would venture to say there were tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of such people. Was Marcia Clark "standing in place o r those people? The answer is obviously no She was not "representing" or speaking for them. When Marcia Clark claimed to be "representing the "state," it is clear "State of California" does not mean the whole body of peo-ple (politically) referred to as "citizens" and "residents" in California.

If you get a "traffic ticket" do you think the lawyer play-ing "prosecutor," or the "cop," for that matter, is "standing in the place o f you, your spouse and best friend? Not possible. In "Legal Land," it doesn't matter that a "prosecutor" is standing in the place of no one, except maybe the "cop" and the "judge," because all he has to do is to give his opinion and that is enough. In "Legal l.and" the opinion of a bureaucrat is a substitute for facts. The irony is when I present facts they Are labclid "time worn legal opinions "

^ I n Arizona the "cop" signs the ticket as the complainant allegedly representing the people. However, this is only an opin-


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ion leading to the next question: "Isn't that just a opinion?" Depending on the answer, I could then ask: "Is there evidence, that is, facts, to prove this cop represents this group of people?" This is also a yes or no answer. I could then follow-up with "what evidence is that, and who provided it?" if he answers yes. If no, then there is no evidence of a complaining party and no « • case.

Any citations to "law" or the "constitution " are non-

i CbBSBpîniùW y^rfH^^ffrf FwmlMy^ thaâj s ; a> 1 can cross-examine those lawyers who««- <>r»n>

would then ask him again and also tell him a respon-sive answer is desired-^ttBtt jB^^^^elv ask tK« "judge! tf he knows the difference between a fact and an opinio^ 1 asked a guv named Paul from the Tempe Arizona "IRS" office this ques-tion and he got very upset with me and suggested I leave the building. I only asked Paul the question because every time 1 asked for facts an opinion was based he would say, "Marc, the courts have ruled..."

This is not a superficial or "frivolous' issue cither. If it were, then bureaucrats would not get so upset and law diction-aries would not define both words:

A deed; an act; that which is real; that which is true, an actuality; that which took place, not that which might or might not have occurred [citation omitted)." Bullcntine's Law Dictionary, page 449.

'^ftrtMn! An inference or conclusion of fact which a person has drawn from facts which he has observed (citation omitted]." Battent!tie's Law Dictionary, page 893.


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Experience has shown this to be a very important issue. It's not unusual for lawyers, whether in suits, robes or otherwise, in order to justify- the most egregious acts, to label facts as opin-ions and then call them "frivolous." This is also a favorite tactic of so-called "U.S. attorneys" in "tax" cases.

1 have seen a statement such as "We received form letter [•"•J on May 24 t h , 2000..." described, by a lawyer, as being noth-ing more than a "frivolous and groundless legal argument/' It's one thing for a lawyer to! make such an absurd claim, but quite another when a "judge" accepts it.

I worked on a tax court case where the "IKS" lawyer filed a motion to dismiss and claimed the required lettered statement of facts was missing from the complaint This was her grounds to have the complaint thrown out. We replied by pointing out the lettered statement of facts was "A through T" comprising pages 2-5. The "judge" agreed with his fellow lawyer by deny-ing reality and threw the case out Ihc interesting thing is that, on appeal, the alleged missing lettered statement of facts was not mentioned at all by the IKS lawyers. Why didn't these lawyers defend their position on appeal? You have to also realize that this is not an isolated incident and if lawyers can get away with this in a "tax" case, then they can get away with it in rape and murder cases.

DEFENDANT: "Your honor, 1 couldn't have shot president Kennedy, I was born in 1979."

PROSECUTOR: "Your honor 1 object, that's a frivolous legal argument and should be strick-en!"

JUDGE: "I agree, and any more of those frivo-lous arguments and I'll hold you in contempt"

I'm still amazed at some of the opinions "state" lawyers


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throw out. It's as if they'll say anything they want to and feel they can get away with it regardless of how divorced from reality it may be. But. remember, this is "Legal Land" where deleting dis-torting and adding to reality is S.O.P.

One recent "tax" case involved an appeal. The main issue was the denial of confrontation. The witnesses were not permitted to testify because they were determined to have lacked personal knowledge of the facts. Although the testimony (so-^aljed "assessment") is "inadmissible" pnJcr the California < \'i-dv r,.;c code i: ? 702 -ujj "law" has neverTiindered a bureaucrat from accepting a fellow bureaucrat's testimony Despite being

an me» error

'(a) denial of cross-examination without waiver *** would be constitutional error of the first magnitude and PP imownt 9f showing of want ftf pryjudicg wqwM curg it Brookhart v. Janis. 384 US 1, 3. 86 S.Ct 1245,1246. 16 LEd.2d 314 " Smith v. Illinois, 390 US 129.131, 88 S.Ct 748, 750. 19 LEd.2d 956, 959 (1968) " State v. Hanley, 108 Ariz. 144. 148, 493 P.2d 1201.

1 (Emphasis added). ^

this group of lawyers, a.k.a. (also known as) an "appellate court/ wrote:

"Wepresume there were other F.T.B. employees who provided, or could have provided, the req-uisite foundation for admission of the docu-ments in question and could have shown how the proposed taxes were assessed by the F.T.B." (Emphasis mine).

Unbelievable, isn't it? As far as these lawyers are con-cerned, it's perfectly O.K. to deny cross-examination as long as


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they "presume" there were more witnesses you were also not per-mitted to cross-examine. Just exactly who are these alleged wit-nesses? Let's not leave out the fact the FTB previously agreed there were no other witnesses and tfie "court" was obligated to resolve all presumptions against the FTB. Yes, Mr. Simpson, you were not permitted to cross-examine Kato. but that's O.Kj because there were many other witnesses who testified that we never told you about that you could not cross-examine either. Now that's fair isn't it? Still want your life in the hands of "hon-orable" lawyers?

It's no surprise the three lawyers who decided this case did not want it published or even cited by their fellow lawyers, "honorable" or otherwise. To conform to reality, the above case should read:

" ' [ a ] denial of cross-examination without waiver *** would be constitutional error of the first magnitude and no amount of showing of want of prejudice would cure it, unless of course we presume there were other witnesses that were also not cross-examined ' (my edits in bold italics).

You see? Sticking to the facts makes bureaucrats commit blatant errors like the ones I just cited. Again, this is because their M.O. is coercion and violence while maintaining a pretense of fairness. Can you imagine the riots that would have ensued had O.J. been convicted at his criminal trial and then the same appellate court (yes, the above quote is from a recent case, sum-mer 2002, in California) were to uphold that conviction by stating:

"We presume there were other Los Angeles police officers who provided, or could have pro-vided, the requisite testimony explaining why a vile of O.J.'s blood was taken to the scene of the crime and why there is blood unaccounted for."


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Getting back to the above case, what if the "judge" tells me that he's not there to answer my questions? 1 remind him I would be happy to pay the fine, I just don't know or understand what is going on and ask^fc it fair for you < prcoeafeHMIM

I B H B i ^ ^ ^ ^ H f e ' h j t is going on and there is no •

If he tells me to get a "lawyer" to explain j then I

This brings up yet another issue about not being able to defend yourself competently. Lawyers hold the opinion that "only a fool hat» himself as a client" and that all non-lawyers are incapable of defending themselves. rhis opinion, from the lawyers D/B/A the "United States Supreme Court" was the basis for a movie starring Henry Fonda called Gideon's Trumpet:

Even the intelligent and educated layman has small and sometimes no skill in the science of law. If charged with a crime, he is incapable. generally, of determining for himself whether the indictment is good or bad. He is unfamiliar with the rules of evidence. Left without the aid of counsel he may be put on trial without a prop-er charge, and convicted upon incompetent evi-dence, or evidence irrelevant to the issue or oth-erwise inadmissible. He lacks both the skill and knowledge to adequately prepare his defense, even though he have a perfect one." Gideon v. Wamwrighl, 372 US. 335 (1963) (emphasis mine).

This is very important. Think about it for a moment. Wasn't I forced into this situation? Is It fair to knowingly force someone into a situation where they cannot competently defend


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themselves? No, it isn't, anil it doesn't matter that I may be able to pay for a lawyer either. After all, why should I have to any-way? Yeah, some may say, "well, you shouldn't have broken the law" as if that opinion somehow negates the alleged requirement bureaucrats are suf7j)osed to be fair. Oh that's nght, I forgot, a fair trial is only for people who haven't broken the "law." Don't delete, distort and or add to reality.

If the underlying proceeding is itself unfair, that is, based on violence, then how does hiring a lawyer make it any less unfair? It doesn't. It's still based on violence and still unfair.

I'll use an analogy to demonstrate this because 1 am sure lawyers or other bureaucrats reading this may accuse me of "mixing apples and oranges." Let's say a guy walks up and shoots me in the foot for no reason. No rational person would deny such an act is, at the very least, unfair. Now, is that act any less unfair because I may have insurance to cover my newly acquired, though unwanted, medical needs?

Is it fair for you. or a bunch of you pretending to be a "state," to bust my car window because my insurance covers such damage or because I can just buy another one? I could give analogy after analogy like this, but I've made my poinL Just because someone may hire a lawyer docs not make the situation any less unfair.

This is another example where I have them expose their contradictions. It's just not possible to give someone a fair trial when the trial itself is based on violence. After all, if there is a predetermined outcome^hen it doesn't matter if you have a Jjwyer or not docs it?^B|^rwhy I always a.-* V . it fail > fdfaft


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_ a j M - 1 mill Mil i h — U T i T ill fill "Hi1-' ry same questions. I tell him I am prepared to pay his

"fine,""!? he will just be forthcoming and answer my questions. He could also be honest and drop his pretense of fairness and make me an offer I can t refuse like other common criminals.

Another question I ask is in regards to the nature of the charge, in this case, that it is "civil" as opposed to "criminal" I ask the "judge," "is this civil case in the nature of a contract dis-pute or a tort?" Ihis question really sets them up for a fall and always exposes the truth there is no case. If a "judge" insists there is a cause of action for me to "plead" to then he should be willing and able to answer this question. If he is so extraordinar-ily confident he has "lawful' jurisdiction" over me, so much so he's willing to use violence against me, then he should answer this simple question, unless of course "honorable" is synony-mous with non-responsive and violent.

I have never gotten an answer to this question and for good reason — there is no case, they have no right to "charge" me, or you, with anything. This however, does not mean people should not be held accountable for their actions. Just as you are not personally accountable to me for not walking around with ID in your pocket, / am not accountable to you or any of the bureaucrats pretending to "represent" you.

A so<alled "civil" cause of action can only fall into one of two categories: contract or tort. Yes, there may be more than one cause of action presented, but each "charge" must fall with-in one of these two categories. With bureaucrats they never do. So what is their defense to this if any? Can they just say, "a casc^ brought by the 'state' does not have to fall within one of those two' categories"? Yes, and if they do this would be yet another admis-. sion that their own rules don't apply to them They, oj^> apply to you, their victim.

So here is the setup: A contract, of course, is a^ agree-ment consisting of several elements:


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"It is elementary that for an enforceable contract to exist there must be an offer, an acceptance, consideration, and sufficient specifications of terms so that the obligations involved can be ascertained." Savoca Masonry Co.. Inc v. Homes & Son Const. Co.. Inc., 112 Ariz. 392. 394. 542 P2d 817 (1975). See also Con tempo Const, v. Mt. States T. & T. Co., 736 P.2d 13 (Ariz.App. 1987) (Emphasis mine).

The five or so lawyers doing business as the Arizona "Supreme Court." as well as other "courts," have long held that there must be a "meeting of the minds" for there to be a contract

"it is well-established that before a binding con-tract is formed, the parties must mutually con-sent to all material terms. A distinct intent common to both parties must exist without doubt or difference, and until all understand alike there can be no assent. [Citation omitted]. If one party thinks he is buying one thing and the other party thinks he is selling another thing, no meeting of the minds occurs, and no contract is formed. [Citation omitted] (contracts are founded on the agreements, not on the disagree-ments, of the parties. Where they misunderstand each other, there is no contract ... As the Restatement describes it, a contract is formed if there is "manifestation of mutual assent to the exchange and a consideration " Restatement (¿second) of Contracts § 17 (1979)" Hill-Shafer Partnership v. Oiilson Family Trust. 799 P2d 810, 814,815 (emphasis mine).



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"We fthe lawyers of the Arizona Supreme Court] compiled basic concepts of contract law: "The sine qua non of any contract is the exchange of promises Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 1 (1981). From this exchange flow* the obligation of one party to another. 1 Williston on Contracts § 1 at 2 (1957). Carrol v. Lee, 148 Ariz. 10,12-13 (emphasis mine).

Obligations (as even the "Supreme Courts" agree) are created by an "exchange of promises" not by the barrel of a gun or by some other weapon or form of coercion "Give me your money or we'll put you in a cage, steal and then sell your house" is probably not the "exchange of promises" meant here. However, this is exactly the way the "IRS" and "US. attorneys" do business, although, they pretty it up with fluffy political lan-guage as if they are fooling anyone i.e., pay your taxes, file your tax return or we'll levy your property, prosecute you and then put you in jaiL

So, if the "judge" claims it is a contract dispute, then, obviously, there must be a contract But. in the lawyers' own opinion, to have a contract there must be evidence of an offer, a meeting of the minds, an acceptance, and consideration. That alone contradicts the underlying violence of the proceedings. I don't know about you, but I have never freely consented to any-thing demanded or otherwise required, by the men and women parading around, as a so-called "state." And it doesn't matter that I may live in the geographic area known as "Nevada." I see nothing in the above "Supreme Court" opinions indicating mere geographic location is an element of a contract. For example, I seriously doubt my neighbor is obligated to wash my car for no other reason than because he lives next to me.

The sine qua non of any contract is geographic location.


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While this example is admittedly asinine, it's how bureaucrats operate isn't it? The lawyers doing business as the "supreme court" tell us that many times such as in Cdhn v. Graves, 300 US 308 at 312-313. Isn't that the hasis of "America, love it or leave it?"

A good analogy I've used to demonstrate the nonsense contained in opinions such as Graves, is with Sears. There is a Scars in Houston, Texas. Scars provides a valuable service to its customers and also to that part of the community who never sets foot in their store. One way Sears does this is by providing jobs to people living in the general area. Those employees then spend part of their paychecks at other business« in and around Houston. However, just because I may live in the same area does not mean I have an obligation to contribute to Sears' operating expenses. An obligation to pay a "fair share" is not magically cre-ated because there is a Scars operating down the street. What makes the men and women D/B/A Sears any different than the men and women D/B/A the so-called "state?"

Just because you drive a Dodge doesn't mean I have to. Just as important, just because I choose not to drive a Dodge (or pay a part of Sears' operating expenses) doesn't mean that I should have to move to another area (or not be permitted to shop or just browse in Sears), it just means I don't want to drive a Dodge, that's all. It should not be taken as an affront to the other people in the area.

Geographic location is not an element of a valid enforce-able contract, not even in "Legal Land." In order for a valid con-tract dispute to exist there must be evidence of both a loss and a wrong:

damnum et injuria. Loss and wrong, the two elements which must exist in combination as essentials of a cause of action." Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 304.


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"damage without wrong. Loss or harm result-ing to a person which is not the result of the vio-lation of a legal duty . . . The practical sense of the expression is that there is no cause of action." Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 304.

The "Supreme Courts'* are pretty consistent here. For there to be a cause of action there must be both, 1) the breach of a duty and. 2) actual damage. See A lien v. Wright, 468 US. 737 (1984). quoted below.

No "cop" has ever accused me of breaching a contract or causing any actual or pretended damage. "Cops" blindly "fol-low orders" with no real understanding why they are doing what they are doing or what it all means. "Judges" appear to know this and that's why "cops" are nev er permitted to testify beyond a certain point. In other words, this helps to conceal what is really going on, not only from you, but from the "judge's" partner in crime, the loyal "cop" as weli.

Despite this, I still ask my questions. If the question is answered (it never is), "Yes. there is a contract," then I would ask, "is there evidence of a contact?" And. of course, if this ques-tion is answered with a "yes," then I could ask, "what is that evi-dence, and where is it?" so that I may examine i t

The other side to this is a so-called "tort" A "tort" is defined by lawyers as.

"tort ... A wrong independent of contract ... A breach of duty which the law, as distinguished from a mere contract, has imposed ... An injury or wrong committed either with or without force, to the person or property of another" Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 1284 (emphasis mine).


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Notice lawyers think the l a w " is more important than a mutually voluntary agreement. To really grasp the significance of this, read ahead at what a "law" is.

A "tort" consists of two dements; the breach of a duty and damage. Here, the duty is not created by a contract or an agreement. It's allegedly created by the so-called "law."

There is no damage to anyone if 1 travel without identi-fication, so half of a "cause of action" is missing right there. What about this alleged duty 1 am supposed to have breached; the pre-tended "duty...created by law?"

I'm only interested in facts, not opinions; facts speak for themselves so I leave the legalesr or the lawyeres* to the lawyers to make sense of. So, fa dually, what exactly is a so-called "law" and where, when, why and how did it create this alleged "duty" on me?

Have you ever examined exactly what a "law" is?

Before anyone can accurately claim or establish "beyond a reasonable doubt" a certain "law" created an obligation or any-thing for that matter, you need to know what a "law" is first, thai you can examine exactly where, when, why and how an obligation or "duty " was allegedly created.

Think about this for a moment, if there was no "law" about having a so-called barber's "license," then there could be no cause of action for cutting hair without one. The "law" itself is being used against me and I'm supposed to be able to question all the evidence and testimony being used. The burden of proof includes proving the "lavs" created a duty "beyond a reasonable doubt" or, "by a preponderance of the evidence," in the case erf a "civil" cause of action.

" Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." — Rudyard Kipling


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So, what is a "law" or a so-called "statute" anyway? What is it and why does it appear to have an almost hypnotic effect on most people? That hypnotic effect is probably due to the level of violence used to force compliance with it. But. exactly what is it. and hoio and why does it allegedly create any obligation what-soever?

A "law" is an opinion backed by a gun.

That's it folks, that's ail it is; the rest is just political win-dow dressing as 1 will show For example, a "statute" is just anoth-er fancy word for a "law." Even a "judge's" opinions are called the "law" Lawyers call this "decisional law." Lysander Spooner said it best

"What, then, is legislation? It is an assumption by one man or body of men. of absolute, irre-sponsible dominion over all other men whom they can subject to their power. It is an assump-tion by one man, or body of men, of a right to subject all other men to their will and their serv-ice. It is an assumption by one man, or body of men of a right to abolish outright all the natural rights, all the natural liberty of all other men, to make all other men their slaves; to arbitrarily dictate to all other men what they may, and may not do; what they may, and may not, have; what they may, and may not, be. It is, in short, the assumption of a right to banish the principle of human rights, the principle of justice itself, from off the earth, and set up their own personal will, pleasure, and interest in its place. All this, and nothing less, is involved in the very idea that there can be any such thing as legislation that is obligatory upon those upon whom it is


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imposed." Lysander Spooner's Natural Law, or the Science of Justice: A Treatise on Natural Law> Natural Justice. Natural Rights, Natural liberty, ami Natural Society; Showing that All Legislation Whatsoever is an Absurdity, a Usurpation, and a Crime. Part Tirst.

Lawyers, not me, define a "statute" as: " ITie written will of the legislative department..." Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 1211 The lawyers doing business as the "United States Supreme Court" hold the same belief, see John P. King Mfg. Co. v Council of Augusta, 277 U.S. 100 at page 102 to confirm. Simple observation Shows us that, factually, a so-called "legislative dcpartnynt" is just men and women. If not. then what is a "legislative depart-ment," rocks, flowers, puppies, reptiles, raisins?

It follows that a so-called "law" is just the "written will" of men and women. We should not forget this "written will" dif-fers from mine in that I don't force my "written will" on anyone under any pretense of "protection" and most assuredly not at the barrel of a gun. Does the "law" seem as sacred to you now? Don't confuse a political "law" with a natural law such as the law of gravity. The law of gravity is not the invention or whim of man; it's an observation. Just as important when was the last time you were forced by another person to comply with the law of gravity? And why is i/wf? Amazing, the earth rotates on it's axis everyday without a sacred "act of congress."

In my experience, no *judge" has admitted or acknm i-edged the so-called "law" is just the "written will" of some indi-viduals even when lie is made aware of i t " Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!'

has ever complied with this despite the fact taking "judicial notice" is "mandatory" under the rules of evidence In Arizona, and. in the


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federal courts, it's rule 201(d). In California, it is under § 451 of the evidence code. Try imagining why an alleged benevolent, "honorable" protector of the people would refuse in every in sinner to take notice of what the "law" really is. Why the refusal to comply with a mandatory function of his exalted "office?" Then consider this happens in ever)- instance no matter what the geographic location What are the odds? What are these "hon-orable" lawyers afraid of? It's called the "three monkey defense." hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. When confronted with the truth, "judges" are non-responsive. Their sacred "law" isn't so sacred when it's just the "written will" of some men and women

for "judicial notice ot what a rr-. :«'n< ise the "rop" o "i<pfnt ed to prove. "hevt

this so-cilled "statute' created a "duty" On me? If the 'judge" takes notice a "statute is nothing but the'will of a group of men and women, then the "cop" has to bring forth the facts he relied on to support his opinion their "will" created a "duty" on me to act, or not act in a certain way. The "cop" is pretty ill-equipped to do this because his traditional accoutrements (gun, stick, badge, uniform, anti-social behavior etc.) don't help him any. In other words, swift and blinding violence is about as effective here as it is in solving geometry problems. Maybe "con-gress" can pass a "law" magically transforming everyone into a mathematician?

In fact, in every single instance where I have asked a what a so-called "^»tatut^Twas, they were unable to

amwer; then just don't know andu!hyer> don't think they need to know. Yes, "cops" won't hesitate to kill you if they think you are a violator, but, while they are killing you they cannot tell you what you are allegedly violating. Has this created any "reason-able doubt" in your mind yet? This "cop" is certainly not in a position to testify he saw me violate a "statute" when he doesn't even know what it is.


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"Your Honor, I'm the one who discovered the theory of relativity."

'Really officer Carrol, what does the "e" stand for?"

"How should I know, that's irrelevant your honor."

"I agree."

During one"trial" in Arizona I asked a "cop" if he knew what a "license" was. He admitted he didn't know. I suggested that since he didn't know what a "license" was that he was in no position to testify 1 was required to have one. What did the "judge" with the robe do? That's right, "judge" Donald bailed his buddy out; he asked, "Officer, do you know what a license looks like?" "Yes I do your Honor." The "judge's" response? "That's good enough for me " Not surprising that the "appellate court," yet another lawyer who is now a federal judge in the ninth circuit "ruled" she saw "nothing wrong" with what her fellow politician did.

The "judge" is not supposed to have any discretion to permit such an individual to testify because § 602 of the Arizona evidence code states:

( "A witness may not testify to a matter unless , evidence is introduced sufficient to support a finding that the witness has personal knowledge of the matter(Emphasis mine).

If the "cop" doesn't know what a "statute" is, not what one says, but what it is, then he "has no personal knowledge of the matter" and "may not testify;" unless of course "personal knowledge" is now synonymous with gun, badge and a willing-


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ness to kill men, women and children for not "following orders"' If this "cop" doesn't know what a so-called "statute" is, then it's impossible for him to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" I allegedly violated one. This is much easier to understand if I don't use the word "law." Instead. I'll use "XYZ" so you are not hypnotized by the word "law"

COP: "Marc broke the XYZ your Honor "

MARC: "OK, if you say so; but what is XYZ?"

COP: "I don't know; but you broke it all right."

Would you rely on this guy's testimony? Traffic court "judges'" do everyday. It's no different if accused of breaking the "law" by a man who doesn't know what a "law" is.

I once worked on an "IRS' case with a lawyer. We ini-tially lost the case and the "judge" used the "constitution" as grounds to throw the complaint out. We filed a motion to recon-sider and requested the "judge" to take "judicial notice" the "constitution" was a "written instrument." This fact was sup-ported by observation and by the lawyers doing business as the "Supreme Court:" "The Constitution as a written instrument." State of South Carolina v. US, 199 US. 437 (1905) a * also Mclntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm n U S (1995), No. 93-986, decided April 19,1995.

This "judge" refused although it's "mandatory" under rule 201(d) of the federal rules of evidence. Without disputing the truth, she claimed the facts were "inappropriate." Susan's decision was based on the "constitution" but what the constitu-tion literally is, was somehow "inappropriate." Yes. Virginia there is a Santa Claus. if you don't acknowledge what it is, you may as well as substitute XYZ for "law" or "constitution." Tell me exactly what the "constitution " or "lore" is without using tlx word "constitution " or "law" and you 'II see what 1 mean.


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Nowhere in the federal rules of evidence can 1 find where a "judge" can refuse to take notice of facts because they feel it s "inappropriate." Relevant yes, "inappropriate," no. Couldn't the facts of a brutal rape and murder be considered "inappropriate" also?

You may be asking yourself why a "judge" would refuse to take "judicial notice" of what the "constitution" is factually, especially when her entire decision is based on it. After all, "judges" take a pretended oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the "constitution" and yet they run (sometimes literally) when asked to take notice of what it is. Why is that? 1 think it's because they know, or are realizing they cannot prove the ""constitution" created any obligations on anyone. Can you explain how a two-hundred year old unsigned "written instrument" transfers prop-erty rights?

The same thing happens when 1 ask notice be taken the "law" is the "written will" of a group of individual men and women. Bureaucrats do not like talking about how and why ichat they call the "law" allegedly became obligatory (binding) or how and why it created some pretended "duty" they are accusing me of somehow "breaking." It's as if they know it's not binding on me, them, or anyone else, and they are afraid of "letting the cat out of the bag." Maybe "cops" would be less enthusiastic to kill in the "name of the law" if they knew it was just an opinion.

"I arrest you in the name of Ted Kennedy!"

1 like to "cut to the chase." I may ask, "what facts are currently before you proving when, where, why and how the writ-ten nil! of individuals, ostensibly labeled "legislators," became obligatory on me?" They are the ones who are supposed to prove their case "beyond a reasonable doubt." How is that done without these facts? Can you just assume the "law"' is binding? Yes, bureaucrats do it everyday. However, what is the point of a trial when facts are assumed? What about the part about "beyond a reasonable doubt?"


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I did a pre-trial conference with a lawyer 1 used to work with. We were in San Jose meeting with two "IRS" lawyers. The lead lawyer snarled contemptuously at me. "What makes you think your clients aren't subject to federal law Marc?" I said, "What is federal law...?" She was a bit puzzled by this, thought for a moment and then said. "That's what congress says." 1 responded by saying, "O.K., isn't congress just a group of indi-vidual men and women?' She agreed it was I then asked her, "What facts do you rely on that my client is subject to the will of these individual men and women?" She refused to answer and her younger co-worker arrogantly stated, "we don't have to prove anything like that and the court will let us."

I then said, ' O.K. let me see if I have understand your pre-trial position correctly. You are saying, 'we're the IRS and we can do and say whatever the hell we want, not have to prove a damn thing, and the court will let us get away with it.' Is that right?" He refused to answer and they wound up refusing to return any of our discovery materials, including refusing to attend depositions. That, however, is typical when the opposi-tion has no case. You see.

bureaucrats believe the)' don't have to prove the "law" that they ram down people's throats is actually binding on anyone in anyway.

"Beyond a reasonable doubt?" Who are they kidding? Bureaucrats don't believe they have to prove their "law" is bind-ing at all, they believe their fantasy is reality and if it's questioned, then the person who has the temerity to ask is labeled a wacko or being in an "alternate reality." And 1 agree in regards to the "alternate reality," my reality is based on tangible facts and a bureaucrat's reality (" Legal Land") is based on opinions heard from "honorable" lawyers and other bureaucrats This is all just a "normal," everyday part of "Legal Land." Bureaucrats only need to hold an opinion (and a gun) and that's all What is more.


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their opinion the "law" is binding and. or applicable is a sacred cow quite literally immune from challenge, the rules of evidence, confrontation and fairness be damned. And why is that? Yes, lawyers spew forth nonsense such as, "The courts have long held..." in defense of their "adversary system." Of course, who wouldn't defend their own business? However, legal opinions are not facts.

I once had a former "IRS" district counsel tell me over the telephone that if 1 were a lawyer, I would be "disbarred" for challenging a "revenue agent's" opinion the "law" was binding. "Disbarred" for challenging a witness's testimony? And why is tluit Mr. Former district counsel? You guessed it Control. To keep the truth from getting out;

the truth being the "law" binds no one.

What would happen if just 100,000 victims of bureau-cratic attacks challenged this legal opinion? Think about i t It's only an opinion Confidence would collapse.

This is why a lawyer representing the "IRS" told me a "revenue agent's" legal opinions collectively known as a "NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY" were "irrelevant" to whether the "NOTICE" was correct (apparently the whole is NOT equal to the sum of its parts). In other words, his legal opinions, includ-ing the one the "law" created a so-called "tax liability," were "irrelevant" to whether the asserted "tax liability" was correct. That's the equivalent to "convicting" a man of rape on nothing more than:

COP. "He did it your honor "

HONORABLE LAWYER: "And how do you know this?"

UWYER: "Your honor I object\ Ihat's wholly


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irrelevant to whether this idiot is guilty or not This man is a "cop" and his official opinion is more valuable than that of an accused rapist."

I was in an "informal conference" with individuals claiming to be a "Department of Revenue" in Phoenix. I handed the "revenue agent" her so-called "NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT" and asked her if everything on there was true and correct The response? She and her comrades vehemently refused to answer the question. However, 1 think rational people would agree that she did answer the question by her actions But why would people so extraordinarily confident in their so-called "assessment" refuse to answer this question?

Some may argue that whether the "law" is binding is somehow "irrelevant" to whether a "tax liability" is created; that a "revenue agent's" or "cop's" legal opinions should not be chal-lenged as any other witness would be. I will briefly demonstrate why this is "irrational" and inconsistent with the very "system" facilitating the attack. Real crimes do not depend on the existence of a "law" to prove they were committed. I'll compare "tax evasion" with a real crime:

"Section 7201. Attempt to evade or defeat tax. Any person who willfully attempts in any man-ner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment thereof shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony and. upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution." Title 26 United States Code (emphasis mine).

Notice this pretended crime depends entirely on the exis-


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tence of some so-called "title" or "law." Without this so-called "law" there is no crime. The same is true of the affront to human-ity called "failure to provide ID." Aren't "crimes" supposed to be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt?" Isn't the applicability of the "law" an essential element here? Can this legal opinion then be assumed by a non-lawyer (gasp!) and not be subjected to chal-lenge? I guess "proven beyond a reasonable doubt" means spewing forth incomprehensible legal opinions. However, now compare 26 USC 7201 with a real crinur.

"13-1102. Negligent homicide; classification A. A person commits negligent homicide if with criminal negligence such person causes the death of another person. B. Negligent homicide is a class 4 felony." Arizona Revised Statutes.

Proving a person caused the death of another person is certainly possible without this so-called "law" (person A pointed a gun at person B's head and fired...) Try making a case for "tax evasion" without a so-called "tax code " Let's see, person A earned $50,000 and put it in his pocket Yeah, some crime, shoot the bastard, he doesn't deserve a fair trial.

Just in case anyone thinks 1 am advocating or believe people should not be held accountable for their actions, consider all I am doing here is using the so-caHcd "system"' against itself. I'm pointing out the contradictions and inconsistencies. If some "revenue agent" forms an opinion, then that opinion is supposed to be subject to challenge and it doesn't matter what the subject matter of the opinion is. For goodness sakes, even "expert wit-nesses" are subject to "cross-examination." If you aren't sup-posed to challenge a "revenue agent's" legal opinions, then what is the point of having a "tax court?" If proving the "law" is binding is not relevant to proving "tax evasion" "beyond a reasonable doubt," then a bureaucrat could jerk some poor soul out of Fiji and convict them. In simpler terms, you could be convicted of not getting a dog license despite not having a dog:


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"But your honor, 1 don't have a dog."

"That's irrelevant, the statute requires every person to get the license."

Then again, a dog without a "license" is a "nullity." Wait a minute, I think they may have something here.

Do you realize men and women claiming to be an "IRS" and a so-called "Justice Department" bring exactly the same fac-tual claim to your property as you do? Let me explain. Vou acquire 100,000 dollars. To prove you have a right to the money you put forth the following facts: you entered into a mutual vol-untary agreement with another man to trade services. This agreement was carried out in New York. The "IRS" then claims 39,000 of it is theirs. What facLs do they rely on to support this legal opinion? That's right, you acquired 100,000 dollars in New York; exactly the same set of facts to support your claim. Everything beyond that is political mumbo-jumbo. And don't forget the New York "state" bureaucrats also lay claim.

Think about this; whether the "law" is binding or not is really a "jurisdiction" (control) issue so 1 like to ask,

"except for coercion, exactly where, when, why and how was your control over my life acquired?"

There is never a responsive answer to this question. How does the "judge" maintain a pretense of fairness when he refuses to inform me of the nature and cause of the charges and pro-ceedings? All I want to do is pay the fine and leave, why doesn't IK just let me? There were times when there was a "release bond" 1 was going to assign over for the fine and they have refused to let me. They were already paid and yet they still refused to inform me of the nature and cause of the charges and proceed-

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ings. What does that tell you? Also consider I haven't disagreed or argued with him in any way. On the contrary, I've agreed with him, he has control and I want to pay him; I only want to Know how jurisdiction was acquired. Whaf s the problem?

Why would a "judge" refuse to answer a few questions and take the fine? I was once with a guy who put the checkbook right where the "judge" could see it, it was right on the bench, and he told the "judge" he was going to write a check for the fine because he didn't want a trial. This "judge" not only got extremely upset, he called in the "police" to have us "arrested." While our complaint about this was ignored, years later, the "Arizona Supreme Court" "censured" him for having an anger problem Who would have thought?

A "judge" cannot be honest about what's going because he is the main player in this vicious scam. He has to put on the pretense; his dog and pony show called a "trial" is to provide the illusion of legitimacy. That is why he will not tell me what is really going on and just take his blood money; he cannot just be honest and say, "your money or your life" like other criminals. He probably knows the people waiting behind me would run out of there as fast as they could if he did.

What if the "judge" is non-responsive by citing a "Supreme Court" opinion as an answer to how "jurisdiction" was acquired? I would say, "Really? O.K., since you are relying on that opinion as if it's evidence, can I cross-examine the lawyers who wrote it?" I say this because the "judge" is relying on the legal opinions of his fellow "honorable" lawyers so I'm supposed to be entitled to cross-examine those lawyers too. I am unaware of exceptions for lawyers higher up on the political pecking order.

You see, everything being used against me is supposed to be subject to challenge If the "judge" wants to order the lawyers doing business as the "Supreme Court" to appear as witnesses against me, who am I to complain? If he doesn't want to order them to be cross-examined, then he shouldn't be trying to substi-tute their opinions as "evidence" against me.


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The rules of evidence are pretty clear and standard around the geographic area commonly referred to as the "United States." Two rules from Arizona and the federal rules are as fol-lows:

"A witness may not testify to a matter unless evidence is introduced sufficient to support a finding that the witness has personal knowledge of the matter." Arizona rule 602.

"Who May Impeach The credibility of a wit-ness may be attacked by any party, including the part>r calling the witness." Federal rule 607.

In California, the equivalent is section 702 of the evidence code where it states "the testimony of a witness concerning a particu-lar matter is inadmissible unless he has personal knowledge of the matter."

If the "|udgc" wants to be non-responsive and cite opin-ions and not facts, that's O.K., he's just digging a deeper hole for himself. Let him rely on opinions I can't challenge; doing so con-flicts with his pretense of fairness. You see, this is not only unfair because the "judge" is now assuming the "prosecutor's" burden of proof, but he's also denying cross-examination and taking the testimony of "witnesses" who obviously lack personal know l-edge. That's a pretty good list of "errors," wouldn't you agree? And that's all in the first two minutes.

I'm sure lawyers would protest claiming 1 may not cross-examine the lawyers D/B/A the "Supreme Court " Q> ahrmi and protest, argue, object and difa*grvr; rule 607 contains no exception for lawyers, even "honorable" ones in flowing black robes. I won't force a "judge" to be responsive. If he chooses to be non-responsive when I ask for facts and instead relies on opinions of his fellow lawyers, that's fine. I'm supposed to have the right to challenge all the "evidence" being used against me, including


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opinions, even those offered by so-called "expert witnesses" who are not even present or know the) are being used as witnesses.

Lawyers can protest their own "rules" all they want; it only proves my point It's the inconsistency that's important here, not whether or not I get to cross-examine a few lawyers. I don't want to cross-examine them anyway (have you ever tried to get a straight answer from a lawyer you're not paying?). Besides, I have productive things to do. It just isn't fair for a "judge" to use opinions as "evidence" against me while, at the very same time, denying challenge. It only goes to show that:

There are no binding "rules" for bureaucrats because they just don't follow "rules."

Just like peeling back the layers of an onion, the more you examine what these people say and do the more it falls apart under its own dead weight.

Men with guns who have no respect for human life typ-ically have no use for rules either. So. in regards to this, 1 just want to mention another political lie (1 know that's redundant) before I move on. A well known opinion is the "constitution" allegedly established a "government of law, not of men" and a so-called "limited government," and "the rule of law." This is statist propaganda to the hilt and I'll show you why.

Regardless of what the "constitution" may say in any other clause, the only important one is the "necessary and prop-er" clause because Has clause effectively negates the rest of that document You want to know why? Because:

Necessitas non habet legem ... Necessity has no law..." Ballentinc's Law Dictionary, page 837.

This definition (and the fancy Latin that lawyers will


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sometimes spew forth in order to confuse you even further) reminds me of many a traffic court "judge:"

"Necessitas vincit legem; legum vincula irred-it...Necessity supercedes law; it LAUGHS at the fetters of the law." Ballentine's Law Dictionary. page 837 (emphasis added).

Yes, when confronted with rules, such as 602 and 605 of the evidence rules, "judges" laugh at the "law" and do whatever they want while sneering "you can appeal." Don't believe me? Try it and you'll see. Yes, these lawyers laugh at the very "law" they ram down our throats. Can you use "necessity" as a defense when charged with one of their pretended crimes? Still think they "represent" you?

As it turns out, the "Rule of Necessity" is a convenient political or statist way of saying bureaucrats can do whatever they want and the alleged "law," such as the "fifth amendment," is just not applicable.

A great example is in the "Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court" The so-called "Supreme Law of the Land," is that, if forced into "court" you are supposed to get a fair and impartial trial or your "life, liberty and property" are not supposed to be taken away from you. This is commonly known as "due process" (fifth amendment) or "having your day in court' This, however, is just not consistent with the facts. The term "due process," as it turns out, is very, very misleading.

If you look at the Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court, Rule 81, Code of Judicial Conduct (the "judge's" ethics rules - I know, that's an oxymoron), the commentary for Canon 3E(1), says:

"By decisional law, the rule of necessity may override the rule of disqualification."

What this is actually means, when you strip away the

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Uwyerese, is a "judge's" opinion is more important than his fol-lowing the rules and giving you a fair trial, such as, recusing himself as your "judge" whenever he is asked to rule on any cause about which his impartiality might reasonably be ques-tioned. To "recuse" means to "disqualify" himself, i.e, to step down from "the bench," that scat that he sits on behind a big wooden table four feet off the floor, so that another "judge" can replace him. In essence, it means;

By decisional law, the Rule of Necessity may override the Rule of Law.

If you cannot receive a fair trial, then they are not suf posed to put you on trial at all or take your "life, liberty or prop-erty" away from you. However, lawyers and bureaucrats are not in the fairness business; that's why they completely disregard the so-called "law" whenever they feel like it by using what they call "the Rule of Necessity," their idea of necessity

Whether you believe it or not will not change the reality there is no such thing as a "government of laws, not men." This is because the "law" itself is nothing more than an opinion "by one man, or a body of men," as Spooncr put it hacked by a gun, and this includes so-called "decisional law," as lawyers call i t

A "government" is a group of men and women doing business using physical violence under the political banner of "necessity."

Their opinions are just political window dressing to con-ceal that violence. Go ahead. Conduct your own law library or internet search of "Supreme Court" opinions using the key word "necessity" and you will find the most egregious acts of violence that have all been justified by what they say was necessary.

COP "We had to kill him your Honor."


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JUDGE "And why is that officer Mitchell?"

COP "It was necessary to get his car away from him."

JUDGE "Was he engaged in, or wanted for a crime?

COP "No, but I hardly think that's relevant your honor."

JUDGE "Neither do L

The fact that the "laws" and the rules of court do not apply to bureaucrats is shown everyday by the "judges" them-selves if the right questions are asked in traffic court. Sometimes, you can see this for yourself even if you don't ask the right ques-tions, just by having a basic understanding of what is right and fair. The issue of how the "judge" acquired "jurisdiction" (con-trol) is just one; but is very important, maybe even the most important "Jurisdiction" is supposed to be an element of a so-called "crime" and a "cause of action." The burden of proof is sujipost'd to be on the party asserting it and, in a criminal case, the burden is "beyond a reasonable doubt," while, in a "civil" case, it is supposed to be by a "preponderance of evidence." Supjxised to be. Remember, this is "Legal Land" where nothing is what it's supposed to be.

Well, it's bad enough if the "judge" assumes "jurisdic-tion" on behalf of the alleged complaining part)*, but it's an insult added to injury to also use an opinion against me I cannot chal-lenge. I would therefore ask, "is the use of opinions 1 cannot challenge factually consistent with the confrontation clauses?" Using so<allcd "evidence" not subject to challenge is not a trial in any sense of the word.

For the lawyers out there, do not mix apples and oranges


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here or accuse me of doing the same. This is not to say an issue of so-called "law" may not be settled by citing an opinion of the "Supreme Court" On the contrary, this is an issue of evidence and facts, not of "law." It's also an issue of being responsive to a simple question. 1 should not be given an opinion when 1 ask for the facts.

Some may ignore that I asked for the facts and say it's "well-settled law" that the "judge" has jurisdiction. It is also "well-settled law" that you're supposed to wear a seatbelt, so why have a trial at all when the charge is failure to wear a seat-belt? Come to think of it if I have to accept opinions without challenge then what is the point of having a trial under any cir-c*mstances? If it's so "well-settled," then why not repeal "civil" rules such as 12(b)(6), one of the motion to dismiss rules? If it's such "well-settled law" then why do "U.S. Attorneys" ahoays file motions to dismiss when someone sues the "IRS?"

The "judge" is supposed to be impartial ana independent, not in my opinion, but in their opinion. This so-called independ-ence would be subverted if he is assuming "jurisdiction' for a party. This will be discussed in greater detail below.

As stated earlier, a cause of action is supposed to require the breach of a duty resulting in damage. So, I may ask, "am I being accused of breaching some duty?" If this is answered, then the answer would most likely be "yes." I would then ask, "where, when, why and how was this alleged duty created?" Keep in mind this presupposes the "judge" has answered whether or not this "civil" case was a contract dispute or a tort Chances are this question will not be answered Most questions are not answered. Maybe "honorable" lawyers do not feel the need to condescend to my non-lawyer level to answer a question.

I would also ask: "Was this alleged duty created by coer-cion?" If that alleged duty was created by coercion, then why not also impose the "duty" to pay the fine by coercion and skip the pretense? Why not be consistent?


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As previously stated, bureaucrats have most people blindly accepting their pretended "laws" so they don't have to worn'about non-compliance. However, "in a democracy based on the rule of law and not of men," and other such "legalistic gib-berish/' the pretense of a fair trial must be maintained in order to keep those very same people fast asleep regarding the true nature of their so-called "system" so they will continue to go right on blindly obeying and paying.

After all, if a "duty" can be created by coercion, then how can the crime called "armed robbery'" even exist? For exam-ple, you walk into a bank with a machine gun, you fire off a few rounds and inform every employee in the bank that they will die if you don't get all of the money stored away inside of their bank. If "legal duties" are created by coercion, then the people in that bank would have a "legal duty" to comply, now wouldn't they? If it is, then where's the crime? In fact, what is really crazy here is if the bank's employees refuse to comply, then they've committed a crime and not the guy with the machine gun. In "Legal Land" such heinous crime by the bank employees is called "tax eva-sion." In "Legal Land" violence is "honorable" and not comply-ing with that violence is the crime.

I he really uncomfortable part for a "judge" is in regards to the second half of a cause of action i.e., the damage How can there be any "damage" if I don't have an ID card in my pocket? The only "damage" may be to the ego of the man dressed in a cos-tume, with a gun and a healthy appetite for violence and domi-nation because I didn't obey his legal "order."

What they are really accusing me of is disobedience to their pretended "authority," not of breaching any duty or causing any damage. "Traffic court" is a matter of obedience, domination and money, not a matter of safety, fairness and justice. The/re determined to make sure that 1 obey the next time around. This is proven by looking at their own so-called "law." I can always rely on contradictions when dealing with bureaucrats. A great example in Arizona is found within their so-called "constitution'


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"Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights." — Arizona constitution article 11 § 2.

If you think about it, bureaucrats claim to protect every-one's rights, yet, who's rights are they allegedly "protecting" if 1 am charged with not having an ID card in my pocket? In other words, where is the "damage' if I travel without identification? What about a "license plate" for that matter?

I have asked for the names of the alleged victims whose rights the fearless "prosecutor" is valiantly "protecting and have never gotten an answer. Why is that? However, one per-secutor in Arizona actually claimed he was "representing" me. Wow. I'm both the plaintiff and the defendant. Before anyone laughs, consider this opinion is not "legally defective." it was a lawyer's, a proud member of the "Arizona Bar Association," the only people permitted to give legal opinions in "Legal Land." Now you can laugh. If he was really "representing" me, then I would have been complaining against myself, I could have told him to withdraw the complaint. He was claiming to be "standing] in the place of" me. But 1 think everyone is aware he did not "rep-resent" me. If he did, then notwithstanding the complete lack of supporting evidence, there was a serious conflict of interest in my lay opinion.

I hardly think that any lawyer, or "cop," for that matter, could produce any evidence that 1, being in Phoenix, have obli-gations to people in Parker Arizona, hundreds of miles away. To date, all have refused to even try. No, instead, they leave that "burden" for their exalted partner the "judge" to decide. All that means is that the "judge" bails them out because the "judge" can call his little army of non-discretion exercising henchmen ("bailiff," "cop," "deputy" etc.,) to throw me in a cage for humans with a so-called "command," "mandate," "decree" or "order."


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It's even more difficult, if not impossible, for these bureaucrats to provide the actual "rights" they are courageously "protecting" or "redressing" in a "traffic" case. 1'U elaborate. Bureaucrats allege we have a right to "life, liberty and property." In a case of car theft the victim's right to property- was violated. In a kidnapping case, the victim's right to liberty is violated and, in a murder case, the victim's right to life is violated. There it's clear which rights the "prosecutor" is allegedly "protecting" or "redressing." But what if 1 forget to leave the house with ID? If I live in Phoenix. Arizona, and leave my home without ID, how are the people at the Grand Canyon injured? Winch rights of theirs have I allegedly violated and how? Was it their right to life, liberty or property? Oh no, all three? If you laugh, then keep in mind, this is supposed to be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt."

I've asked "oops" this question and the best they can do is say I "failed to produce ID " It's a stupid "time worn" mantra; they have no responsive answers because there are none. It's a fan-tasy to think people are damaged if 1 don't have ID on me. Why not accuse me of not dressing like the Tooth Fairy? That causes the same amount of damage to other people as not having a pic-ture ID in my pocket

At what point does this senseless violation of rights occur? What kind of person is so cold-blooded and insensitive to the rights of others they actually leave their house without an ID card? Let's take this one step at a time and see if we can pinpoint exactly when the "rights'" are violated 1) I decide 1 want to leave my home in Phoenix and get some raisins down the street I have some cash in my pocket so, 2) 1 don't take ID with me. 3) I get into my car and travel down the street 4) A valiant public ser-vant a "cop," ever vigilant to protect the people, senses I don't have ID. 5) Knowing there is criminal activity brewing, he turns on his emergency lights and 6) 1 stop my car. 7) Our conquering "hero" the "cop," bravely approaches the vehicle and with great confidence, throwing caution to the wind, 8) asks to see my ID. 9) I


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tell this courageous, selfless man, "I have no ID." 10) Our "cop" informs me that I am now "under arrest" and, 11) far greater tragedy to the people of Arizona has been narrowly averted by this altruistic "servant" of the people. Who knows what might have been the extent of the damage had 1 been permitted to con-tinue traveling down the street? I could have bought some raisins (or other dry fruit) without ID! Oh, "the horror...the hor-. . . . • ror.

And, mind you, bureaucrats do believe not having ID is a crime warranting jail time. One lawyer from the Phoenix area wanted a "judge" to put me in jail for six months not because I didn't have ID, but because my ID did not have a picture on it

" A.ILS. 28-1595. Failure to stop or provide driv-er license or evidence of identity; violation;

A. The operator of a motor vehicle who know-ingly fails or refuses to bnng the operator's motor vehicle to a stop after being given a visu-al or audible signal or instruction by a peace offi-cer or duly authorized agent of a traffic enforce-ment agency is guilt)' of a class 2 misdemeanor.

B. After stopping as required by subsection A of this section, the operator of a motor vehicle who fails or refuses to exhibit the operator's driver license as required by section 28-3169 or a driv-er who is not licensed and who fails or refuses to provide evidence of the driver's identity on request is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor The evidence of identity that is presented shall con-tain all of the following information ..." (Emphasis mine).


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Just how many tragedies has this so-called "statute" pre-vented? What on earth did people do in the days prior to picture ID's? No wonder they're called the "Dark Ages, there tots no flash photogra/>hy.

My question is: at what point did this nefarious crime begin? If you laugh at this suggestion consider this so-called "crime" is supposed to be proven "bey ond a reasonable doubt." Was it at step #1, when I was thinking of going out for raisins or when I actually decided to go out without ID? If my wife knew I was going out without ID would she be guilty of aiding and abetting? What if she suggested I go out without my ID, would she be guilty of conspiracy to fail to produce ID? Maybe she should have performed a "citizen's airest" and prevented me from leaving the house' What if I thought about going out with-out ID and the phone rang and I didn't go out, would that be attempted failure to provide ID?

At which point did the people of Heber, Arizona, start having their rights violated and which ones? Was it the "right" to go to sleep at night knowing some lunatic was not out traveling without a picture ID in his pocket? Were the people of Jerome, Arizona, damaged at the same time as the people at the Grand Canyon? Are non-citizens and non-residents also damaged, or just citizens? What about people just visiting or citizens visiting the other side of North America, is it a vicarious injury? If it dam-ages people 200 miles away, then why aren't people damaged in California and Mexico? Or are they damaged as well and "cops" just don't care? Where does the senseless carnage end? Could you imagine how much worse it could be if 1 didn't have a seatbelt on? If there were five people in the car with me. would they be guilty of aiding and abetting? Could we all be charged with a R.I. C O violation? No wonder the Great American West was so


dangerous 150 years ago, there were no picture ID's. And, gasp! No "social security" numbers! (How did the human race survive all those thousands of years without "social security?") This is like those math problems in school everyone hated:


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If person A leaves Chicago at 12.-00 without ID traveling at 50 mph and person B leaves Detroit at 1:00 without ID traveling at 55 mph, at what time are the people in Seattle damaged?

I think the point is made sufficiently. At no point are the people in I leber, Arizona, affected in any way if 1 go out to buy raisins (or other dry fruit) without ID in Phoenix. In fact, no one is affected, not even the "cop" who chooses to violently interfere with my life. Now, how does all that square with the political rhetoric commonly called the "Arizona constitution?"

"Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights." — Arizona constitution article II § 2.

It doesn't square with it and no amount of political spin, opinion or violence can make "failure to provide ID" factually consistent with this section of Arizona's pretended "supreme law." It then follows that the "constitution" does not "authorize" the actions taken against me. So I ask the "judge" straight out "are there any allegations of damage here?" More likely than not, if any "duty" is claimed to be breached, then it was "creat-ed" by coercion i.e., violence, and there is no damage. No one is damaged by going down the street without a "driver's license" and 1 have even had "cops" testify that I have not damaged or even threatened to damage anyone. And I write "pretended" before "supreme law" because if this clause were complied with bureaucrats could not give out most traffic tickets.

You may be asking yourself, "how would driving down the street ever be safe again if no one was required to have a dri-ver's license?** I address that issue in the last chapter. 5uffice it to say here there arc accidents caused every day by "licensed" drivers and no service or product needs to be provided at the barrel of a gun.


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Getting back to my "collateral attack" on the so-called "system," a traffic ticket will show there is no victim. So the tick-et. on i Is face, is inconsistent with this section of the so-called "constitution." A good question in this regard is: "Did 1 violate an individual's rights?" If the answer is no, then the next ques-tion is, "would this prosecution be factually consistent with the purpose of the establishment of this government?" In Arizona, ^ it's article II § 2 cited just above

These questions also apply if I am accused of a so-called "criminal traffic" violation 1 just go in with a proposed plea of guilty and let the "judge" know 1 want to pay the fine and avoid a trial. I just have a few questions I want to ask before paying that fine so I know what is actually going on.

In "criminal" cases, I'm supposed to be informed of the nature and cause of the charges and the proceedings against me. This will usually not happen though. Bureaucrats want money, money they have not earned and they are not interested in fair-ness. They tend to act as though my alleged right to be informed is a nuisance.

Bureaucrats are not in the fairness business. They're in the control, power, and money busi-ness. They crave attention, irresponsibility, glory and domination.

To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail." — Abraham H. Maslow



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Chapter Eight

What rgltf dres "iHdgc" r ?*»v r»*v?

I usually find this is a good time to question the "judge's" role in all of this. 1 would say: I understand an armed man dressed in a costume, the "cop," complained about me. However. I am a little unsure about what the "judge" is sup-posed to do. Why is the "cop" whining to this "honorable" lawyer? "Daddy, Marc won't let me see his baseball-your Honor, Marc won't let me see his ID." I will ask the "judge:"

Who do you represent in all of this?

I like this question because there's no way out of this par-ticular one for the "judge." This is really the only question I need to ask to prove the entire proceeding is unfair. It's about as loaded a question as there is and he may get very upset, and that's fine. "Ihe only thing he's accomplishing is throwing his pretense of good faith, fairness and credibility right out the window. I write "there is no way out" because the two points I made above about physical violence and a fair hearing are used here with maxi-mum effect. This question cuts through all of the political win-dow dressing exposing the "trial" for the sham it is, a "sham" in the lay sense, of course.

The "judge" will not answer this question and may use it as grounds to claim that I'm somehow "refusing to plea." The "judge" would then force me to his political dog and pony show called a "trial" despite my intention to "plead guilty" and pay his "fine." That's why I go in with an unsigned plea of "guilty" (for N.^ criminal cases) or a plea of "responsible* (for civil cases). In either case I can ask, "Sr . is that consistent with the facts; there is an unsigned plea of guilty on your bench?" Why not inform me of the true nature and cause of the charges and proceedings against me and then take my money? This question is loaded


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because the "judge" has to say one of two things or be non-responsive. Either way, he will have a difficult tame maintaining his pretense of fairness.

In the summer of 2002 I helped someone with a "hear-ing" in Phoenix with individuals calling themselves the "Department of Rev enue." The "hearing officer" represented the "director" of the "Department" as did the individual who made the "assessment" Where was the independent and impartial "hearing officer?" There obviously wasn't one. The "hearing-was a joke and was only provided to create the appearance of fairness. Could you imagine a mugger using the same language as a lawyer? He sticks a gun in your face and says, "I've just assessed you, now give me your wallet."

This may be the "judge's" first possible response:

A He could say he represents no one. There is almost no chance a "judge" will say he represents no one. However, if he does, then I would ask. "so, you are here on your own authority? A yes or no will do." Now things start to get really tough for the "judge " The only ways out of this are to throw out this inane "charge" or to start screaming something about "contempt."

What are the implications for an "honorable" lawyer if he claims he is there on his own authority? The premise bureau-crats, such as a "judge," put forth, and need to be accepted, is they "represent" the "people" of the "state" as "authorized by the constitution" If he claims he "represents" no one and is there on his own authority, then this false and erroneous premise is desta-oyed by lus own admission because...

The "judge" is appearing pursuant to the "con-stitution" while «of appearing pursuant to the "constitution."


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This particular question undermines any pretense of fairness this violent individual is trying to maintain. The politi-cal myth he is a "public servant" is exposed for everyone present as the nonsense it is. 'Ihis obviously presents a "judge" with a serious "jurisdictional" problem if he is going to claim he is appearing by his own authority. I may ask. "is it your opinion / you have "jurisdiction" over me' A yes or no answer will do. "

If he answers no the case is over. This is not likely to happen. A "judge" will usually angrily snap back they do have "jurisdiction." So then I could ask; "Is that an arbitrary legal opinion?" He'll likely say "no" so I can now respond with, "so your legal opinion is based upon facts currently within your < knowledge?" Chances are he will say "yes," if not. the case is over. This next question is going to be really tough for the "judge"

"I'm glad those facts are currently within your knowledge, now, could you please tell me what those facts are and exactly where, when, why ^ and how, you, of your own authority, actually acquired this jurisdiction over me?"

This lawyer cannot snap back, "the constitution" without contradicting his previous opinion he is not representing anyone. He's stuck. Another important question to ask is: "is your juris-diction based on my consent?"

The answer I'm looking for is coercion, physical vio-lence This "judge" has not asked for my permission and he will let me know if I ask him questions like this. Because the only answer consistent with reality is "coercion." I can ask him a ques-tion that will make him horribly uncomfortable:

Do you equate violence and coercion with fair-ness and good faith?


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There is no way out of the box I've helped put the "judge" in. 1/ he tries to squirm his way out by being non-responsive. I ask: "Tell me. what would happen if 1 just walked out of here, threw this so-called ticket away, and ignored all of this?" He will probably let me know that some form of physical violence would be used against mc such as, a so-called "warrant for my arrest" will be issued. If he doesn't answer I will just ask the above question again or just uwlk out

By asking what would happen if I turned around and walked away he'll let everyone present know he is prepared to use physical violence on /us ou>n so-called "authority." This is a pret-ty bad spot for him to be in. I would then point out he has claimed he is there "on his own authority" and "has acquired jurisdiction by coercion " By his own admission his "authority" is violence, not some alleged "delegated authority" from a "consti-tution." An admission like that would be pretty damaging and is the reason why I will bring witnesses with me and audio recording equipment.

If he is doing all of this by violence, then the question is, can he make an error large enough to "shock the conscience" of any "reviewing" lawyers doing business as an "appellate court?" This raises another interesting question how do you "shock the conscience" of an individual who relies on violence to acquire property he doesn't own viz., a bureaucrat? He obviously has no respect for human life, so how do you "shock" him? The mere fact that violence is his so-called "jurisdiction" should be enough to get any case thrown out but. remember, this is not the real world, this is "Legal Land," so it usually doesn't work out that way. In "l.egal Land" violence is OK if you have a cool looking badge or a costume on, such as a uniform or a flowing black robe.

If he's there on his own behalf, then, to whom does the "fine" that 1 pay go' If any money goes to him there is a serious conflict of interest and any pretense of fairness and impartiality goes right out the window once again. And if that money goes to the "state," and the "state" pays him, there is still a conflict of


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interest This conflict of interest doesn't magically go away by labeling it the "best system in the world" or sneering "Well, I'd like to see you do better Marc."

This is why there is never any impartiality in any so-called "tax" case. All bureaucrats are paid by money "stolen" (lay sense) from pretended "taxpayers." Therefore, the "judge" in any "tax" case has a financial interest in each and every case that comes through. Impartiality and independence is a cruel joke.

You should also consider the political nunsense the "state" is everyone in a certain geographic location. This would obviously include the "honorable" lawyer with the neat robe. How could one of the very people tragically damaged by my reckless act of traveling without ID also sit as a "judge?" Where's the independence?

If the "judge" is there on his own behalf, then what does this say about his relationship to the "cop" who came in crying about someone not having a seatbelt on? Why is the "cop" whin-ing to hint, what is his motive? I could really put this "judge" on the spot by holding up the ticket and asking him, "What is the nature and basis of your relationship with this "cop" who filed this alleged complaint against me?" If he has no relationship with him. then why is he taking control over my life and my property of his own "authority" for him? There is obviously some kind of relationship going on here. At the very least, there is some kind of business relationship . I think that would qualify as a conflict of interest This line of questioning could really expose the "judge" and show. "beyond a reasonable doubt," there is only a thin pretense of fairness going on here.

1 know some people, especially lawyers, would complain and allege their "adversary system" is the "best system in the world." My response to that is, "Yeah, right, great logic." What a strong argument in finvr of violence and shorn "trials" that lawyers, by the way, have a "vested" interest in supporting and


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perpetuating by assisting the pretended "state" in your prosecu-tion, by acting as your "judge," or by "helping" to "protect" you from the other tioo lawyers in the courtroom. Get it? Your life, honest)- and fairness are just not as important as a their next house, car or boat. I understand that "federal" minimum securi-ty prisons are much better than "state" maximum security prisons, but that doesn't mean I want to go to federal prison. A prison is still a prison for goodness sake. "What about Hawaii this year honey7" "Are you kidding me? Have you seen this brochure for the federal prison7"

Let's say there is an "election" going on here in Arizona and one guy is running for "attorney general." His "platform" is that he's the "most qualified." Now that's pretty misleading isn't it? In a class of idiots, a few are bound to be at the head of the class right? But even the best and the brightest among a class of idiots are still considered idiots, aren't they?

Now let's take a close look at the "judge's" second pos-sible response:

B. He could say he represents the "state" or the "people" of the "stale." This, the more likely answer he might give, if any at all, presents the "judge" with a different, though, just as deep hole to dig himself out of. Like my last question, there is no way for this lawyer to answer without destroying whatever pretense of fair-ness, good faith and impartiality he may have had up until this point.

The "judge" is supposed to be an independent, fair and impartial decision-maker. Not in my opinion, but according to the BS public relations bureaucrats put out There is a serious contradiction here; if he represents the "state," or the alleged "people" of the "state," then he also represents the alleged com-plaining party and the "cop," who also just happens to claim to represent the "state!" Under his own rules a fair trial is still impossible.


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Bureaucrats are so compulsive about making roles they fail to see those very same roles completely hamstring their jobs if applied.

Here the "judge" also represents the "cop" who filed the "complaint" (traffic ticket summons, etc.) in the first place. This fact is repeatedly demonstrated throughout this book in the way the "judge" continually comes to the aid and defense of the "cop" each and every time I try to get down to the brass tacks truth. 1 would therefore ask the "judge" if he does in fact represent the "cop." This sets the "judge" up to contradict himself when he assumes the "cop's" burden of proof.

After admitting he "represents" the "state," I would ask, "Sir, are you telling me you represent the alleged complaining partyV If he says "no," I ask him to clarify his position:

Please explain how you can represent the "state" and not represent the "state" at the very same time.

This is classic "Legal Land" nonsense. In "Legal Land," a so-called "judge" can represent the "state" and not represent the "state" at the wry name time. In the real world such a person is called a charlatan, crook, swindler, con man. rogue etc. But, in "Legal Land" he is hailed as a scholar, given a small army at his disposal, and relieved of any and all personal responsibility or liability. Just check your local "judge's" "ethics" rules. In all probability, there is absolutely no criminal or civil liability attached to their "errors "

In "l-egal Land" "judges" do not commit crimes; no these "honorable" lawyers commit errors -just a "harmless error" even if you spend time in prison getting gang-raped.


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"Judges" only have their fellow "Judges" looking over their shoulders who, themselves, determine what discipline is to be exercised against any one "judge" that someone may have complained about, if any. They call this "sovereign" or "judicial immunity." It sure feels good to be the "king" doesn't it?

Another question is this "Sir. seeing how you represent the alleged complaining party as well, could you please explain when, when, why and hew I'm supposed to get a fair trial under these circ*mstances?" I may also ask what the impartial deci-sion-maker intends on appearing and why the plaintiffs (the "state's") lawyer is conducting the so-called 'arraignment." 1 would also ask why the plaintiff (the "state") requires two lawyers. 1 then remind the "judge" I'm not a lawyer and don't want a trial, 1 just want to pay the fine. But, before doing so, I just want to know what is going on before 1 pay. Unless of course informing me of the nature and cause of the charges and pro-ceedings is a nuisance.

If he still refuses, I ask him, "why should 1 enter a plea when there is no evidence of a complaining party and you will not answer a few simple questions and inform me of the nature and basis of the charges and proceedings against me?" The "judge" will not be able to maintain any consistency with such questions If he refuses to answer who he represents, I ask who pays him. The "judge" wants, no needs to make it look as if the "constitution,'' an unsigned "written instrument' allows him to hold me there against my will. As if a piece of paper can authorize anything. Paper and ink does not authorize anything, people do. The paper and ink is only to record their will and intentions. Notwithstanding that, such a position is consistent with his opin-ion he represents the "state," and, here, the "state" is also the alleged complaining party I This lawyer represents both the "state" and the pretended plaintiff, the alleged complaining party, the same so-called "state." Get it?

In the real world, this is not called justice. This is called cTazy or just plain nuts.


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Not only is this "nuts," but this presents a serious con-flict of interest under their own so-called "ethical" 'rules" (if you can even imagine, for a moment, that a so-called "judge" actual-ly has any ethical rules under these bizarre circ*mstances, enu-merated both above, and below):

A. Then? is no independence. "Judicial independence" is a very popular myth; there has never been an independent judici-ary in U.S. courts. If the "judge" represents the plaintiff, then this is inconsistent with his ethics code mandating independence: "An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society." Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court, Rule 81, Canon 1.

B There is impropriety. This is obvious: "A judge shall respect and comply with the law and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary." Canon 2. This is ridiculous for several reasons. The "judge s" own rules permit him to "sus-pend" whatever rules he wants, such as appellate rule 3 in Arizona. Another is the violence. How is confidence promoted by violence? Yes, I'm confident this "honorable" lawyer will have me killed if I don't play along with his fantasies. Last, where is the impartiality when the "judge" is a complaining party7

C. There is no impartiality. Again this is obvious: "A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office impartially and diligently." Canon 3. This is impossible when he represents both the pretended plaintiff and also the defendant at certain times.

D. There is no disqualification. This is a big one and I will quote much of their "canon" here:

"A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances where:


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The judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a party's lawyer, or personal knowledge oí disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;

The judge served as a lawyer in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom the judge practiced law within the proceeding seven (7) years served during such association as a lawyer concerning the matter, or the judge has been a material witness concerning it..." Canon 3(E) (emphasis mine).

Now, I'm no lawyer, but a "judge" representing the plaintiff (the "state"), is a conflict of interest at least in the by sense. The "judge's" representation of the pretended plaintiff is acting as a lawyer and is precluded by their own rules. Not to worry though, this is "Legal Land" so the rules, even those that specifically apply to the "judges," don't really apply. They are only P.R, public relations to dupe you, for pretense.

Yes, the rules apply and they don't apply at the same time.

The "judge's" representation of the "plaintiff" destroys any perception or illusion of fairness and, fortunately their vic-tims don't have to go to "law school" in order to see that. 'litis also "violates' at least four (4) of their own ethics rules and that doesn't include their "statutes" and "constitutions." And here, I was only being accused of not providing ID? Remember the old lollipop commercial? llow many crimes does an "honorable" lawyer have to commit to "convict" someone of not carrying ID?

This brings us back to what was written earlier with regards to "the Rule of Necessity " The commentary for this rule includes:


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By decisional law, the rule of necessity may override the rule of disqualification.

Whenever bureaucrats feel it's "necessary" to disregard their own ethics rules //icy will do so even if this means failing to disqualify themselves over any cause over which their impartial-ity might reasonably be questioned. Would that be legal anar-chy? And, as we have seen, this happens all the time. Yes, in their "legal" minds it is absolutely necessary to deny me any pre-tense of fairness so they can steal (lay sense) my money and valu-able time Here we can see their very own "commentary" on their very own "ethics" rules makes it perfectly clear

You are going to stand trial whether that trial is fair or not and, whether you like it, or noL

As we can see, this has nothing to do with "fairness," and everything to do with taking control of my life, liberty and property using whatever violence and subterfuge a lawyer thinks is "necessary." It's all about control. It's all about obedi-ence.

No rational lay individual could read the "judge's" own commentary on "necessity" and still claim there is a "govern-ment of laws, not men." Unless of course laughter is their objec-tive. Lawyers can and will claim there is a "government of laws, not men." because lawyers will have you believe anything. That's their job; even if the luwyer himself does not personally beliezw the nonsense he is trying to put over on you. I have spoken to many lawyers and know this to be true. One in particular works for the so-called "attorney general" in California. This lawyer told me he would defend a "revenue agent's" actions that were contrary to his professional legal advice. me clarify this lawyer could advise his client noi to do something because the act was illegal. If the agent disregarded the "official legal advice" of his lawyer and was then sued by the person consequently damaged, then


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this lawyer would defend die very actions lie advised against If they want to render an honest legal opinion for a

change, what the "honorable" lawyers parading around as "courts of justice" should say is this:

You are entitled to a fair hearing but only if we feel like granting one. By the way, we never do; we can't.

As we can now see, these rules, if applied, make it impos-sible for an honest "judge" to conduct a traffic case or any crimi-nal case for that matter. This is yet another example of where bureaucrats, in their zeal to ram rules down everyone else's throats, hamstring themselves right out of a job.

Bureaucrats cannot follow their own rules and still function.

After all. here, the "judge" represents the plaintiff for goodness sake, so the trial cannot possibly be fair. In fact, it isn't proper to call it a trial at all; it's a joke, a sham or a charade, but not a trial. A trial is essentially a test and nothing is tested except for the patience of all involved. Calling it a "trial" is a lie. There is another "legal" term for this; it's called a kangaroo court.

If the "judge" insists on proceeding further, as he usual-ly will. 1 could ask, "Does the complaining party have standing to complain and, if he says, "yes," then I could ask. How and why?" The "judge" could refuse to answer. I would then ask: "O.K., is there a cause of action here to plea to?" He'll probably confidently say there is. I would then respond, "O.K., I'm not agreeing or disagreeing but. could you tell me the elements of a cause of action?" What makes the "judge" so sure? If he is sure, then he must know what those elements are. He's so confident not because there's evidence of a cause of action, but because there's a battery' of armed men waiting in the wings to carry me

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off to jail on a moment's notice, men that do not exercise any dis-cretion of their own.

However, no amount of violence changes what a "cause of action" is, or is supposed iu Putting me in jail does not reverse "supreme court" opinions as far as I know. A "cause of action" is a breach of a known "legal" duty that results in loss, harm or injury. There are many cases showing this. The follow-ing is only one from the "United States ¡Supreme Court"

"Like the prudential component, the constitu-tional component of standing doctrine incorpo-rates concepts conceded ly not susceptible of pre-cise definition. The injury alleged Afl 1ST be, for example," 'distinct and palpable,'" Gladstone. KrrtUw* v- Village of Pcllwwd, 441 U.S. 91, 100 (1979) (quoting Warth v. Sddin. supra, at 501), and not "abstract" or "conjectural" or "hypo-thetical," I .os Angles v. Lyons. 461 U.S. 95,101-102 (1983); C Shftl V Littfctgn. 414 VS. 488, 494 (1974). The injury MUSTbe "fairly" traceable to the challenged action, and relief from the injury must be "likely" to follow from a favorable decision. See Simon v. Eastern Kentucky Welfare Rights Org., 426 U.S., at 38,41." Allen v. Wright, 468 VS. 737 (1984) (emphasis mine).

And, from Arizona:

"|it] is equally true that before one is entitled to a remedy against an alleged wrongdoer, there must be some DUTY owing from the wrongdoer towards the INIURED person." State Compensation Fund v. Superior Court, 15 Ariz.App. 597, 598, 490 P.2d 426 (1972) (empha-sis mine).


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I may ask the judge: "Is this cause of action factually con-sistent with the Supreme Court's opinion as to what a cause of action i s r If he says yes, 1 then ask him if he can tell me what facts are before him to support such an opinion and who pre-sented them.

There is no damage done because I travel without a "license," ID or other picture card in my pocket. A "license" may even have been issued to me. but just because I leave it at home does not mean there is damage or a prejudice to the rights of another man, woman or child. I guess we all walk a fine (legal) line between being an innocent person and a vicious, heinous criminal who deserves to rot in a cage for six months

The quotes from the above cited court cases are pretty clear. Not only must there be damage, but that damage "must be 'fairly' traceable to the challenged action, and relief from the injury must be 'likely' to follow from a favorable decision" Mere we can see yet again the "laws" imposed on us at the barrel of a gun just don't apply to bureaucrats because, in this particular case, "by decisional law, the rule of necessity may override the rule of standing.' Obviously, this is not fair. There is no injury to people in Parker Arizona if I don't have ID on me while in Tucson so maybe the lawyers who wrote the above opinion actu-ally meant to write:

[it] is equally true that before one is entitled to a remedy against an alleged wrongdoer, there must be some DUTY owing from the wrongdo-er towards the INJURED person, EXCEPT for individuals pretending to be the state, where no such standards exists; the state has standing against anyone that falls within its sights.

The issue of standing is supposed to be very important, just ask a lawyer. The complaining party- is supposed to have standing to complain Without standing anyone can sue anyone


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else for anything. It's common sense there must be something to complain about with that complaint coming from someone who actually has the right to complain.

Although bureaucrats ignore standing whenever they are the so-called "plaintiff." it is their first line of defense whenev-er a complaint is made against them. Isn't that ironic? File a com-plaint against a bureaucrat and their first well-rehearsed reaction is to file a copy and pasted motion to dismiss "for failure to state a claim" or for a "lack of jurisdiction." In California it's called a "demurrer." I know the)' are copies because they do not always change all the names.

Thus, another question designed to undermine the false perception of fairness they try so hard to put over is:

What Is the nature of the relationship, if any, between as?

This question really gets to the heart of the matter and is similar to the questions on "jurisdiction." Either the "judge" answers it or he doesn'L I don't care either way because both work against him. In fact, any answer at all destroys any pre-tended case this bureaucrat is trying to put over. If he doesn't answer he's demonstrating bad faith because he's refusing to inform me of the nature of the proceeding so 1 can defend myself. That's unfair even in the "legal" sense. If he does answer, it will be revealed that this "relationship" is based on his coercion and threats of violence. I can then ask if he equates coercion with good faith. If lie refuses to answer, I tell him I'll be asking the "cop" the same question, that is, what is the nature of the rela-tionship between me and the pretended " j u d g e A f t e r all, his crying about me not having an ID card in my pocket started this mess; he filed the so-called "complaint" and is supposed to have the burden of proving "jurisdiction" I also tell him by refusing to inform me of the nature of the proceedings I cannot possibly defend myself.


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It stands to reason if there is no relationship I should be able to walk away from "his" courtroom and not have to worry about any further aggression and violence. Because of this, I may ask. "am I free to walk away without any further aggression?" If not, I ask why. Sooner or later the true nature of the "relation-ship" will be revealed by his words or actions and it will not be consistent with any rational sense of fairness. A common thief points a gun at you and says, "your money or your life," and a "judge" essentially says the same thing except for the fluffy polit-ical lingo, "you appear in my courtroom or I'll issue a bench war-rant for your immediate arrest."

All of this is geared towards exposing the true nature of wliat is happening no political opinions, no deletion, distortion or adding to reality, just the facts. Most dealings with bureau-crats are based upon violence so they usually do their best to cover it up, to a point. Some will admit to it although they may also claim it is a "last resort." Great excuse, most criminals would also say the same thing It's probably true that criminals would probably not use violence, or nearly as much violence, if their victims ("citizens," "residents") simply rolled over and complied with their demands. Can you imagine how that would look as a so-called "law?"

A.R.S. § 13-1105. First degree murder; classification

A. A person commits first degree murder if:

1. Intending or knowing tliat the person's con-duct will cause death, the person causes the death of another with premeditation, unless it is done as a "last resort" by a bureaucrat.

To illustrate violence is the modus openmdi ("M O.") of bureaucrats, just imagine what compliance would be like if they could not use violence. Or, rather. let's look at how "easy" their


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"jobs" would still bo if they weren't helped out by their victims. Maybe it's just me, but isn't it the height of arrogance to not ask permission while asking for help?

Who would pull their cars over to the side of the road if the "cops" weren't bent on using violence ("by any means neces-sary") to get your car to stop? Would anyone even appear in court if there were no violent mechanism to force you to be there? "Sir, please come to court with me please. If you don't show up we cannot fine you and the judge will not get paid."

How could the shameless assault and robbery going under the political spin "eminent domain' be accomplished except by violence? To demonstrate bureaucrats operate by vio-lence and have no respect for human life, I'll cite one of their own opinions:

"Hence, although the goal of extinguishing abo-riginal title could have been achieved by con-gressional fiat, see Tee-Hit-Ton Indians v. United States. 348 US 272, 279 1955)." Idaho v. United States ei al. on writ of certiorari to the United States court of appeals for the ninth circuit [June 18,2001J.

"Extinguishing...tiller Who talks like that? What does that mean? It means, "you're not the owner anymore, we are." Does it look like the lawyers of the "Supreme Court" have respect for human life or the property they lie about "protect-ing?" This opinion is political gibberish for robbery, die taking of property by force and without the owner's consent.

No, your Honor, this guy's nuts, 1 didn't car-jack him, I just "extinguished" his title to the car, that's all, I swear.


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These lawyers also write title to property could have been "achieved by congressional fiat." This is more political win-dow dressing I will break down.

First, congress is a group of men and women. Second, "fiat" is defined as: "an order or decree." Oxford American Dictionary, Page 320. What these lawyers are saying is that title to property (ownership) can be acquired by the mere say-so of a group of 533 men and women. Some men and women (congress) just have to say it's theirs and POOF! it's magically theirs. A little political voodoo and sleight of hand and it's done. "What won-derful magic" indeed. If you think I'm being harsh or too critical here, then consider the fact the lawyers D/B/A the "Supreme Court" refer to their very own "law" as ' wonderful magic"

"We must comment upon the final paragraphs of Part II of the concurrences opinion which bring on stage, in classic fashion, a dots ex rnadu-na to extract, from the seemingly insoluble diffi-culties that the prior writing has created, a happy ending. The concurrence manages to have its cake and eat it too to hand over state law-enforcement officers to the jurisdiction of tribal courts and yet still assure that the officers traditional immunity (and hence the States law-enforcement interest) will be protected by sim-ply announcing that in order to protect govern-ment officials, immunity defenses should be considered in reviewing tribal court jurisdiction. Pout, at 16 (opinion of O'Connor, J.). What won-derful magicNeivda et al. v. Hicks et al certio-rari to the united states court of appeals for the ninth circuit No. 991994 Argued March 21, 2001. Decided June 25, 2001 (bold italics mine).

Wow...and, to think, when I want property that doesn't belong me, I actually pay for it or rent it from the owner; in other


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words, 1 only do so with the owner's freely given consent Pretty radical and extreme concept Its called trade. And by the way, the "functions of a public office" are defined as a "trade or busi-ness" under the "Internal Revenue Code" at section 7701(26). How's that for a bold-faced lie? What is being traded" when the " IRS" attacks you? Your money for their sparing your life, that's what.

Who would have ever thought that 1 could just "decree" a particular piece of property is mine and thereby avoid having to pay for it? I had no idea 1 possessed such an awesome power to do that, and, to think of it, apparently we all do. Well, that's the political theory bureaucrats desperately want us to believe anyway. Bureaucrats would have us believe the lie that "con-gress" (a group of men and women) exercises a so-called "dele-gated authority." Well, if "congress" lias the "authority" to just "decree" property- is theirs, then they must gave gotten this awe-some power from somewhere or someone else. The theory or opinion is that this pretended "authority" com« from "We the People..." This is a myth as silly as the so-called "divine right of kings." Ifs one thing to claim God gave you the right to domi-nate other men, women and children, but, to claim the person you are dominating gave you the right7 Who would freely volun-teer to be dominated by another?

O.K., I know if I "decree" my neighbor's car to be mine and then I take it, without their consent, then I'm a car thief and a nitwit to boot, right? And that's true even if 1 believe it's "nec-essary" for me to have that car, correct? That would mean I lack this awesome super-human power doesn't it? I'm pretty sure my neighbor has no "authority" to do that either. After all, what would be the point of robbery "statutes" if this were not true? Now. if / lack the authority, then I cannot delegate what I don't have to anyone, even a so-called "congressman."

Using the simple rules of mathematics, we can therefore eliminate any so-called "collective" right to commit robber) , after all, if my neighbor and I lack that power or "authority," then we


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gain nothing by getting together and forming a gang called a "congress" do we? The simple mathematical principal the whole is equal to the sum of its part applies here. If my neighbor and 1 have OIK? rock each, together we only have two, not 1000, as politicians would have us believe.

Now, just imagine someone going into court and using the same "legal" reasoning (defense) bureaucrats use to justify their taking of property by force, such as in the case of a car-jack-ing:

"I'm not guilty your 1 lonor "

"And why is that?"

"Because, the rule of necessity overrode that jerk's property rights; it was necessary for me to have his car and his title was extinguished "


"You're right, would you like me to sanction the previous owner for harassing you with this patently frivolous complaint?"

This isn't really a joke though. It's the so-called "adver-sary system" being portrayed as a system of justice that's a joke. The joke is also on those who take it seriously. After all, if the so-called "authority" that is allegedly delegated to the men and women called the "government" is from the people, then the people themselves must possess this awesome power, right? But do they? Do they really have a "collective right" to commit armed robbery? Do you think you lurve a collective right to steaP If you lack the right, then anybody pretending to "represent" you lacks the right.

If the people do have a collective right to steal, then noth-ing would be a crime and the need for a so-called "government" would be gone After all, if anything can be done out of some


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mere opinion that it's "necessary," then there are no "rights" to be protected. In that case, the Nazi's hung at Nuremberg may have used the wrong legal defense. Instead of arguing "we were just following orders," they could have taken a clue from bureau-crats here and argued, "by decisional law (Hitler's opinion), the rule of necessity overrode the right of any Jew (or other "enemy") to life, liberty and property." Do you see how crazy this sounds?

In fact, another gross contradiction is the "legal" opinion politicians hold that their "legal" right to commit armed robbery is "superior" to the very rights they claim to be "protecting"

"The power of eminent domain ... is superior to property rights (Kohl v. United States, 91 U.S. 367, 371)..." State of Ga v. Gty of Chattanooga, 264 U.S. 472,480 (1924).

In the bureaucratic fantasy world 1 call "Legal Land," non-bureaucrats (the productive) do not own anything. After all, what is an owner?

"owner. One who has complete dominion over particular property. 42 Am Jlst Prop § 37." Ballrntine's Lau> Dictionary, page 906.

Stripped of lawyerese and political gibberish, the lawyers D/B/A as a "Supreme Court" are saying the power to steal property "is superior" to the right to own property or

"The power of am ted robbery ... is superior to property rights (Kohl v. United States, 91 US. 367, 371)..." State of Ga. v. City of Chattanooga, 264 U.S. 472,480 (1924) (my edits in bold italics).

Do you have "complete dominion" over everything you think you own? Well, think again. In "Legal Land" you don't, you


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own nothing, not even the shirt on your hack. And even your slurt has to be worn in the manner some bureaucrat prescribes. As it turns out. in the minds of lawyers and bureaucrats "We the people" don't really own anything because "the power of eminent superior to property rights " Yes, that's right, the power to steal is "superior" to individual property rights (which as we'll see later, don't even exist in the minds of bureaucrats). And from where was this awesome "delegated" power acquired? That's right, it's mere fiat (order or decree), because some "honorable" lawyers said so. that's why. Silly me, I thought bureaucrats were supposed to protect property. Maybe "protect" is a "word of art" and in the legal sense means to steal.

"The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector " -Plato.

Let's use an analogy here to further illustrate what these politicians are saying You bring some of your valuable proper-ty to a private storage facility. After paving the agreed upon price for temporary storage, you come back a few months later and all your stuff is gone. You ask the owner about it and he tells you he took and sold it all, and, by tlie way, the price increased retroactively so now you must also pay more money before you arc permitted to leave. You must also pay lor the next six months because your account is now considered in "jeopardy." If not, then he'll "seize [your] bank accounts."

You ask him why he sold your valuables and he tells you, "my right to take it is superior to your property rights." He might even say:

"By decisional law. the rule of necessity overrode your property rights."


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As opposed to bureaucrats, at least you would not be compelled to keep putting valuables in that guy's place. However, could you imagine how insane such a situation would be? In fact, the situation with bureaucrats is far worse because, as I just wrote, they don't believe individual "citizens" own anything. They only acknowledge the statist nonsense and fantasy that bureaucrats oion everything:

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and that use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." Senate Resolution #62, from April 1933.

Keep in mind this is not my opinion nor was it written by Karl Marx or any other prominent communists, it 's the so-called "law of the land" Reread that last part; that means a bureaucrat believes he has the right to dictate the way you brush your teeth. And there is that word necessity again. "Necessity has no law..." Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 837. Wow, how does that square with the part about the "law" above? In part this means the "law" applies to everyone, except bureaucrats.

All of this raises a very interesting question. Remember the question that plagued us in early childhood, "which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Wrhich came first, individual property rights, or the so-called "government?"

Can you imagine what these "senators" were like as chil-dren? If another kid asked a future "senator" to play in his sand-box, did the "senator" stand up declaring, "OK. I'll play in your sandbox. But, this is now my sandbox and you can only use it in


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tin; manner 1 allow you. If not, you will all be held in contempts This opinion by the "senate" is the mother of what

lawyers call a "non sequitur," which means "It does not follow " Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 862 This opinion does not mean I am not the owner of my property. This only means there are men and women among us who have no respect for human life refusing to recognize1 do own property. At least a mugger realizes your money isn't his. He says, "your money or your life." Brimming with the supreme self-confidence that only comes from believing you are an exalted "sovereign," bureaucrats say, "our money or your life." Now I ask you, which is worse?

There was once a time when many refused to believe the earth was round, but that belief didn't make the earth any less round. If someone wants to deny parts of reality that's his busi-ness. Thinking I'm the Easter Bunny doesn't make me the Easter Bunny and my delusion doesn't interfere with your life, just because somebody pays me to dress up and play Santa Gaus doesn't mean 1 am Santa Gaus. The same is true if a man is paid to pretend to be a "judge." The problem is some individuals insist on backing their delusions with violence. When that hap-pens, we are forced to accept, or to act upon, both negative hal-lucinations. and in a sense Iwlluci-Nations, as well as positive ones, imposed upon us by bureaucrats. One such negative hal-lucination is that individual property rights do not exist while a positive one is that corporations somehow do exist.

Again, the Arizona constitution boasts:

"Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights" — Arizona constitution article II § 2.

The word "derive" means the people and their rights exist prior to the creation of a so-called "state," if such a thing even exists. As we have seen it does not This is a serious prob-


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1cm for bureaucrats. The "senate" and "supreme court" hold the opinion the people have no property rights without the wonder-ful, benevolent, superhuman men and women prancing around calling themselves a "government." What rights did people have to protect in the first place when they allegedly created the "state?" If the people have no property rights, as the "senate" asserts, then why would they need to have a "state" in the first place? There is nothing to protect*. Conversely, if they did have those rights, then somewhere down the line bureaucrats refused to accept this particular part of reality. In either case, there is nothing to protect! As we can now see:

Bureaucrats argue themselves right out of a job.

As 1 have said before, "don't bring a knife to a gunfight." Know who you are dealing with. Bureaucrats, through their own actions and legal opinions demonstrate they not only have no respect for human life, but are also extremely hostile towards the reality people have rights at all. Knowing this 1 can frame ques-tions so they will expose themselves for what they are.

Back to the relationship between the "judge" and myself. If the "judge" gets upset, threatens me and calls security; then he's just proving, by his own actions, the "relationship" is based on violence, and actions always speak louder than words. If this happens, then 1 always like to ask "Are you threatening me with physical violence for doing nothing more than asking you a few simple questions?"

1 sometimes wonder if these "judges" are this violent out-side of "their" courtrooms when there are no armed men ready to carry out their "orders?" What happens if they are eating dinner in a restaurant and the waitress forgets to bring them a cup of coffee? Do they start screaming they'll have the waitress held in contempt if she doesn't get that cup of coffee fast enough? When


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she brings the bill does he refuse to pay her by claiming the charge is "legally defective" or a "nullity" because she's not "licensed" to serve "honorable* lawyers? Also, as "cops" wear their costumes all the time, p:iurr a "judge" wearing his robe while walking down the street on his lunch break. Could a hot dog vendor hand a hot dog Erectly to the "judge," or would he have to hand it to his "bailiff who would then hand it to the "judge?"

At this point. I would ask the "judge" again, "do yen equate /thysical violence with gad/aitk yes or no?" This is really the heart of the matter. There is no way out of questions like these except to be non-responsive and that is why so many typewrit-ten court "orders" offer absolutely no explanation for a "judge's" so-called "decision." Instead, their "order" will only read. "MOTION TO DISMISS: DENIED.* When a "judge" has no grounds for his decision he won't give any. Why else would they fall silent? I had a "judge " give a three minute discourse explaining why he refused to permit a court reporter into the court. Howev er, he then vehemently refused to provide any grounds to support his deciaon allowing a lawyer to appear unchallenged.

This is true even w hen you notify the "judge" in advance that you will need an explanaban if your request is denied so the "higher" court "judges" can have something to review instead of mere silence:

"While district court's decision to seal court doc-uments is reviewed only for abuse of discretion, it is imperative that district court articulate its reasons for electing to«eaI or not to seal a record. without full explanation. Court of Appeals is unable to review the district court's exercise of its discretion." EEO.C. v. National Children's Center. 98 F 3d 1406. 1407 (D.C Or. 1996J (emphasis mine).


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The "law" means nothing to "judges" and has never stopped them from refusing to give a basis for their decisions. One example is found in the Arizona constitution. "Justice in all cases shall be administered openly..." Article II § 11. So when a "judge" sneers at me he "doesn't have to provide his grounds/' I know he cares not a whit for the very "law" he took a feigned oath to uphold and comply with. I've also had clerks and "judi-cial assistants" tell me "judges'* do not have to provide any grounds for their decisions. It's great to be the king. Could you imagine a mechanic doing that? Visualize getting a three thou-sand-dollar bill after bringing your car in for an oil change. You ask the mechanic what he is charging you for and he refuses to tell you; pay the bill or you don't get your car back. You tell his co-worker and he snaps, "He's the mechanic, he doesn't have to give you a reason." I would suggest that if it's dishonest for a mechanic to do that, then it's just as dishonest for a lawyer to do the same. Also, consider a doctor charging you for an addition-al operation and refusing to tell you what he did to you.

Some may argue you could complain to the "Better Business Bureau" about such a mechanic. 1 agree, but who do you complain to if a "judge" does the same thing? l o other "judges." You stay in the same vicious circle with lawyers who just don't care.

Truth does not involve nonsensical legalese double talk and no amount of "Supreme Court" rhetoric, dictum, fiat, or other forms of "legal" mumbo jumbo would be responsive when I ask if he equates violence with good faith. A simple yes or no is all that is required to be responsive.

Another problem for the "judge" is that being non-responsive also destroys his pretense of fairness and credibility. In America you are supposed to have the "right" to be informed of the nature and cause of the charges and proceedings against you, at least, allegedly, and he is refusing to be responsive and answer a few simple questions. That's easy enough, isn't it? If I am not


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informed, then how can 1 possibly defend myself? What if, on the other hand, I hire one of his fellow lawyers? A full bar mem-ber, just like him. will he then finally answer my questions? If he will only answer in that event then I would have a case for bias and prejudice against me. a mere non-lawyer, and in favor of my representative, Mr. Lawyer.

The problem is, at least in my experience, no lawyer will ask questions like this because the)' would then be stripped of their pretended "license" to "practice law." Or maybe they are just afraid they will be "disbarred " This is because they would be exposing the fact their entire "system" is a sham. This may help to explain why your "friendly" lawyer is required to "take and subscribe an oath to support" the constitutions and "laws of the state" before getting their "license" to "practice law" in the first place To join in on the racket, you must pledge your sup-port to that racket This is why lawyers have told me I would be "disbarred" if I were a lawyer. If enough lawyers (and non-lawyers) were to start challenging and questioning the philo-sophical and political underpinnings of the entire "adversary system" with a few questions like the one's described in this book, then the whole thing might finally come crashing down.

Trying to get to the bottom of anything in a courtroom, especially the truth, is like working on an "X-File" because so much appears hidden and nothing is ever as it appears to be.

I am not required "by law" to have a lawyer "represent" me in order to be fully informed as to the true nature and cause of the charge and the proceedings against me. If I have a "right" to defend myself this includes being informed as to what is mi/-ly going on. However, and here's the beauty of this, the "judge" cannot inform me as to the nature of the proceedings against me without contradicting his pretense of fairness.

Typically, the "judge" will gel ticked off with me by this point and will enter a "plea" for me. If he does, great; I can real-ly put him on the spot, by asking, "despite my own proposed plea of guilty, you just entered a plea for me, are you now repre-


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scnting me?" This question is not intended to be sarcastic or "disrespectful" to die "judge" in any way. It's merely a logical and reasonable question to ask because he entered a plea for me, even though I have a proposed plea of guilty sitting right on his bendx. To really see the lunacy in this, picture a salesman acting the same way. I am interested in purchasing the product if it can do what he claims it can do. 1 just want it demonstrated first. Instead of demonstrating the product and getting my money, he starts screaming at me for not being interested in his product and "playing games." Such an imbecile isn't going to win any sales awards.

Once again, this demonstrates that all traffic proceedings and courts in general have nothing to do with consent or any-thing the "defendant" says or docs. Appearance at any •trial" enables bureaucrats to maintain their pretense of fairness but it's still just an illusion:

See, he had his day in court No, he could not defend himself competently, we were uncooper-ative. non-responsive and argumentative, but he was there physically in the courtroom, and wc treat everyone else the same way so he received due process and equal protection under the law.

Oddly enough, as wc have seen, even though the "Supreme Court" is extremely hostile to individual property rights and human life in general, they nonetheless hold the opin-ion a hearing must be held "at a meaningful time and in a mean-ingful manner. Armstrong v. Manzo, 380 U.S. 545, 552 (1965)." Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U S 254. 268 (1970) (emphasis mine). By quoting this, or other opinions. 1 am not implying the "Supreme Court" actually believes what they write or they expect other "courts" to be consistent with their opinions. I'm only demon-strating the inconsistencies.

How "meaningful" a hearing is it when my questions


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have been ignored? How "meaningful" a hearing is it when it's based on violence as demonstrated by the fact the "judge" clear-ly refuses to respect that 1 am a human being in full possession of individual property rights? How "meaningful" a hearing is it when, in the opinion of lawyers, 1 am incapable of defending myself?

Another blatant inconsistency from the lawyers doing business as the "Supreme Court" is where they write about the exercise of jurisdiction, in particular, that it should not

"offend 'traditional notions of fair play and sub-stantial justice. " International Shoe Co. v. Washington, supra, at 316, quoting Milliken v. Meyer, 311 U.S. 457, 463 (1940)" World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson. 444 US. 286, 292 (1980).

Excuse me, I'm no lawyer, but, when did rational people start believing violence docs not. itself, offend "traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice?" To put the question differently, if violence does not offend "traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice," then what does? "Legally defective" truth, i.e., anything outside of "Legal Land" offends "traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice."

The exercise of "jurisdiction" itself is an act of violence that unquestionably offends "traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice," unless, of course, the lawyers who wrote that opinion meant to somehow exclude violence at the hands of their fellow bureaucrats. In that case, it is perfectly O.K

If all we did was look at the actions of bureaucrats and change their D/B/A or alter ego name from the "City of Sacramento" to "Rizzo's Raisin Company," we would have no problem seeing the act of taking control over a person's life, lib-erty and property to be an act of violence that offends any and all "traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice," howev-


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cr denominated. If taking control of someone else's life, liberty and property coercivcly docs not "offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice," then what else is left for a "judge" to do during a "trial" to require the "Supreme Court" to reverse him?

I would also share with you this opinion taken from a group of lawyers doing business as the Arizona "Supreme Court"

"Our Supreme Court has also held the denial of due process is a denial of fundamental fairness, shocking to a universal sense of justice. Oshrin v. Coulter, 142 Ariz. 109, 688 P.2d 1001 (1984). See KmsOa v. U.S. ex rel. Singleton, 361 US 234, 80 S.Ct. 297, 4 LEd-2d 268 (1960)" State ex rel Romley v. Superior Court, 172 Ariz. 232.

Apparently violently taking control of the life of another human being isn't "shocking" to these lawyers and their "uni-versal sense of justice." They must be unfamiliar with the fol-lowing precedent so important to lawyers:

"For, the very idea that man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the MERE \ Q f ANQUitK seems to be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself " Yick Wo r. Hopkins, 118 U S. 356, 370 (emphasis mine).

Evidently, not "intolerable" enough, unless of course, the)* were silently exempting themselves again:

"By dedsumaJ law, the rule of necessity overrides


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the right to life, liberty' and property." (Rule 81, Code of Judicial Conduct, commentary for Canon 3E(1)).

It is very telling to compare the Yick VVb opinion, above, with both the definition of "statute" from the "Supreme Court" and previous "Senate" opinion:

"'Statute...The WRITTEN MU Q.f (lit Legislature...'' John P. King Mfg. Co. v Council of Augusta. 277 VS. 100, quoting Bouvier's Law-Dictionary (emphasis mine).

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and that use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State" Senate Ravlutknt #62, from April 1933 (emphasis mine).

First the "Supreme Court" ruled the "essence of slavery" was to be subject to the "mere will of another..." and then the same group of lawyers is saying a "statute" is the "mere will of another." Draw your own conclusions.

Now getting back to the "plea" being entered for me, I would also ask: "if you can enter a plea for me, then can you con-tinue representing me at trial?" It stands to reason, especially if this lawyer sitting four feet off the floor wants to remain consis-tent at all, that if he enters a pica for me, then he must also be able to present a defense for me at trial If he can represent me at the "arraignment," then why not continue doing so at trial? If he says he entered the plea on my behalf, then I may also ask, "Can you continue representing me at the trial?" If he then insists the


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plea was nol on my behalf, I would also ask, "if you didn't enter that plea on my behalf, then on whose behalf did you enter it?"

This violent lawyer doesn't have many options left at this point. This is probably the reason why they are almost always non-responsive. The plea was either entered, one, on my behalf, two. on behalf of the alleged plaintiff or, three, on behalf of the "judge" himself. If he did it on behalf of the plaintiff, then, once again, he has a conflict of interest problem and his pretense of fairness is gone. How could a man acting on behalf of the plaintiff enter a plea for the defendant, and why?

In his zeal to be fair, impartial, and independent he started representing both sides.

If he did it on his own behalf, then he is somehow a party to the case. 1 would ask him if, in fact, he is a party. This raises the fairness as well as the conflict of interest issue. After all, how can an impartial "judge" enter a plea for me and for himself as well and at the same time? Also, how do you enter a "plea" for someone else on your own behaip

This is a rough spot for a "judge" to be in. He has to maintain a pretense of fairness while, at the same time, refusing to accept my plea of guilty and entering a plea for me as my lawyer. And this is while also representing the professed plaintiff. By this point in time, any perception of fairness is gone and I doubt any rational person is buying into his charade any longer. Instead, the "judge" is starting to strain the patience of ail those unfortunately present in "his" courtroom

I've had a "judge" say I was "refusing to plea" when a proposed plea was on his bench. I had been held on a ransom called a "release bond" and told him I was going to assign the "bond" over to him for the fine. He still insisted I was "refusing to plea" and set the matter for a "pre-trial." If I pulled stunts like that I might risk being institutioruilized and put on medication.

In response to this legal babble, 1 would object to what


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the "judge" is doing and leave with a court date in hand, although 1 might want to consider a change of judge first The grounds for such a motion would be both the bias and prejudice and conflict of interest already exhibited. Why else would a "judge" refuse to answer a few questions while refusing to accept a plea of responsible or guilty? Also, how does this "judge" explain away the fact he represents both the plaintiff and myself at tlte trry same tinte? In Arizona, if a "judge" docs not disqualify him-self under such circ*mstances, I can file a "special action" to have his decisions "reviewed" by a "higher court." This usually stops, at least temporarily, a traffic case. It must, however, be noted that it is just not possible for them to give me a fair trial even if they get another "judge" because each "judge" will still represent the alleged plaintiff. If he does not represent the plaintiff, then he's there on his own. In that case, he's nothing more than an individual violently taking control over my life and cannot, for that reason alone, claim the constitution is his "lawful" "author-ity."

This lawyer with the robe is a cruel one-man show. He represents both the plaintiff and the defendant while pretending to be independent and impartial No one else really needs to show up to put on a "trial" because he does it all. It's a no-win situation: if he doesn't represent the plaintiff then he cannot claim to be authorized by the "constitution" without contradict-ing himself. If he docs represent the plaintiff, then the conflict of interest and lack of impartiality is self-evident.

In other words, the "judge" is the ringmaster of a very bad dog and pony show designed to put forth an illusion of justice.


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Chapter Nine

what rqfc does thg pretended top pUy?

One of the "benefits" a traffic case has over a lot of other bureaucratic attacks is the face to face confrontation still avail-able. You are able to confront your accuser in traffic cases unlike situations with the "1RS" where the accuser is protected by an army of attorneys. Once a majority of people start effectively challenging "cops" this confrontation will be denied, This denial will probably be justified with something like this.

"By decisional law, the rule of necessity may override the rules of cross-examination, evi-dence and a fair trial." (Rule 81, Code of Judicial Conduct, commentary for Canon 3E(1).

This has already been started. In most areas, the rules of evidence with regards to so-called "civil" cases have been com-pletely wiped out. Arizona, for example, has: "the Arizona Rules of Evidence shall not apply in civil traffic cases" at Rule 19 Arizona Rules of Procedure Civil Traffic Cases. Rule 14 wiped out pre-trial discovery.

If bureaucrats were truly interested in fairness and jus-tice they would have never scrapped their rules of evidence. This is proven by reading what t/uy say is the entire purpose for the rules. Keep in mind this was not written by a bunch of bitter non-lawyers but by "honorable' lawyers:

"These rules shall be construed to secure fairness in administration, elimination of unjustifiable expense and delay, and the promotion of growth And development qf Uk law of yyjdvnœ to the end that the truth may be ascertained and pro-ceedings justly determined " Rule 102, Arizona Rules of Evidence (emphasis mine).


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Well, wc bureaucrats can't have "fairness...truth" and "justly determined" proceedings in traffic court. If wc did that, we'd never win a case, so what do wc do? This is what we'll say, "the Arizona Rules of Evidence shall not apply in civil traffic cases." Why else would the rules of evidence be scrapped? let's see. expediency and costs? No, they say the rules are designed to eliminate "unjustifiable expense and delay." litis was done to keep the truth from being "ascertained and (the) proceedings [to be| justly determined"

How many "civil" traffic tickets do you think a "cop" would give out if he were subject to full pre-trial discovery, including depositions, each and every time? In that event, a "cop" could not give out nearly as many tickets because he would be spending more time submitting to depositions than giving out tickets.

In Arizona, the admitting of evidence is at the sole dis-cretion of the "judge" or "hearing officer " Do you think a man who takes control of another man's life without the latter's con-sent is going to be fair? No, he's not; especially when he has a financial interest in the outcome of the case. If this politician had any respect for human life and any intention of being fair, then he wouldn't take control of other people's lives by becoming a "judge" or "hearing officer" in the first place Do you like the idea of violently dominating other people; do you equate that with being fair? And how fair can he be when he represents both the plaintiff and defendant?

There is no merit to any claim the "judge" is "required" by the judicial ethics rules to be "impartial" for no other reason than the fact that:

"By decisional law, the rule of necessity may override the rule of disqualification " (Rule 81, Code of judicial Conduct, commentary for Canon 3E(1).


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As wc have seen throughout this book, the rules mean nothing to these people. It doesn't matter what the rules require when they are ignored, and they can be. Believe it or not, "judges" even have rules saying they- can "suspend" (ignore) the rules "in the furtherance of justice." This last phrase means to steal property under the guise of"protection"

"Judges" ignore the rules because they'd be out of a job really fast if they didn't

All of the questions I put to the "judge' at my initial appearance or "arraignment," as they call it, may now also be pu t to the "cop." After all, this is the individual who made the "com-plaint" and started this whole mess in the first place. 1 intend to make him or her support every single legal opinion made against me.

"Cops" usually sign tickets under penalty of perjury or some other kind of pretended certification. What is important here is the ticket contains the "cop's" testimony. For example, in Arizona, it says, "1 hereby certify upon reasonable grounds, 1 believe the person named above committed the acts described..." Believe it or not, lawyers have argued with me claiming the ticket is not testimony. Some have claimed that a " revenue agent's" so-called "assessment" was not testimony and neither was the "agent" a witness. Go figure that one out.

This written testimony typically consists of nothing more than a bunch of legal and, or political opinions. This "cop" thinks I "broke the law." I le believes 1 "drove without a license" or some other equally inane legal jargon. This means he has formed at least two legal opinions: he has determined the "law" obligated me in some way to have a "driver's license" and despite this alleged obligation, I failed to have a "license." He has also "certified" he has "reasonable grounds" to support his opinions.

The "cop" signs the ticket either as a "witness," and, in


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some places, such as Arizona, he signs il as the "complainant" as if he is personally bringing the complaint against you himself. As if not having a seatbelt on is a crime against him personally. However, once the matter is in "court," a little political magic and sleight of hand turns the so-called "state" into the alleged complaining party. ITiis is why 1 say the "state" is just an alter ego for the "cop."

At the trial, once the case is called, the "judge" will usu-ally ask if I am ready to proceed. This is only asked to provide the illusion of fairness, the "trial" will go on regardless of my being ready or not. Despite this, 1 say I'm not because I don't understand the nature and cause of the charges and proceedings against me, therefore, 1 have a few questions I would like to ask first. This is especially true if there is a lawyer there claiming to be the "state" persecutor. This lawyer, the so-called "prosecu-tor." does not wear a black robe, though many aspire to (I've noticed many "judges" are former persecutors). He is not sup-posed to be a witness or a party to the action; maybe it's just me, but I don't remember seeing an attorney standing next to the "cop" during the stop. He is supposed to be representing ("to stand in the place of." Balientine's Liw Dictionary, page 1095) a party; in this case, the alleged plaintiff (the "state" and, or the "cop" and "judge"). This point is extremely important and should not be overlooked

Try an make sense of this: the "cop" represents the "state" which allegedly includes the "judge," "prosecutor" and me The "prosecutor" represents the "state" which allegedly includes the "cop," the "judge" and me. The "judge" represents the "state" which allegedly includes the "cop," "prosecutor" and me. Even though not a part of a "state. " the "judge" still repre-sents me when entering a "plea for me. Does this make any sense to you? Still think it's a fair "process?"

1 always challenge the "plaintiff's" right to appear in a representative capacity. Though this may really irritate the per-secutor and his lawyer wearing the black robe, it's supposed to


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be a standard "legal challenge." As far as I am aware, every so-called "state" has a rule equivalent to federal rule 9(a) allowing anyone to challenge the appearance of both a lawryer and his alleged client In Arizona, in "civil" cases, it is called rule 9(a) which states:

" It is not necessary to aver the capacity of a party to sue or be sued or the authority of a party to sue or be sued in a representative capacity or the legal existence of an organized association of persons that is made a party..."

If you still doubt this is a standard "legal challenge," then have your best friend "represent' you without being a member of a "state bar association" (your local lawyer's union/labor organization/closed shop protection racket). You'll find out real fast just how passionate "judges" and lawyers are about someone being "qualified" to appear in court in a "repre-sentative capacity." Keep this in mind if you are not permitted to challenge a lawyer's presence.

I've had a lawyer from a local Arizona "prosecutor's" office tell me, on tape, he could not prove he had a client, and, at the same time, he also thought that whether he had a client or not was "irrelevant." Unfortunately, he did not feel the same way about having a "defendant." This lawyer did not believe having a client was relevant. Would an honest "judge" permit such non-sense? Would you buy such BS? No less than fize "honorable" lawyers in Arizona accepted such lunacy.

I filed a "special action" in the Arizona "superior court" against two "city" judges involved in that traffic case. The same "prosecuting" lawyer showed up for the first hearing. 1 again challenged his appearance under rule 9(a). The "judge" refused to permit it and allowed him to appear unchallenged (how's that for favoritism?). As he permitted a lawyer to just walk in off the street and appear without a client, this "judge" stated there were


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no rule 9(a) challenges in "his court" I asked him if special actions were civil cases and he agreed. I then asked him if civil cases were governed by the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure and he said, "I'm aware of what rules govern these proceedings, what's your point?" I said, "my point is this, if the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure govern the proceedings, then rule 9(a) applies and I'm going to challenge this lawyer." lhe "judge" was not pleased and two armed "deputies" suddenly arrived in the courtroom at that point in time in order to "observe." Do "judges" have a panic button under their bench the) can press whenever the)' feel personally threatened by a rule of court they have sworn to comply with' When all was said and done, no less than four different "judges" permitted this lawyer to appear unchallenged. That indicates a pattern. Apparently, in their mind, it was "necessary" to disregard this rule. After all, a fellow-lawyer could not prove he had a client, so to enable him to appear, it was "necessary" to "override" rule 9(a). What a con-cepts! lawsuit without a plaintiff.

On appeal from the traffic court, 1 again challenged the same lawyer's appearance and the "judge," the fifth one, said this lawyer could appear "unchallenged." OK, I thought, no need to argue. I had Moses with me and told the "judge" 1 want-ed him to assist me. The "judge" refused to permit Moses to do so. I said, "'re permitting [lawyer X] to appear unchal-lenged, yet you challenge his standing to appear on my behalf? T hat's not fair."

The "judge" was not happy and "vacated" the hearing saying I should be "shown the door." In other words, as far as this "judge" was concerned it was. "do as 1 say, not as I do." Bureaucrats do not like to be one-up'd at all.

With bureaucrats i fs always "My way or the highway."

This "judge" then issued a "minute entry" (a written


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"order" sent through the "U.S. mail") stating I "refused to address the substantive issues on appeal." So. here he was say-ing a standard rule 9(a) challenge is a way of refusing to address substantive issues in a traffic case when, in reality, it went to the very heart of the case: (here was tto complaining party other than some "cop" who didn't know what a "license," "city," "statute," or a "state" were.

What is "incredible" here is the persecutor knew he could not prove he had a client yet it did not stop him and no less than five different "judges" let their fellow lawyer get away with it Why? Why the consistent pattern of refusing to comply with a basic " rule of court?" What are the odds that this was all an inno-cent mistake? And why did armed men come into one of the courtrooms? To merely observe? And don't forget this is not an isolated incident. This happens all the time and regardless of the geographic location. Why the pattern and just as important hazo? And just in case anyone still thinks this is a "frivolous" issue,, consider the so-called "law of the land" to wit

"{c|ourts must look behind names that symbol-ize the parties to determine whether a justiciable case or controversy is presented." United States r. Interstate Commerce Commission. 337 U.S. 426 at 430 (1949).

Do you sec that spewing forth "State of Arizona" ad nau-seam is not responsive to my question asking if there is evidence of a complaining party? The name only symbolizes the alleged party. Exactly what is being symbolized though? Whatever is being symbolized, this lawyer playing "prosecutor" is supposed-ly "standing in place" of it and his buddies ("judges") will use whatever physical violence is necessary to prevent it from being exposed.

If there aws evidence of a complaining party then the lawyer acting out as a "prosecutor" could and would have com-


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plied with their own sacred "law" and provided it easily; after all, "prosecuting" is something they do even-day. However, no less than five "judges" permitted him to appear unchallenged and his own testimony proved there was »to complaining party other than the "cop" himself. The only "damage" that might have been caused by my not providing this "cop" with ID was that done to his precious ego. How many lawyers would bring a case of "bruised ego* into court? None, unless it's a case for a pretend-ed "state."

COP: "But, your Honor. I asked for ID and he didn't have any."

JUDGE: "Off with his head!"

Is death really too harsh a punishment for not providing ID on demand to some stranger dressed up like a "cop?" Is this really so out of the question? Would a bureaucrat kill someone for that? Let's examine that for a moment.

Let's just hypothesize a situation where a man has no ID and, although lie is not a threat to anyone as he drives around, a "cop" wants him to stop. This non-violent man chooses not to stop though. In fact, he chooses not to cooperate at all. How is the "cop" going to get this man's car to stop? 1 need not explain this will involve violence. This violence could lead to the "cop" shooting the man. Even if not murdered on the scene, let's say the man is given a "ticket" and he does not cooperate again by failing to show up in "court" He decided he'd just rather eat cereal and watch cartoons that morning. If a so-called "bench warrant" is then issued, as it will be, "cops" are now "author-ized" to use deadly force, if necessary, (there's that wonderful word again!), to get him into that building.

I think it's clear to bureaucrats that death is a "just" punishment for not having ID on you. Or maybe death is really just the punishment for bruising the "cop's" ego because his


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demands were not complied with or not complied with fast enough. "Your money or your life," or "your ID or your life." What's the difference?

Bureaucrats don't kill people for violating "laws." No, no, no. That's barbaric. Bureaucrats only kill people to insure that they stand trial for "breaking" those "laws."

Maybe that is how bureaucrats get past the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause in the "constitutions."

It was not a "punishment" in the "legal" sense. No, it was the natural consequence of his peaceful disobedience.

Before "proceeding" I ask the lawyer, or the "cop," "is there evidence of a complaining party? Just a simple yes or no answer will do." If the "judge" attempts to interfere on behalf of his cronies, I ask the "judge." "who has the burden of proof here?" "Judges" in traffic courts usually need to be reminded it is supposedly the plaintiff, and not the defendant (us, their victims) that has the burden of proof. If so. I might point out the follow-ing rule:

"The judge presiding at the trial may not testify in that trial as a witness. No objection need be made in order to preserve the point." Rule 605, Arizona Rules of Evidence

Perhaps this is the reason why the rules of evidence were thrown out in "civil traffic cases.' Maybe by doing so it "per-mits" the "judge" to testify against me without submitting to cross-examination. The burden of proof is supposed to be on the complaining party "beyond a reasonable doubt" in "criminal


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cases" and "by a preponderance of the evidence" in "civil cases." The "judge," consistent with the rules, common sense and fairness, is not permitted to jump in and answer such questions for the plaintiff. This is true even if he does represent the plaintiff. Marcia Clark was not permitted to testify for Kato for goodness sakes. Again, 1 would ask the "judge" what is his role in this if he insists on helping (representing) the alleged plaintiff If he insists on having the "right" to repeatedly jump in and testify then I will remind hint of my "right" to cross-examine him. I will also remind him of rule 605.

As previously shown, evidence of a complaining party does not consist of merely having the name of that party such as "the state." If that's all they can or will provide, I will tell them that such an answer is non-responsive to a question which only requires a yes or no answer. What in the world is so difficult about answering yes or no???

1 don't let the "cop," "judge." or lawyer get off point here. This point is critical in that it does more to expose them than almost anything else I can think of at this point in my expe-rience. That's why I keep asking them even if they tend to gel very upset It is easier to see why this is so important if you look at it this way: imagine you get served with a summons and com-plaint from people you liave never heard of before. Do you just accept they have standing to complain?

Think about this for a moment, why would politicians get upset just because 1 am asking for evidence of a complaining party? The reason is because, like the lawyer who said who he was representing was "irrelevant." they know they cannot pro-vide any facts to prove there is a complaining party other than themselves. But who are they? Who are these violent strangers presuming to have the "right" to interfere with my life and that of others without anyone's freely given consent?

Bureaucrats act on behalf of themselves under a collective alter ego known as "the state;" a thinly concealed protection racket.

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I am exposing the fact that the phrase the "State of Arizona," or "Caty of San Diego" etc., is just an alter ego shared by the "cop," the "prosecutor" and the lawyer representing them both, the pretended "judge." It is merely an idea, a "mental con-ception" or fantasy that has no real, tangible existence outside of someone's head. It's just like Santa Claus; yes, people can dress up as Santa Qaus, but that doesn't make them Santa Qaus. "Santa Claus" is just an idea that may have once seemed very real to you but, as you grew up, it no longer did, and for good reason. There is no "state" and that's why "judges" refuse to comply with rule 9(a) and such precedent from the "Supreme Court" quoted above: "courts must look behind names that sym-bolize the parties..."

The difference, however, between Santa Claus and the "state" is that no one is using a gun to force me to believe in Santa and, if someone did, they wouldn't be hailed as a "hero" or "hon-orable."

Other than their guns and an insatiable appetite for vio-lence and domination, the only thing bureaucrats have arc their opinions. For example, 1 once had a "judge" in Arizona tell me the "State of Arizona" was an "act of congress from 1911." Who was I to argue with her (other than pointing out she was testify-ing against me on behalf of the "cop")? How is an "act of con-gress" a complaining party? What obligation do I owe, and how did 1 damage an alleged "act of congress?" Better yet, exactly where, when, why and how was 1 "within" or "subject to" an "act of congress?"

By her own admission the "State of Arizona" was not the ground. That, however, was the "cop's" only basis to claim that I was "within the state." Do you think the "cop" was thinking of "an act of congress" when he testified I was "within the state?"

"Yeah, this is officer Grudcn; I'm observing a white male within an act of congress without ID, send back-up NOW! lot's of back-up."


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Even if I were to accept the opinion that the "state" had a tangible existence such as a group of men and women, why should I accept the opinion this "cop" or some lawyer, represents every one of them? How about their opinion that there was a cause of action against me? I low did I damage this group of peo-ple? What possible obligations could I have to this group of unidentified people and why? You sec? This is why 1 question everything. The more you examine what these people say and do, the more it falls apart.

The "state" is not a natural phenomenon It is man-made and exists only in the mind. There are no naturally created "states." They are all artificial. Prior to July 4 t h , 1776, there were no American "states," there were allegedly American "colonies." The "colonies" were magically transformed into "states" by nothing more than words being scribbled onto pieces of paper called "constitutions." However, unless you believe in childish ideas such as magic, then you know that words on paper create nothing

Currently (summer 2002), there is a lot of talk about a Palestinian "state" in the Middle East. The land is there and the Palestinians are there, but where is their so-called "state'"

A "state" is nothing more than a "state" of mind. A "nation" is nothing more than a hal-lucination. A "country" is ... starting to get the picture?

You see. merely by asking, "is there evidence of a com-plaining party?" I am exposing the fact there isn't one, at least, not a tangible one. 77iere's just an illusion in someone's luuul. In other words:

There is no "state."

As I like to put it: can I hit a "state" with a rock? To put the question differently, can I put a "government" in a wheel-


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barrow? No. I can't In stark terms, we can destroy the physical infrastructure of a -country" but if the people remain, the "state" remains because their "country" (group identity) was all in their heads to begin with, not their ¡ami. They merely associ-ate their "country" with "their" land.

Many think the "state" is the ground, that the geographic landmass "Arizona" is identical in all respects to the "State of Arizona." This is not only false, this is absurd, and for many rea-sons. 1 will provide only one more example. If the "state" were the ground and ONLY the ground (just as a table is just a table and not a book on the table), then the complaining part)' in a traffic case would be tlx ground. Now that's insane.

Obviously the "state" is not the ground. A "state" is not geographic or even tangible; if it's anything, then it's political. 11K* shocking reality behind all of this is if evidence could be admitted to prove there is a group of individuals out there who entered into some sort of agreement, there is still no evidence I'm obligated to them or have damaged them in any way.

To think I can somehow damage someone in Page Arizona if I don't have ID on me when driving down the street in Phoenix to get a box of raisins (or other dry fruit) is "patently" insane. Anyone with such a belief would be laughed at as a nut-case. However, put a costume on that same individual, give him a gun, a really cool looking badge, a car with fancy lights on top, and total lack of discretion and personal responsibility and...

That is why 1 may also ask, "is there evidence of a cause of action against me7" I keep a record of their answers as best 1 can because the odds are they are going to be non-responsive to each and every question. I also like to point out the contradic-tions whenever they arise. Being non-responsive is itself proof the so-called "trial" is unfair As previously stated, the "Supreme Court"' holds the opinion that to satisfy "due process," a hearing must be "meaningful." It hardly needs demonstrating that being non-responsive falls far short of being truly "mean-ingful."

And. on that point can a "trial" based on violence be

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"meaningful" to begin with? To then add almost complete non-responsiveness to the violence certainly seems extreme and unnecessary, unless, of course, the "Supreme Court" believes "meaningful" means "sham," "charade," "joke" etc.

Not surprisingly, the "judge" will usually ignore my questions and pretend I'm not even there. They do this by call-ing the "cop" up to the witness stand to testify despite any and all objections I may raise. If you see this in person you'll know, first hand, that these proceedings have nothing to do with fair-ness. I have had "cops" admit in depositions they lacked per-sonal knowledge of the facts and "judges" have still permitted them to testify. Indeed, these "trials" resemble a "dog and pony" show, and a bad one at that. I mean, some of these so-called "judges" don't even give you pretense of fairness, that's how ridiculous they are. No, to them, naked aggression is the rule.

That is why 1 am never permitted to videotape the pro-ceedings and there is never a reason given despite the fact the rules permit it (even so, in "Legal Land" "judges" don't have to give reasons for anything). It boggles the imagination when you consider that, in the "Mesa City Court." so-called "criminal" pro-ceedings are videotaped everyday. Just walk in and you can see several being broadcast in the lobby.

During direct examination, if the persecutor or the "judge'' asks the "cop" a question that "assumes facts not in evi-dence," 1 object on those grounds. This is basically his entire tes-timony though. There is humor somewhere in there, but I'm not laughing.

Most of the "cop's" testimony will consist of rambling "time worn" legal opinions such as his seeing me within a pre-tended "city." Well, unless a "city" is a particular geographic area and nothing else (it's not), then our "cop" has assumed facts not in evidence. He has also drawn a legal opinion that is sup-posed to be based upon facts already in evidence. Ihe "judge" will really expose his true nature if he overrules this objection It is unfair to permit a witness to assume facts not in evidence. Just


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ask any lawyer. A big one is if the lawyer asks the "cop" a question

requiring him to draw a legal opinion or conclusion, such as "did you see Marc commit a crime" or "driving without a license?" This is a very serious glitch in the "system" I've exploited for years. They will always allow the "cop" to testify he saw me com-mit a "crime" or violate a so-called "statute." However, if I ask questions any more difficult or probing than that, the lawyer and the "judge" will run to the rescue of their client (partner) and refuse to allow him to answer any such questions. That's exact-ly the point of the questions though; to make them run full bore into a comer.

If I object to a question requiring the "cop" to offer an opinion such as "I saw Marc violate a statute." and the "judge" overrules that objection, I don't worry because I know the "judge" will contradict himself later on when it's my turn to "cross-exam-ine" the "cop."

The "judge" is headed for a pretty bad time for allowing the "cop" to continue giving legal opinions because he has per-mitted the "cop" to assume facts not in evidence and has over-ruled my objection that a question called for a legal conclusion.

My "cross-examination" is geared to taking advantage of these "rulings" by helping the "judge" back himself into a corner so he will contradict himself and throw out every rule of fairness in his sacred little "law' books. I know from experience that "cops" will not be permitted to answer questions such as "what is a statute?" That is why I deliberately set them up to contradict themselves. Some lawyers have proudly proclaimed the "cop" doesn't need to know what a "statute" is to prove I "violated" one. Really? Maybe you can also perform brain surgery with-out knowing the brain is in the skull. Where is the "personal knowledge?" Without the lawyerese, shouldn't the bare mini-mum for a witness to be credible be that he at least knows what he's talking about?

The point is not to be argumentative, but to get the case


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thrown out so 1 can go back to being productive instead of toast-ing my time with these crooks dressed in suits, robes, and other idiotic uniforms-


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Chapter Ten

How I cross-examine a burMWffit

My objective in questioning bureaucrats (whether a pre-tended "cop," "revenue agent" or any other imposter, charlatan, swindler etc.) is to show there is no case against me. except groundless legal opinions backed by violence. The only effective way I know of doing this is to ask him what facts his "legal" opinions are based on This essentially strips bare all of the deletions, dis-tortions and additions to reality the "cop" (or other bureaucrat) has made. Remember the example with the salesman earlier? If a salesman throws you a line of BS about his product, then the easiest way to prove he's a con man is to ask him to demonstrate it You just sit back and watch the moron embarrass himself.

According to their own bureaucratic rules and "prece-dent" I'm supposed to be able to question the "cop" on all his prior testimony and any "new" testimony the "judge' relies on. This includes challenging any documentary and. or other evi-dence being used against me Refusal to permit this is supposed to be one of the worst errors "judges" can make:

"Undue restrictions on the right to cross-exam-ine strikes at the very heart of the adversary system. "*** *[aj denial of cross-examination without waiver *** would be a constitutional error of the first magnitude and no amount of shotting of want of prejudice would cure it.' Brookhart v. janis, 384 US 1, 3, 86 S.Ct 1245,1246, 16 LEd.2d 314." Smith v. Illinois, 390 US 129,131, 88 S.Ct 748, 750, 19 L.Ed.2d 956, 959 (1968) " State v. Hartley, 108 Ariz. 144. 14S, 493 P.2d 1201 (emphasis added).

Before any lawyers protest, "this is only for so<alled criminal cases," please reference the following precedent


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"This Court has been zealous to protect these (confrontation] rights from erosion. It has spo-ken OUT NOT ONLY IN CRIMINAL CASES, e. g , Mattox v. United States. 156 U S 237,242-244; Kirby v. United States, 174 U.Si 47; Motes v. United States, 178 US. 458. 474; In re Oliver, 333 U S. 257,273, but also in ALL T\'PES OF CASES Whçre rfimWStrqtivc mi ftXttfofpn/ anions IfiTf Utldcr fan fitly e.g.. Southern K. Co. v. Virginia, 290 U S 190; Ohio Bell Telephone Co. v. Public Utilities Commission, 301 US. 292; Morgan v. United States, 304 U.S. 1,19; Carter v. Kublcr, 320 U.S. 243; Reilly v. Pinkus, 338 US. 269." Green v. McElroy, 360 US. 474. 496-497 (1959) (emphasis mine).

This "Supreme Court" then quoted the following in regards to confrontation.

"For two centuries past, the policy of the Anglo-American system of Evidence has been to regard the necessity of testing by cross-examination as a vital feature of the law. T he belief that no safeguard for testing the value of human state-ments is comparable to that furnished by cross-examination, and the conviction that no state-ment (unless by special exception) should be vsed as testimony until it has Wen probed und sublimated by that test, has found increasing strength in lengthening experience " (F-mphasis mine)

Even without these opinions, it's common sense and self-evident that using evidence not subject to challenge is unfair and a mockery of "justice," if there is such a thing in these lawyer


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made and lawyer run "courts." The whole point of a trial is to give you an opportunity to defend yourself; to essentially test the "evidence" being used against you. As previously stated, calling it a "trial" is itself a lie. If one cannot challenge the pretended "evidence," then what's the point and why require my presence at the barrel of a gun? Public relations.

1 wailt the lawyer fl/jd the "judge" to say the "cop" cannot testify because my "question calls for a legal conclusion." That is my opportunity to ask the "judge" if the "cop's' entire testimo-ny, including the ticket should be stricken from the record. In other words, treated as though it never existed and the complaint was never made. I also want to point out the "judge's previous "ruling" where he did allow the "cop's" legal opinions to become a permanent part of the record. Always expect contradictions

This is accomplished by purposely asking the "cop" if he witnessed me commit a "crime" or a "civil" violation (I can ask the same question the "prosecutor" asked earlier). Which is. of course, what started this mess in the first place. Chances are, there will be no objection to this question and that is precisely what I want, just one more inconsistency. The "cop" will say yes, and I might even show him his ticket in order to help him out, assuming he needs the help.

I then ask, * was that an arbitrary opinion?" If he under-stands what arbitrary means (believe it or not, some "cops" don't), then he will answer, "no." 1 then ask, "so that opinion was based upon facts currently within your knowledge?" He will probably answer, "yes."

This is not an enviable position to be in as a witness. He's just testified that he has facts to support his opinion the "law" was obligatory on me. 1 lowever. his entire testimony consists of noth-ing but inane legal opinions he learned in the police academy and the police department locker room.

I have questioned "IRS" agents in the same way and have been quickly shown the door. In some cases men and women D/B/A the "IRS" have refused to permit hearings and


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settlement conferences because they just can't support their bar-rage of legal gibberish. If they do not. or cannot, tell me the facts, then both their pretended "case" and pretense of good faith are gone. They are either concealing evidence or the)' lied about having it in the first place. Refusing to answer questions is also grounds to get testimony stricken. That is why there is no need to fight or argue. I had a supervisor at the "Arizona Department of Revenue" tell me his subordinate "had every right not to answer questions" in regards to a "subpoena" he served on someone. I then reminded them that I didn't care whether the question was answered or not because the "judge" then had ever)- right to quash his beloved "subpoena." So go right ahead and refuse to answer questions.

I then ask the "cop," "what are those facts'" This usual-ly causes the persecutor to immediately stand up objecting on the grounds the "witness may not testify because it calls for a legal conclusion;" the same objection 1 previously made. 'Ihe "judge" then obediently sustains the objection oblivious to the fact 1 asked for the fads and not another nonsensical "legal" opinion. At this point, I don't argue with them or say they are wrong other than to point out 1 only asked for the fads, the legal conclusion had already been drawn again without objection.

The "judge" (as well as the other two bureaucrats in the courtroom) is now in a particularly difficult spot He may have previously mrrruled my objection the witness (the "cop") could not draw legal conclusions and has already permitted the "cop" to testify that he witnessed me commit a "crime" or "civil" vio-lation which is, itself, a "legal" conclusion. He has now sustained the enad same objection with the sanw witness. The judge's actions arc now plainly inconsistent and to my obvious prejudice; so much so that even a non-lawyer can tell it isn't fair.

To make the "judge" even more uncomfortable, I then ask, "O.K., since the witness may not draw legal opinions, then shouldn't his testimony, including the ticket, be stricken from the record?" This is a checkmate for the "judge." If he refuses to


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strike the testimony and ticket, then he may not deny cross-examination If so, this is supposed to be a huge "incurable" error on the part of the "judge" and should be reversed on appeal .

I would then ask, "arc you going to rely on the witness's testimony?" He may not answer this question, but his actions will establish whether he is or he is not.

If he does strike the testimony, then the case is over because, without any testimony there is no evidence and without any evidence, there is no case. Without a case, the "judge" would be basing his "decision" entirely upon his own opinion. Despite happening every day in traffic courts, this is unfair because the "judge" is witnessing against me and I cannot cross-examine the "judge." Unless he wants to jump in the witness cluvr he shouldn't be pretending to be a witness. Indeed, the "judge" has nothing what-soever to do with the case except for the fact that he is now try-ing to profit off of it The same holds true for any lawyer who claims to be representing the pretended plaintiff, the intangible so-called "state."

I also point out that the "judge" previously overruled the same objection that a question called for a legal conclusion on the part of the "cop" and now he is sustaining the exact same objec-tion Excuse me Mr. "honorable" lawyer, but which one is it?

If you don't believe any of this try it for yourself during your next encounter with a "judge." Watch how the " judge" toys with you as though he's a great big cat and you're just a little old mouse or a ball of string For the fame being, believe it or not

The same witness can and cannot answer ques-tions that call for a "legal" conclusion.

This is classic "Legal Land" nonsense where the very same objection, with the very same witness, gets a "yes" from the same "judge" in one instance and a "no" from the same "judge" in another, and all in the same case1 Does this remind you of


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"Alice in Wonderland?" This sort of "now you see it, now you don't" "legal" trickery is commonplace in American courtrooms. In fact, this reminds me of a line from that classic tale by lewis Carroll:

"Nothing would be what it is, because every-thing would be what it isn't And contrary-wise -what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" That's how bureaucrats really talk!

Can you imagine if your doctor did his job with this same degree of precision? "You need heart surgery...then again you don't;" "you're going to die in six months...well there's really nothing wrong with you." How about a plumber, how long he would be in business if he acted like these "judges?"

That pipe's busted pretty bad and, well, it's just not. It is and, well, it isn't.

A plumber couldn't get awav with such lunacy because he can't hold his customers in "contempt"

Imagine going to a store and you go to the check out counter with a box of raisins marked $2.99. The cashier tells you the raisins are $150.00 plus administrative costs for his having to ring you up. You tell him the raisins are marked $2.99 and that's all you're going to pay for them, and only an imbecile would pay SI50.00 for a little box of raisins

The cashier gets angry and says, "It's my register, you're in my line, it's my store and you are going to pay $150!"

You tell him that's not how you understand it the box is clearly marked S2.99. He says that's "your interpretation." it costs what he says it costs and if you don't like it, hire another grocer to explain it to you. You refuse, give the raisins back and start leaving so you can buy raisins from a normal person


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The cashier then snaps at you that you're now in con-tempt of store and you have to pay not only the SI 50 to be released from the store, but you also must pay the costs of "keep-ing you there." If you don't like it, you can "appeal" it to the store's manager after you've paid this new bill.

If you somehow manage to get away from this nutcase, he might then "issue a warrant" and give it to store "security" who would then be "authorized" to use deadly force to "arrest"' you and bring you back to "his store." And if that's not bad enough, the cashier has no personal liability for his actions because cashiers must be free and independent.

Would anyone accept such behavior from a cashier? If not. then why do they accept it from a pack of lawyers? What separates cashiers from lawyers; why are lawyers able to foist this madness on others while cashiers can not? Cashiers do not provide their services at the barrel of a gun.

Getting back to my cross-examination of the "cop." Other questions I may ask have to do with the other legal opin-ions the "cop" has already made. Good examples are I was "driving without a license" and that I am "within a city" or a "state."

It's always a good idea to ask the "cop" to repeal his prior testimony, for example, "is it your testimony that I was driving without a license?" Ihis question tends to upset "judges" and "persecutors." Another is, "Is it your testimony I was driving while my privilege to do so was suspended?" Why get upset? All I am doing is having the "cop" repeat his prior testimony. After all, he has already claimed it on the ticket and I am sup-posed to have the "right" to confront all witnesses against me. However, "judges" appear to know the "cop" cannot provide any facts the opinion was based because there are no facts A great question is to explain what a "privilege" is factually and do so without using the word "license." The "judge" and the "cop's" otlier lawyer will not permit the "cop" to even attempt the answer such a question.


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I was once in the Phoenix "superior court" on a new trial for a traffic ticket. A client had impeached the "cop" in the "trial" in the Scottsdale "justice court" and yet the "judge" said the "cop's" testimony was "irrelevant." How's that for a big sur-prise? This "judge" was actually saying a man was guilty of a "crime" xvhile the "judge" himself teas admitting there was no evidence! Not surprisingly, after this case was lost and appealed, the "judge" just happened to "lose" the entire record of the case. That is why the "superior court" had to order a "new trial."

The charge was driving on a "suspended license." what-ever that's supposed to mean. All my client did was ask the "cop" sitting on the witness stand if that was his testimony. The persecutor pretending to represent the "state" jumped to his feet objecting on the grounds that answering this question called for a legal conclusion. Apparently this lawyer failed to recognize this legal conclusion was already on the ticket he so desperately relied on for a ostensible conviction Just feed their opinions back in the form of a question.

The "judge" refused to permit the "cop" to answer the question. The client asked why the "cop" could not verify his own prior testimony and the "judge" got furious and started yelling. I stood up and said this was only the charge on the tick-et in question, so what was the big deal? Per the "judge's" order I was then escorted out of the courtroom by two armed men called "deputies."

The "deputies" were stunned at what the "judge" had done. They asked me to explain what just hapjtened They could not understand why the "judge" refused to permit the "cop" to answer what the charge was. Those two "deputies" were ready to use whatever violence was necessary to get me out of that courtroom and yet they had no idea why. "We was just follow-ing orders."

The reason why the "judge" did not want the "cop" to verify his own prior written testimony presented on his own traf-fic ticket or to even discuss it, was simple:


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It was an arbitrary "legal" opinion.

// was pure fantasy and those two lawyers knew it. I testified at this "trial" as an expert witness in Arizona criminal and traffic law without challenge. The "judge" was not happy at all about this. Based on my testimony the "cop" was "thoroughly impeached" as a witness. The "cop's" legal opinion was supposed to have been stricken and not considered by the "judge." The only way it can be considered, consistent with fairness and with the rules of court (when they are actually being applied), is to permit cross-examination of the witness. This was not permitted which, in and of itself, proves there was no case. It's one or the other

By using this approach the "judge" puts himself in a seri-ous bind and has to choose between either exposing the true nature of the "trial," that being the taking of property by means of physical violence and nothing more, or maintaining a pretense of fairness. Remember, this is a pretense of fairness; nothing based on violence is fair.

In my expcnence, one of these two will always be "sacri-ficed" in these situations. Which one depends on who the "judge" is on that particular day. If he sacrifices the perception of fairness and chooses physical violence, or threats of violence, then nothing will change his mind, not even having the "cop" testify cm my behalf, which has happened before. The principal at work in such a case i s

"contra negantem principia non est disputan-dum .it is useless to dispute with one who denies principals." Ballentine's Law Dicticmary, page 265 Such a person cannot, and should not be reasoned with

because they only understand physical violence In other words, unless a "judge" higher up on the political pecking order tells him he's wrong, he is not going to listen to me. He will not even


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listen to his own "witness," so obviously, 1 can't sway him cither. In my experience, more often than not. "judges" choose

to sacrifice their pretense of fairness, even if they ultimately throw a case out. This isn't the worst thing that can happen though because the subsequent appeal can be quite embarrassing for the "state" attorney trying to defend this "judge's" actions. He wants to maintain a pretense of fairness just as well. This is why 1 said by making tangible evidence the central issue 1 am able to sanitize a case by removing most of the prejudicial ele-ments against me. This is what I want if 1 have to "appeal."

On appeal, I have one critical issue: the "judge" accepted the "cop's" testimony without challenge. He ruled the witness could testify, then could not testify and refused to permit me to cross-examine him. He then relied on that same unchallenged testimony which consisted of nothing more than arbitrary and incomprehensible legal jargon.

You don't have to go to "law school" to see that it's unfair to accept testimony from a witness not competent to testi-fy. If I cannot win on this issue, and this issue alone, then any-thing else probably doesn't stand a chance because so-called "appellate courts" are also a joke. This is why my last appeal memorandum was only a page and a half long.

On appeal the lawyer for the pretended "state" has to somehow justify what the "judge" has done. Now put yourself in his shoes. What in the world would you say to justify these contradictory acts on the part of the "judge?" How do you justi-fy the taking of unchallenged legal opinions? Do you sec now why the word judge, cop and trial are always in quotes?

I can't think of any justification for all of this and that is probably why. in all except one traffic case, the lawyer for the "state" did not even bother to file a reply brief. In the one recent case where a lawyer from Arizona did file a reply memorandum, he lied by intentionally deleting part of reality. He claimed I never asked the witness about the facts even though at least seven witnesses would disagree. In fact, this lawyer also dis-


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agreed when I questioned him outside a courtroom: he admitted 1 had asked the "cop" about the facts. This and other cases taught me that in "l^egal tand" the facts and truth are "irrelevant." This also helped to reinforce my belief there is no way out of a situa-tion like this except for the bureaucrat to lie or just be non-respon-sive That's when I know I caught them with their pants down; the)' either fall silent or start spewing forth verbal diarrhea.

Another example is a tax case I helped someone out with in California. There was an administrative hearing before four individuals doing business as the "Board of Equalization" and the subject was a so-called "tax assessment."

I made an application for subpoenas so the alleged "wit-nesses" would appear at the hearing for cross-examination. The application was denied, not once, but three times, on the grounds the witnesses "lacked personal knowledge of the facts." The first two times this decision was made by "staff lawyers" so any claims the decision was "legally defective" and a "nullity," are "without merit and frivolous," according to their own rhetoric, not mine. So what did 1 do? I didn't argue. / agreed:

There can be no personal knowledge of facts that don't exist.

In their enthusiasm to steal property these politicians impeached the i*ery witnesses they relied on. I pointed out that sec-tion 702 of the California evidence code made the testimony "inadmissible" and 1 asked for that testimony, which consisted of this so-called "tax assessment" to be stricken (thrown out). In classic bureaucratic style, these four individuals refused. Keeping in mind the opinion the Witnesses lacked personal knowledge was theirs and not mine:

Why would four allegedly "neutral" individu-als all accept opinions they knew were arbitrary?


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Consider the disregard these four men and women had for the divine "law" they are allegedly sworn to "preserve, pro-tect, and defend..." These bureaucrats were so eager to rob this man they ignored their very own "rulings."

Once in court their lawyer wanted the videotape of that tragic comedy (pretended hearing) thrown out and stricken from the record. Why? Because, it proves this lawyer had no admis-sible evidence to base her opinions on and no amount gyrating and screaming about "taxes," "liabilities," "laws" and whatever else was relevant because she was not a party or a witness.

Think of it this way: Imagine if O.J. Simpson were put on trial with no more "evidence" than the mere opinions of Marcia Clark and her fellow lawyers pretending to represent a "state." There is no Kato and no forensics. In fact, there is absolutely nothing but the opinions of some lawyers who profit from such "proceedings." No rational adult would accept this as fair and yet this is standard and happens every single day in traffic and tax cases (among other bureaucratic attacks). Where are all the pub-lic demonstrations? Where is the ACLU?

To clarify even further I will give you several examples of mere legal opinions that somehow pass as tangible "evidence" in traffic courts and other parts of "Legal Land"

1 am "within the state." I am "within the city." 1 am "a resident of the state." I am "subject to the jurisdiction of .. ." I "violated a law." 1 "violated a statute." I "must appear in court" This or that other "statute applies."

Just the words "state" and "city" represent nothing tan-gible and are only political jargon. In lay terms, they are in and of themselves lies. In regards to traffic cases, these would be the legal


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opinions of a "cop." They are opinions, not facts. They do nol qualify as facts any more than my opinions qualify as facts. Think about this because it's important, very important. The words "state" and "city" represent or syntbolize nothing more than abstractions with no tangible existence outside of the "cop's" mind, and the minds of his victims; you, for example. And keep in mind that what a "cop" purports to do in place of a licensed attorney is supposed to be a "nullity."

In the above "tax" case, the witnesses claimed the person I was helping was "within the state." By the Board of Equalization's oam admission, the witnesses "lacked personal knowledge of the facts." Are you starting to sec just how similar Alice's "Wonderland" and "Legal Land" really are? If so, is it possible that what you think is "real" is just a public relations scheme? Arc your perceptions and reality one and the same? What if your life is nothing more than a lie rammed down your throat since you were a child?

If the ground were the "state" and the man I was helping admitted to being physically located in California, then why would these politicians claim the witnesses "lacked personal knowledge of the facts?"

These bureaucrats accuse people of being "within the state" everyday to justify their violence and yet they are not per-mitted to testify to the same under oath? What does this tell you about both the people who parade around as a "government" and the true nature of the so-called "state?"


Despite being physically in California these bureaucrats could not testify the man was "within the state" because in their


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opinion they "lacked personal knowledge of the facts." They not only impeached the witnesses themselves, denied cross-examina-tion, and accepted arbitrary opinions as tangible evidence, but they sanctioned the man I was helping the maximum allowed by their so-called "law." These four politicians claimed both the man's position was "patently frivolous" and sanctions of five thousand dollars were warranted. I lis position? His position was the opinions against him were not supported by facts. This is the Hime position two staff lawyers and the four bureaucrats them-selves held. Only in "Legal Land" can the exact same position be both "frivolous" and NOT "frivolous" at the very same time.

Another example of the political dream world is the word "law" itself. This word is hypnotic Most people give it no thought at all and accept it blindly. Some people, like "cops." are willing to murder in its name. Indeed, no act is too vicious if it's the "law."

To help you understand a "law" is just an opinion backed by violence, think about the process that leads to a pre-tended "law's" creation, from a lay standpoint of course. In other words, let's look at the facts, and nothing more, without any political spin or rhetoric.

Some man or woman prancing around as a pretended "legislator" says to other men and women pretending to be "leg-islators" that, in his/her opinion, everyone must have a "driver's license." They count noses and if a majority holds the same opin-ion, then that opinion is re-named a "law." There is still nothing tangible though and it doesn't matter if that opinion is then writ-ten up in fancy "law" books because you could easily burn those books. Would that be the end of that particular "law?" After being re-named the "law" this mere collective opinion is then forced upon other people by armed troops more commonly known as "cops." Think about this for a moment

What if the "law" was not written down and all the bureaucrats put their guns down? Would this change how easily it was accepted?


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in addition to that, what if the "cop" didn't have his cos-tume (uniform) and neat looking badge on? Let"s say he was wearing a t-shirt, sneakers and reeked of beer Does this change your perception that he is an alleged "authority?"

Because I know from experience some people will have a problem with the above example and throw up the "murder" argument, 1 will provide the following. Some people may think we need "laws" for things like murder and rape. This however, neglects reality because 1 am unaware of "laws" prohibiting mur-der and other real crimes to wit:

"13-1102. Negligent homicide; classification A. A person commits negligent homicide if with criminal negligence such person causes the death of another person. B. Negligent homicide is a class 4 felony." Arizona Revised Statutes.

Notice this is only a "classification" and prescribed level of punishment. This appears to be consistent, see also 76-5-201 Utah, 782.04 of Florida as well as others. There is no attempt by a gang of faceless, unproductive men and women (politicians, bureaucrats) to criminalize the above act because it would be redundant.

I want to make one last point in regards to the "law" and its hypnotic power on people because I think this power is lost when it is seen for what it really is. Let's say the men and women who parade around as "congressmen" pass a "law" there would be no more gravity: the legislature finds that without gravity the costs of shipping would be reduced thereby helping the econo-my of the state. Would you happily waltz off the top of the Sears Tower? If not, thru why?

What if they passed a "law" that rocks were now apples? Would you take a big bite of a block of granite? Shouldn't we respect and comply with all "laws," at least until they are


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declared "unconstitutional" by the courts or "repealed" by the "legislature?"

Before you think these are absurd examples, consider the fact that a "legislature" in the south, I believe it was Alabama, passed a "law" forbidding a river from rising past a certain level. When you just look at the facts, the "law" starts to lose its hyp-notic dream like power.

What is important here is a group of men and women are forcing other men and women to accept, or at least act on. their "mental conception." What the "mental conception" is, is irrele-vant and beside the point. The important thing here is the coer-cion and violence used to get people to accept or at least act on "mental conceptions."

To use another example: The alphabet is invaluable to communication and needs no explanation to show why it is valu-able to learn it Now, just imagine using violence to teach the alphabet to children. In that instance, the children would not actually learn anything. Instead, they would be conditioned to respond in a certain way to avoid violence. That is how some animals are trained. Choice is taken away and replaced with fear of violence-

In my experience there is a common misconception that a "city" or "state" is a natural phenomenon like an ocean, a mountain or another part of the earth. As previously discussed, many think it's a geographic area or land mass such as a conti-nent or island According to lawyers with and without black robes, nothing could be further from the truth. I say that because in their own words a "state" is not a geographic area. There is Arizona and then there is the "State of Arizona." As stated earlier, if the "state" was the ground and only the ground, then the lawyer playing "prosecutor" represents the ground. Am I the only one who thinks such a premise is crazy?

Fairness requires consistency. The "cop" has an opinion that 1 am "within the state." subject to his "jurisdiction" and I "broke the law " Ihese are just opinions or labels and not a state-

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ment of facts. The cruelest labels I'm aware of arc the words "legal" and "lawful." The following is critical to remember

The words "legal" and "lawful" have no real meaning, only a purpose.

That purpose is to justify some of the most heinous acts you can think of by men and women pretending to be a 'state," sort of linguistic subterfuge. Any moral or ethical conviction a man may have is thrown out the window if an act is deemed "legal." A good example is slavery. The opposite is also true-Just as people who currently take or sell certain drugs are seen as criminals against whom the "government" "must" wage a "war"on, if the drug "laws" were "repealed" tomorrow those very same people would be instantly converted to honest "law-abiding citizens." There are people who sell drugs everyday of the week and instead of being considered criminals they are called doctors and pharmacists. Why no war on doctors and phar-macists?

The phrase "war on drugs" itself is a lie because it's twt a war an drugs; it's a war against the people who sell or use them without a "state license."

I don't use drugs and I do not advocate their use. However, being a non-violent and peaceful man, I choose not to force my personal beliefs on others. I have to laugh when I drive down the street and see signs such as: "drug-free school zone." If that were true, the teachers wouldn't be taking Prozac and none of the children taking Ritalia both are mood-altering drugs.

Someone please tell me what the "substantive" difference is between taking mood-altering drugs such as Prozak and "recreational" drugs besides the political mantra "one is legal, the other is not." What's the difference between a teacher who uses cocaine as opposed to a teacher who uses Prozac? Drink a


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six-pack in your living room while smoking cigarettes and watching a baseball game and you're an ail-American guy and good "citizen.'' However, smoke a joint while watching the same game one house over from the beer-chugging smoker and you're a "felon" who belongs in prison

Only in "legal Land" is such nonsense taken seriously. If you accept the premise another person has the right to control what you ingest, such as heroin, then you must accept the prem-ise that another person has the right to force you to eat only cer-tain kinds of foods. If your neighbor has no right to force you not to eat pork rinds, then guess what? 'Hut's right, if your neighbor doesn't have such right, then the men and women valiantly "rep-resenting" him don't either. Could you imagine a "war on pork rinds?" Sixty machine gun toting "pork rind warriors" raided an underground convenience store... The only important issue with drugs is that another person is using violence to control what you ingest. For goodness sake, it's very easy for little chil-dren to choke on bread and pizza crust, should there be a "war on bread" also?

Ifs not a matter of what you are forced to ingest or not, it's being forced that is the issue.

Such rank hypocrisy is also demonstrated with the so-called "lotteries " When non-bureaucrats "ran the numbers" it was a vicious crime against humanity. But have a politician do the exact same act under a new label such as the "lottery" and now it's a great benefit for mankind. A little political voodoo magically transforms a heinous crime into a harmless beneficial service. Yeah, "What wonderful magic."

And what about "overturned convictions?" A man is put on "trial" and then "convicted." His "conviction" is deemed "legal." If it is "overturned" on appeal, then the "conviction" is no longer "legal " Magic! Nothing has changed except the label attached.


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An opinion is just a label attached to the facts.

How is an "opinion" merely a label? Let's say I scream. "I'm going to kill you!" 1 then pick up a chair and break it over your back. Those are the facts. When a lawyer calls that, "assault and battery, that is an opinion. However, regardless of the opin-ion or label attached, the facts mil not change Like it or not facts will not change to fit an opinion Label it "rape/ if you like. Who cares? l"he facts are still the same: I screamed 1 was going to kill you and broke a chair over your back. You can call an orange a diamond, but that doesn't make it any less an orange.

No amount of human deletion, distortion, and or adding to reality is ever going to change reality.

So the "cop" formed a "legal" conclusion I was within the "state" or a so-called "city" and subject to his "jurisdiction." Fine, 1 don't fight or argue with him, 1 just ask him to tell me what facts he bases his opinion on. This opinion ic no different than if he accuses me of being the Faster Bunny or he thinks I'm a flower. If his accusation is not based on facts (reality) then it's his fantasy

This may be hard to accept, but human deletions, distor-tions and add-on's are not real And this fact does not change just because someone wears a badge or a robe or threatens physical violence.

There's an episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" where a Card3ssian is torturing Captain Pecard. He keeps ask-ing Pecard, "how many lights do you see?" There are five lights. Whenever Pecard says, "five," intense pain is induced in his body. By the end of this torture Pecard later admits to Counselor Troi that he thought he saw four lights. I "his is the only other way bureaucrats can alter your reality: by torturing you to death with all their propaganda. Do you "see" something that isn't there? How many "lights" do you see?


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In my experience, I haven't found one single "cop" who knew what a "state" or a "city" was; nor have any been able to tell me what "jurisdiction" is. Yes, they will kill me, if "neces-sary" to get me to acknowledge and act on these ideas, but ask them to tell you what it is and they run to their fellow bureaucrats like "judges" to bail them out

If a "cop" cannot tell me what "jurisdiction" is he cannot prove his case "beyond a reasonable doubt." Yeah, yeah, I know. It's not the "cop's" job to do that. It's the "state" persecutor s job. I've had lawyers snarl this at me a few times. However, in doing so they forget their entire case is built upon the "cop's" testimo-ny It follows that if the "cop" is unable to do so then the perse-cutor cannot, unless, of course, he draws from other "witnesses" or the persecutor tries to become a witness himself. And this is effectively what they do; the rules of evidence and fairness be damned.

The beauty of all of this is that, if the "cop" did know, and could somehow prove, I am "within the state," the "judge" will not allow him to answer because he is a non-lawyer trying to form a "legal" conclusion without having been "authorized" to do so because he is not a member of any "state bar." Also, even if permitted to answer, this does not excuse their use of violence because, being within a pretended "state" does not make coer-cion and good faith any less contradictory. This is only for sake of illustration anyway because his legal opinions are based upon this or that fiction anyway and not upon facts, tangible, verifiable facts.

So what is a "city" or a "s tateAccording to laun/ers and other politicians, not me, a "city" is a "corporation" to wit:

"city. A municipal corporation of the largest and highest class..." Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 202

So. a "city" is not a tangible physical or geographical -


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location, such as Tucson, Arizona. Therefore, the "City of Tucson" and "Tucson" are not synonymous or factually identical. This is further proven by their own political rhetoric

"1 Incorporation and deif ica-tion Section 1. Municipal corporations shall not be created by special laws, but the legislature, by general laws, shall provide for the incorporation and organization of cities and towns and for the classification of such cities and towns in propor-tion to population, subject to the provisions of this article." Article 13, Arizona constitution (emphasis mine).

Notice "cities" are created by "general laws," not bricks, mortar and labor.

So what is a "corporation?" A "corporation," as defined by "honorable" lawyers, not me, is just another fiction or fanta-sy:

"Today's new rule emphasizes the dominance of the corporation, a ere a ture of the LEGAL IMAGINATION FN2" State Tax Commission of Utah v. Aid rich, 316 U.S. 174,187 (1942) (empha-sis mine).

FN2 "A corporation is defined by John Marshall as 'AN ARTIFICIAL BEING, invisible, intangi-ble, and existing only in contemplation of law.' Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward. 4 Wheat. 518. 636. The New York Court of Appeals has said: 'A corporation, however, is a mere conception of the LEGISLATIVE M1\D. IT EXISTS ONLY ON PAPER through thecom-


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mand of the Legislature that its mental concep-tion shall be clothed with power/ People v. Knapp. 206 N Y. 373. 381. 99 N.E. 841. 844. Arui.Cas. 1914B, 243. (Footnote 2J (emphasis mine).

So. a "city" is a "corporation" and a "corporation" is a "mental conception." A so-called "city" is a "mental concep-tion."

A "city" or "state" is a hallucination, or a hal-luci-Nation.

A "city" doesn't appear to be a physical location any-more, does it? Still think a "cop" knows what he's talking about if he claims I'm within a so-called "city?" When a "cop" claims I am allegedly within a so-called "city," he is not only inconsistent with reality, he's inconsistent with his pretended "law," see State Tax Commission of Utah v. Aldridi immediately above. )ust because a man with a gun, a badge and an anti-social attitude sees me at some intersection doesn't mean I'm in a "city" does it? No, it doesn't because a "city" is a "corporation" that "exists only on paper" in the minds of the men and women cavorting around as "cops" and so-called "legislators." Now that appears to be "reasonable doubt" doesn't it?

"ITie idea of a joint, incorporeal being, made up of several real persons, is nothing but a fiction It has no reality in it It is a fiction adopted merely to get rid of the consequences of facts. An act of legislation cannot transform twenty living, real persons into one joint, incorporeal being. After all the legislative juggling that can be devised, "the company" will still be nothing more, less or other, than the individuals com-


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posing the company. The idea of an incorporeal being capable of carrying on banking opera-tions, is ridiculous." Lysander Spooner (empha-sis mine).

So what does this really mean if a "cop" is claiming, "under penalty of perjury" and "upon reasonable grounds," that I am somehow within a "mental conception?" It means his "real-ity" and that of the entire pretended "court" is all in their heads and no where else. The "cop," "judge" and the persecutor are living in a political dream world they are violently foisting on me and millions of others. Whoa, excuse me, but exactly ivhcre, when, why and how does a man, any man, come within a "mental con-ception?" If a "city" "exists only on paper," then how did 1 ever get "within" one physically? 1 never did and I never will. I can only be "in" a "city" within someone's mind and nowhere else. Did Alice take a machine gun and force others to accept her Wonderland? If she did would she be hailed as "honorable?"

let's try. for a moment, to suspend reality and think from the standpoint of a traffic "cop." What exactly arc his "rea-sonable grounds" that I am within his "mental conception?" Remember though, this is "Legal land" so a "city ' does not have to be tangible for a "cop" to see" me "within" one. Just like all of his other opinions, this one is all in his head, a dangerous fan-tasy or lialluci-Nation. He has seen me at a certain geographic location, however, he might as well claim he is San hi Claus and accuse me of being the Easter Bunny because he has the same amount of tangible evidence.

In the Real World, hallucinations are not tangi-ble evidence.

Because, in "Legal Land," haUuci-Nations and other "mental conceptions" are treated as if they are magically trans-formed into tangible evidence, that is enough for a traffic court


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"judge" to "convict" someone. After all, there are no rules of evi-dence or pre-trial discover) in traffic court, at least in "the State of Arizona" and he can be as biased as he wants just so long as he does not "shock the conscience" of his fellow lawyers higher up on the political pecking order.

This is also why I wrote earlier that the phrases such as "State of Arizona" and "City of San Diego" are. at best, D/B/A's and alter egos used by men and women who use violence as a way of doing business whether they're conscious of it or not.

Any title or "office" used by a coercive govern-ment "state" agent is merely a D/B/A or alter ego. Strip away that title or fancy "office" and you're looking at men and women who have no more right to control another man than you and i do.

Take a very close look at what is being written by these lawyers. A "city" is "a mere conception of the legislative mind" that only exists "through the command of the legislature that its mental conception'' should be "clothed with powrer."

Factually, a "legislature" is nothing more than men and women. This means a "city" or "state" is a figment of //air imagi-nation which other people are then forced to accept or at least act on. I may not believe there is a real "city." but because of the vio-lence backing this fantasy by those armed men allied "cops," I am forced to act as though a "city" or "state" is absolutely real, if Alice put a machine gun in your face you'd act as t/utugh you mere in Wonderland with her too.

What we have here is a group of individual men and women "commanding" (forcing) other men and women to accept a "mental conception," idea or halluci-Nation. Compare this with what has been said about propaganda and how well it matches what lawyers themsehvs tell us their pretended "laws" really are;


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"As generally understood, propaganda is opin-ion expressed for the purpose of influencing actions of individuals or groups ... Propaganda thus differs fundamentally from scientific analy-sis. The propagandist tries to "put something across," good or bad. The scientist does not try to put anything across; he devotes his life to the discovery of new facts and principles. The pro-pagandist seldom wants careful scrutiny and criticism; his object is to bring about a specific action. The scientist, on the other hand, is always prepared for and wants the most careful scrutiny and criticism of his facts and ideas. Science flourishes on criticism. Dangerous propaganda crumbles before it." — Alfred McLung Lee & Elizabeth Bryant Lee, The Fine Art of Propaganda, 1939 (emphasis mine).

Could you imagine using the same tactics as bureaucrats to sell lemonade as a kid? Come to think of it, if you sold it the same way you wouldn't really have to have any actual lemonade to sell would you? You could just "command" the other children to accept your "mental conception" there was some refreshing lemonade they had to buy from you whether the)' wanted to or not because it was for the "good of the whole" neighborhood. If you were really enterprising then you could allow other kids to do the same by setting up a "licensing" scheme franchise (like "state bars") whereby you could sit back and just collect a cut from each "licensee" in exchange for your "protection" of their exclusive "license" to sell "real" lemonade. The kids could also be told that they had to buy "lemonade" from "licensed" ven-dors approved by you or they might get cheated because you always maintain strict standards of lemonade purity to "protect" them. This analogy has more similarities to "state" run protec-tion rackets than you may care to know.


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"Commanding" me to believe in any "mental concep-tion," whether it be a "city" or a "corporation" is really no dif-ferent than "commanding" me to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. In fact this is what I see when-ever I read "the law" quoted above and notice it does not change the flow of the quote:

"Today's new rule emphasizes the dominance of the Easter Bunny, a creature of the legal imagi-nation FN2" State Tax Commission of Utah v. Aldnch, 316 U.S. 174,187 (1942) (emphasis mine)

I:N2 "The Easter Bunny is defined by John Marshall as AN ARTIFICIAL BEING, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law.' Trustees of Partmwth College v. Woodward. 4 Wheat. 518, 636. Ihc New York Court of Appeals has said: The Easter Bunny, however, is a mere conception of the legislative mind- IT EXISTS QN'IY QN PAPER through the command of the Legislature that ifs mental conception shall be clothed with power.' People v. Knapp. 206 N.Y. 373, 381, 99 N.E. 841, 844. AnnCas. 1914B, 243. (Footnote 2] (emphasis mine, with my addition of Easter Bunny for cor-poration).

How do you "clothe" an idea with power anyway? It's not the particular "mental conception" 1 am being forced to accept; it's being forced to accept a "mental conception" that's the issue. Change your perception for a moment; do you want to be forced to believe in a religion? Would you personally force someone else to believe in your chosen religion? Does your neighbor have the right to force you to believe in a certain reli-gion"> To help understand this


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just liken politics to a religion.

It doesn't matter if it's a "city, " state," "nation," the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Vishnu, Zeus. 1 lorus, or Muhammad, I don't want to be forced or "commanded" to believe in anything. If likening politics to a religion is too uncomfortable for you, then think of politics as a mythology because it is a mythology.

If you ever wonder if a bureaucrat has the right to do something, then just ask yourself this question:

Does my next-door neighbor have a right to do this to me?

If he doesn't, then his pretended delegates, deputies, agents, commissioners, governors, presidents, kings, princes, czars, ministers, secretaries, and servants don't either. It's that simple.

An obvious question here is why would an idea, religioa myth or hallucination have to be imposed by force? Maybe because that's the only way rational people will not only accept the idea, but also to act on the idea as if they actually believe it.

Violence is the means by which the irrational get the rational to act.

What if, like the "mental conception" called the Easter Bunny, 1 choose not to accept the idea that I'm within a "state" or a "city?" What are the implications? First it would be safe to assume that no one is willing to murder me because I don't believe in the Easter Bunny The very opposite is true when it comes to bureaucrats. Bureaucrats actually believe they have a "right" to kill you if you refuse to accept their "mental concep-tions," be it a 'city" or the Tooth Fairy, it really doesn't matter. If you don't believe this read Article I § 2 of the Nevada Constitution, directly below: it is also available online at


Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens - [PDF Document] (177) This is such a gem of political doublespeak and statist nonsense that 1 have to include it in this book about political myths:

"All political power is inherent in the peoplef ] Government is instituted for the protection, secu-rity and benefit of the people; and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good may require it. But the Paramount Allegiance of every citizen is due to the Federal Government in the exercise of all its Constitutional powers as the same have been or may be defined by the Supreme Court of the United States; and no power exists in the people of this or any other State of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection therewith or perform any act tending to impair, subvert, or resist the Supreme Authority of the Government of the United States The Constitution of the United States confers full power on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its exis-tance (existence], and whensoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority." (Emphasis mine).

This is a declaration of war for goodness sake. Here, the 'government" is said to serve the people who arc of allegedly the power and yet the people cannot peacefully withdraw their sup-port without armed forces compelling obedience. Which one is it? Both cannot be true. 1 low many people do you know that are willing to kill their "boss" just to keep their jobs? Is your job so


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important you feci it's necessary to kill your boss to stay employed? I think normal people just go get other jobs Instead of a "going out of business" sale, politicians start a "war against unemployment." Can you imagine a political part)- that might use the following speeches and campaign slogans?

"Yes Sir, vote for me and. once in office, if you dare withdraw your support, we'll kill every last one of you if we have to! But. vote for me any-way because, the other guy will kill you for a lot less!"

"Vote for me, Joe Bureaucrat, cuz' Bob Bureaucrat will kill you for doing a lot less."

Politicians are not only willing to kill their alleged boss-es to keep their jobs, some shamelessly aAttcrtise their murderous intent in their own "constitutions " This type of content is not hidden You can go into most libraries or look online. It's one thing for a slave to kill the slave monger, but it's quite another for the "public servant" (bureaucrats) to kill their so-called "sover-eigns." Just how many are they willing to kill to stay employed anyway? 50%, 75%, 90%??? And keep in mind that Pol Pot prob-ably didn't write that section of the Nevada "constitution."

Think about this: If men. women and children do not want to participate in politics (forcing their opinions on others) any longer some bureaucrats will murder as many of them as they have to in order to keep their jobs. Is that fair? is that sane, killing children just to keep a job? Is participation in politics so important people should be murdered for deciding to opt out and live a peaceful life? Did you see any mention in that "constitu-tion'" about a trial? Peacefully withdrawing support is treated as worse than being a terrorist for goodness sake; at least accused terrorists get a mock trial before they're sltot. Did you catch the contradiction here? What about the fifth amendment and due


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process? Isn't that by "warrant of the Constitution?" Armed force without the nuisance of a "trial." That's why 1 write it's not about protection, it's about obedience

And what about the part about "protection?" Doesn't that sound familiar? You're going to be "protector whether you want it or not? Atui let's not overlook the offer you can't refuse: "employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority." Apparently Luca Brasi doesn't sleep with the fishes after all. Maybe the above "constitution" should read:

All political power is inherent in the people, as long as "the people" means bureaucrats. Government is instituted by bureaucrats for the protection, security and benefit of the people whether they want it or not; and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good may require it fust as long as no bureaucrat is put out of a job. But the Paramount (real) Allegiance of every citizen i.e., slave, serf, peon, is due to the men and women pretending to be a so-called Federal Government in die exercise of all its Constitutional powers as the same have been or may be defined by the Supreme Court of the United States; and no power exists in the people of this or any other State of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection therewith or perform any act tending to impair, subvert, or resist the Supreme Authority of the Government of the United States. The Constitution of the United States, although just a mere written instrument no one ever bothered to sign, somehow confers full power, how, we don't know, on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its exis-tancc (existence], and whensoever any portion


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of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede, i.e., peaceably withdraw support from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws Le., mere opinions, delusions and fan-tasies, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, an unsigned written instru-ment, employ armed force Le.. shoot men, women and children down, like dogs in the street, in compelling obedience to its Authority.

If it's true that all political power is inherent in the peo-ple, and they choose to peaceably withdraw their support, would they not at the same time be withdrawing their alleged political powers from the so-called "government?" If so, then under what pretense or "Authority" would the "Federal Government" be "exercising?" If the people just didn't support them anymore, then by what pretended "authority" would they "employ armed force?"

Getting back to the "mental conception" and its applica-tion in my traffic cases, let's say, for example, I am traveling safe-ly down the street without a so-called "license plate" on my car. I am not "speeding" or causing any danger to anyone and a "cop" gets behind me and puts his emergency lights on. The "cop" certainly accepts the "mental conception" or opinion that when his lights are turned on, the person in front of him is sup-posed to stop. However, like the idea of an Easter Bunny, I don't accept this "mental conception" and continue minding my own business

What will tlx» "cop" do? More than likely he is going to either threaten me somehow with physical violence or he'll just start using physical violence to stop me on his own. Either way, if I don't stop he will probably increase the physical violence until 1 am stopped, including calling additional armed troops more commonly known as "backup." Some of their cars may even ram my car.


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Once stopped, I will more than likely be approached by several "cops." each pointing a loaded firearm directly at my head Once their firearms are drawn they are fully prepared to murder (kill) me where I sit. Just ask a "cop" and he'll confirm this. At this point it no longer matters that I didn't have a seat-belt on, no, I have done far, far worse. I failed to accept a bureau-crat's "mental conceptions" by stopping. 1 his is usually taken as a personal affront to their "right" to dominate me. Now they're really pissed off.

Failing to accept a "mental conception" certainly war-rants the use of violence, doesn't it? After all, isn't violence an acceptable way to get people to believe the same as you? Isn't it "legal?" It is in "Legal land *

Let's put this in another context: Obviously, no one can really force me to believe in the Easter Bunny, but 1 can be forced to act on this belief by coloring and hiding eggs at gunpoint, can't I? There is a world of difference between believing something and acting as if you do. Compare this to a traffic "trial" because that's how bureaucrats operate; you don't have to believe there is a "state" but you will perform as though there is one by getting a "license," filing a "tax return," putting your children in "state" run propaganda mills called public schools etc.

For example, a "cop" accuses me or anyone else of being within a "city" and "failing to provide ID." This "cop" might as well accuse me of being in Bunnyland and failing to color and hide eggs. In both cases "mental conceptions" an» being used. How should such an accusation (opinion) be responded to, if at all? If there were no physical violence to back it up I would just walk away laughing from this delusional anti-social individual.

On the other hand, if I responded at all I might say, "I'm sorry but I don't believe in the Easter Bunny." The "cop" would probably respond that that doesn't matter Only his belief matters because of his gun and his xoillmgness to use it to gel me to act as if his fantasy were real. Regardless of my belief though, he not only believes in the faster Bunny, he also believes he represents the


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taster Bunny and, because he thinks I'm somehow in Bunny land with him, I must color eggs and hide them, or get shot My fail-ure to merely play along with his delusion will result in the tak-ing of my time and money (a "fine'"), or could result in my death. And I'm sure statists would not see anything wrong with such a cold-blooded murder and say, "He should have |ust colored those eggs."

In this context, it's very easy to sec the "cop" for what he is. He'5 a man with a gun expressing opinions with no factual support. And, without facts to support those opinions, his beliefs are pure fantasy. In that case it really doesn't matter if he accuses me of being within a "city" or Bunnyland because both are mere "mental conceptions" with no tangible existence out-side of the head of the "legislator" to which all of this nonsense can be traced back. And why does the "cop" rely on this "leg-islative" gibberish? Because he gets a fiaycheck. a gun, a neat looking badge and gets to dominate other people with impunity. On the other hand, there is nothing stopping me from actually believing I'm in Bunnyland and just coloring eggs or paying whatever "fine" the judge" demands I pay.

However, getting back to the traffic stop, let's imagine they ask me why 1 didn't stop. What could I say to such a ques-tion? I could say I didn't realize I was supposed to stop. They could then tell me they put their lights on and I was supposed to stop (this is another great example of a "non sequitur"). Then I might ask them why I should stop because they put their lights on. Whatever their response is I could then tell them that, like the "mental conception" (idea) of the Easter Bunny, I don't believe in such a thing. The bottom line here is this:

Bureaucrats use physical violence to force you to act on their "mental conceptions," mere ideas in their heads, whether you believe them or not.


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If you don't believe this, the next time those lights come on behind your car, if you don't want half a dozen or more loaded firearms pointed at you, you will stop your car And most people know this is true. Your beliefs are just not important, only the beliefs of the man with the gun are important. I like how Jim Robertson put it:

"Co-equal decision-making vs. following orders and submission - Bureaucrats follow orders. They believe in giving orders to other bureau-crats. If you are not a fellow bureaucrat, you are even lower in status in their eyes. You need to be told what to do, how to earn your money, how to spend your money, what is safe for you. and so on. Bureaucrats believe that most peo-ple are like children, who need to be told what to do and punished for not following orders. You respect the viewpoint of others, and their freedom to hold other viewpoints. Bureaucrats believe only their viewpoint is relevant, and that their viewpoint is an order that you must follow. You regard no person as your slave, nor any person as your master. Bureaucrats believe that they have authority to give you orders, and that you must be punished if you disagree. They believe your life, money, and body arc theirs to regulate and use as they decide. Bureaucrats hate those who respect the viewpoints and deci-sions of others in a meaningful way." — How Bureaucrats Think And How To I rap Across Them by Jim Robertson (emphasis mine).

This leads us to a fundamental question: If physical vio-lence is used to force me to accept one opinion, such as my being within a "city," then why not use physical violence to force me to


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accept all the other opinions and "mental conceptions" such as the opinion I am "guilty of not wearing a scat belt" in order to avoid a so-called "trial?" What is the "substantivé" difference between the two, if any? In other words, why not just drop the pretense?

What is the point of having a "trial" when vio-lence is the basis of how they interact with you?

It seems inconsistent at best, that they should use physi-cal violence to make me accept their opinion that I am "required" get a "driver's license" but they still put me through a "trial" to convince me 1 am somehow "guilty of driving without a driver's license." Why not be consistent and use physical violence open-ly to have me accept all of their opinions? A so-called "trial" is unnecessary because bureaucrats do business by coercive means and do not require my consent for anything they intend on doing, not according to me, but according to them.

Before you think this is too critical of bureaucrats and that physical violence is "a necessary evil" to provide valuable services, consider this:

When was the last time you were forced to pay the operating expenses for Burger King?

Probably never. You have always been completely free to patronize any other fast food business and to even forego fast food entirely. Do you consider physical violence to be a legiti-mate method of doing business? T his is not to say, or to even suggest, that violence under any "flag," political banner, or "crime family" is a legitimate way of doing business. It is not. But, seriously:

What is the factual difference between a "state" and a protection racket?


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Don't say, "one is legal, the other is not" because that is not a factual difference. T hat's only a different label: "legal" vs. "illegal." The only real difference is that physical violence is not used as openly because politicians are trying to maintain a pre-tense of fairness. Indeed, they must maintain a pretense of fair-ness because it's the only thing separating them from their "non-legal" counterparts. The second, more subtle difference, is that coercive "states" utilize more effective public relations on their victims, starting from childhood, with compulsory tax (theft) funded schools. What would your children think of the mob if they were forced into schools run by the mob from the age of five to eighteen? What did Hitler say about children?

This is why it really doesn't matter whether I am within the "state" or not The only real issue is the violence used to force me to believe their "mental conceptions" or act as if I do.

Bureaucrats use physical violence to get you to comply. More to the point, they use violence to actually get you to help them fleece you because, without your "help," doing their jobs would become virtually impossible. To demonstrate this is true, consider for a moment what a traffic stop would be like if all I did was peacefully refuse to help the "cop" in any way. 1 do not stop the car on my own when the lights come on. 1 refuse to stand up and be handcuffed, 1 refuse to walk to their car or help them get me in etc. What would "cops" do in such a case? How much more dif-ficult would their "jobs" be if I simply refused to help them? How much more violence would they use? Consider the added manpower that would be needed. I don't resist them; I just don't help them. After all, they believe the "mental conception" they have the right to control my life and property without my consent, right? O.K., I won't disagree or resist you, but go ahead, do your job now.

If you don'I need my consent tlien, apparently you don't need my voluntary assistance cither.


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Imagine what would happen if 100,000 people in any major "city" took the so-called "license" plate off their cars and refused to stop when "cops" put their lights on. This alone could effectively stop traffic tickets from being written.

Bureaucrats don't bother asking for permission but titey cer-tainly need the help of their victims. Without it, their violent "adver-sary system" (as lawyers call it) would collapse under its own dead weight and no amount of new "laws" could change that either if enough people just don't accept their "mental concep-tions" any longer What would the politicians do, pass a "law" making apathy a crime? And if they did who would care?

"Evil tyrants require, indeed they depend upon, willing and unwilling accomplices — good peo-ple who would never think of harming a soul themselves. Lenin called such people "useful idiots."" Wluit I Have Learned From The Twentieth Century, Mike Vanderboegh.

"From all these indignities, such as the very-beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourself if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place your hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but merely that you support him no longer; then you will behold him. like a great colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces." Etienne de la Boetie, Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (emphasis mine).

Also, aside from not helping a bureaucrat, what would happen if bureaucrats could not initiate the use of physical vio-


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lence? 1 low could a bureaucrat such as a traffic "cop" do his job if he could not initiate the use of physical violence? They would have a real problem on their hands at that point in time because their very jobs depend on violence.

Jurisdiction is control.

Stripped of all political jargon and legal gibberish, "juris-diction" is control over men, women and children. It's what groups of men and women pretending to be "governments" do. They "govern" and "govern" is control: "govern. To direct and control; to regulate; to restrain; to manage..." BaUentirte's Law Dictionary, page 530. They violently "regulate," control and dominate other men, women and children. This can be observed even by us "uneducated" laymen.

Think about this for a moment, have you ever seen a "government7" Gin you hit a "government" with a rock? What exactly is "government?" The lay answer is, that is, just the facts: a "government" is one man controlling another without the lat-ter's freely given consent Everything else is just opinions to jus-tify violently taking control of someone else's life, viz., slavery under the guise of "protection." Remember the Yici Wo case cited earher?

It would be foolish to deny they control me, at least, to a degree, unless, of course, swift and blinding violence against myself is an objective. If I refuse to cooperate, even peacefully, they will use whatever physical violence is necessary to meet their end goal. If I don't stop my car when the "cop" flips his lights on, he will eventually use his car to stop me. Having dime so, he'll run up to mv car screaming at me to get out with his firearm pointed directly at my head ready to murder not a peace-ful human being, but what he now believes is a "criminal" or a "perp." See the sick irony in such a situation? The "cop" is the violent one and the guy minding his own business, not harming a soul is somehow the criminal. Yeah, I can hear it now, "He


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should have stopped his car..." That's right, blame the victim. Reminds me of the lawyer argument that a rape victim should not have dressed a certain way. I guess he had it coming to him.

However, getting back to the "cop" as a witness, I'll also ask the "cop" if he had "jurisdiction" over me during the traffic stop, yes, or no? I also ask what "jurisdiction" is factually. The blank stare I get as a "response" is the cue for the "cop's" lawyers to jump to the rescue. To help him out I might also ask him if he had control over me during the stop. Despite this being a legal conclusion, the lawyers playing "prosecutor" and "judge" will allow it, and hell probably answer yes because, if he is without jurisdiction, the case should be over. You'd be surprised, no, shocked, to see just how far some of these altruistic "honorable" lawyers will go to keep a case from being thrown out If, how-ever, he is not permitted to answer, I again suggest it may be con-sistent with the rules of evidence to strike his testimony, includ-ing the ticket

If he testifies that he did have jurisdiction or control, 1 ask, "did you ask for my permission?" He will proudly deny that he most certainly did not fhis question is mostly for psychologi-cal reasons. I want him to assist me in exposing his true violent nature so I pump him up with pride. In fact I want him to snarl back at me with contempt:

I'm a cop you little pukd I don't need your per-mission to do anything!

I want his true nature exposed because it contradicts any pretense of fairness and good faith. If what is being done to me is based upon violence, then it's not being done in good faith and is certainly not fair. Anyone who equates physical violence with good faith has serious psychological problems and is not a stable person anyone should try and reason with, even if they are "res-idents" in "Legal Land." No one can get a fair trial from such a person.


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Once it is out in the open that it was not with my per-mission, nor was this required, 1 ask him. "O.K.. other than phys-ical violence, please tell me, factually, the nature and basis of this jurisdiction and exactly where, when, why and how you acquired it." This is not going to be answered and with good reason. One in particular is that he was just beating his chest because he does-n't need my permission to do anything. If he even offers a responsive answer (he won't), then he is looking at being impeached as a witness for his inconsistent testimony. At this point the cross-examination is over and it hasn't lasted more than a couple of minutes.

It is always interesting to ask them at what particular point in time this "jurisdiction" was acquired because this will really make the "cop" and two lawyers protecting him to start to think. Was it before he saw me, 100 yards awav etc These ques-tions are very difficult to get out of so the "judge" will probably not permit his sidekick, the "cop," to answer. That's fine because:

'{a] denial of cross-examination without waiver would be constitutional error of the first magnitude and no amount of showing of want of prejudice would cure it.' Brook/tart r. Janis, 384 US 1,3 (emphasis mine).

I once had a "cop," in a pre-trial deposition, tell me his "badge" was his "authority" over me. 1 said, "Really, is that piece of metal magic? Can 1 put your badge on and have jurisdiction over you?" What is ironic is that he accused me of mocking him I wonder if he also believes a "crown" would make him a "king," or a scalpel makes him a brain surgeon?

I may help the "cop" out by asking, "is"your "jurisdic-tion" over me based upon your coercion or based on my freely given consent? If he says, "coercion," I can then ask him, "do you equate coercion with good faith and fairness?" This is a


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great question I have never had answered because they realize answering would open up too big a can of worms for them.

For example, I worked with someone in Phoenix with regards to a "Department of Revenue" hearing. The woman "representing" the "Director" testified to being qualified to draw legal conclusions and having "jurisdiction over a fnend 1 was helping. Ihe "hearing officer." a lawyer, agreed. He asked the woman if this alleged "jurisdiction' was acquired by his consent and she answered, "no." He then asked her if she equated coer-cion with good faith and the "hearing officer" (who also repre-sented the "Director") would not allow her to answer because it called for a "legal conclusion." Huh??? 1 can always count on a bureaucrat to contradict themselves. This is because the outcome is always determined in advance so their actions must comform to that predetermined outcome. Remember the "magic bullet" theory of the so-called " Warren Commission?"

Another good question is, "since this jurisdiction is not based on my consent does it extend to the Cayman Islands?" Think about this for a minute. If his control over me is not based upon my consent then why can't he follow me to the Cayman Islands and control me over there too?

Another good point that you may want to consider is this: If the "cop's" so-called "jurisdiction" is really just coercion and physical violence then it has nothing to do with any so-called "constitution." a mere written instrument no one ever bothered to sign.

It I don't accept his opinion he has "jurisdiction' over me, then this doesn't matter does it? He'll just use whatever physical violence is necessary to reach his objective. He doesn't need me to agree with him or to even believe him. This has noth-ing to do with consent and good faith, the way rational people interact with each other Given that fact, why is a so-called "trial" necessary? My input is irrelevant and not required and he has probably told me this already. What has changed after the traffic stop?


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This applies equally to the "judge's" opinions. He con-trols my life without my freely given consent In other words, his so-called "jurisdiction" is not based on coercion, it is coercion. I may not believe his opinion that he has any "jurisdiction" over me but because the "cops" at his disposal blindly accept that he does, I have to act as if he does also or get shot

Because he uses violence and threats of violence, e.g, a so-called "warrant" for my arrest to ensure my presence in "his" building, then why doesn't he use the same level of open vio-lence to ensure I just pay the fine he wants to impose and just skip the whole damn "trial?" What is "fair" and "just" about vio-lence? It's bad public relations.

As previously stated, bureaucrats must maintain a false perception of fairness and good faith because if they don't they will be seen for who and what they really are They don't want their true nature to be seen because people would withdraw their support, and no amount of threats, from the Nevada constitution or otherwise, would keep those politicians in power. This is why there are even more lawyers doing business as "appeals courts" who "review" a "judge's" actions to "ensure" that a pretense of fairness is maintained by the lower court "judge." That is to say, the trial "judge" used good PR. If not, the case could be sent back ("remanded") back to that "judge." Not to administer justice however, but to make the theft of my time and property look good.

This is why 1 put bureaucrats on the spot. If none of this has to do with my consent, then why is a so-called "trial" even necessary? What is a "trial" supposed to accomplish when they can always force ("command") me to accept their opinions ("mental conceptions") anyway?

Look at the inconsistency' here. The following opinions (lies) are not subject to my challenge or consent:

I must have a "license plate" on my car. I must stop my car for a "cop." 1 must comply with a "cop's" orders


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I must appear within "their" building. I am within their "state." I am within their "city." 1 am subject to their "jurisdiction."

Then, at "trial," only one opinion appears (under their pretense) to be subject to challenge:

1 am "guilty" of not having a "license plate" on my car.

But if I cannot challenge the opinion I need the plate on my car, then can't you see this cruel game is rigged from the start' Can you see the difference between this and a case of rape? In a rape case they are proving a certain act was committed as opposed to proving whether I was obedient to the "written will" of individuals I have never met What makes this particular opinion any different from the other opinions I was forced to accept? One thing: the pretense of a fair trial necessary to maintain good public relations. My "challenge" is superficial at best, and for appearance only. That is why the "cop" can throw out opinion after opinion ad nauseam and, when I ask him to provide the facts those opinions are based on. both of his lawyers, the "prosecutor" and the "judge" will not permit him to testify.

If I can be forced to accept one "mental concep-tion" then I can be forced to accept any "mental conceptions" whatsoever.

The point here is the violence If they can quite literally force me to accept, and act, upon the mere "mental conception" that I am "within" a "state" then the)' can force me to accept and act on the "mental conception" there is a Tooth Fairy and have me place teeth under my pillow as a result.


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Your geographic location determines which fantasy ("laws") you're forced to accept.

I know some lawyers might hear that and say. "That's ridiculous to compare a state or a city to the Tooth Fairy. You're mixing apples and oranges Marc." My first response is. what if the opposite were true? Is it possible that what's ridiculous is label-ing a man a "citizen" as if that label in and of itself now means this hapless victim no longer has control over his own life and prop-erty? That he must also pay for this "privilege" of being violent-ly dominated? That if he doesn't pay then he'll get locked in a cage? Thinking you may forcibly control another person for no other reason than labeling yourself a "government" and your victim a "citizen" is what is ridiculous. Plainly described, this is unrighteous dominion The enslavement of men, women and children of African decent was itself a form of "government"

My second response is I have not described a "city" as a "mental conception." No, as shown previously, that was a gang of "honorable" lawyers when I cited a "Supreme Court" opinion called: State Tax Commission of Utah v. Atdrich, 316 U.S. 174. 187 (1942). Who would deny the Tooth Fairy is a "creature of the ... imagination?" The Iooth Fairy ami a "city" are both "mental conceptions" whether lawyers agree or not. The only "substan trve" difference between a "city" and the Tooth Fairy is the lack of violence being used to force me to accept and act upon the existence of a Tooth Fairy.

Lawyers may look at the Atdrich ifuote and just sneer, "Oh, that is just dictum anyway." And who am 1 to argue with that? Everything politicians have is dictum and opinion; the only difference between dictum is the violence used to ram it down my throat. Lawyers wanting to be "judges" have dictum envy. Even the "cop" spews forth dictum as well as the attorney with the robe; there is no difference except for the violence behind each one.

That is why it is so important not to disagree with "hon-

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«•able" lawyers or other well armed bureaucrats. It makes no sense to argue with people who use violence to do business. As the maxim goes, contra negantem principia non est disputan-dum " In other words, it is useless to argue with one who denies principles.

1 don't argue. Instead, I let them sacrifice either their use of physical violence or their pretense of good faith and fairness.

A good example was a "court case" I was involved with in Arizona. I arrived at the building for the so-called "arraign-ment" very early and took a seat beside some friends I always get there early so I can note the "judge's" demeanor.

Despite being kind and patient with everyone before me, he "lost it" when it was my turn. 1 handed him a copy of a pro-posed "plea of guilty." All I had to do was sign it and have the "release bond" (ransom) assigned to cover the "fine." This "judge" went nuts because I said I was intending to plead guilty and I just wanted to know the nature and cause of the charges and proceedings Ihis is tlx? only way a plea of guilty may be accepted under rule 17 of the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure: "a plea of guilty or no contest may be accepted only if voluntarily and intelligently made."

He refused to tell me anything and screamed for securi-ty to come in I asked him, "What rules, if any, apply to these proceedings?" This only made him angrier and is probably the reason why the security guard appeared so confused about why he was called and for who. I then asked the "judge." "Do the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure apply?" lie lost all patience and entered a "plea" for me and told me to "wait for a pre-trial date." I then asked the security guard standing next to me, "What can be done if the judge is breaking the law?" He answered. "Oh. he's the judge, he can do whatever he wants." If you doubt this, then just go to any "court" and ask a "cop" or


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"security guard" the same question. Then I said, "Really? What if he takes out a gun and starts shooting people?" He replied. "Well, he can't do that " I responded, "Great, now we've drawn a line in the sand and we know that he can't do whatever he wants, let's see if he crossed the line this time." He was not amused at all.

The last thing I asked the "judge" was, "Is there evidence of a complaining party here?" This was all he could take, his face went crimson and he called the "police" to have me thrown out of "his court." What is ironic is that this "judge" said I was a dif-ficult man to deal with. Imagine that, he Tesorts to violence because I asked a question and, here, I'm the difficult one. Irony, it seems, is not lost on bureaucrats. It's also ironic because "judges" are supposed to be of "good moral character" and keep their jobs through "good behavior." Do you equate "good moral character" with getting violent because someone asks a question?

Another example involved a "judge" that was not also a lawyer. Most are. I came in and sat down at the defendant's table with my books. The "judge" suggested I come up to the bench. I said I would prefer to sit at the table where 1 could take notes He "flipped out" and started screaming at me to come up to the bench or he would "throw" me in jail. I told him again. "1 prefer to sit at the defendant's table." It was at this point in time he noticed my friend Dinah was videotaping him He screamed at her to stop but she just kept on taping To my great disap-

pointment we later found out she was not actually recording. The "judge" threw several books at me and then ran off the

bench in disgust It was hilarious. 1 filed a complaint with the typically useless "Judicial Conduct Commission and this "judge" was "retired." I write "useless" because most com-plaints to that commission are not taken seriously. It's about as vain and pointless as filing a complaint against a lawyer with the "bar-

There is a good reason why a record is rarely kept in traf-fic courts. What happens in cases 1 am involved with never leaves any doubt in the minds of everyone present what is going


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on, that is, a really bad (log and pony show. "Judges" always sacri-fice any semblance of good faith and fairness. Each one usually resorts to violence in the first instance:

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" Isaac Asimov, Foundation trilogy. The Mayors book 1, part III.

Violence is what happens when a bureaucrat feels they're losing their control and dominance over you. They tend to find this extremely frustrating I've noticed that bureaucrats don't treat people as humans to be reasoned with and certainly not as equals. "Cops" treat people like animals during traffic stops; their victims have no rights and must blindly follow their "orders." It's important to keep in mind that bureaucrats, especially "cops," are trained to dominate and "be in control of situations," or at least to believe they are supposed to be. Just ask .my "cop." If they feel they're losing control on a traffic stop they'll call "back up" and threaten to hurt you in order to maintain control. During a "traffic stop" in Arizona I asked the "cop," "Except for physical violence, what is the nature of your jurisdiction over me." His response? He looked real puzzled, stuttered a bit and then "ordered" me to stay where 1 was and called "back-up." This same individual swore 1 was within a "city" and yet he didn't know uluit a "city" is. I like what Jim Robertson said about individuals like this:

"Not being "in control of those we have author-ity to give orders to" strikes at the very core of their jobs and their reason for living. They resent it They believe their ¡ntrpose in life is to smash an iron fist in the face of anyone who they perceive is "infringing on their right to con-trol you." Hotc Bureaucrats Think And How To Leap Across Them, by Jim Robertson (emphasis mine).


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On a traffic stop, the "cop" believes he is in control so I have to do whatever he demands or else. If he wants to see my "license and registration" then 1 must obey his order without question or get shot. After all. he owns me and what 1 thought was "mv life" is now his to control. Just ask any "cop" who's in con-trol during any traffic stop and they'll tell you. it's certainly not the one considered a so-called "perp" that's for sure.

How do you think a "cop" would respond if, instead of blindly obeying his orders, I calmly asked. "Excuse me, but I need to establish what my relationship with you is, if any, before we go any further." No "cop" or "judge" I have encountered has ever answered this question beyond, "I'm a cop" or "I'm the judge." Another question is, "excuse me, but, do I haw to obey you and, if so, why?" More than likely he will respond by threatening vio-lence right away or "forthwith." He will inform me that he will "arrest" and cage me, excuse me. take me to jail. Our "relation-ship" is based on violence. 1 am not in control nor an equal. The "cop" is in control and he took that control without my freely given consent.

Seeing how he doesn't need, and never asked for, my consent, what arc the limitations on the "cop's" actions and why? The "cop" can do whatever he wants with impunity. The only fly in his ointment is his pretense of good faith; his public rela-tions scheme must be maintained. So what you have here is a relationship based on violence that is commonly accepted as legitimate. If it's legitimate for a "cop" to control me without my consent, then can a "cop" ever go too far? Apparently 1 have no rights at all if he may control me against my will. The question about the relationship is great to ask "cops" while cross-examin-ing them because it'll seem strange to them and will probably confuse them a great deal. It will not be answered. It cannot be answered without exposing how they go about their business Their charade of fairness cannot be maintained with their violent nature. 77ns question exposes the sham whether tlw question is ansuvred or not. That is the beauty of not arguing with them; 1 don't even need the question answered. Some may argue that


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"cops" don't need to know such things, i agree; "cops" don't need to know what they are talking about, unless of course they arc being relied on us witnesses.

I find it incredible that "cops" use violence to stop your car, violence to search your vehicle, violence to take your prop-erty and violence to put you in a cage, but, if they fail to read you your "rights" before putting you in that cage, then they've done something wrong.

"Your honor, 1 was violently ripped from my car, forced to the ground, hog tied, thrown into a patrol car, taken out and beaten within an inch of my life, and put into a cell."

"Officer, when you arrested this punk for not having a seatbelt on, did you read him his rights?

"Yes your honor, I did."

"Looks good to me."

Maybe it's just me, but it appears to be rank hypocrisy to read someone their "rights" while callously disregarding every one of them; using violence to stop their car, violence to search their car. violence to take their property and put them in a cage. Actually it's cruel; it's tantamount to putting a knife in some-one's back while kissing them, To make matters worse, these same violent individuals then promise you a "fair trial."

This is an example where the words being used are not congruent with the actions taken. If he's taking control over my life and property without my consent then it's clear this individ-ual does not believe I have any rights, except whatever rights he in his mercy wants to extend to me. This is usually expressed by the "time worn" statist phrase "consistently rejected" by rational people: "you have all the rights the constitution gives you." Isn't


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(¡hit also true of any slave? Slaves have as many rights as the mas-ter in his benevolence wishes to extend the slave. And exactly I low docs an unsigned written instrument ("constitution") give anyone "rights" anyway? Is my right to life really dependant on a 200 year old "written instrument" no one bothered to sign? That would mean we would all instantly die if the "constitution" were set on fire. Interesting concept. Again, pieces of paper do not create anything or convey property rights, people do The paper and ink, commonly called a "contract" is merely eviilence that two or more people conveyed property rights to each other and under what terms.

To further prove that bureaucrats think, or at least act as though they own everything and everyone, let's look at the defi-nition of owner

"owner. One who has complete dominion over particular property. 42 Am Jur 1st Prop § 37." Baiienthie's Law Dictionary, page 906.

While you may argue a "cop" does not have "complete dominion" over you and your property during a traffic stop, one thing is clear: you certainly don't, If you don't have "complete dominion" you are not the "owner." How does a "cop" get his "dominion" over my property? He doesn't ask for permission, after all. he's a "cop," he doesn't need my permission to do any-thing. It's by violence, either actual or threatened, "express or implied;" he does not ask for consent nor will he wait for iL

If you read "legal" opinions on searches conducted by "cops," lawyers and other bureaucrats claim the 'officer was fully within his rights to search the vehicle." How bizarre. The "legal" definition of owner is one who has "complete dominion." If a "cop" has a "right" to search my car, then he has "dominion" and I'm no longer the owner. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll give me my car back or maybe it'll be forfeited "in the interests of jus-tice."


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This is an example of statist nonsense where you own the property but you don't own the property.

If the "cop" has "dominion" then he owns it so let him make the car payments from now on and not me. Here, take it, it's yours, just stop screaming and put the damn gun down. Exactly how did this "cop" acquire his "dominion" or his "right" to search my vehicle? Let's see. was it violence or an obscure "written instrument" neither one of us has signed7

Another example is a so-called grand jury "subpoena," let's say for my books and records. If 1 own the books and records, then I have "complete dominion over [that] particular property." This means for someone else to use my property, I have to give my freely given consent, because I have "complete dominion." Remember if it's not recognized that I am the owner, then a so-called "subpoena" would not be in my name requiring me to bring in the property. Instead, some bureaucrat would just come by and take what he felt was his Maybe those bureaucrats just want my assistance in bringing their books and records to the court without having to pay me.

To be consistent with the definition of owner, I should have no obligation to comply with the "subpoena." This is not the case in "Legal Land." If 1 don't comply, then armed troops will just take me and the books and records. Now if they have the right to use violence to just take what they feel they are "entitled" to, then why the facade of a so-called "subpoena?" In other words:

I own property and DONT own property at the same time

Maybe the "grand jury" owns the books and records. 1 guess they could just sell them couldn't they? Why give them back? Some may argue the "grand jury" needed my private records for trial "out of necessity' as if their need somehow termi-


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nated my properly rights, that is my "complete dominion." I hope a "grand jury" doesn't "need" five pints of my blood. There are many people in need of a new kidney, do they just cut a potential donor open and take what they feel they need? After all, "Necessitas non habet legem...Necessity has no law..." Ballentme's Law Dictionary, page 837. If charged with mutilation, can that person laugh as a defense7 "Necessitas vincit legem; legum vincula irredit...Necessity supercedes law; it laughs at the fetters of the law." Ballentine's Law Dictionary, page 837. What if my "friendly" neighbor needs a ride to work? Can he just then steal my car "out of necessity." We have a 2003 Lexus here and we have three ways to get you into this car; you can buy, lease or just take it if you think it's "necessary." lawyers would write:

"By decisional law. the rule of necessity may override the rule of property rights." (Rule 81. Code of judicial Conduct, commentary for Canon 3E(1).

Maybe the definition of owner should be "amended?"

owner. One who has complete dominion over particular property, unless a bureaucrat thinks he needs it.

However, if property rights are not acquired by need or necessity privately, then it follows there is no "authority" to then delegate such to an alleged "pubhc" body. A "grand jury" is just eighteen or more individuals who gain no more right to my property only by appending a silly label to themselves. You see, in "Legal Land," it's not just eighteen men and women with the same rights as you and I, no, it's a GRAND jury unth a collective right to steal. Just delete, distort and add to reality to justify the violent taking of property.


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There's no merit to any claim that such an alleged right (necessity) was "surrendered" to the individuals strutting around as a so-called "government" either. If property rights are magicailv lost through "necessity," then there are no property rights to then hire a "government" to protect and maintain.

Also, if rights are "surrendered" to the "government," then what is left for protection? What an insane premise: in order to have your rights protected you must surrender them first: in order for you to enjoy those pork rinds, you have to give them to me.

Imagine private individuals doing business the same way bureaucrats do: You want your business protected by a secu-rity company but in order to protect your business, you first have to give the entire business to the security company. Or, maybe, this is not so insane after all. It just sounds that way. If you have no property rights, then you have no rights to be violated and, if you don't own property, then you can't legally have anything stolen from you. you see? Again this is "Legal Land" where "logic" is totally divorced from reality.

It's kind of like the "relationship" with the "cop." If it's all ultimately based on violence anyway, then how can the "cop" do anything wrong in a bureaucrat's mind, or in the minds of those who accept their premise? The notion that "the king can do no wrong" is the basis for his so<alled "sovereign immunity." So, having said that, try to imagine the same exact "traffic stop" without the emergency lights, the badges, and the costumes. Instead, just the guns, the men and the cars. What would be the difference between that and highway robbery? Only one: not all "cops" accept a credit card at the "stop."

If you accept the premise I must perform any activities for this man, such as stopping my car and showing him "traveling papers" ¡lespite having a productive life to lead, then, what are the limitations on what else he may demand of me? If 1 "must" stop my car, then why not wash his "patrol car" and paint his house also? Since none of this has to do with my freely given


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consent then why not order me to mow his lawn while we're at it? Why not just "arrest" me and have me scrub toilets at his "police department?" Isn't it a well-accepted "mental concep-tion" that I can be held for twenty-four hours without being "charged?"

The issue is not the actual activity' forced to perform, i fs being forced to perform.

Remember what the lawyers doing business as a "Supreme Court" wrote:

"For, the very idea that man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or any mate-rial right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself Ykk Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U S 356,370 (emphasis mine.)

Doesn't this describe ever)' situation with a bureaucrat, especially on a so-called "traffic stop?" Maybe the lawyers who wrote this silently exempted themselves? Maybe slavery is slav-ery only if done "without lawful authority."

The point is because the relationship is based on violence there isn't a limitation on what he can do to mc except maintain-ing an illusion of legitimacy.

If you accept the premise a "cop" has a right to control you without your freely given consent, then you arc in no position to complain if he orders you to shine his shoes.

If "cops" started going too far beyond the accepted "norm" on a regular basis their illusion of legitimacy would suf-


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fer, and then disappear as more and more people withdraw their pretended or actual support. A case in point is what happened to Haitian immigrant Abner Louima in Brooklyn New York in 1997. A "cop" stuck a wooden stick in his rectum causing severe internal injuries for no other reason than being suspected of a crime. Where were the "state" lawyers crying "sovereign immu-nity" over that one? The king can do no wrong, right? After all, this king was working "on the job" at the time and didn't he have every right to hold Abner against his will? Maybe that "cop" should have hired the "U.S." attorneys who defended Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who killed Vicki Weaver in 1992 by shooting her in the head while she stood in the doorway of her cabin holding her nursing baby in her arms. Horiuchi was on a "government" payroll at the time and he "got away with mur-der" (lay sense) so why complain about having a wooden stick rammed in your butt?

Bureaucrats go through a lot of trouble trying to con-vince people what they do is legitimate. A good example is com-pulsory attendance in a bureaucrat's propaganda mill common-ly referred to as "public schools." From the time we are five we have this nonsense forced on us; we learn to be a good "citizen" starting at age five. How many five year olds know what "alle-giance" is? Is it any wonder that so-called "schools" bought and paid for through violence end up having such violent episodes such as the one that happened at Columbine High School?

This BS public relations scheme is why they "give you" a trial, whether you want one or not. It's political sleight of hand that distracts you, this way and that, while they perform their "magic" concealing the true basis of their so-called "authority." like a magician, bureaucrats give you a "trial" to distract you from the truth while they conceal the violence underlying it all; the true and sole basis for their pretended 'authority." Then they can say, "you had your day in court your equal protection, and your due process!" "Cops" don't know this, of course. Most "cops" I've met don't know more than what they've been told.

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But. the higher up on the political pecking order you go, the more "state" agents seem to know. From my experiences, many lawyers know "the sy stem" is a sham, especially the "honorable" one's wearing Hack robes. The majority won't tell you this because it means losing their jobs and all that goes with it (money, power, dominance, prestige, circle of friends, irrespon-sibility etc.)

The beauty, the Achilles heel of this entire scam is that because these phony "trials" are so idiotic and contradictory, they can very easily be exposed for what they arc. A "judge" always "sacrifices" one of the two ways by which he operates: either the physical violence behind all their actions or their pretense of fair-ness and good faith. It's one or the other.

While my questions don't always result in a pretended "case" getting thrown out, it's the most effective method 1 have seen for exposing these phony "proceedings" for what they are.

Public relations propaganda concealing violence.

Once it is openly revealed the underlying "jurisdiction' is violence, then the entire "trial" Ls seen as a mere pretense and sad*stic sham. And this may be the reason why lawyers and "judges" refuse to permit a "cop" to answer most questions That's fine, whatever, be non-responsive; one of their methods of operation is being sacrificed, the pretense of fairness. That's because although the entire so-called "case" is based upon this "cop's" legal opinions, the "judge" will not permit me to ques-tion him about the supporting facts. Not being permitted to question the sole witness against me sounds like a really fair trial.

As stated previously, the refusal to permit a cross-exam-ination is about the worst "error" the black robed lawyers can commit even in "Legal Land." Isn't it interesting that if a "judge" refuses to permit cross-examination and cages me any-way it's just considered an "error." but if I did the same thing it would be a crime?


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If the "cop" is permitted to testify and he admits our so-called "relationship" is based upon violence, and not on my con-sent, then the next question is:

Do you equate violence with good faith?

Another variation of this question is, "if our relationship is based on your violence then what docs your alleged jurisdic-tion have to do with the constitution?" And then there is, "are you trying to maintain a perception of fairness on a foundation of violence?"

I have never gotten an answer to these questions in any "court" and for good reason 1 low does one maintain a pretense of fairness while admitting the relationship is based on violence? How do you equate violence with good faith? It can't be done. And that's why any bureaucrat thai hears this question quickly realizes he has no case.

To get back to the cross-examination of the "cop," if the "judge" will not allow him to testify, I will ask the "judge," "If he can't testify aren't you supposed to strike his testimony?" 1his puts the "judge" into an extremely uncomfortable position. He has refused to allow the only witness against me to testify and he knows, or should know, that the testimony should now be strick-en He also knows by striking the "cop's" testimony lie has to dismiss the "case." This means he cannot collect any blood money from me. In spite of that, it's incredible to witness a "judge" striking a "cop's" entire testimony, including the ticket and still refuse to dismiss the case.

I here are two main reasons for this: First the "trial" is subterfuge, political voodoo, and second, according to the "laws" that they7ve created for themselves, "judges" have no personal accountability. 1 know the outcome of these so-called "trials" is determined in advance because "judges" consistently accept testi-mony from "cops" they themselves determined are not compe-


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tent to testify. This is done regardless of the geographic location of the "court" Think of the odds that there is no connection here. This is not only grossly unfair, this is also considered an "incur-able error," according to their very own "Supreme Courts," even if one excuses the violence underlying the entire proceeding.

"Judges" are not held accountable for their crimes (lay sense) as long as those crimes are committed while on the bench "doing tlieir job." That is one of the reasons why they just don't care if they make glaring "errors" such as "obstruction of jus-tice." That is also why they will often snap at you, "you can appeal i t "

"Judges" have their rulings reversed all the time and nothing is done to them i.e., they are not held accountable or punished in any way, even if a man is sent to jail maliciously. "Judges" do not lose a dime of their salary for being reversed. They lose nothing when they are clearly wrong and yes Virginia, it is possible for bureaucrats anil "honorable" lawyers to be wrong, dead wrong:

"Lastly, the meaning that the Government attaches to Congress' silence in Rule 32 is com-pletely opposite to the meaning that this Court has attached to silence in a variety of analogous settings." Bums v. United States, 501 U.S. 129, 137 (1991) (emphasis mine).

What kind of people want to control others with no per-sonal accountability? Read what this "state" defense lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona, wrote if you still don't believe these lawyers both can and do "get away with murder" every day of the week:

"The rule of judicial immunity is that judges of courts of general jurisdiction are not liable in .civil actions for damages for their judicial acts, even when such arts are in excess of their juris-diction or are alleged to have been done tnali-


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ciously or corruptly. Acevedo v. Pima County Adult Probation Dept., 142 Ariz. 319,690 P.2d 38" (emphasis mine).

There you have it, lawyers defending malicious and cor-rupt acts even in "excess of their jurisdiction." That would include an Arizona "judge" driving drunk in California would-n't it? Would this lawyer defend malicious actions committed against her? I'll bet this lawyer's reality is dictated by who's paying her. With their "license" to commit crimes, "judges" don't have to give a damn about you and me because they know their fellow "hon-orable" lawyers will not permit them to be held accountable. It's one thing to not have any respect for human life, but to then take away all personal responsibility while providing a small army and a slew a defense lawyers? Cosh, I guess it's nice to be the "king." This is why, in "Legal Land," "judges" can set aside "their" sacred "constitutional provisions" such as:

"Justice in all cases shall be administered openly and without unnecessary delay." Article II § 11, Arizona constitution (emphasis mine).

This "constitutional" P.R., if it were honest, would actu-ally say:

Justice in all cases, except in cases where judges act in excess of their jurisdiction or are alleged to have acted maliciously or corruptly, shall be administered openly and without unnecessary delay.

Excusing the underlying violence just to make a point, what kind of service is going to be provided by an individual who knows ahead of time he is going to be paid regardless of how he does his job? Add to this the "license" to commit crimes with


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impunity and what kind of individual do you have? Just what kind of individual actually seeks out such an exalted position? Is it really "honorable" to maliciously and corruptly damage peo-ple with no accountability? Who do these lawyers think they're kidding?

Could you imagine a brain surgeon with the same men-tality? Would you go to a brain surgeon who claimed he is "immune" for anything he may do to you during the course of an operation, even malicious injuries? A brain surgeon is free to conduct his business in such a manner; however, he'd probably be looking for other work if he were up-front with potential vic-tims. Let's replace judicial with medical and brain surgeons for judges in the above quote from a Itioenix defense lawyer

"The rule of medical immunity is that brain sur-geons are not liable in civil actions for damages for their medical acts, even when such acts are in excess of their jurisdiction, such as injuries to the foot. or are alleged to have been done mali-ciously or corruptly. Acevedo v. Pima County Adult Probation Dept., 142 Ariz. 319,690 P.2d 38." (my edits in bold italics).

Crazy, isn't it? Especially when you consider how valu-able a service brain surgeons provide. If you are familiar with the deposition scene from the movie "Malice," with Alec Baldwin, then you'B really understand what I mean.

1 know lawy ers and other bureaucrats, in defense of their cash cow, may argue "judges" wusf be immune to ensure "judi-cial independence," "neutrality" and so forth. However, such an argument is "patently frivolous" for at least three reasons:

1) there is no "judicial independence" to begin with,

2) to have such alleged immunity, the power had to be


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delegated to them from the people; and

3) how does "independence" excuse anyone from com-mitting crimes against the very people they are sup-posed to be protecting?

Judicial "independence" or "neutrality" is a myth, litis is because in a "traffic case" the "judge" represents the alleged "plaintiff," the so-called "state," and is also paid by the "state " That itself destroys arty claim of independence. The "judge" is also on the same team AS the "cop" who filed the "ticket" in the first place. They call their team "the state."

Yeah, yeah, 1 know. lawyers would gyrate and genu-flect in defense of "honorable" lawyers arguing "Necessity! Necessity!" But that doesn't make it any less of a conflict of inter-est and an unfair trial. I'm sure in his mind, Mark David Chapman felt it was "necessary" to gun down John Lonnon... This only proves a fair trial is impossible and bureaucrats know it, but they neither respect the rights of others nor their own "laws." And why sftould they? They're "sovereign," remember? They arc the new "kings." The very same people who impose the "law" violently on others refuse to subject themselves to it. Why? Because they would be the first ones they would have to throw in prison if they had to follow their own so-called "laws." Violent people not complying with their own rules. Scandalous isn't it? Shocking.

On the other hand, if the "judge" were truly independ-ent, then he's only an individual violently taking control (so-called "jurisdiction") over my life and property. Remember, no "judge" asks for permission. He has no "legal sanction" for his violence because he is allegedly "independent" and not exercis-ing a "delegated authority."

By definition, someone exercising a "delegated authority" is not independent


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What utter nonsense, an independent "servant." This doesn't mean I believe the BS that "judges" are "public servants." It just proves it's a transparent lie What is amazing is tliis mon-strous lie can be told with a straight face. A "servant" is defined as follows:

"servant...A person employed to perform per-sonal service for another in his affairs and who, in respect of his physical movements in the per-formance of the service, is subject to the other's control or right to control [citation omitted]...Definitely, one who is not an INDE-PENDENT contractor 27 Am Jlst lnd Contr § 2 " Ballenttne's Law Dictionary, page 1163 (emphasis mine).

I .el's not forget the claim by the lawyers D/B/A the "Arizona Supreme Court" to wit

"An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society." Canon 1, Rule 81. Rules of the Supreme Court

I agree; independence is indispensable to justice, but how is that squared with the claim "judges" are "public ser-vants" exercising an alleged "delegated authority?" It's not; they're bald-faced lies from a group of men and women incapable or unwilling to tell the truth. "Judges" are neither independent nor are they "servants" of the people they lie about "protecting." What does all this mean?

With the pretended "legal sanction" he's not independent and without the "legal sanction" he's a base criminal.


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This is a problem for the bureaucrats. There's no way to resolve this issue, it's a catch-22. The solution? In "Legal Land" it's intimidation, violence and the "time worn" political snarl:

"If you don't like it just appeal i t "

This is a great line to hear especially when review by "appellate courts" is "discretionary."

In litigation without an overt "government" litigant independence is a joke. The "judge" has a political oath of alle-giance just as the plaintiff s attorney and the defendant's attor-ney. How can there be any true independence when the "judge" shares the same exact allegiance with the very same system that's attacking you in the first place or supporting and facilitating the process of that attack? Also, if there is any such "judicial immu-nity." in force then where on earth did it come from? It was either a "delegated authority," as they call it in "Legal Land," or it was "usurped," that's Imllucinated in the real world.

The political theory is that all of the powers exercised by bureaucrats have been delegated to them by the "people." That's where that massive political lie "government for the people" comes from. This means that all so-called "judicial power" was delegated by, from, and for the "people." The ques-tion is, how many individuals collectively known as "We the People" are considered immune from the consequences of their own malicious and corrupt acts? This does not mean I think any-one shouU be immune. This just proves this isn't a delegated power.

On the other hand, maybe there is no immunity for so-called "traffic violations" because the immunity that was allegedly "delegated" to these "independent" "judges" was only for malicious and corrupt acts whereas traffic is inherently harm-less and innocent. This is an example of what lawyers calL

mala prohibita ... Wrong only as forbidden by


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positive law. 21 Am Jur 2d Crim L § 25." Ballcntine'* law Dictionary, page 767

This is a "legalese" way of saying "It's wrong because I said it's wrong" Not surprisingly, because bureaucrats regard "citizens" as (retarded) children (parens patriae), this closely resembles what parents often say (yell, usually) at their children:

Why? Because I said so. Because I'm telling you! Thafswhy!

Think about this inconsistency. You look at the Declaration of Independence and the Arizona constitution and we see the bureaucrat's claim as to why the "government" was created. They claim:

" . . governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights " Arizona constitution article II § 2 (emphasis mine).

Well, how do you square that with "mala prohibita" laws? If something isn't wrong in the first place, then how can making a "law" against it be consistent with the alleged purpose of a so-called "government." at least, according to bureaucrats?

What about the so-called "crime" of not having ID on you? Whose rights are violated if you walk around without ID? This so-called "law" is not consistent with the alleged purpose of the so-called "government" This is just one more contradiction; another political lie rammed down our throats at the barrel of a gun

I've asked politicians if their claim of" jurisdiction" is fac-tually consistent with this section (article 11 § 2) of their constitu-tion and have never gotten an answer except what 1 call the "three


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monkey defease." The reason is obvious. They don't want to admit they have no valid case "on the record" or anywhere for that matter. This is probably why "judges" threaten violence when-ever such questions are asked as if being violent covers up the fact the proceedings are not fair or is a responsiix answer to the question.

The last point in regards to the myth of "judicial inde-pendence," is the justification for violence. Why should a "judge" be immune from liability- if he maliciously and corrupt-ly damages the very people he is ostensibly protecting? Who wants to go to court if that's the case? I think they really mean that a "judge" cannot do his job without maliciously and cor-ruptly damaging the unfortunate people in "hjs courtroom." How would you sell such a service? Imagine a mobster using the immunity defense: "I'm protecting the neighborhood, and to do so effectively, 1 have to be immune from any personal liability." I guess that's part of the offer I can't refuse.

During a July 2001 "trial," a "judge" in Arizona sustained an objection a witness could not draw legal conclusions. 1 walked the "judge," the "prosecutor" and the "cop" through to this point. Prior to this moment. I told the "judge" 1 only asked for the facts the "cop's" legal opinion was based on and Paula sus-tained it anyway. Great, this is exactly where I wanted things. I then put the "ticket" on the bench and told the "judge" if the witness was not competent to testify, then all his legal opinions, includ-ing the ticket should be stricken from the record. 1 also suggest-ed the entire case should be dismissed so 1 could go home unmo-lested. The "judge" denied the request and said the witness was now competent to testify. I said. "Really? Ok, then he can answer the question." The "judge" had had enough at this point and said the "cop" could no longer testify and the "cross-examina-tion' was "over." Big surprise there. It was no less a surprise that she didn't care a denial of cross-examination is considered an incurable error, at least, in some parts of "Legal Land."

Here was a classic comedy of errors unfolding in this


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"courtroom" because the "cop" was going from being consid-ered competent, to incompetent, back to competent, and then incompetent once again. This is to be expected when the opinions of total strangers are supported by nothing but violence. Contradiction after contradiction is exposed until the "judge" finally breaks down and sacrifices either, one, the use of physical violence or, two, the pretense of fairness.

One or the other has to go. The two cannot co-exist no mat-ter how hard the "honorable" lawyer sitting four feet off the floor may try. This is why bureaucrats, like the "state's" lawyer or the "judge," continually try to get me off point by arguing whether I did or did not do the act complained of or just threatening me with contempt for doing anything else that deviates from their asinine program. Bureaucrats are also notonouslv non-respon-sive, as if they believe their pretense of fairness and good faith can be maintained by refusing to be responsive.

Recently I helped a friend in California with a problem with the "Franchise Tax Board," or, rather, some individuals forcibly taking (robbing) property under that particular D/B/A. These individuals doing business as the F.T.B. were of the opin-ion that they had a right to this man's property.

I wrote a few sentences in a letter essentially stating no position xeas being taken. "I am neither admitting nor denying any-thing at this time ... please provide me with the facts your opin-ions are based on..." True to form, there was no responsive answer, just another threat of violence from the so-called "F.T.B." I called the number on the threatening letter and was informed this friend had been labeled a so-called "tax protestor" and no response was to be given except of course further threats of vio-lence. This was done despite no protests or position of any kind. Who would have imagined such a thing: a non-responsive bureaucrat. So here was another clear example that these indi-viduals were only interested in taking property by force and noth-ing was going to stand in their way, not even taking the time to answer a few questions from a man who did not even disagree


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with them. Justicc is not first on their list or on their list at all. Lawyers think justice means complying with the "law" no mat-ter what the "law" may happen to be.

' justice ..Nothing more or less than exact con-formity to some obligatory law." Borden v State, 11 Ark 519." Ballentine's Lau> Dictionary, page 696.

To demonstrate how absurd this is, consider this ques-tion. "which came first, justicc or the law?" Also, weren't the men hung at Nuremberg complying with German "law?" This of course is not meant as a defense of the atrocities committed in the name of Hitler's so-called "law," it only demonstrates how insane the idea is that justice is conformity to "law."

I spoke to Bernadette with the "Taxpayer's Advocate's Office" in Sacramento, California. This woman told me, whtie Induing she was being taped, there was "no rational basis to con-clude the law was being properly applied to" the friend 1 was helping. Despite having "no rational basis" she adamantly refused to stop the proceedings despite that being her only job description, hi addition to that, I had Roger, the "state" agent who did the so-called "assessment" and each of his four supervi-sors admit on tape, there was either no evidence to support the "assessment" or they were not qualified to make an "assess-ment' Lisa, the top supervisor told me, without a hint of shame or embarassment, "the law is binding because it's the law." (I don't owe anything because I don't owe anything.) And. to top it off. despite all this, the members of the Board of Equalization ("BOE") still believed there was sufficient evidence to affirm this so-called "assessment." I guess in California "evidence" really means "no rational basis."

My question is where is this "evidence?" The man who did the "assessment" admitted he had nothing. What is amazing is these bureaucrats gave no credibility to the very witness they relied on.


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The man said he had no evidence and they did not believe him. This experience, and many others like them, taught me that bureaucrats consider their opinions to be evidence and a substitute for a witness's testimony. After all, they do liave the guns to get you to comply.

This is why I say a political "law" (as opposed to a natu-ral law that is an observation anyway, not the whim of a man) is just an opinion backed by a gun. 'litis insane way of doing "busi-ness" is equivalent to having every eye-witness to an alleged crime testify they didn't actually see anything, and still being con-victed on only their testimony.

"When lies pay better than truth, expect lies." Unknown.

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Chapter Eleven


Have you ever tried to justify a "tax' "assessment" or "traffic" ticket or any so-called "trial" uHUunit using political words and phrases such as "government," "law," "constitution," "statute," "state," "city," "license." and "jurisdiction?" Try it; take a minute and try i t Just use the facts Describe what "juris-diction" is factually without using the word "jurisdiction" or the others listed.

In my personal experience no bureaucrat has ever been able to do so and I personally don't think a tax or traffic "case" can be justified, let alone proven "beyond a reasonable doubt," on just the facts. This is why bureaucrats bhndside you with inane legal opinions a J nauseam, which means, "to a disgusting extent " Ballentine's IMW Dictionary, page 36. This gives an appearance, rather, a pretense or illusion of validity*. But it's still just a pre-tense; a real flimsy public relations scam. Lawyers appear to not even know the difference between facts and legal opinions as demonstrated by this recent nonsense I recievcd from a Phoenix lawyer:


(Mr. X'sJ wages and his compensation for services were taxable under the Arizona Constitution and the applicable Arizona statutes, particularly those in Title 42."

Do I really need to point out this is not a statement of facts, but a legal opinion?

This constant barrage of "legal" gibberish you encounter once you enter "Legal I-and" is not unlike Alice's experience once she enters Wonderland because, both here and there, words mean whatever a bureaucrats says or thinks they mean


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"No, no, no. We're not stealing your car. We're taxing you." "This isn't slavery. It's called selec-tive service ." "You're not being held against your will. This is an investigative detention" "You are free to earn a living and support your family doing whatever you want, just as long as you have a license for i t "

In "Legal Land," words have no concrete meaning like we use in the real world In "Legal Land," bureaucrats make words mean whatever they want them to mean 'on a case by case basis." Legal land is where rocks are roses, dogs are cats, white is black, black is white, cold-Wooded murder is "acting within the scope of liis employment" and armed robbery is "tax-ation." For example, the Arizona "constitution" restates the Declaration of Independence's basic principal with regards to "governments" governing "by consent" which bureaucrats inter-pret to mean "majority consent" instead of the obviously correct tndiindual consent.

When they said "by consent" they meant, their consent, not yours.

Couldn't that also be said of any race that was enslaved by this or that foreigner? Those prospective slaves never actual-ly gave their consent, some slave monger did. This point has an even broader application:

"It is well-established that before a binding con-tract is formed, the parties do not have to mutu-ally consent to all material terms. HiB-Shafer Partnership v. Chilson Family Trust. 799 P.2d 810, 814, 815 (emphasis mine, underlined words are my edits).


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Can you just imagine if the above "precedent" was twist-ed in order to say that instead. Well, when it comes to bureau-crats, it has been They say "citizens" have formed a "social com-pact" (contract) to do or not do this or that as part of their "civic duty " The problem is politicians provide HO evidence of anyone ever actually agreeing to do anything. I had an IRS lawyer tell me there was a real "social compact." 1 asked him what "social com-pact" he planned on entering into evidence and he told me the "US constitution." I asked him if he was now claiming the con-stitution was an agreement. His response? "No, that's not what I'm saying." Really, then what was this lawyer saying?

"compact. Noun: A contract, Green v Biddle (US) 8 Wheat 1,92, 5 L Ed 547, 570; particularly, a contract of an important and serious nature..." Ballen tine's Law Dictionary, page 232.

This IRS lawyer named Richard, didn't know what he was saying. Apparently he is capable of spewing forth legal jargon faster than he can comprehend it. And to think most people would consider this lawyer an "authority" on the "law."

Maybe there are people (call them "bureaucrats" or something else) that have the power to bind others to contracts. But, if there are (those who can, for example, consent to a "con-stitution"^ me), then why don't they consent to all sorts of other things for me; such as my participating in Am way or even this or that religion? What is the limit of their vicarious consent?

Another example of how bureaucrats use legalese and political language in an effort to bring about a different, or "alter-nate" reality is with the act of stealing. The lay meaning of steal-ing Is:

" take another person's property with-out right or permission, to take dishonestly." Oxford American Dictionary, page 897

Now, compare that with the "Legal Land" meaning.


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"A person commits theft if, without lawful authority, such person knowingly: 1. Controls property of another with the intent to deprive him of such property..." Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-1802 (emphasis mine).

Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it look as though this so-called "lawful authority" grants bureaucrats a Hcense to steal. In the lay sense theft is theft, but not in the legal sense. In the "legal" sense, if you do have "lawful authority" you can control the prop-erty of another with the intent to deprive them of that property. In other words, theft with "lawful authority" is magically not theft. What complete and utter nonsense. In the lay sense it's a dog, but legally it's a diaper. If it isn't theft then what is it?

Politicians are coming right out saying "lawful authori-ty" is their "license" to steal. That is what a "license" is; the per-mission to do something that, without the "license," would be considered a crime. Sometimes, it really pays off to just pay atten-tion to what lawyers and bureaucrats are telling you. Pay close attention to what politicians themselves say:

"license ... The privilege conferred by a public body on a person for the doing of something which otherwise he would not have the right to do. 33 Am J 1st Lie § 2." Ballentine's IMW Dictionary, page 736 (emphasis mine).

So, to them, theft is wrong unless- you have a "license" to do it, which they call "lawful authority." Read again to how Lysander Spooner put it:

"If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies


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arc legalized." Lysander Spooner, Letter to Graver Qeirland.

To demonstrate further this same exact type of "legal" gibberish. I've placed the following two "statutes" from the Arizona Revised Statutes ("A.R.S.") side by side for comparison; read them very carefully

n3-1405. Sexual conduct with a minor; classifications

A person commits sexual conduct with a minor by intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual inter-course or oral sexual contact with any person who is under eighteen years of age.''

A "lawful medical practice?" To have sexual intercourse with a minor!? What are they saying? That it's O.K. if a doctor does it? Did you notice that word 'lawful' again? Before anyone accuses me of taking this out of context or somehow misinter-preting this to mean something other than "it is not a 'crime' to have sexual intercourse with a minor if the perpetrator is a doc-tor," please reference the following:

"A. A person commits unlawful imprisonment by knowingly restraining another person. B. In any prosecution for unlawful imprisonment, it is a defense that: 1 The restraint was accomplished by a peace officer acting in good faith in the lawful performance of his duty..." A.R.S § 13-1303

"13-1407. Defenses.

A. It is a defense to a prosecution pursuant to sections 13-1401 and 13-1405, involving a minor, if the act was done in furtherance of a lawful medical practice."


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(emphasis mine).

Notice this is also a "state" granted "license" to falsely imprison someone. Apparently these "legislators" believed there are "lawful medical practices" involving adult male doc-tors having sexual intercourse with children:

"3. "Sexual intercourse" means penetration into the penis, vulva or anus by any part of the body or by any object or rnasturbatory contact with the penis or vulva " A.K.S. § 13-1401.

The issue of "lawful authority" to do this, that or the other thing presents yet another contradiction. If a person has no inherent right to do something, such as theft, the forcible taking of another's property, then it stands to reason that he gains no right to do so by getting together with some of his neighbors who don't have any such "right" either.

It is self-evident there is no "collective right" to steal. If the whole body of people in a given geographical area were to get together and agree on anu issue, they still wouldn't have any "collective right" to steal because each person only brings with him his individual nghts. It's a basic mathematical principal that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts except in "Legal l and."

In "Legal Land" two plus two is whatever a "legislator" "commands" you to believe.

Without an individual right to steal, there is no so-called "collective right' to steal. Without a "collective right" to steal, there is no "right" to then delegate to another body, whether that body is labeled public or private. Because no such body has any "right" to steal, no "license' may then be "conferred" by that body to any so-called "state" agent. It also follows there is no alleged "lawful authority" to steal.

Now, having said all that. let's take another look at that


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"statute" where bureaucrats in fact succeed at "legalizing" theft:

"A person commits theft if, without lawful authority, such person knowingly: 1 Controls property' of another with the intent to deprive him of such property..." - Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-1802 (empha-sis mine).

So what is this alleged "lawful authority?" This "lawful authority" is nothing more than violence and threats of violence organized under a pretense of good faith arid fairness. Remember, a "law" or a "statute" is nothing more than an opin-ion backed by a gun.

This presents yet another contradiction when placed side by side with the "senate" opinion shown earlier stating that there is no "so-called private ownership of property." If you don't own the property, then it's not being stolen from you, but from the bureaucrats who believe they own everything anyway. Perhaps this would help to explain why theft cases arc brought in the name of the "state."

When 1 ani allegedly "within the state" 1 am in " L-egal Land" where words can and do mean whatever a bureaucrat needs or wants them to mean. This is why law dictionaries are constantly being revised:

""A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circ*mstances in which it is used," wrote Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes in Town v. Eisner. 245 US 418, 425 (1918).' Foreword to Ballentine's Law Dictionary, Third Edition.

Really? Maybe it's just me, but if a person uses the word


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"raisin" to describe a "cat" he's not hailed as a scholar, but is called an idiot.

"Yes, the jury technically found you "not guilty/ but. in the legal sense you are still "guilty'."

If I accept what Mr. Holmes wrote above, then how could I enter into a contract? How could there possibly be a meeting of the minds? How about certainty with the "law?" What's the point of having any "precedent" when words mean whatever they want them to mean? This brings up yet another contradiction.

The following is a declaration from a group of men and women strutting around as so-called "legislators" in Arizona:

"It is the declared public policy of this state and the general purpose of the provisions of this (criminal) title are: 1. To proscribe conduct that unjustifiably and inexcusably causes or threatens substantial harm to individual or public interests; 2. To give fair warning of the nature of the con-duct proscribed and of the sentences authorized upon conviction..." A.R.S. § 13-101.

How can there be "fair warning" when the words used are the "skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content" depending on the context? Remember what lawyers have declared:

"Bv decisional law, the rule of necessity may override the rule of disqualification " (Rule 81. Code of Judicial Conduct, commentary for Canon 3E(1).

In other words, the written word ultimately means noth-


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ing lo bureaucrats and lawyers unless it is being used as a justifi-cation for stealing property in the name of a non-existent "state." If a "law," "statute." or "rule" gets in their way, they "override" it, claiming "necessity," and continue with their raping, pillaging and plundering.

This happened in an "IRS" case in Arizona. The "IRS" lawyer admitted the agent had stolen this man's property through fraud. In addition, they admitted that none of the so-called "statutes" governing "assessments" and "collections" were fol-lowed. This "US attorney" argued the "IRS" was not required to follow the assessment and collection statutes laid out in "Title 26" of the "United States Code" and yet enjoyed "absolute immunity" for crimes committed while on the job. What hap-pened to 26 USC 7214, the "statute" making it a felony for rev-enue agents to oppress, extort and not comply with the so-called "revenue laws?" That's right, "by decisional law..."

Another lawyer, this one pretending to be a federal dis-trict court in Arizona, agreed with this nonsense so an appeal was made to other lawyers doing business as the "Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals " True to form, those lawyers also agreed the "IKS" is not required to follow the assessment and collections statutes of "Title 26" of the U.S.C Is it any wonder this opinion was then labeled by these same lawyers as "not to be published, not to be cited as precedent?" Welcome to "Legal Land."

Another bureaucrat from California vehemently claimed, "We have a valid assessment against {Joe Schmoe] Marc!" I responded. "O.K., how many elements are there in a valid assessment?" This not only took the wind completely out of her sails, but it abruptly ended the conversation because she couldn't answer this easy question. Instead, she refused to try to answer and asked me to put the question in writing She also promised she would be responsive and so 1 sent her the letter. She then sent me a form letter four months later containing noth-ing but inane ramblings about the "constitutionality" of the "tax laws" and other non-responsive legal mumbo-jumbo. So I called her and asked why she was not responsive to my questions and


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she said, "Because your arguments were frivolous and complete-ly lacking in merit, they're ridiculous " 1 responded, "Susan, there were no arguments, just a few questions you asked me to put in writing which you promised you'd he responsive to." She stut-tered and finally said, "Well, your questions were frivolous." I had to ask her, "Susan, how can a question be frivolous?" For some reason Susan couldn't or wouldn't answer me. it didn't matter that she had asked me to send them to her. To a bureau-crat anything other than a complete surrender to their professed "authority" is considered "frivolous."

"Frivolous" means "so lacking in merit as to require no demonstration." So why would slie feel compelled to send me a form letter ar all? Susan claimed there was a "valid assessment" so I didn't argue or disagree. Instead, I asked her how many ele-ments there were to a "valid assessment." If she is so confident there is a "valid assessment" then she should have been able to tell me how many elements there were. I hardly think such a question was "frivolous-" I don't think any relevant question is frivolous given its definition. It's not the question that's frivo-lous, it's the nonsensical bureaucratic answers, if any answers at all. However, this was "Legal Land" where the bureaucrats are always correct and the non-violent productive people they are fleecing are aluvys wrong.

Because of that if I ever want to make a bureaucrat uneasy, I ask them if it's possible their opinion could be wrong Not that it is wrong, just the possibility it could be wrong. This typically produces an emphatic "no" on their part. However, it sets up a contradiction in a situation like the one above with Susan. They are super confident they cannot be wrong, ever, and yet they adamantly refuse to discuss the facts to support their legal opinions which is classic "Legal Land." Let's just do away with those pesky little facts now shall we?

I called another California bureaucrat recently and told her I was not admitting or denying anything at this time. I only wanted to know the facts her legal opinions were based on. She


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said, "Well Marc, the lew says..." I cut her off and told her I was not interested in what the law says, I just wanted to know the facts her opinions were based on. She again said, "the law says..." I had to cut her off yet again and repeated 1 was not interested in any more legal opinions, just the facts. This comedy routine con-tinued another two times until she finally gave up and said she had "no idea what you're talking about Marc." 1 would say she was really admitting she had no idea what she was talking about. Ihe good news is, at least in that case she had enough sense to drop her pretended claim.

In my experience most bureaucrats don't drop ground-less cases even when they admit they have no evidence. This is because bureaucrats have plenty of heavily armed troops on the payroll and are always long on opinion and short on facts and the>' don't like to be questioned. They especially hate being ques-tioned on their phony "authority," their alleged right to domi-nate other men, women and children. In "Legal Land" the opin-ions and "mental conceptions" held by bureaucrats are the "law" and those opinions are never incorrect If you don't believe me then ask a bureaucrat who intends on taking your property and time. That's why any challenge from any productive person is labeled "patent-ly frivolous," "specious," or "spurious." Only in "Legal l-and" can a question be a "groundless legal argument" and "frivolous." I've icvndered if there is a certain school for "U.S. Attorneys" where they are actually taught to respond to "IRS" challenges each and every time with just "the petition contains nothing but frivolous legal arguments..." no matter what a petition actually says. I write this because I've seen this so many times.

Only in "Legal Land" can you own property and not own property at the same time. Only in "Legal I-and" can you be forcibly taken out of your car, forcibly handcuffed, taken away against your will and caged for a ransom while simultaneously bang read your "rights," as if you had any they gave a damn about. Oily in "Legal Land" is it possible to have a so-called "fair trial" based entirely upon violence where the so-called


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"independent" and "impartial" "judge" nol only represents both the very same party bringing the charge and the defendant, but also testifies against the defendant as if he were a real witness. Only in "Legal Land" would children be mercilessly gunned down for doing absolutely not/ting except peacefully withdraw-ing then- actual or pretended support of the mythology known as politics. Ami last, but not least only in "Legal Land" is violence equated with good faith and fairness; where violently taking con-trol of another human being does not "offend traditional notions of fair play" if you label such violent act "jurisdiction."

lawyers and other bureaucrats whose very jobs depend entirely upon violence (they do call it the "adversary system") will probably defend their jobs tooth and nail, but that is to be expect-ed. After having spoken to many bureaucrats and researched their "laws" and court opinions, I'm probably familiar with most political justifications for organized violence. It is very rare for me to hear or read about a justification for the violence that sur-prises me, although I did get a new one recently {summer 2002). This was in the same opinion mentioned earlier where three California "court of appeals" lawyers justified a denial of cross-examination by presuming there were even more witnesses the man 1 was helping could not cross-examine.

These lawyers justified the refusal of the trial court "judge" to take "mandatory" judicial notice of facts. To do so. they really pulled out the legal absurdities all over again. First, they mislabeled the facts as "legal opinions" and stated the trial "judge" had no obligation to take notice of legal opinions. Then, in a footnote to this dementia, they claimed that, based on this "reasoning," there was no obligation to take notice of these "facts." Try and follow their "Alice in Wonderland" like gibber-ish here again:

1) A "judge" is asked to take judicial notice of certain facts. 2) Lawyers label these facts "legal opinions." 3) Judicial notice does not need to be taken of legal


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opinions. 4) Because of this, judicial notice of these facts is not


Only in "Legal l.and" can facts become "legal opinions" and then go back to being facts all over again within the same opinion, litis is so a host of lawyers acting as "judges" can ignore the truth and contradict their own rules and sacred "laws." In the real world such actions can get you committed in a "mental institution" as insane, but, in "Legal Land." you are hailed as an "officer of the court," a scholar and "honorable."

It's not surprising these three lawyers pretending to be "judges" didn't want their written "legal" opinion published so that it might be ated as so-called "precedent" That, however, will not 5top me from making it available for others to read and expose it for what it is-legalistic gibberish.

Speaking of legal gibberish, Richard, the lawyer I men-tioned earlier recently wrote:

"Examples of the irrational legal theories and requests of petitioner may be found in all docu-ments sent to the respondent, one of which (the "Petitioner's Requests for Admissions") was attached to the Motion to Dismiss and is also attached hereto as Respondent's Exhibit 1. See for example, Requests 14 ("The United States government is just a group of men and women").." (Emphasismine).

Irrational? Then what is the "United Stales government" then? Reptiles, sharks, leeches? Obediently surrender 40% of the money you earn and don't you dare question who or what you are paying it to. Fhis same lawyer, who thinks it's "irrational" to consider the "United States government" as men and women is so worried about having to make such an admission or denial


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he'll seek a "protective order" instead of making a simple objec-tion. And what does this lawyer mean by "irrational'" My law dictionary defines "rational" as "Capable of reasoning; sane." BaUentine s lau> Dictionary, page 1057. I would guess that insane was what he probably had in mind. He thinks it's insane to believe the "United States government" is a group of men and women. Let's not consider ample, everyday observation here for a moment, lef s look at what politicians call "organic law" to wit

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed." Declaration of Independence of July 4 t h 1776 (emphasis mine).

I'll let you dccidc who the "irrational" one is. To help make this decision easier, let me give another example This same "IRS" lawyer also claimed the following is an "irrational legal theory" to wit

"The Constitution is a written instrument"

Who am I to disagree? I agree; in one sense this lawyer is correct. However, in his zeal to label everything "irrational" so his cronies could steal someone's property, he neglected to check the source of the statement. Again, forget about common every-day observation to prove the "Constitution is a written instru-ment" and consider I didn't write the statement; I only quoted it without the source which just happens to be the "honorable lawyers doing business as the "United States Supreme Court" to wit


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"The Constitution is a written instrument." South Carolina v United States, 199 US 437 at page 44«,

Think about what this lawyer is really saying. Bureaucrats consider these "opinions" to be the "Supreme Law of the l«and." This lawyer wrote the "Supreme Law of the Land" is an "irrational legal theory." Why wouid I disagree with a lawyer who's starting to see eye to eye with me? 1 would like to hear him explain how some "irrational legal theory" creates obli-gations.

The last example some people may accuse me of making up; however, it's true and was written by a lawyer representing the "IRS."

This is also part of a request for admissions that was directed to several IRS employees who are material witnesses in a court case; "I have a duty to correctly apply the IRC." They were to either admit or deny this. As stated previously, their lawyer ctaimcd this was an "irrational legal t h e o r y . W h y does this experienced lawyer think this? Who knows, maybe he thought 1. a mere layman, wrote it However, all I did was para-phrase the following

"The function of the Internal Revenue Service is to administer the Internal Revenue is the duty of the Service to carry out that policy by correctly applying the laws enacted by Congress." Internal Revenue Procedure 64-22.

Thinking the "IRS" has a "" apply the "law" is an "irrational legal theory " Do you think the men and women D/B/A the "IRS" have a duty to correctlv apply the "law?"

In "Legal Land" bureaucrats get away with saying, "black is white and white is black" because of the violence back-


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ing their opinions. In light of this, how can anyone expect a fair trial when a so-called "judge" calls facts opinions and opinions facts? And. to make matters worse, it's not that they don't really know the difference, it's done deliberately.

The bottom line here is this; don't expect fairness and good faith from individuals doing business at the barrel of a gun. In plain English, don't expect fairness from the agents of any coercive "state" because to them we are cows to be milked.

"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evi-dence whatever that it is not entirely absurd, indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish then sensible.' Bertrand Russell.


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Chapter Twelve


This book shouldn't end without some explanation of an alternative to a coercive "state" and the mythology supporting it. People only need to provide better services and products than bureaucrats da This in a sense could put them out of business, to finally and forever put to rest the nonsense that services need to be provided on a compulsory basis. It doesn't take violence to put this dinosaur called politics to rest; apathy and better servic-es provided on a mutually voluntary basis As you can tell I'm no fan of coercive business practices. 1 am sure you would agree that no service or product needs to be administered at the barrel of a gun.

However, I don't need to reinvent the wheel; there are many books already out dealing with this subject and 1 highly recommend the writings of Murray Rothbard and in particular Sic Itur Ad Astra by Andrew J. Galambos.

Maybe you've never looked at what a so-called "govern-ment" does as a service or product before. Isn't that all these men and women are supposed to be doing? They weren't hired to be self-appointed gods, were they? What else is meant by the Declaration of Independence?

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the * Pursuit of Happiness That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed "


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Protecting "life, liberty' and the Pursuit of Happiness" is a service provided by men and women like you and me. There's nothing magical or special about it and there is nothing indicating this type of service should be canonized and administered at the barrel of a gun. Lysander Spooner put it this way.

"If A were to go to B, a merchant, and say to him, "Sir, I am a night-watchman, and I insist upon your employing me as such in protecting your property against burglars; and to enable me to do so more effectually, I insist upon your letting me tie your own hands and feet, so that you can-not interfere with me; and also upon your deliv-ering up to me all your keys to your store, your safe, and to all your valuables; and that you authorize me to act solely and fully according to my own will, pleasure, and discretion in the matter; and I demand still further, that you shall give me an absolute guaranty that you will not hold me to any accountability whatever for any-thing I may do, or for anything that may happen to your goods while they are under my protec-tion; and unless you comply with this proposal, I will now kill you on the spot," — if A were to say all this to B, B would naturally conclude that A himself was the most impudent and danger-ous burglar that he (B) had to fear; and that if he (B) wished to secure his property against bur-glars, his best way would be to kill A in the first place, and then take his chances against all such other burglars as might come afterwards." Lysander Spooner, Letter to Grover Cleveland

Consent means consent, individual consent. If the Declaration did not mean individual consent, then the


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Declaration is nothing more than political rhetoric and not worth the paper it's written on. Consent means you arc free to accept the service or not. without conditions attached or coercion of any kind.

Some may argue there must be compulsory payments or people would not pay for valuable services and products. I'll bet you pay for many valuable services without having to be threat-ened first Such bureaucratic jargon is used to perpetuate a coer-cive protection racket ran by individuals who refuse to. or arc incapable of interacting with others on a mutually voluntary basis. It also demonstrates a lack of understanding of economics and human relations. There are many successful and profitable businesses offering services and products on a purely voluntary basis They arc still profitable even if a percentage of their cus-tomers do not pay It is a part of business; get over it Just because a few people may not pay is no reason the service should be pro-vided at gunpoint

Some may argue there would be additional "chaos" if there were no compulsory political "laws." This myth is laugh-able and really needs no explanation. Do you have any idea how many millions of political "laws" there are? Neither do 1. and I really don't care. But let's use California as an example. If you live in Los Angeles you have the Los Angeles "city" code, the "state" code and the "federal" code you are allegedly required to know and comply with. Each is accompanied by a set of regula-tions. Have you ever read all af that? Then consider the millions of court opinions interpreting and re-interpreting all those "laws." If that were not enough, politicians are constantly making new "laws" and new interpretations every day. No one could keep up with that

The point is that no one knows, or could know thelaw." If there is chaos it's in the courtrooms when someone is seeking the truth As I've shown, if I am accused of violating one "statute" a lawyer pretending to be a judge has to "break" at least

. eight of his own "laws" to put me on trial. And don't forget.


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"judges" can "suspend" their rules any time they want. The bottom line is that protecting life, liberty and prop-

erty is a service as any other. There's nothing special about this particular service; it's provided by men and women just like other services are provided

What makes this all the more ioorse is the. plain truth that politicians do not acknowledge any obligation to protect anyone any-way. There are many opinions to prove this, the following is just one:

"The constitution is a charter of negative liber-ties; it tells the state to let the people alone; it does not require the federal government or the states to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order." Bowers v. Devito, 686 F.2d 616 (emphasis mine).

There you have it, politicians, bureaucrats or whatever you call them, openly admitting they have no duty to protect any one. Re-read the last part again about "maintaining law and order" being a "service."

I'll place the following "laws" together to see which politicians are lying:

"Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights." Arizona constitution, article II § 2 (emphasis mine).

"The constitution is a charter of negative liberties; it tells the state to let the people alone; it does not require the federal government or the states to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order. Bowers v. Deiito, 686 F.2d 616 (emphasis mine).


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Notwithstanding the lies inherent in ail politics, the protection of life, liberty and property is a service. There is no reason why this particular service should be set apart from others and provided at the barrel of a machine gun. What a -business" concept; no sales, no accountability, and everyone is a paying customer whether they want to or not.

And why aren't these "services" provided on a mutually voluntary basis? Quite simply: the loss of dominance and control over the people.

Can you picture a world without Legal I .and?


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.